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The Death Panel cause agonal breathing and excited delirium.
- Hit a Mexican with a Rock
- Asa Hutchinson Smirks at Child Abuse
- Chinese Socialist Abuse Material
- Conservative Trans House
- The Merchant Minute
- Alice McNabb Thwarts the Prosecution
- Fucking White Mail
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Mike predicted thithhhh
Caitlin DOUGHTY?!
Holy shit! I’ve watched her YouTube videos for YEARS!
Caitlin Doughty – Ask A Mortician – YouTube
I haven’t seen them in years too. She’s become more politically correct. Because of course!
Alex is having his Sigurd Snake in the Eye thing going on again!
THIS is the book I just got:
THIS is the book I’m getting next month:
Bias is akshully intuition
Kind of interesting that the only hired expert witness for the prosecution who’s an expert in the area of LEO use of force is a nigger with a not so impressive resume and who is also apparently testyfying for the first time in a trial as a hired expert witness. What does this tell us? That the prosecutors couldn’t get someone more qualified who had testfied in at least tens of trials regarding LEO use of force and is regarded as a real expert on the subject by the LEO community. So basically the prosecution want expert shopping and the… Read more »
Or maybe they WANTED a POS “expert” to intentionally blow the case so there is a huge up-tick in anti-White hate and have riots this summer!
Women get really emotionally unbalanced from hormone changes when pregnant. So I’m sure HRT therapy on people by itself makes them suicidal if not homicidal
Does mike have a fireplace, wood stove with glass door, or fireplace insert?
All his doors are wooden with a small window, because it’s the best door to keep Jews from getting through.
“That’s a little too much information, actually, for Spam to post.”
The FUCK?!
I feel DEEPLY wounded!
I’ll have you know I send PLENTY of articles to Jazz!
PS I just got my “Open Borders for Israel” hoodie in the mail today!
Have y’all gone over this Jonathan Pollard stuff? Pretty juicy. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/jonathan-pollard-is-wrong-causes-great-harm-to-jews-israel-opinion-664444
“Jonathan Pollard is wrong, causes great harm to Jews, Israel”
LOL!!! He’s wrong for saying the quiet part out loud because that hurts jews/israel!
Why did Israel arrange for 30 million vaccine doses?. Even with 2 doses per person. They don’t need 30 million
For something evil, I’m guessing.
“Something Evil”
That actually reminds me of something…
Something Evil (1972 TV – Steven Spielberg) – YouTube
Oh fuck, you mean I’m a reincarnated Lolocaust surbibor? Awesome, where my gibs?
Is Alice McNabb single? asking for a friend
But WHY tho?
Because my friend has a benis
Who clearly isn’t selective where he sticks it!
Tucker doing the “peer reviewed studies” bit is gay. Now Jews will just create the study. Hes lending credibility to the grift that is studies
“If you’re a libtard, what do you do? What do you do?”
Same thing as always: wait for instructions from Jews.
The Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children – YouTube
I Want My Sex Back: Transgender people who regretted changing sex (RT Documentary) – YouTube
Transgender boy transitioning to life as girl changes his mind | 60 Minutes Australia – YouTube
“he has to make god, hard, solid arguments…”
…to keep White people on the plantation.
“William F. Buckley”
In Search of Anti-Semitism: Buckley, William F.: 9780826406194: Amazon.com: Books
Did he find it? Who the fuck knows?
I always liked Joe Sobran’s definition of an antisemite – “someone who is hated by Jews.”
That would have passed muster with me in 2015. But today I define an “anti-semite” as someone opposed to jewish bullshit!
Oh, I know. He made that observation decades ago. Of course, he gets big credit by being one of the few prominent conservatives to criticize Israeli/Jewish power back in the day. Which is why the faggot Buckley kicked him to the curb.
I disagree that Dr. Seuss is 100% gay. I think “Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose” is the parable for our times. (Of course, I haven’t read it since I was a lad so it’s possible it’s gayer than I remember.) Complete with being hunted by assholes from New York looking for a trophy.
” it’s possible it’s gayer than I remember.”
Everything is.
Sad but true.
Moike: Tucker is making kind of good arguments here.
Sven: Don’t worry he fumbles it later.
le Olde: LOL!
Yes, children who suffer from gender dysphoria also suffer from depression and suicidal ideation. But transition DOESN’T help that! That’s why they pump those kids up with anti-depression medication! What a POS Asa Hutchinson is!
“Fentanyl trafficking offenders have increased by 3,940.9% since fiscal year 2015″
And I’m sure jews have had NOTHING to do with this!
“Hit a Mexican with a Rock”
I thought they were exaggerating, but the female witness has the exact same mannerisms as McNabb lol.
She even has the same cadence in the way she talks.
Yo, that Alex McNabb girl do be kinda cute doe.
Glad I’m not the only one that thought that!
I’m not glad AT ALL!
Hey! It’s not MY fault you like dating HORSES!
All you had to do was not counter-signal. Words have consequences!
LOL! Like exposing your attraction to another SPECIES!
She looks like a quadroon though.
Virgin ‘Yo have you seen these bug blacks?’ vs. Chad ‘But have you seen these fat niggers?’
The court content is great.
“I ate too many drugs.”
“I can’t breathe.”
For this cities shall burn. The great American chimpout of 2021.
Only if Chauvin wins an acquittal.
Which I think is the plan.
I wonder how many jews were directly reincarnated into $100 dollar bills? The dream of so many side locked kikes.
Substance pursues the form! Hail Hitler
Mike, I literally just came from an hour long conversation with my philosophy professor about Aristotle’s criticism of Plato’s theory of forms. Before that, I spent all freaking day on the beach trying to read Aristotle, but it’s a grind. Immediately after class, I put on TDS and you’re talking about forms, and your explanation is much more clear than what the four of us in class could come up with.
Higher Forms – OswaldMosley.com
I agree Mike. It wasn’t difficult to boycott Israel