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The Death Panel cause agonal breathing and excited delirium.
- Hit a Mexican with a Rock
- Asa Hutchinson Smirks at Child Abuse
- Chinese Socialist Abuse Material
- Conservative Trans House
- The Merchant Minute
- Alice McNabb Thwarts the Prosecution
- Fucking White Mail
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
My mom is so mad at Asa Hutchinson I think I can make her a Nazi if I play it right.
Read some Scott Howard quotes from the Transgender Industrial Complex.
Friggin great show guys!
Floored Groid lol
Lmao when Mike said “banan” I lost it
The Thousand Banan Stare
Holy shit, I’m calling Johnny and DogBot in on this case to examine your head/shoulder/neck ratios, “Alex”. DB will be asking for hand pics shortly.
“I know it sounds unreasonable that niggers would attack the people coming to help them, but it happens.”
Negroes acting in an unreasonable fashion? Knock me over with a feather!
32:00 in the second hour is Moike and Sven’s Alex impression.
I remember I have read somewhere that Ase Hutchinson was involved in prosecuting members of a pro-white milita in the middle 80s.
So the fact that he was a fucking race traitor at a time when only jews and faggots were concerned by “racism” might have something to do with him wanting young men (and mostly) women to have their breast tissue remomed and them to be put on hormone blockers. .
That’s what a typical reublican in a deep red state today is.
The clips with McNabb’s sister was like watching Liar Liar.
“Objection your honor!”
*on what grounds?”
Something else for Jamie:
Mother Fox Returns For Her Babies | Never Seen Before Footage!! – YouTube
very cool!
I did a poll on BANG! and the most popular show among BANG! Bros is It’s Always Sunny.
She’s kinda attractive in a weird way.
Your attraction to her is indeed weird.
Her total lack of ditziness is nice.
Don’t encourage him!
I’d smash and paint Warhammer figures after.
We talkin about the prosecutor lady?
Nah, I like Rush for their music not their looks.
Topographical evidence of the Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin trials.
“..I don’t defend slavery, because slavery disenfranchises and impoverishes white people… In the South, the reason the South’s economy was held back, and the reason there are so many poor white people down there is because the plantation owners ate up all the … land and they populated it and staffed it with niggers, and they left poor whites down there landless and being sharecroppers and propertyless, and that has had an effect even to this day.” – Mike P
This needs to be be in the school curriculum for every child in the USA.
I’ve been saying for years now that the Civil War was two groups of plutocrats fighting for control of cheap brown labor and getting hundreds of thousands of non-rich White men to slaughter each other for it!
So Nicole McKenzie is A SERIOUS GAL!!! jk women shouldn’t be in the workplace and Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong.
Does anybody know if the Groypers are defending Chauvin or the defense side? What are they claiming about optics of this?
“Harvey Weinstein did nothing wrong.”
t. Andrew Anglin
Andrew Anglin claims to “be the most censored man on the internet” yet if you google the Daily STOOOOORMER (I’m gonna stoooom) it comes right up. TRS not so much. Anglin and the groypers are allowed by Google not surprising since they serve the same (((masters)))
“…do the policies of advocating for your group, your race, and be totally willing to make the government intervene, even to the point of putting the boot on someone else’s neck, as long as your people benefit because – I’ll tell you what – everyone else in the fucking world does it.”
Pure Mike P ❤️
“totally willing to make the government intervene, even to the point of putting the boot on someone else’s neck, as long as your people benefit”
Indeed I am!
Notice that she had to return for an eighth time to realize that she had retrieved all seven them all already. She didn’t even know how many pups she had. I wonder if she would just keep coming back if they had kept putting more fox pups in the ben.
I notice you replied to the wrong post!
“The gas chambers were not homicidal rather to save lives from typhus.”
Based and Fucci pilled.
Tucker: If you’re going to allow children to get chemically castrated why won’t you allow the to drink, get a tattoo, get married, have sex? Serious question.
Me: That’s not a shit-test you want to put out there Tucker. Ol’ Asa and the GOP dopes WILL PASS IT. Literally GOP is literally like turns head: yes.
doughty= doubty
Asa has the Epstein lizard smile.
They want Chauvin to get off to accelerate White hatred.
I’m Spam Houston and I endorse this message.
That be the shot.
Wait. The defense attorney’s name is “Nelson”?
As in “Full Nelson”?
We’ll only know that if Chauvin wins the case.
Look goy, you want this fuckin money? Get on TV and tell everyone about the robust research for why we need to kill all the white children via suicide after we brainwash them to chop their genitals off. OY VEY THE RESEARCH IS SO ROBUST.
these people deserve the most severe punishment imaginable.
The jew that owns the steel company supplying materials for the border wall told Biden, “you are finishing the wall goyim”
Horton Hears a Jew
by Dr. Sus
Good film
What good is free market, low taxes, small government ideology if you get to the point where you are arguing over “studies” about “gender dysphoria” and whether radical medical interventions are really the solution to this “problem.” I could not disagree with Mike more that Tucker was making good arguments. He wasn’t. He was making bad arguments aggressively. It was completely style over substance and more importantly it WILL NOT arm his audience with the ability to fight back on this. The fact that Hutchinson is made to look like a shit weasel doesn’t accomplish much if 2 years from… Read more »
Halfway between you and Moike here. Tucker was making okay arguments. However, the best argument would have been “actually two years ago you passed a bill banning businesses from vowing to boycott Israel, so you’re completely full of shit and malicious. Can you explain why people should give up their freedoms for the benefit of the murderous apartheid state of Israel but it’s bad for the government to stop child abuse?” Of course, even if Tucker really was our goy, and he’s not, he couldn’t make the best argument and stay on television. I’m not making excuses for him, but… Read more »
NOTHING on the mainstream media is “good enough”.
Pills found on the ground with George Groids spit on them, that the arresting officers collected.
Only 560 seconds he was on the ground.
In his own words “I ate too many drugs.”
If the the DNA fits, We must Acquit!
why is Alice McNabb wearing her uniform in the courtroom
The wamens and blacks wear their uniforms as a legitimization shortcut
Women always look ridiculous in police uniforms.
well actually it’s pronounced SHA-blow
Shane dindu nuffin
Yes, hello please. Please to be 5Fing for number two hour, thank you, come again.
EDIT: The pajeeting has occurred. Problem resolved.
Ticket is closed.
next year we will have that stonetoss comic where the GOP elephant calls democrats the real trans-phobes become reality
We are gonna build a wall, and mexico is gonna pay to take it down
As TPUSA ambassador I condemn this network
Were you the one I just btfod?
Btfod or boofed?
Oh, Ay! Easy there guy!
#walkaway from democrats. #backaway from GOP (don’t turn your back on these fyegghots)
Don’t forget to F5 to get hour 2.
So Republicans are debating whether or not to support mutilating children’s dicks. That’s where we are 2021.
Does this surprise you?
Adult dicks are fair game for mutilation tho
jews: better late than never.
Well i mean what consentung adults chop off in the privacy of their own homes is their business Sven. I mean this is America.
I think that’s the cuntservative position.
I describe myself as far-White wing. Or just Far-White.
I describe myself as a neo-Nazi hate-monger
Right Wing Deaf Squaddie.
Some people might interpret that as a hearing impaired Nazi.
Tinnitus is a bitch.
Neo-Nazi White Soup-reeeemist KKK Nuker of the entire flat earth
My wifes friend came over the other day and was talking about vaccines. We agreed it was political and neither one of us wanted anything to do with it.
At that point i said “everyone wants to know if you are on red team or blue team, im on team go fuck yourself” After telling her America is not a country its an economic zone i had to remove myself from the conversation.
I could feel my eyes starting to burn red.
Easy does it there, fella
Fuck that! Let ‘er RIP!
I try to take McNabb’s advice on being a dissident, but every conversation I feel myself going full mask off more and more.
My Pops would agree with everything that was said in this episode, yet he will still support Trump and some conservative figures because it is like a sports team to these boomers.
My older brother is the same way. Sad.
Many such cases.
Why do these GOP shit bags always have retarded names? Oren Hatch, Lindsay Graham, Trey Gowdy, Asa Hutchinson, Reince Priebus.. many such cases.
It’s as if they’re Jewish punching bags.
Which way, white man?
Sieg Heil, motherfucker! Lass uns geeeeeeeheeeeeeeen!!!
McNabb… voran,
Sieg Heil!
“Super majority” is such a fake, dumb, phrase. Just imagine someone like Washington or Jefferson saying “this bill will will require a super majority in order to be approved”
Look, when Germans put super in front of something it sounds good and has a more powerful emphasis. When English speakers do that, it sounds like some kind of bugman infatuated with super heroes.
Imagine me giving a shit what those liberals Washington and Jefferson thought.
George W Bush: If you don’t stand for anything, you don’t stand for anything!
Bush knew where the party was headed.
Aaron Tippin – You’ve Got To Stand For Something (Official Video) – YouTube
do a progrum
I prefer a pogrom.
Republicans are retarded.
They’re going after Spongebob!? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
We’ve got to get spongebob back!
Are they hating on Spongebob cause he hates niggers?
Stop attacking muh Spongebobarino! I’m serious afro-cuban conservative. JD Vance 4 Sentate! DeSantis 2024!
The spongebob theme song is the national anthem after all.
You can have your Juneteenth, this month we have Aprolf
3rd Reich
What an asshole…
I think it was just bad timing.
Naw that shit was on porpoise.
Time to delete this.
I saved it.
First. And on my first page load. 💪🏻