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The Death Panel are educated people.
- This Was Actually Aired
- Big Brain Anti-Semites
- Panzer Chocolate
- Africa
- The Twisted Case of Matt Gaetz
- Inter-Wreckedly
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
I know I read in some book that’s what aptly called “go pills” (which was either ampheatmine or methylphenidate (Ritalin) – I think the latter) is available to USAF pilots at least for long missions (Like flying some fucking bomber from the heartlands to Guam or a fighter from Virginia to Germany or something). I got the feeling it was pretty much up to the discretion of the individual pilots if they wanted to take them and how often they would like to use them. Their use was however at least quite frequent but they were not abused, and giving… Read more »
From what I understand the Allies copied the Axis in the use of combat stimulants. So trying to make an issue of this is typical double-talking hypocrisy.
Of course, The usual jewish propaganda we’ve had pushed down our throats all of our lives.
Although I had always assumed different countries realized this independently since it makes sense when your in an existential total war situation.
Thanks for the info.
Africa is probably the best Sven track next to Type O Negative cover.
At least the Nazis didn’t have animal blood and other weird shit in their uppers, like JFKs Jewish doctor gave him and half of Hollywood.
Definitely intrarectally like ingesting drugs intravenously.
Yikes with a K.
George Floyd spelt with two g’s
Sounds like Jeff Epstein fucking loves science
and live CCTV in all his homes.
Hot fudge>caramel when it comes to ice cream
Matt Gaetz. That twisted homicide smile….and the homo hair. Fuck this guy. He’s a Level 5 Ziocon creep.
When Tucker had him on about a week ago, WelI..I could sense Cucker’s hesitancy when Latexhairsneeringmanboy insinuated some kind of Tucker\Gaetz “bro tightness”.
Cucker left off the segment with a kind of “well…lets wait and see..”
Congressman Matt Gaetz Issues Statement on Opening of American Embassy in Jerusalem | Congressman Matt Gaetz (house.gov)
Level 5 Ziocon creep? I pegged him for at least a level 40 Ziocon Mob Boss
He doesn’t have the brains or balls to be the boss of anything. No matter how degenerate.
I stand with Scotland
To do anything else “IS CRAP!!!”
And by “Scotland” I’m sure you DON’T mean the shitty SNP government!
Scotland (Instrumental) – YouTube
I remember arguing with some shitlib and he told me that National Socialism doesn’t make sense cause we think drugs are ‘degenerate’ but Goring was addicted to heroin and that German soldiers used amphetamines.
Soldiers did use drugs but this wasn’t highly significant. Check out YouTuber TIK’s dissection of this claim from a libertarian (non-nationalist) perspective.
In the last five days I’ve seen three yard signs that read “racism is a sin,” “racism is a virus,” and “stop pretending your racism is patriotism,” Non-falsifiability, scientism, and when that fails, shame.
I live and work in an affluent area.
I think its safe to say that critical race theory is a midwit labyrinth. Grug sees the entrance and knows to walk around. Big brains are able to fu over it. It takes the aspirational midwit to enter and become eternally lost in the non-falsifiable quasi-religious gibberish of the maze.
My buddy served in the 19th SFG for 22 years and he said they would regularly receive various amphetamines from military doctors when they were going to be deployed to any hostile zone. The team’s Medics were in charge of distributing them when needed. In combat they can actually be a hazard because if you suffer trauma like a gunshot wound then you will bleed out quicker.
LMFAO I saw the clip about Epstein’s airplanes on Twitter a few months ago but I didn’t know it was part of a bigger documentary.
Alex has the gigantic Scottish forehead.
How many CC he packing in that skull?
Started dinner when you guys began talking about boofing. Really improved my spaghetti experience.
“So we’ve got a Jewish tax collector who traffics minors… hmm”
I think I’ve heard this one before
Panzer Chocolate would likely have been Scho-Ka-Kola. It came in a round tin of two chocolate discs that were sectioned, pie-style.
As you can guess from the name, it was caffeinated. This is probably the kernel of truth in that lie.
It’s still made. You can get it on Amazon from a shop in Germany.
And of course I have tins of it. It’s got a nice kick.
The caffeine was added to keep you from getting a migraine from the chocolate!
Yo! MTV Yids
“Black homo son, won’t you come and help me own the libs. Black homo son, won’t come, won’t you come.”
Ackshully Sweden colonized Minnesota
I thought that was Wilmington Delaware:
Wilmington, Delaware – Wikipedia
The use of anabolic steroids among not only just US military personnel but also within law enforcement is massively widespread. I don’t see the big deal with stimulants/amphetamines.
he was so sleepy, he didnt have a pulse
Just like the sleepy negro sleeping peacefully in the Wendy’s drive thru. Much peaceful, very sleeping
Great job on that song svenpai, it never gets old. Love it.
Minnesota cops should resign for the simple fact that Keith Ellison is a known woman beater
You know it’s almost like they care more about their pensions than they do the law and justice. Knock me over with a feather!
Interning members of an enemy nation in the event of war was/is in conformity with international law. However, the BenGurion Zionists also had their fingers in this particular pie.
“20 million dollars a year for private scientists so he can experiment on filtering out the genes that make Jews look like giant rats without losing the psychopathic traits, using trafficked young white girls as breeding stump sex slaves”
On the off chance Chauvin walks the niggers/jews/queers/libtards are going to go off and chimp out crazier than usual, I’d advise our guys not go to any major cities this summer.
This is why I’m beginning to think he’ll beat the charge. The (((powers that be)))
need the outrage!
Racism indoctrination time again
Big brained antisemitism is to be goal orientated.
theres also a chance that gaetz wanted this story ause he wants the public to believe hes not a fag with naystor. That’s why she’s 17 in this story, and not below the age of consent of most states.
you really dont know the truth with politicians unless you yourself are that very politician
One hears many things. Which among them is the truth is not clear. Spoken like a true politician.
I kind of doubt that. I’m not sure if there was a widespread belief he was a fag, and typically the way you would combat that rumor would just be to make sure to be seen about town with a woman on your arm, which apparently Gaetz has done and would be easy for a politician to do in any case. I don’t think you would want to have an FBI sex trafficking investigation into you just to prove you’re not a fag.
That seems like the kind of Machiavellianism that is sure to backfire.
I am a National Justice Warrior
Edit: looks like a the people commented this too. Gang gang
Mogileivich is at the top 5 figure in Jewish organized crime. He’s also known strictly as a criminal. Not a Jew with one foot in both legit business and the other in OC. Him backing Levinson means Levinson’s a criminal.
How many feet does he have in Mossad?
*checks notes*
Japanese military invented meth during WW2. Meth is much stronger than “regular” amphetamines.
Not withstanding whatever is true/false about Matt Gaetz, my guess is this is an inside Republican job. Gaetz has been openly challenging Liz Cheney, calling her a neocon, and telling her to resign.
Imagine how nice it would be in the world if the Danes were the ones pulling the strings of power to advance Danish interests.
Hour 2’s video is always such a drag. Whatever website they’re using sucks.
I know it’s not your fault, Sven. <3
I’m an NJW: National Justice Warrior
White white ✊
“Patriotism is the last bastion of an America First faggot” – Ben Garrison
Taking meth to be Aryan super soldier > taking meth to slam some dude in the ass for 14 hours straight
mondays: virgin garfield vs liftwaffe trs listener
Lol, Moike not listening to Sven at all.
I think it’s better for us and white people as a whole if Chauvin gets the book thrown at him.
Maybe but I hope he gets off anyways. That would make a bigger fuss and it would bring the issue to more people as well. There’s two sides to it.
The problem with that is it will give normies some hope that the system still works and their rights are still intact. I want that hope utterly crushed.
Nuclear weapons are the epitome of the Satan archetype creating utter chaos from order. The irony is not lost that the research behind nuclear weapons was driven by Jews and the use against innocent civilians ordered by the Freemason Harry Truman.
When Antifa claims that white suuuuupremism is a manifestation of capitalism, they are in a way correct. (For the wrong reasons.) Think about our culture. We subscribe to content from TRS, a business. We buy books from AH or IP publishers. We buy shirts and apparel. While we would laugh at buying a forty dollar BLM shirt as commodifying revolutionary principles or “radical self care,” we do the same. We consume content and buy WN stuff because we find it valuable. Then we post long threads about whether various practices are healthful or not (gymcels anyone?) We fear direct action… Read more »
It’s always important to delineate between which of the two capitalisms you are talking about when discussing the differences that set the right and the left apart. Capitalism has almost entirely two different meanings, depending heavily on the speaker, and it’s important for us as third positionists to be cognizant of this fact when interfacing with other people. White men owning property and erecting barriers that set them apart from the rest of the world in the pursuit of their own destiny is capitalism in a libertarian sense, but there’s no insidiousness imbued onto the rest of the world for… Read more »
“Jeffrey has a team of ziontists”?
I have a question unrelated to anything…anybody know the name of that African trucker documentary where they keep getting the trucks stuck and shit?
The World’s Most Dangerous Roads
it’s on Amazon Prime as “Dicing With Death” as well
It’s called Empire of Dust.
I went back and watched some of TDS #511 since we’re coming up on the 100 year anniversary; I had forgot that the “Diamond” Dick incident took place on Memorial Day, the same as the George Floyd incident. It just goes to show, all throughout history, the heat has always brought out the wild in the dindu.
Oh gawd. Foist again. Two in a row! First FTN now this!
Edit: DAMN IT!
You cucked yourself my nnnnnnguyyyy
Yeah, well fuck it…
I’m replyig 26 minutes before your comment. Time zones are fake.
the best part about mondays.