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The Death Panel are educated people.
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- The Twisted Case of Matt Gaetz
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PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
I stand with Scotland!
Regarding Hitler’s drug use/medication, I have a signed copy of Irving’s ‘Secret Diaries of Hitler’s Doctor”, excellent book and worth a read, I recommend it. Mentioning I have a signed copy is just me bragging
Please keep playing songs during breaks shit is so cash
I want reparations from blacks because not only do 12 do 53 but the PER CAPITA interracial rate of violence (assault, murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, etc) is 25 to 1.
“The police are system people.”
Pension-hugging badge-faggots.
The Shipping News was not written by a jew, Mike.
The unremitting stream of LIES!
” a half hour hour two.”
That’s just mean.
The Disuniting of America???!!!
I read that book almost 30 years ago!!!
And I’m hoping my “Open Borders For Israel” hoodie will be here this week!
Here’s a History Channel documentary on Hitler’s drug use. I saw it many years ago and it seemed pretty convincing. Of course most of what seemed convincing in 2004 seems like insane bullshit now. So anyone who is well informed on this can subject it to deconstruction (I’m looking at you Scotty.):
High Hitler – YouTube
I cant help but wonder what was actually going through Chauvin’s head.
“these stupid people are yelling at me that I’m killing this guy, but I know that I’m not. This is what I’m supposed to do, what do these people know? they don’t deal with these types. I’ve been in this situation before. What do they know?! I’ll just keep doing this…”
5 minutes later…
“These people just wont stop, good grief would that EMT hurry… Wait, when was the last time I noticed this nigger hasent moved a muscle?….. Like, at all….”
“I did all this work for ZOG and look at where I am!”
I dont think Chauvin had much of anything to do with his death. I do however find it silly he kept his knee in place for 10+ minutes though. After minute 5 it was pretty obvious that nigger wasent moving anymore. But, you could be right, maybe Chauvin had so little weight on him that he didn’t notice floyd wasn’t breathing anymore. If Chauvin let up after the resistance stopped, assumed he passed out and he let up 99% of any initial pressure and kept his knee there just incase floyd ‘came to’ and started to thrash about again. They… Read more »
Alex has a cool Green Screen.
Matt Gaetz went full chaggot on tuckers show.
Is that a combination of “chump” and “faggot”?
What is the main difference between the Dave Mustane Jackson Vs and the Randy Rhodes Jackson Vs? Is it the pickups?
But when Jeff is back in the states, he retreats to his Santa Fe Nigger Ranch.
That’s what it sounded like on the cellphone at half volume.
That Epstein video aged like a fine wine. Fucking Youtube normies
Pervitin was the brand name of little tablets manufactured by Temmler Werke Berlin. The dose was 3mg of methamphetamine per tablet if I recall correctly. The drug was initially dispensed quite liberally among Wehrmacht soldiers and some of those early blitzkrieg victories in Poland and France were cleary kind of speed induced. Troops fought for days without sleep. Later on the adverse effects and problems with dependency became apparent and Pervitin was more strictly regulated. As far as I know there never was a chocolate bar laced with meth. The name “Panzerschokolade” was just a tongue-in-cheek nickname for Pervitin.
When you said the name of it, I thought for sure you were going to say it was something they give to kids today. Pervitin…. just sounds like something they’d give to kids. Interestingly, those old German speed pills were all over the place in the 60’s. If you read anything about the Beatles you’ll find out that those pills are what turned them all into drug adicts. Sounds like it even sent Johnny Cash down his drug spiral. Everything about those speed pills is very uncharacteristic of Hilter and his administration. They had very high moral standards. I can… Read more »
Those potent stimulants were a kind of novelty back then and the approach to a substance like meth was rather naive looking back from our current time. All the negative connotations we link to Meth, all those cultural references, even T. V. series like Braking Bad and the whole narco lore – all of this was unknown to the medical establishment and party leaders in Germany back in the day. And how could they have foreseen this? Thus I think it would be unfair to judge them with our moral standards regarding drug use. Hindsight is 20/20.
Is a code word for plutocracy.
I was playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey for the first time last week. When I got to Athens someone said “welcome to the land of democracy”.
I immediately thought, I need to burn this place down for Sparta. I know where this democracy leads.
Edit: Only to find out later that Ubisoft made it so you can’t actually conquer Athens. As soon as you turn it, it flips back. I have to be happy taking away every other Athenian territory instead.
“Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”
The music for Enoch and James reminded of that show.
Of course the TRS version would be Lifestyles of the Poor and Fascist.
In regards to that detective who try to throw this cop under the bus and straight up lied on the stand, He’s got no friends anymore. His career is probably over. Because he’s shown that he’s willing to play the game and throw anyone under the bus, which is good politically, But he did it in such a way that he was so easily debunked and exposed as a liar that you can’t trust him to be smart, which is bad for political. And the rank and file know You don’t tell him nothing he comes to you for a… Read more »
You know what?
I consider myself an NJW.
i came to post this
Fully Automated Luxury Queer Shtetls
Semyon Mogilevich is the number one kike mobster in Russia. Some speculate he’s more powerful than Putin.
He was the boss of Yaponchik, aka, Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov. Interestingly, Yaponchik was a Russian nationalist and did time in the Supermax in Florence CO for trying to claw back 8 million dollars stolen by a couple of jews who fled to the USA from Russian depositors into the Chara bank.
Yaponchik was assassinated in Moscow in 2009 by a sniper, RIP.
I find it disrespectful that they keep referring to this fellow human as “mr. Floyd” when he should be properly addressed as “your majesty George floyd”.
When can we we expect a “Nature Hour with Jamie” show, I am down for a deep dive on squirrels.
This is for Jamie:
I rescued four baby red squirrels [The Squirrels & Me] – YouTube
Get blackpilled on TDS again.
Here to understand and have empathy for the Jewish struggle.
#stopasianhate #havegaychildren #givemeshekelsnigger
“#havegaychildren” you mean contract and spread AIDS?
Hey guys I finally finished the latest Enoch and James episode and the name Butch Stanko and his book The Score came up and some people expressed an interest in buying it so I thought I’d post some links for that:
The Score: An Autobiography Exposing the Forces that Remain Studiously Concealed and Masked: Stanko, Rudy “Butch”: Amazon.com: Books
The Score: an Autobiography Exposing the Forces That Remain Studiously Concealed and Masked by Butch Stanko – AbeBooks
The score : an autobiography exposing the forces that remain studiously concealed and masked by Rudy “Butch” Stanko – Alibris
Does Amazon still own all 3 companies ?
Good news!
Not alibris it turns out.
Mike, I’m. Not up to the historical research effort needed to flesh this out, but that kike Oleg Deripaska was hip deep n the Trump/Russia fiasco. That is one dirty “Russian” Jew.
MAGAtards have also retreated into thier own hugbox. They are just as hopeless as libtards. I follow thier telegram channel and its just bad. You post a story attacking Trump from the right and you get the same level of nueroticism as some cat lady