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There’s this libtard house near me that has every single social justice signaling flag on their lawn. They also have a “take a book, leave a book” box. Kinda want to put the comfy book in there XD
What is Sven’s tiktok??
From the opening:
Holocaust is fake
Battle flag
Aluminum water bottle
Mike is the real shitlib.
“Excuses for Pollard.”
Yeah, I worked with a jew who would do that.
I just took a trip down Garland St. in Detroit via Google maps and of course it’s a wreck. Half the houses are abandoned and boarded up. But at least they are still taking care of Ossian Sweet’s house. They even have a historical marker!
2901 Garland St – Google Maps
“…edging right up into making them romantic heroes.”
Swoon – Trailer – YouTube
Jeeeesus what did i just see. The jewiest romantic comedy EVAH.
Loeb was half Gentile.
One of my better arguments on the transgender thing was to ask why don’t we treat anorexics by helping them starve. Also pretty funny that the health issues overlap e.g. infertility and osteoporosis. We give people illnesses that we try to prevent in other cases purely for ideology
Why do puberty blockers even exist in the first place?
Death by snu snu is perhaps the greatest derail in TRS history. Good job Alex.
Alex>Sven at epic derailings.
“The original libtard makes moving speech in court…”
Orson Welles as Clarence Darrow in Compulsion – YouTube
It’s bullshit right from the beginning.
“…two old dudes just staring at each other.”
“There is a ton of evidence that this is true…”
The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II by Viktor Suvorov (
“The Muslim race.”
More people died from the coronavirus than jews died in the holocaust.
The people who promote trans are just Lysenkoite intellectual terrorists.
“Tucker Carlson is an establishment shill”
I have to say that I’ve never been very impressed with him. Of course it wasn’t clear to me until about a year ago that he was just a shill. But I was never on the Tucker Train.
“take that shit down”
I’m A Good Old Rebel – The Long Riders Soundtrack – YouTube
The idea that the Feds couldn’t stop this Sooper Shooter because he hasn’t done anything yet is an excuse that doesn’t fly. Clearly they pick up people when they haven’t done anything. They just didn’t the go ahead from Greenblatt to pick-up this guy
And why would Greenblatt give the go-ahead? This operation ended up killing ten White people. In his mind it was a smashing success.
The shows this week were all fun to listen to.
mmBig Boat
Can Alex actually partake in the podcast next time? Ignoring the content being discussed is one thing, but derailing it with the stuff you’re doing instead while the other guys are actually working seems pretty disrespectful to everyone actually paying attention.
>implying any of us are “working”
I have to justify paying your wages somehow, so allow the farce to proceed, lest we start cutting expenses by sharing passwords like this is Netflix. I see Sven’s studio has officially reached what in my area would be considered “McMansion tier”, or the tier of houses that run 500k-900k around here. Not saying he has a home like that, but his new studio is the kind of room you find in those houses, and where I come from, we call that “rich”. Where I grew up, if you have two cars made within the last ten years, marble counters,… Read more »
Being a massive fanboi of Napoleon, I am REALLY loving this Trans-Napoleonic Complex idea. I will demand everyone to refer to me as ‘Emperor Bonaparte’ from now on
Hell yeah. Flex Emperor.
Napoleon and his Marshals by A.G. Macdonell (
Look, innocent until proven guilty is stupid. Coincidences do exist, but when they do, it’s really not on you to ASSUME THE LESS PROBABLE COINCIDENCE.
So if 2 fags kill some kid, it’s really on their defense to prove a rape didn’t happen etc.
But, but what if the rest of us want to do something evil, don’t we want to make sure we get the benefit of the doubt… ok, I see your point.
I’d be ok with “innocent until proven guilty” if Whites were treated this way.
*sigh*. They’re gonna make it illegal to advocate for trans soon in Russia. They already have it illegal to advocate for homosexuality around children ie in public etc. Ie, you couldn’t have a movie with a gay couple in it in theaters. Maybe it could be released provately idk. A poll of adult zoomers and millenkals in Russia said 86% oppose homosexuality. Highest in White world. Only 5% in Sweden among same demographic. The proponent of this law is the Orthodox Church. Tje government increasingly gives them sweetheart deals. Buying food from the farms they own etc so they keep… Read more »
Hulu just bought an ad for BLM. “2020 was a lot. But black lives STILL matter.” It was awful.
How do White people not see this was a scam? How do they not know what a complete reprehensible criminal George Floyd was?
They DO see! 1/3 are evil traitors and will lie about it to everybody. 1/3 are despicable cowards and lie to THEMSELVES about it. And 1/3 will tell the TRUTH about it! (and get fired!)
What kind of a Gypsy shouts Seig Heil?
A fucking based one.
(Never forget the 500 thousand Roma who died in the Haulocost!)
What’s the hauloco$t?
Something that happens to your digestive tract when you eat skyline chili. Serious damage, but I’m a survivor!
6 million Jews died from the gas of my massive chili farts
“but I’m a survivor!”
Oh, so now you’ll be testifying under oath in an Israeli court that it was John Denjanjuk that prepared and served you that skyline chili!
Futurama – Death By Snu Snu
See Kneesovertoesguy on YouTube regarding lower body training.
Lower body training needs to focus on slow twitch fibers because they make up 50% of your vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. For your calves, ir’s an even higher percentage. Physical training has been dominated far too long by body builder faggots that eventually change genders.
Alex can you do an unassisted reverse nordic?
Alex admitted he’s only 5’9? Lol
Manlet confirmed!
He’s just like Hitler!
Coping lanklet detected.
Real power manlet hours
You’re adorable, Alex
*pats Alex on head*
My Henry Rollins engaged, Rise Above Rise Above!
“Privileged citizen of the jewish empire.” – Sven
A call back to Opie & Anthony, as this was line of the day.
Achtung Libtard.
The puberty blocker / informed choice stuff probably deliberately feeds into the transhuman / Frankenstein reset. It is amazing that our overlords who, on past behaviour, love to delve in Mengele level hoax horrors, have persuaded us white folk to go along with this. There is a lot of cultural fortifying that needs to be done.
Just ordered my copy of the FTN book. Finally a graphic novel version of th’ big brain hot takes..podcast
My copies of the “Transgender Industrial Complex” and “Cultured Grugs” just came today. I also bought my FTN book. It was hella expansive though. It was like 50 bucks! To be fair, that’s pretty close to how much the paywall costs me. It will be a great coffee table book.
you’re paying for the size and quality of the paper, and that’s still a killer deal there’s alot of globohomo coffee table books that are a couple hundo. good on ya for buying.
Mine with shipping came to $75… It would have been cool to have it signed by Jazzhands, James, and the artists involved. I collect ‘right-wing’ books, so its all good – and I am glad to support Antelope Hill.
you only pay 50 bucks for paywall?! did you panel Sven’s den for that deal!
Woah guy…It’s fifty bucks an hour. Two hours of me watching pays for Sven’s haircut! I know some of you are payin’ fifty a minute.
But I’ll tell you how I did it. I made a comment agreeing with Sven’s Iraq War narrative and suddenly my bill went down!
I honestly see Sven as the guy who actually pays 50$ for a haircut and would argue that it’s somehow still a bargain for some reason
i had to order two copies to keep a promise to spam houston. i disappointed everybody with a bad post and had to pay the cost. ;_:
Alexcoin rising
I came up with the Napoleon Complex argument a long time ago! If someone thinks they’re Napoleon we don’t crown them emperor. If they think they’re Jesus we don’t get twelve guys to follow them around and then crucify them: we institutionalize them.
“we don’t get twelve guys to follow them around and then crucify them”
that was when civilization fell
Go to to experience the studio in all its glory.
I’m tranny I’m a protected class. Tranny doesn’t mean you need to dress differently. Or act differently. And I’m gay, so i like other women. But if you fire me I’m TRANS. That’s discrimination.
‘Mike Peinovich arrested for threatening to use nuclear warheads on Israel”
That’s not FUNNY!
He only meant it in the context of an experiment in geo-engineering.
Gentlemen of the jury, the defendant did say ‘in minecraft’…
I love tall women fuck off
Based–when we win, first thing on my agenda is using Aryan technology to genertically engineer well-proportioned 8ft tall redheads with the physique of olympic pole-vaulters. Tall strong women are based because then your sons will be tall and strong as well.
This is the most based comment ever posted on trs
All I know about 9gag is the Internet Historian video about the cringe capsule
Internet Historian is my guy. Capture Shia’s flag was all time top tier YouTube shit
10 or so years ago. Some kid who killed someone via DWI was granted leniency because he was too affluent to know better. It was a big story. I don’t remember if he was white or jewish. Right here
FTN adult coloring book?