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Sven and Mike fight over the magic bullet blender.
- Jamie Was Right
- Dissecting Happiness
- JFK Meta-Conspiracy
- Hart-Celler 1965 by Huwite ZOGbie
- Mike Lied
- Bias About Japanese Internment Property Confirmed
- Protect Asians, Stop Jewish Supremacy
- Black Philosophy Man
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Wow it never occurred to me that Zapruder is a yid.
Dear Borzoi: I bought and read your book and thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the chapter on “The Last Flight of the White Man.” Your essays really make you think.
Newman (seinfeld) on why mail men go “postal”.
No need to get bogged down in ballistics, there are YouTube videos of the doctors who attended to kennedy at parkland hospital (before feds with weapons drawn stole his corpse and flew it to bethesda for a bogus autopsy). They uniformly describe a large, avulsed exit wound in the back of kennedy’s head. The kill shot that blew his brains out the back of his head onto the trunk of the limo obviously came from the front, therefore more than one shooter, and the fatal shot didn’t come from Oswald.
Mike SHOULD run for President. He’s extremely personable and he would win!!
Jamie as first lady?
“he would win!!”
Dean Martin – Its a big wide wonderful World – YouTube
NJP 2024
I would vote for Mike, but I would rather see someone like Warren or James run for POTUS and have Mike remain the Chairman of the party. TRS would need to remain on to offer some semblance of positive media coverage in the face of the giant torrent of hate the mainstream media would spew at NJP
I think Mike should start smaller like with Governor of New York. Build up his national profile. Start running candidates everywhere to get ballot access first. But put Mike up against Kamala on the ballot in all 50 states, that would be the best overperformance of polls you’ll ever see.
Sven >
Because he just wanna grill like the rest of us. Drag his ass into the white house! ‘MERICA!
Have you guys read Michael Collins Piper?
And I just heard mike mention him!
It happens to all of us eventually.
Near end of hour 2 is what I mean when I say how, Humanity means European and “sometimes” Asians..
I’m willing to extend the olive branch towards most non jews, non blacks and non queers.
Typical Blackenshade liberal purity spiraling. When you gonna stop?!
This is a great episode
This is an inane comment.
This is not a particularly great episode. Be honest, guy whose name looks like it might be Jewish Question.
You’re on target Dr. Krieger. If you follow enough of his comments you notice a very Kosher pattern.
“American is just an idea.” Really? Zionism prior to 1947 was just an idea. It should have been kept just as an idea.
I’m noticing a pattern. Jews kicked so many people out of their homes and land. The Japanese. The Russians after the Communist Revolution. The 2008 mortgage crisis. The Palestinians.
I’ve heard Christians say Palestinians don’t exist. Christ cucks are the reason why nothing will ever change.
“Christ cucks are the reason why nothing will ever change.”
Hey, I’m as anti-Christianity as the next guy but that^ is a BIG overstatement!
Im an atheist that has no problem with christianity. I like mcnabb like going to church. If a majority of fox news watching christcucks had a smidgin of knowledge of what is actually happening to their country and a smidgin of the fervor they have for big trucks, harley, filipino 2nd wives, fox news, church, etc., this country would be an awesome place.
Christcucks are the same as huffpo liberals. Same thing but in opposing magnitude. The Kosher dialectic ruins everything.
“Christcucks are the same as…”
The vast majority of White Uncle Toms aren’t even christian. Hell I don’t even think the majority of CONSERVATIVE White Uncle Toms are christians! Except maybe in a LARPy way!
“Im an atheist that has no problem with christianity.”
Stop virtue signaling!
“If a majority of fox news watching christcucks had a smidgin of knowledge of what is actually happening to their country…”
Again you overstated the case! They are hardly THE reason for how bad things are and to the degree that they CONTRIBUTE to our present predicament I don’t think that their christian faith plays the preeminent part!
They aren’t woke to the JQ. They think Jews are harmless despite the overwhelming evidence both empirical and historic. They live in denial. They keep voting for Trump, Mitt Romney in 2012, and Bush. It’s their fault. I never voted for these bozos except Trump in 2016. These are the idiots that say “those liberals.” “it’s the communist chinese.” If they ever were woke it would be a different nation. These people are not soy boys. These people have guns, families and are very defensive in very many aspects of their lives except when it comes to racism and antisemiticism.… Read more »
All true. But little of that has to do with their christianity. Most of it has to do with massive propaganda and frankly just cowardice. Some of it is greed as well.
So many lies in this episode. Historical details is not a strength of the Death Panel. 1. Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey in 1968. LBJ declined to seek reelection. 2. Japan invaded Indochina and the Phillipines in concert with Pear Harbor. The complaint, prior to that, was about the treatment of Manchuria, and China in general, and Korea. 3. Historians in no way agree on LIHOP about Pearl Harbor. For one thing, FDR wanted War with Germany. After Pear Harbor, we only declared War on Japan. FDR could not have gotten a Declaration of War against Germany, even after Pearl Habor.… Read more »
“FDR could not have gotten a Declaration of War against Germany, even after Pearl Habor. Uncle, really fucked up when he declared War on the United States.”
I’ll be generous and say that’s debatable. FDR had been carrying on an undeclared naval war against Germany for at least a year by the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor and congress didn’t do jack-shit to stop it.
You’re right, but an undeclared naval war is preferable to the alternative, especially when you have a Navy the size of the Kriegsmarine.
It wasn’t going to STAY an undeclared war though. That’s my whole point. FDR was going into Europe and there was nothing that the Fuehrer could do to delay that.
Hitler declaring war against the United States was expected to be reciprocated at some point by Japan declaring war on the Soviet Union. War declaration or not, America was already supplying all of Germanys enemies with war material long before Pearl Harbor, and I think the Soviet Union had received Lend Lease shipments before even Barbarossa. That and the American Navy already had orders to fire on German ships in September 1941, to make official Americas Naval warfare against Germany in concert with the British which started lomg before then. One can hardly even argue that American troops would have… Read more »
Not to mention the fact that American flyers were already on their way to China to form the Flying Tigers BEFORE the attack on Pearl Harbor!
No argument here… Nevertheless.
Nevertheless what? The U.S. started the war. There was no way out for either Japan or Germany.
Same bullshit as in WWI. Supplying all of Germany’s enemies. History just repeated itself.
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars | CHP (codoh.com)
This is all true, but a couple of extra years, before War with the U.S., would have been very good for Germany.
But FDR wasn’t going to allow that. That was the whole point of his foreign policy.
This. I mean, we could 80 year ‘Monday morning quarterback’ this shit all day long but the fact remains that the war was started and kept going because of the allies. It could have stopped several times and the allies refused. That is an undeniable fact. As for a bit of my speculation, the most sad part of everything, Germany’s offers of peace are might have been what did them in. It’s been debated that if Germany would have laid siege to the British at Dunkirk, they might have won the war. Germany was just not willing to commit the… Read more »
All true.
Went back and watched the Half in the Bag Red Tails episode because Sven brought it up and I haven’t seen it for years. Mike used to be based. Sure – they were way off on the part about the studio not wanting to make the movie because it was a bad movie. That’s never stopped movie studios before. It wasn’t even due to the all-black cast. It was due to it being a completely unmarketable movie. Black people don’t care about WW2, or history in general (outside of Martian Lucifer Koon). But the part where Mike said that Germans… Read more »
My fellow asians, let me tell you how white nationalism is committing all the violence against you and how we’re always at the brink of another holocaust. . What’s that, black niggers are the ones hurting you? Ok we’ll make sure nobody hears about that, please resume your sucky sucky career.
Nice black mass shooter talk. Reminder to all that the site https://mass-shootings.info is still up and being updated. We have every mass shooter from 2019 and 2020 who has been charged, killed, or committed suicide and are working on updating to 2021. As far as definitions, it’s not exactly as clear cut as “3 victims not including the shooter.” Every group that wants to do so can give their own definition of a mass shooting. Here are some common ones: Stanford University MSA Data Project: three or more persons shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly… Read more »
My point about magic bullet and all such theories similar to it is that they are obviously designed to send you down a sperg rabbit hole that ultimately goes nowhere, while also thinking you have some secret knowledge. It gets people to sound off on issues of physics that they have no expertise in and that they could easily be proven wrong about. What is the upshot of the magic bullet theory? That there is another shooter that you have no possible way to ever identify or know anything about, so you can invent any theory you like about who… Read more »
What do you think of Michael Collins Piper’s evidence that there were multiple sniper teams, which is standard in Mossad hits, as well as his evidence that many of the French OAS snipers who were involved in plots against Charles De Gaulle that were sponsored by the CIA and Mossad because CDF wanted to shut down the reactor France had gifted Israel at Dimona?
Even if all that is true and I were convinced of it, I still wouldn’t repeat it because I can’t prove any of it and it is not necessary for the overall point. The case is simple and actually can be made without making claims about standard practice for Mossad hits and things like that that I have no way of knowing and which would elicit skepticism from an audience as to my trustworthiness.
Is it true Rubenstein said “I did it for the jewish people”, when asked about why he shot Oswald? I’ve seen the meme before but can’t find the quote.
I dunno. I kind of doubt it. It sounds a bit like a just so story. If he really did it for the Jewish people, which he did, he wouldn’t say so. He may have said that in prison or some shit before he “mysteriously” died.
This is the closest I could find: “I did it to show the world the Jews have guts”
Yeah, that is the quote I believe I have heard. That is possibly a quote that is meant to build the narrative that Rubenstein was just really mad about Kennedy getting shot.
Found the actual quote. The best antisemitic propaganda always comes from the jews themselves. It’s buried halfway through the article when a rabbi went to talk to him.
“I think he said, ‘I did it for the Jewish people.’ But I’ve tried to wipe that statement from my mind.”
Mike, I rarely see you in the comments. This subject has brought you out. I’m gonna think on this for a bit.
Edit follows:
I thought a bit. You just talked about seeing a Star Wars movie with your Dad.
“Bullshit this is.” Great line by your Father.
I’m going to guess that your Father thinks the official JFK Assassination Story is bullshit too. Am I lying?
IMO happiness comes from purpose and the feeling that you get something out of life and your efforts. If your hard work is taken from you, there’s a deep sense of dissatisfaction and unfairness. Indeed, unfairness seems to one of the first moral realizations a child or even animals make. We can define happiness as state of being where one often experiences joy. Usually for most people this comes from other people and sense of belonging and successes like family building and career advances. If we pragmatically define health as a resource to achieve your goals, then happiness and health… Read more »
Based and Ted-Pilled
Yeah getting sunlight helps me get better sleep
We need the Snyder cut of the JFK shooting.
Snyder’s movies are surreal.
You mean CGI version of JFK
We need the TRS cut of the JFK shooting.
The Comedian did it.
“Nazis hates gays, therefore secretly gay. Owned!”
“Well since you hate Nazis so much, how do I know you’re not secretly a Nazi, and therefore secretly gay?”
“I’m not a nazi!”
“Not a Nazi? That sounds pretty gay to me”
You know, I kinda think this is what happens to people like Milo. They think to themselves, ‘Well I’m jewish, and Nazis are the worst most bad doody head thing ever, so what pisses off Nazis? I know!” and then he became a homo nigger lover.
Dude, he’s just a pervert. Don’t over think it!
I don’t think the modern system cares about making people happy. It is concerned with controlling the population by making it comfortable. The success of that control system is evident in the generational looting the elite have been able to carry out with impunity. No revolution, no blood-soaked peripeteia for the crooks, just mountains of personal debt, reverse mortgages and a dispossessed progeny, all in the name of being and remaining comfortable. The looting of our system now reaches a late and expansive threshold, and the Great Reset is an attempt by the very same crooks to convince the masses… Read more »
Apparently I lied in comment about Jewish control of Jewish land stealing committee That gave away the seized Japanese land and sold it to Jews for pennies on the dollar… Most distribution of the stolen land to Jews happened before 1948, not starting in 1948
The jews blood libeled the Kennedys i think they killed 4 or 5 of them so far.
The last massage I got was done by a small white lady, but was extremely painful and involved no genital contact whatsoever. Then they made me pay for my own torment. Lesson learned: stretch a lot before you go on a long walk.
Read MCP Final Judgement. Dal-Tex building Zapruder worked on was owned by ADL donor Jew, there was a Jew uranium company in the building, and Bloom was 1 of 2 Jews in the 3 person leadership seats of the Citizens Council… 2nd one was literally a Jew representative of the Bronfman crime family. Other interesting JFK hit facts include Ruby’s last call being to Mickey Cohen’s outfit in California, as well as the items found on police search of Ruby home: he was tied with Cohen (Jewish Control of cocaine smuggling) and Lansky (Jewish control of opiate imports). Al Botnik… Read more »
Zapruder himself was Jewish. What are the odds? Come on goy! It’s just a coincidence. You ya-self admit Jews love ‘filming stuff’ so why would this be any exception goy.
I’m with you until the last paragraph. The magic bullet shit is classic misdirection and the actual ballistics are mundane and easily explainable. But if it were the case that he were just a disgruntled commie that happened across some info, they wouldn’t have had Jacob Rubenstein kill him. Now, it’s possible that Oswald himself thought he was a disgruntled commie and he was really being run by some intelligence agents that were clearing the way for him without his knowledge. But if he really was actually acting completely alone, then why not simply put him on trial. The idea… Read more »
Mike, Oswald was employed by a CIA contractor who worked for Al Botnik to do cointel pro work. Finish Final Judgement. You have only stated information that was in the introduction. Oswald was employed to infiltrate both pro and Anti Castro groups, and was literally a useful idiot Wanna be spook. There were probably multiple sniper teams, and most likely one of them was from the CIA crew that rolled into Dallas the night before hit. But who pulled the trigger on the kills shot is not important. What is important is that the coverup tried for three decades to… Read more »
I present the information from Final Judgement that I consider most compelling and that can be backed up by multiple sources, preferably those antagonistic to our view. I do this because I think it’s the best way to build the most compelling case. Since the idea of another shooter or the possibility of a backup sniper team is not very compelling or well sourced and not necessary to the overall point, the uncontroversial facts are enough, I do not repeat that claim. It may be true, but we don’t need that for the ultimate point to be made so it… Read more »
First two editions are a collection of napkin notes, and are much cheaper to buy.
6th edition is way better, but 3rd and beyond make 1st and 2nd editions look like a rough draft. Which edition did you read? The OAS affiliations were not in first two, and the evidence that Israel and their bitch Angleton in CIA were behind (4?) attempted on CDG in France is overwhelming IMO.
Yes, the evidence for the De Gaulle hit is strong. My point is that I want to convince people that Zionists were behind the Kennedy assassination, and I think the above method is the best way to do that without introducing all this other stuff which can overwhelm people and also make them throw their hands up.
Oswald got Epsteined
To be fair Sven, the Nazis didn’t burn anything down either… well, there was that one building with some books.
Shit, I lied. I said Bazelon was appointed by FDR, he was appointed by Truman. I need to be reigned in.
Next time you lie Alex is taking away your vehicle privileges
Mike and His Lies
President Johnsond didn’t run for president in 1968 against Nixon, he said fuck it and didn’t seek re-election. Nixon won in a landslide against Hubert Humphrey in 1968.
Caught lying again!
“Nixon won in a landslide against Hubert Humphrey in 1968.”
That’s also a lie. Nixon barely beat Humphrey. Now to be TOTALLY accurate the anti-Humphrey vote WAS a landslide but a big chunk of that vote was for George Wallace.
1968 United States presidential election – Wikipedia
I meant a “landslide” in terms of electoral votes. The fact that Nixon got 301 and Humphrey got 191 is a huge landslide right?
“I meant a “landslide” in terms of electoral votes. “
Yeah, Sure, Right.
Arlen (((Specter))) coined the term magic-bullet theory, also John J. McCloy was a member of both the Nuremberg Trials and the Warren Commission.
McCloy is also the former President of the World Bank, which puts him in the same company as goyish frontman Robert J McNamara.
Robert Strange McNamara
I have no idea why I typed “J”–that you for the correction.
JFK assassination was just a scheme to sell product like dinosaurs
Without the JFK assassination, Coast to Coast AM, Alex Jones, nor the Paranormies would ever exist. Can we create a time machine?
“ Can we create a time machine?”
Why? You wanna be gay or something???
Being gay prevents Johnny from thinking everyone is trans. I’m willing to take that bullet.
“I’m willing to take that bullet.”
Where? In the ass???
What will happen to boomer naturals when no one needs to buy thier face masks?
The magic bullet was fake and planted by an FBI agent
And its gay
Perfect break song, but I’m waiting for Some Kayaks as it is peak Sven
RFK got whacked in a hotel owned by the same family that owned the hotel Hoover was photographed hovering his assistant director, Tolson at
I subscribe to the Law of Conservation of Happiness. Happiness cannot be created or destroyed. You can only gain happiness by taking it from others.
Happiness as a zero-sum game
I don’t think its a zero sum game. People shouldnt be unhappy enmasse. Something has to be wrong
Kennedy’s popularity was by no means universal. Many groups fantasized about his assassination including hard-line anti-communists, right wingers who thought they were being excluded from the power process, and even Jesuits.
Read _Confession to Conspiracy_ by Kerry Thornley. He testified before the Warren commission and was the only person to write a book about Oswald *before* the assassination. The historical picture he presents is far stranger and more neuans’d than even the most over-educated antisemite supposes.
Many people did for different reasons. There were *a lot* of fedposters back then. JFK is the reason fedposting about the POTUS became a crime, even though that violates the 1st. That was the foot in the door that allowed all kinds of strong political expression to be circumscribed.
I know a very old boomer (1946) who, whenever JFK is brought up, will say “They killed him because he wanted to give civil rights/ welfare to all the niggers.” Not taking into account what happened shortly after he was killed apparently
In my opinion suicide is an expression that indicates UNhappiness. So…yeah, I don’t think expressing ones manufactured “gender identity” is a source of a happiness.
Peeing road paint is caused specifically by vitamin B2 (riboflavin), so vitamin B12 injections won’t cause that.
The injections exist for people who have a condition that prevents them from absorbing B12.
B complex and C vitamins are water soluble and you pee what you don’t use. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble and can become toxic at high levels.
Interestingly enough, a White person only needs 10-15 minutes of sunlight a day to get enough Vitamin D, whereas darkskinned people require upwards of 3-4 hours a day of sunlight. So there are parts of the world blacks literally can’t live without supplements
So when negros were outside being slaves they were definitely happier
Literally BUILT for cotton pickin
Bahuilt forh puh-icking
Asians need the big straw hats like in vietnam
Heil Hitler!
I’m Spam Houston and I endorse this message.
Sven just cucked his own show by telling me that a RLM video existed. See you in 60ish min, guys.
If the rub and tugs are religious establishments I say we can them “Temples of Tug” from now on.
There were sacred prostitutes in ancient Babylon.
Similar to a temple of democracy
The Capitol Building should be a museum.
The United States Museum of Jewish Crimes!
I’d just like to admire the architecture.
Anti white hate orgies are getting banal.
They were evil and now they’re getting banal too. They don’t even have the fervour they used to. It’s all so perfunctory–clinical, sociopathic.
Dude, they’ve been that way for a long time!
Hail Hortler!
Sheeiiit, muhfugga…
You do a great Larry Ridgeway imitation.
Neocon Jew Dennis Prager wrote a terrific book on happiness. It’s been 15 years since I read it but I’m sure it aged well.
Paychads unite
Perfect timing, just finished yesterday’s FTN 2 minutes ago
Hail Hitler, Hail NJP!