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Sven and Mike fight over the magic bullet blender.
- Jamie Was Right
- Dissecting Happiness
- JFK Meta-Conspiracy
- Hart-Celler 1965 by Huwite ZOGbie
- Mike Lied
- Bias About Japanese Internment Property Confirmed
- Protect Asians, Stop Jewish Supremacy
- Black Philosophy Man
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Anti semite JFK needs to be charecter
…btw Hart-Celler 1965 is the best cover ever
Found this when looking up content on high vs. low time preference, it’s from Anne Heller’s biography on Ayn Rand: When Rand was five or so, she recalled, her mother came into the children’s playroom and found the floor littered with toys. She announced to Rand and Rand’s two-and-a-half-year-old sister, Natasha, that they would have to choose some of their toys to put away and some to keep and play with now; in a year, she told them, they could trade the toys they had kept for those they had put away. Natasha held on to the toys she liked… Read more »
“Jacob Arvey”
He was a political kingmaker in Chicago and Northern Illinois. He was responsible for getting Adlai Stevenson elected governor in 1948.
Cantwell Kennedy is the best character yet
Dixie mafia orchestrated the hit and found themselves the patsies. Israel needed JFK taken care of, they had an easy route through Gillich, and their cursory connections to him and Cosa Nostra provide them with all the plausible deniability they’d ever need to place all the blame squarely upon them.
The best horseshit is the current fbi-dot-gov article on the Dixie Mafia blatantly lying about them being NOT connected to the Commission when they already admitted as much in court documents over 30 years ago…
“Japanese internment.”
Magic: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents from the West Coast during WW II by David D. Lowman (goodreads.com)
Ruby 1992 – YouTube
Marilyn Monroe – Say Goodbye To the President – YouTube
Fun fact: One of the people interviewed in this documentary, Pete Summers, was a business acquaintance of mine.
Dangerous World: The Kennedy Years on Vimeo
Sorry, but I can’t find the complete version of this so the trailer and a documentary will have to suffice:
Winter Kills (1979) Trailer – YouTube
Executive Action (1973) – Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, Will Geer – Feature (Crime, Drama, History) – video Dailymotion
“Spam Houston is the best!”
Thanks my dude! But in reality it’s YOU guys who are the best! I’m just an apprentice!
Spam Houston is aight. He aight. You can quote me on that dogg!
When JFK wrote his book Profiles in Courage to bolster his intellectual credentials, he wrote about 10 men he thought had shown great courage. Hitler was one of the men. I don’t think he was a friend of the Jews in his younger years, although he either changed or he was OK with playing the game to get to the absolute top. His father was ambassador to Germany, and very friendly to Germany, during the 30s and I think JFK went there and came away impressed with what Hitler had achieved. He was also enraged by the fact that foreigners… Read more »
“When JFK…”
And Ted Sorenson and Jules Davids “wrote his book Profiles in Courage”
Profiles in Courage – Wikipedia
What’s your point – Even if jews ghost-wrote the book your source confirms what I always thought was the case, that JFK was responsible for it’s overall message. I have always took for granted that he had a ghost writer or the help of an experienced author since, I explicitly said he released the book with the intention of boosting his intellectual weight. He was not interested in authoring books by itself. And there is no news that there were lots of jews in his administration. But are you proposing it was pandering to german-americans that made JFK include Hitler… Read more »
DUDE you start talking jfk and i immediately started thinking, back and to the left. Meta confirmed.
Sven Zombie!
Fucking based!!!
Loved the JFK talk!
Wait. Thar suicide stat is misleading. Because it’s only up for White people. It’s up like 30% GENERALLY. But for White people it’s up like 50%.
“An ethno-centric racist authoritarian regime”
“Fascism’s comin’ back mang!”
“I don’t want to genocide White people. Not even the ones I hate”
Speak for YOURSELF! Cuz I know one dude I’d seriously like to REDACT right now!!!
“You can advocate for White people as a race and still just not like a lot of people personally”
You mean like the dumb mother-fucker who ran his pickup through my living room wall this morning???!!!
PS I’m not KIDDING!!!
What part of “ran his pickup through my living room wall” didn’t you understand???!!!
I understood it. That’s just really fucked up.
I know you did that was my “Life Is Struggle” sense of humor kicking in.
You know what was really funny though??? Me. Running around my townhouse collecting all my fascist paraphernalia and putting it away just in case my landlord would take offense and evict me! HILARIOUS!!!
Black Sabbath IV — underrated album.
Whites play the blues better too
Most likely, Oswald was a commie trained jew puppet. they set everything up. After it happened they couldnt trust a non-jew to keep his mouth shut. Jacob Rubenstien capped Oswald’s ass to tie up loose ends and ta da! Jewish coup d’é·tat of America has it’s coup de grâce. You now live in piss world 2021.
EDIT: I guess I should have waited til 1:15 for McNabb to finally chime in!
“I guess I should have waited til 1:15 for McNabb to finally chime in!”
Yes, yes you should have.
Of all the in depth assassination posts you all left out an important detail. JFK was not shot on live TV. Nobody but the attending crowd saw it until March 6th, 1975 when the Zapruder film was released. If someone’s grandpa thinks they saw it live in 1963 they have simply heard it said so many times that their memories got jumbled.
I forgot about it but razor shalom needs to have some sort of 1-2-3 yid
RLM likes the Snyder Cut.
Let me guess, that Harvard Jew that “died in poverty” died in poverty by Jewish reckoning and in accordance with Jewish standards. That makes for an interesting list, bit of a recipe really. We’re talking about a guy that possibly developed all manner of drug addictions, alcoholism, mental illness, maybe a child prostitute addiction, and lo and behold, this poor Jew dies with maybe only 2 million dollars net worth including his home rather than the expected 70 – 130 million dollar at the bank.
those damn chinamen won’t let gay transexuals in my movies!
My favourite part of the JFK film is the part where he shows that for some reason these intelligence fags who murdered JFK get together and dress up as the French aristocracy and have orgies while they watch Hitler Youth videos. Sometimes you just have to step back and admire the sheer chutzpah. Also one of the first speeches in the film is Guy Bannister — slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun as he’s described in the film — telling Jack Lemmon about how ‘the Jews’ and ‘the niggers’ got together and elected an Irish bleeding heart. Their… Read more »
Also the catholics. I loled
Another weird thing about JFK’s assassination is the person who filmed it was a Jew the Zubruder film
Kenneth Freinberg
oh gawd
Regarding steroids and ruptured tendons…some steroids, most notably stanozolol is known to dry out joints and tendons. This COULD be mitigated by using nandrolone, which is known to lubricate joints and interstitial spaces within joints and tendons.
So was JFK based or not
If you have to ask, the answer is usually no.
Get a new avatar fag.
He was most likely an actual faggot.
Edit: downvote all you want but his best friend that lived with him in the white house was an open homosexual. Lem Billings. Look it up. During the JFK administration, Lem would stay at the white house so frequently a butler commented on the fact that Billings was leaving his belongings in one of the third-floor guest rooms, the First Lady replied: “He’s been my house guest since I was married.”
I just wanted to say I’m buying a pair of British Knights now just because Sven mentioned them in a previous episode
That Bazelon-alien property stuff is good. Jews need to get hammered with that every time they try to do one of their shakedown schemes.