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The Death Panel have another nigger big shot on the show.
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Happy st Patrick’s day lads ☘
If Asians are being killed out of hate then can someone point me to all the anti-asian hate-crime murder cases then? Who is being charged with the hate-murders or whatever? If they can’t point to people being convicted for these hate crimes then doesn’t that seem strange?
Yes, yes it does.
I’m glad Borzoi is ok.
And I also noticed that the Economist doesn’t put names on articles, because recently I looked for them. They had a small article explaining that buying local/American was stupid and misguided.
The Economist is a Rothschild publication.
I mean, just replace the Emperor of Man with honoring your ancestors, and you are good to go.
The Celtic Tiger was the phrase
Correct. Moike triggering muh autism again with his lies.
Morraiku channels Amon Göth.
Agreed… We won’t have arguments with these people.
This guys name has been showing up a lot lately
When I heard “Murder Park for niggers” I imagined an American Gladiators-style assault course with one groid with a Barrett .50-cal versus another groid who has to negotiate a number of fortified firing stations featuring a different small arm at each one. The main groid with the Barrett has only 10 rounds total, where the competitor gets 3 rounds per five stations.
I hope they make you director of entertainment in the ethno-state.
I’m picturing the “I suggest you serpentine” scene from Metalocaypse.
(((Rick Berman))) did Lt. Picard.
So how does Q-anon relate to Q? Is Biden Dreyfuss?
Holy shit! I’d need a PARACHUTE if I jumped down THAT rabbit hole!
That faggot professor said “I know anti-Whiteness is happening in society, but I never thought it would come to my work place.” So he only felt compelled to speak when it started to personally effect him.
Does that surprise you?
Really the whole motivation of White Uncle Tom race traitors is to eliminate White competitors.
“White Uncle Tom race traitors”
Fucking SCUM!
The Dreyfuss affair seems like the stolen election bit
Google and Facebook do the same tactic as Universities do using students. They always remark about how the employees demand some political crap as an excuse for what they want
having cardiac arrest to avoid anti-white abuse during a Robin DiAngelo struggle session is white supremacy
taking anti-hypertensives is white supreeeemist
Damn straight!
Simulation, simulacrum, hyper reality they are just unnecessary big words for fake and gay
Moike is right. Blacks only attack white men they perceive as weak or simply smaller. They never fuck with the larger white guys unless its a pack
blacks are much more afraid of the optics of losing a fight to a white guy. You see that boxing match between nate robinson and jake paul? Blacks disowned that nigga after he lost
Bruh u know what happens when you reach 40k total abolishment of religion or spiritual shit? Fucking porn and amazon consumerism. Fedora make u gay
You’re proof that religion makes you retarded!
Oh look! Three pussies holding hands!
I’m not even religious, I just find fedora shit annoying and gay, not to mention soulless.
I have more soul that you could POSSIBLY handle!
Three douches!
Nah bruh you don’t believe in souls.
Hehehe! I was just waiting for that!
“Soul”, “Spirit”, “Heart” are ALL just psychological manifestations of ones personality! There is NO need to believe in stupid supernatural claptrap! Granted there are SOME unfortunates that have NO personality whatsoever! Of course in MANY cases that’s just the lack of life experiences! And in the rest of those cases they just had WEAK personalities and were broken by their experiences or were just nuts to begin with!
“I have more soul that you could POSSIBLY handle!”
SPAM: confirmed negroid.
But seriously, negroids can’t have “soul” because the don’t have an inner monologue!
What the fuck are you even saying?!?!?!
Fedoras are for fags!!!
Trilby revolution now!!!
He doesn’t know.
Mike-cucked again
My current proposal for the Murder Park location.
Fuck that, Escape from New York had the best idea. And the Northeast is fucking gay anyways.
Black people wouldn’t stand a chance in murder park on the weekends.
There is a reason black people don’t play paintball. They get owned. A black will only ever play paintball once.
There was one nigger who used to play at a park I regularly went to in SoCal. He wasn’t a bad player tbqh. But after the motherfucker lit me up two different times after the end of match whistle had clearly gone off, we had to be separated as I was trying to beat his ass.
Perhaps the best pre wwii deep dive you have done, quality rivals FTN 18th century deep dives. As I said when I first became a commenter in 2019, the kosher sandwich is ancient, and understanding how they have used it throughout time to draw battle lines framed for rigged political game for Jewish victory is the only way to escape the rigged game. Please continue the denialisms, but taking it back to Barbarossa til Metternich Period is also critical. I will upload my YouTube-shoahed audiobook with commentary of Sir Archibald Ramsey’s “The Nameless War” for the TDS crew to enjoy…… Read more »
“Wait until you learn about Cromwell and Robespierre”
Where the hell are my HBP meds???
I cannot recommend Thomas Dalton’s Eternal Strangers book enough. It’s such an amazing read how jews have been doing the same shit going back centuries. Absolutely one of my favorite books of the last few years.
Goebbels on the Jews and Hitler on the Jews are great too!
Borz, if you guest on a show, that doesn’t mean you can sit in silence for 40 mins so when you talk again I’m like “Oh shit Borz is on” !
Holy shit Sven’s analogy to the black youf centers being DLC to the black crime game had me dying LOL
DLC – Wikipedia
Literally & Figuratively
Sven if your gonna do a “go burrr”/making fun of jew names, joke then it needs to be someone named Goldberg.
Why is Mike drinking from a roll of paper towels?
That was a great episode. The ideas are proxies for a people in the marketplace of ideas gets to the heart of how Jews can win in this arena vs the Goyim every time. The Goyim are attached to their ideas and present them straightforward with honor and assume all who present their ideas actually believe them or care about the idea itself . Jews shapeshift between ideas as and use them as a Meta weapon for ultimate control as honor is of no concern in their fight for power and their ideology explicitly condones this. Therefore some of our… Read more »
Nice Fletch in the hospital reference ~18 minutes.
“Just get me a glass of hot fat. And bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia, while you’re out there.”
Erin Go Bra-less
Who’s Rhonda Santis? I ain’t voting fer no broad
The Germany.
Over three hours of TeDiouS???
They prefer to be called Baffrican Shotmericans
Do the Chinese do circumcision? This could be a good indicator of Moikes thesis
They would if they could find the damn things
“Even the authorities, are minorities, at my murder park.”
Whether the Atlanta happening was a gayop or a crime of convenience, it sure fits nicely into the narrative that’s been pressed the last month that “Hate crimes against Asians are on the rise due to white supremacy”. No doubt it will be used as an example of why we need to “reform gun laws now”. And unlike past attempts that slowly chipped away at our rights, I feel like they will be taking large chunks from now on. Sadly I doubt this will be an isolated incident on the lead up to new legislation. I’ve been a longtime freefag… Read more »
The real angle is hate crimes against sex workers, we could probably get those attention seeking hoes to run with that and distract from the asian angle.
Yeah that’s a good angle to get the hook into degenerate women in general. They can easily run with both too.
Autism triggered! The word “hoe” refers to a gardening implement. “Ho” refers to a whore.
As if he was shooting them because they were asian! He’s a fuckin’ psycho religious nut!
It seems they want to discredit this guy without big nose himself having to step in. They desperately want to stay behind the curtain on this one
From now on n1gger celebrities will be known as n1gger bigshots.
Blacks have 8% smaller brains on average.
I believe this is why the jews push the brain wrinkle over size meme
The picture for the economist article is exhibit A for hyper reality.
It’s like rain on your wedding day and a free ride when you already paid. It’s thinking Alanis Morisette was hot in the 90s and that song One Hand in my Pocket wasn’t annoying, that’s hyperreality.
But then you find out she fucked Dave Coulier, aka Uncle Joey from Full House, and that song You Oughta Know is about him and all of your illusions are shattered and you’re free from hyperreality, cursed to wander the fuzzy foglands of surreality that exist in between the numbing glow of the screens, forever.
What I know is anytime I discuss gun and violence issues with libtards this sort of media presentation informs their entire viewpoint. They’re always completely flabbergasted when I explain how media portrayals of guns are inaccurate.
Link for the picture! I’ll decide for myself!
Hey, it’s not my fault you’re a pussy!
I think it’s pretty hyper-real!
I’m sorry the Atlanta happening happened to your people Borzoi, peace can exist between our peoples.
I’m sorry Mike’s dad lost his job at the University of Vermont.
Oh! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
My dad and brother are named Patrick.
It’s one of our favourite honourary white holidays!
I do feel a wee bit White today….could be the drank….
We’re whiter than Italians and Greeks anyway.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day General!
What the fuck happened in Atlanta!? The fuck. This is the last thing we need!
What? Some psycho religious nut going on a shooting spree? I think we can get past this quite easily!
Scraping Christianity?
Sure, why not?
blacks do guns like they do anime. theyre just now getting into them as a thing they like, for the passed ten or so years. they only like dragonball super and “the glock 9mm”, they donts be fuckins with what kinda glock it be.
Glock? Niggers just buy Hi Points and Taurus. Maybe 1/50 nigger gun owners even owns something I would consider “decent.” Glocks are excellent Austrian made pistols and they do exactly what they are supposed to do. They’re running about $750 right now. The Hi Point runs $150. Niggers are gonna buy the Hi Point. I don’t want to get into an esoteric conversation about why Hi Points actually aren’t all that bad, but white people put more than a $150 value on their life. Niggers don’t. If they think Glocks are fancy, wait until they hear about Heckler and Koch… Read more »
yeah but why do they always talk about glocks
Every pistol is a Glock to them. If it’s a semi automatic pistol, they call it a Glock. You can watch countless videos of niggers with cheap pistols and they proudly proclaim “Dis mah Glock Fawty.” This has become a meme with the gun community. Taking a picture of a Taurus G2C or equivalent with the caption “What do you guys think of my Glock?” Hilarity ensues. TLDR: in the same way that every adhesive bandage is called a “Band Aid,” niggers think every semiauto pistol is a Glock. Just like every cola beverage can be called “Coke,” niggers think… Read more »
The two types of guns that niggers love is the Keltec Sub and the different variations on a Mac-10.
Niggers would literally take that bullshit over an HK USP or Sig Sauer every single time. They’d take the most unreliable and ugliest guns ever put into production because they see them in nigger movies and rap music over the two of the most expensive and chosen by the world’s most deadly military teams… because some nigger in a rap video has it.
Niggers… amirite?
wait wanton murder or wonton murder?
>wonton murder
Fuck, I’m starving!
Wanton murder makes ME hungry!
Murder park already exists, it’s called africa.
No, that’s murder CONTINENT! Murder park is like New Orleans or Baltimore or Detroit!
Come to the USA! We have murder parks conveniently placed for your enjoyment!
Happy St Patrick Little’s Day!!
Sven looks very gassy in this thumbnail. I hope your tummy feels better, mmmmbud.
Blacks can participate in wonton murder?
Mmmm wontons
underrated post