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The Death Panel have another nigger big shot on the show.
- Murder Mystery Rates
- Small Benis Analytics
- TRS Offering Consulting Services for Liberals
- The Merchant Minute
- The Brave and Stunning Story of France Overcoming Anti-Semitism
- Had a Bad Day
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This big “dick thing” liberals do is, if I am to do a little psychologizing, probably comes from from Freudian influence, jewish influence/pornography and perhaps that that they are on average smaller-dicked than right wing men. We know testosterone, which (Albeit weakly corresponds to genitalia size) is way higher among right wing people and sometimes very, very low, even deificient, among libtards. I bet most white men are pretty satisfied with the size of their genitalia and don’t think about that subject at all regarding myself and has never done. In med school when we met patients who came because… Read more »
It’s time to stop, bud
Thanks for going a little long, really helps with soul crushing gig work. Thanks for helping me earn a hundred-hundred twenty dolans during the show.
“I feel like I’m hearing a BattleTech novel.”
I mean… who do you think (((Comstar))) represents?
I would love to see the end of the first hour generously distributed around the net.
When the knives are out on white liberals, who takes the time and has the compassion to deconstruct the attack and give out very useful and well-thought out advice in their defense?
Wignats, that’s who.
I worked at UVM in 2004 as a IT person, I got fired after looking at this fat black ladies’ black Santa for like two seconds. UVM is a bullshit.
I will cancel my subscription and spread vicious rumors about TRS if The Rango & Dingbot Show doesn’t become part of the network.
Okay, I get the hint. I’ll never ask for Dear Rabbi again.
“…do circumstances just smile this well on jews?”
Yeah, no.
“killing asian women is a short way to make an enemy of the alt-right.”
“back when I had the TV on.”
It’s been a year since I cut the cable.
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMloC8hisle/?igshid=1w09e9qdokzxt some one check this out .. This guy in Canada took on 30 cops at his house and won …. Idk if you have heard about this guy .. Don’t really know his beliefs ….but maybe the TDS boys can take a look at this fellow for today’s episode ?
oh god academia.edu. I signed up once ages ago and I’m still getting emails. I’ve unsubcribed multiple times.
It is highly unusual that Drumont’s book LA FRACE JUIVE, has yet to have ever been published in English !
It’s interesting but NOT unusual. The amount of stuff I’ve stumbled across in the last 3-4 years that hasn’t been translated into English is significant! For instance the memoirs of both Marcel Deat and Leon Gaultier!
True, but we would naturally expect the kosher dominated system to suppress things that they don’t want the ‘Goyim’ to see or know. If it’s even mentioned, it’s invariably mocked or guttersniped.
Yet, not even our people seem to have an interest in publishing such a much talked about work like Drumont’s.
The Barnes Review has fortunately published the works of Herve Ryssen, to give credit where it’s due.
“Yet, not even our people seem …”
I’m thinking that has a lot to do with a lack of resources.
Our kind of organizations have to pick and choose what they
publish and Drumont may have just fallen through the cracks.
Part of the fun now is searching for, uncovering, and learning from all of this material. It’s like a treasure hunt of learning that never ends!
The beginnings of Fascism are precipitated by the Dreyfus Affair:
Action Française – Wikipedia
“The movement and the journal were founded by Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois
in 1899, as a nationalist reaction against the intervention of left-wing intellectuals on behalf of Alfred Dreyfus.”
Buddy… chris sky… ive been talking about him for a month. Canadian charter of rights section 6 freedom to move in and out of canada and quarentine act section 14.1 the right to refuse any medical tests that include inserting things into ur body aka ur nose. #justsayno
Ejs been loving his content. I encourage everyone to go ahead and look him up. Therealchrissky
You know…techno Nixon is legitimately an uplifting message that I really appreciate at the end of the show.
Moike could be correct about Captain Piccard, however, I always thouth he was named after Auguste Piccard and his twin brother:
Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry named Picard for one or both of the twin brothers Auguste Piccard and Jean Piccard, 20th-century Swiss scientists.[2][3]
Irish Master Race
Not as long and there is WHISKEY!
“Very soon this ideology will…”
And awaaaaay we GO!
Biden, Harris to meet with Asian American leaders in Atlanta following spa attacks (msn.com)
“Yo, stop the violence!”
Billy Idol – Don’t Need A Gun (Official Music Video) – YouTube
Good episode.
My knowledge of the Dreyfus Affair is limited to Revilo P. Oliver’s essay on the topic; worth reading. It should still be on the interwebz somewhere.
Boomer here, I couldn’t find it. Link please!
Spam… you didn’t need to tell anyone you were a boomer.
It’s okay, you’re our boomer.
“you’re our boomer.”
I BETTER be, dammit!
There was a sob story about it on the Hitler channel about 20 years ago and Richard Dreyfus (yes the kike actor) his direct descendant (I think he’s the grandson or great grandson of the subject) was oy veying it up about the injustice and literal holohoax the issue was.
tfw no bottle of Foursquare 2007 rum in my prison cell
This is one of your best episodes.
More content like this plz!
You are right on Mike: anti-racism/anti-white ideology ultimately has nothing to do with blacks or other groups. Those groups are only vehicles used to attack whites.
Black cock is not bigger than White cock. Some studies hint that the negro might hang a bit longer, but when it comes to erections, there is no statistical difference. All that is just conflating black libido with penis size. More melanin and less anger control in their race ≠ bigger pricks. Whites can rest easy…
I’m so sick. I fucking hate these people. They are so conniving and evil.
In other news, too comment of the show at 1:08:00 SVEN “HOW ABOUT, FUCK YOU”.
Good show goyim.
Like always, they are attempting to humanize and excuse a literal killing spree of that nog. Listening to my boomer dad explain it to my boomer mom is always a good way for me to find out the shot to any given story I haven’t looked in to yet. You guys are right, they have conditioned people to feel worse for the nigger that kills a white family than the actual victims. It’s fucking disgusting.
ok just looked at his pic, he’s white.. what the fuck is going on here. this whole time i thought it was more black on asian violence. my confirmation bias is now shattered, cognitive dissonance in full effect: paranormies hot-take incoming: he was an mk ultra victim designed to distract from all the black on asian violence.
The difference is that this White guy didn’t kill them because they were Asian. He’s a mentally ill religious fanatic. Of course (intentionally) lost in this story is the fact that all these Asian women are victims of sex trafficking to one degree or another. So much for women’s rights!
Never would have guessed the dreyfus affair was real. What the hell.
What do you mean by “real”?
MAGATARD circles are claiming The Happy Ending Shooter is a Bernie Bros. I’m really beginning to hate those still in the kosher sandwich
“I’m really beginning to hate those still in the kosher sandwich”
Agree and AMPLIFY!
Google moves to Ireland for cheaper labor and like clock work they legalize abortion and elect a gay pajeet president a decade later
sometimes when i ALT-TAB to a different window, the video speed somehow goes to 0.8 and Moike sounds drunk af. sometimes it takes me a few minutes to realize what happened and i just keep thinking, “wow, Mike has some problems, yo.”
LOL! That happened to me once!
haha! I do that with the windows key all the time.