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The Death Panel has had 3 goals for the last 20 months.
- Quesadilla Earth
- Caught Tranny Handed
- Wrong Affectation There, Guy
- Confessions of a Report Fag
- Seen Kyle by Cargo Cult
- Fair Trial Challenge *IMPOSSIBLE*
- Gorilla Theater
- How Jews Destroyed Japan's Birthrate
- N-Word Rehab
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Days without Mike being interrupted by Sben before making a point:
*removes 1*
Meiji Japan was badass.
The Reddit stuff was a travesty indeed, r/Coomer was just making fun of porn addicts and exposing the industry so no wonder they had that banned, and r/Consumerpoduct had plenty of muh dogwhistles. I was off Reddit for a while when Coomer was banned so I didn’t see the stuff that AHS had planted, but they did plant some similar things on r/ClericalFascism, an actual Fascist sub, which I did see. Maybe the confession of that troon did something cause a few weeks ago I went on Reddit and AHS was currently inactive because there were no mods. Ironically something… Read more »
Ok this is to Alex McNabb. Not sure if he’ll actually read this but credit is due.
“George George of the jungle watch out for that knee” was one of the funniest things that has ever been said on TDS And it got no reaction from anybody.
This was a crime and needs to be called out.
Never forget.
Welcomee to the party, pal. We discussed this already on Page 1 of the comments. Not that McNabb’s huge head and ears, noticed.
There used to be a ton of our guys on Reddit 3-4 years ago. There were a bunch of really based and redpilled communities on that site if you knew where to look. It was the best site for redpilling normies in my opinion.
Unfortunately this cabal of tranny mods systematically destroyed it all. People usually think I’m exaggerating when I say it, but Reddit is literally controlled by a cabal of suicidal tranny mods lmao
Most of them aren’t trannies but Jews. Their goy “comrades” are mentally destroyed like how Arabs used to castrate black slaves.
I’m sure there are Jews on top, but the power mods that destroyed our subreddits were all literal trannies
‘you only fuck women? ok fuck a trans man’ is the same level of absurd argument as ‘you only fuck women? ok fuck a dead woman’
Can we just nuke the entire planet and start over?
Is it weird I’d rather fuck the dead woman than the trans?
It’s weird that you would pick either!
“It’s makes you think the Paranormies aren’t a bunch of schizophrenic idiots.”
Thanks Mike for mentioning Beata Sirota Gordon. I never heard of her before, but she’s supposedly responsible for both women’s rights clauses in the post WW2 Japanese constitution.
Seeing this sort of influence by one ethnic group who were called out by name in the bible really makes you think about the likelihood of the supernatural.
“called out by name in the bible”
You know where ELSE they were called out??? MEIN KAMPF!
“really makes you think about the likelihood of the supernatural.”
No it DOESN’T! It really makes you think of PATTERN RECOGNITION!
A snitch AND gay. Huh…..funny.
What an absolute absolute absolute FUCKING faggot snitch. And his Avatar is of a woman. Any faggot who has a female Avatar, if he’s a dude, doesn’t deserve to be on BANG! Let’s just put that out there. That shot is really gay and it has to stop.
Germans have twice as much Neanderthal DNA as all other Europeans and are about 3-4 IQ points above the rest as well
Where’d you find that?
Documentary. At the end they brought in 6 Europeans and an African amd tested their DNA and gave them each a percentage. The fat African bitch (like there’s another type), the Precious look black one got 0%.
What’s the name of the documentary?
I’ll find it for you and post it in BANG!
Why can’t you post the link here?
I could.
OK then do it.
Anyone who produces, trafficks, enables, possesses, or purchases CSAM should be executed if found guilty.
I totally agree of course. There is one problem however. The tendency of the Feds to plant that material on anyone they don’t like.
I realize this I’m speaking as a matter of principle. Murderers, rapists, drug traffickers, those who harm children, animals, the elderly, and the disabled, and the producers, consumers, and financiers of CSAM all should be executed. Certain crimes strip you of your right to live and there’s nothing Jews fear more than a nation of White people confident in their moral authority.
“and the producers, consumers, and financiers of CSAM all should be executed”
AND the people who plant it on the innocent to frame them!
I want to bring back the Gladiator pits. Ed Buck could be sentenced to trial by combat. Him vs 3 n*ggers. 1for every n^gger he killed. Then he just wins. Like Mr Magoo style.
I don’t have a problem with Ed Buck or whatever the fuck his name is testing out some farm equipment. I fucked up a mower once. Do i deserve to be punished for that? No. Because it twas an accident.
The global warming bit at the start of the show was the most succint and on point take on Global Warming (TM) I have ever heard. If it predicts everything, it predicts nothing. An old saying but so perfect here. BTW. The UNs IPCC Panel’s report on extreme weather that was released in maybe 2012 when I used to follow this shit quite closely came to the conclusion that there had not been any increase in “extreme weather”. That’s the “Oh my God it’s gonna get 4 degrees Celsius warmer in 25 years years, no wait, it was 0,9 degrees,… Read more »
Papa John’s is good, actually.
Michael Fremer is both Jewish and an Antifa supporter – wild huh? He slips it into product reviews: “,,,with Hermann Scherchen conducting members of the Vienna State Opera Orchestra. The liner notes describe him as “an outspoken anti-fascist”. We could use a few more of those today! https://www.analogplanet.com/content/recently-re-introduced-record-doctor-v-vacuum-record-cleaning-machine
Papa John’s: An N-word on his escutcheon.
He cleans his escutcheon by saying the N-word….instead of
Rudolph totally denies being a WN, but acknowledges how shitty ngs are in his autobiography. It’s called Between the Lines of Drift. It’s a great read.
It’s not that you know what “party and play” means, it’s that in the context of homos everyone automatically understands that it is something perverted and gross.
You know what’s funny? The only other group that agrees with us on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are Breadtuber socdems.
Yeah but they’d probably support nuking Germany into oblivion; they’re the group with agrees with the Jews the most.
I’m a trans-rejectionary sexualist. That’s my sexuality. TRS.
This is great
Im a turbo-retard simp
I identify as a toxic racist sexual.
I used to take you at your word that pizza in the Northeast is better than the pizza chains we have everywhere else, but I just heard you say that that cheap garbage called Dominos is better than Pizza Hut. Now I’m literally expecting pizza in New York to taste like it was scraped off the street.
Dominos is way better than pizza hut.
Pizza Sluts
Arguing over pizza chains. Dark times.
Any Italian/Greek local pizza place making pizza in the northeast is going to be way better than either Domino’s or Pizza the Hut.