“All things have trade-offs and the green weenies will likely never understand this.”
They DO understand! They’re just LYING!
” unless you think that wind turbines are supposed to generate and pipe your morning kibble into your bowl every morning like a Science Fiction TV show.”
HEY! Certain promises were made to me and I want them KEPT!
To Sven’s point on climate change, they’re filling our country will infinity immigrants while doing nothing to improve infrastructure and the power grid except wind turbines. TX is having rolling blackouts because of this. Hard to say whether it’s because they don’t want people to live with reliable power or they just don’t give a fuck and want to enrich their friends.
BTW, you goys should be investing in uranium. That shit is going to skyrocket over the next few years. Other countries actually have their heads on straight about it.
Last edited 4 years ago by whiteboyinafrica
February 17, 2021 2:20 pm
“Texans may have to eat bugs to survive the polar vortex”
You know really could solve all our climate problems? The Waffen SS. They managed to power various camps for five years and burying millions of bodies without even cutting any forest down! I mean, how did they do it?
Regarding the blackouts in Texas there are nuclear and natural gas power plants being shut down due to the cold. The outages aren’t just because they use wind turbines. It’s because stuff in the carbon or nuclear plants isn’t winterized like the plants in the North.
My state isn’t in “the North”, our plants weren’t “winterized”. You know what the energy companies did LAST FUCKING WEEK? Adapted the fossil fuel and nuclear plants to withstand the cold. Why didn’t Texas follow in our footsteps? I don’t blame the lack of winterized machinery and tech when it’s more likely things were mismanaged, no one was forward thinking apparently. These machines can be adapted, why weren’t they?
In my state the local energy companies adapted the machinery last week on a coal and nuclear plant when it began getting cold and they saw signs of potential strain. If it can be done here, why not in Texas? Again I will reiterate my point that the failures of the almighty Texas grid are likely due to poor management and a lack of preparation.
I think that sort of poor planning is intentional because private firms which maintain the plants and lines didn’t want to shill out extra money to make sure the plants could remain operational because it might make the profit margins a little narrower.
I’ve believed for many years that energy concerns shouldn’t be in the hands of for profit businesses.
February 17, 2021 1:08 pm
Rape and murder are the Jews bread and butter.
chuck shumers biggest fan
February 17, 2021 1:00 pm
You wanna know what makes the times uncertain? Not the jewish covid hoax but now millions of texans don’t have power as a direct result of the green energy bullshit. So fucking sick of living in a fake jewish civilization dude so pissed off.
What percentage of those Whites are shitty leftists or even more shitty conservatives? Seriously how many of those people freezing in Texas
would shit all over us? 10%? 25%? 50%? 75%?
I don’t know that I find it exactly hilarious. It’s maddening. And frankly people should have a right to expect to get what they pay for. I’m not sure what I’d do if this happened to me. I don’t have a fireplace so how am I going to keep myself warm? But that being said Texas is filled to the brim with people who hate us, including White people, and to THOSE people I say: DIE YOU SCUM!
Being mad at the system you mean being mad at Jews and shabos in politics and media? Not necessarily at the infrastructure that keep the lights on. C’mon guy.
There was an elipsis or two (and trip parentheses of course) missing in those quotes but listen to at least the first 30 seconds or so….. and take your blood pressure meds first, Spam 👍🏻
February 17, 2021 11:52 am
I remember back in 2012 Gingrich was pushing some algea shit as green energy
Hey, Tucker is just A SERIOUS GUY! He is obviously a secret Groyper general distracted by the AmNat civil war so a couple of his shows are all bad then!
Here’s the salient point regarding climate change: change is climates only constant. Tell me, true believer, what is the climate supposed to be like? What is the true temperature and what is the mechanism that caused it to be wrong? Do you have access to an alternate universe where everything is equal except for industrialization and you can compare the temperature in this universe to that one?
Last edited 4 years ago by Autistic Realist
Autistic Realist
February 17, 2021 10:52 am
A picture of the deck is a poor stand in for Alex.
Not sweet to shovel though. I’m assuming it’s Svens deck and he’s always complaining about the nails snagging the shovel.
Easy fix would be to drive screws and then pull the nails but it’s best done before it warms up and the wood expands. (Heh)
“All things have trade-offs and the green weenies will likely never understand this.”
They DO understand! They’re just LYING!
” unless you think that wind turbines are supposed to generate and pipe your morning kibble into your bowl every morning like a Science Fiction TV show.”
HEY! Certain promises were made to me and I want them KEPT!
Year 1999 A D – YouTube
PS Congratulations on another epic Scotty-post!
To Sven’s point on climate change, they’re filling our country will infinity immigrants while doing nothing to improve infrastructure and the power grid except wind turbines. TX is having rolling blackouts because of this. Hard to say whether it’s because they don’t want people to live with reliable power or they just don’t give a fuck and want to enrich their friends.
BTW, you goys should be investing in uranium. That shit is going to skyrocket over the next few years. Other countries actually have their heads on straight about it.
“Texans may have to eat bugs to survive the polar vortex”
And when there are no more bugs? Bugmen.
You’re next, Austin.
You know really could solve all our climate problems? The Waffen SS. They managed to power various camps for five years and burying millions of bodies without even cutting any forest down! I mean, how did they do it?
Jews truly are the best biomass in the world.
Regarding the blackouts in Texas there are nuclear and natural gas power plants being shut down due to the cold. The outages aren’t just because they use wind turbines. It’s because stuff in the carbon or nuclear plants isn’t winterized like the plants in the North.
Thanks for confirming my suspicion.
My state isn’t in “the North”, our plants weren’t “winterized”. You know what the energy companies did LAST FUCKING WEEK? Adapted the fossil fuel and nuclear plants to withstand the cold. Why didn’t Texas follow in our footsteps? I don’t blame the lack of winterized machinery and tech when it’s more likely things were mismanaged, no one was forward thinking apparently. These machines can be adapted, why weren’t they?
When I say winterized I mean that the plants have machinery that can operate in the cold. Or that pipes or sensitive equipment is insulated.
I don’t mean winterized in the way a contractor would use it when talking about a dwelling.
In my state the local energy companies adapted the machinery last week on a coal and nuclear plant when it began getting cold and they saw signs of potential strain. If it can be done here, why not in Texas? Again I will reiterate my point that the failures of the almighty Texas grid are likely due to poor management and a lack of preparation.
I think that sort of poor planning is intentional because private firms which maintain the plants and lines didn’t want to shill out extra money to make sure the plants could remain operational because it might make the profit margins a little narrower.
I’ve believed for many years that energy concerns shouldn’t be in the hands of for profit businesses.
Rape and murder are the Jews bread and butter.
You wanna know what makes the times uncertain? Not the jewish covid hoax but now millions of texans don’t have power as a direct result of the green energy bullshit. So fucking sick of living in a fake jewish civilization dude so pissed off.
Millions of blacks and browns don’t have power?!
How unfortunate.
Yeah don’t take into account the whites bud… you’re cool.
What percentage of those Whites are shitty leftists or even more shitty conservatives? Seriously how many of those people freezing in Texas
would shit all over us? 10%? 25%? 50%? 75%?
Not to mention that I find it hilarious people cant function without the system for a few days. “Oh shit it’s cold, what do we do!!”
How are you even mad at the system if you are that damn dependent on it?
I don’t know that I find it exactly hilarious. It’s maddening. And frankly people should have a right to expect to get what they pay for. I’m not sure what I’d do if this happened to me. I don’t have a fireplace so how am I going to keep myself warm? But that being said Texas is filled to the brim with people who hate us, including White people, and to THOSE people I say: DIE YOU SCUM!
Being mad at the system you mean being mad at Jews and shabos in politics and media? Not necessarily at the infrastructure that keep the lights on. C’mon guy.
Jews and shabbos goys control everything. Including the infrastructure.
Limbaugh just died!
Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio provocateur and cultural phenomenon, dies at 70 (msn.com)
Fossil fuels kill billions every year!
Mike: Do they ever withhold things though?
Yes, nuclear power being a huge one.
It took Sven 7 times reapeating “It’s so obviously false” to get Mike to stfu! Jesus Moike. Let the poor man speak! hahah
“Jesus Moike. Let the poor man speak! hahah”
It’s his JOB to talk over everybody!
It’s STRIKER’S job to talk over Moike!
We gotta do Chernobyl energy.
Rush is dead. Good riddance. Controlled opposition. How are they gonna keep control? Our mission is to discredit them. So they can’t rule.
Sven I’m cold
What do?
Fried chicken to warm you up. Tendies nationalism.
Rush is dedd
Rush Limbaugh is dead, do I press F or S?
What does it matter which you press as long as they believe in true principles?
He died serving zog to the bitter end. S
RIP Rush
Fuck Rush.
Kuck Fikes
this episode of prep cums
“capitalism is libtardism.”
That’s why I have started to use “capitalism” in place of “liberal” and “democracy”.
It’s so obviously false
And gay.
Biden: “By the way I understand a bit of Yiddish.”
Jew: “I’m sure you do!”
Biden: “Civil whites and the KKK and the most dangerous people still exist.”
There was an elipsis or two (and trip parentheses of course) missing in those quotes but listen to at least the first 30 seconds or so….. and take your blood pressure meds first, Spam 👍🏻
I remember back in 2012 Gingrich was pushing some algea shit as green energy
I can see how it could be a viable, net-positive biomass energy source. The problem is that we can’t count on the system to do anything for us.
“How does anything this retarded fucking exist.”
They are a people whose god tells them to stone homosexuals yet their capital city (in the middle east) is the GAYEST CITY ON EARTH.
Also eruvs.
It’s fucking cold out here
Jaron Lanier is the guy Sven was thinking of ?
I think its Klaus Schwab
The Undertaker is the greatest wrestler of all time. I just recently discovered he retired this spring.
“They hand the other side all the ammo they need.”
Well, that IS the conservative’s job!
Hey, Tucker is just A SERIOUS GUY! He is obviously a secret Groyper general distracted by the AmNat civil war so a couple of his shows are all bad then!
Here’s the salient point regarding climate change: change is climates only constant. Tell me, true believer, what is the climate supposed to be like? What is the true temperature and what is the mechanism that caused it to be wrong? Do you have access to an alternate universe where everything is equal except for industrialization and you can compare the temperature in this universe to that one?
A picture of the deck is a poor stand in for Alex.
Sweet deck though.
Not sweet to shovel though. I’m assuming it’s Svens deck and he’s always complaining about the nails snagging the shovel.
Easy fix would be to drive screws and then pull the nails but it’s best done before it warms up and the wood expands. (Heh)
Wha wha what?? Thanks, Borthers!