Westernized blacks have always had a troubled relationship with their hair and every time they get politicized they make a big deal about it. But at the end of the day everyone knows the truth: aesthetics are universal and white hair just looks better.
Bugmen are never based. It’s like the tribal part of their brain is missing. Imagine them in the time of Hannibal. Seeing those fucking elephants Hannibal brought over the Alps yo kill and enslave all Romans doing the gaping mouth bit.
Last edited 4 years ago by Ursus
February 11, 2021 7:26 pm
Shit. I was listening to fucking FTN while the live show was going on. I lost out of an hour of liveness novelty.
Did that actress even say anything about Whites? Or just conservatives? I’m not impressed with someone standing up for conservatives. That says nothing.
Autistic Realist
February 11, 2021 7:22 pm
Jazz and Jesse could also be called Hans and Sven.
Guy Libre
February 11, 2021 7:22 pm
Didn’t Tim Allen say the same stuff during 2015/2016?
February 11, 2021 7:21 pm
You’re missing the shot here on Gina! Soyboys, real Rich Evans tier soyboys are asking the important question! Why CAN’T we talk about the hall of cost?
February 11, 2021 7:10 pm
Adderall is the principled snort
February 11, 2021 7:09 pm
What do you guys think the vaccine is?
I half think it’s a placcebo or something.
bill gates microchips with GPS for satellite gang stalking and spacex microwave torture when you say the n word, think about jews, or stop buying ammuzin broduct
Papa Emeritus
February 11, 2021 7:07 pm
True story. I had covid for 4 days. I was sleepy, I had a slight cough, and I had body aches, and that was it. I’ve had worse colds in my life. I never took any medication or anything I just laid around and played video games and watched TDS.
Autistic Realist
February 11, 2021 7:06 pm
Too bad all this information is coming from a guy calling from a submarine.
February 11, 2021 7:02 pm
Listening to the piece on Lindbergh… great guy, great work FTN. His statue was already removed several years back from the San Diego Airport (formerly “Charles Lindberg Field”). I wanted to put out an “every single time”-styled article from a New York sewer creature regarding Lucky Lindy (ignoring the association with the Jud Trump) https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/11/charles-lindbergh-is-a-cautionary-tale-for-republicans.html.
February 11, 2021 7:02 pm
One of them was in The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift, playing a high schooler when he was like 30.
February 11, 2021 7:00 pm
Right before 9/11 was the Gary Condit/Chandra (((Levy))) scandal too.
Papa Emeritus
February 11, 2021 6:59 pm
You MacNabb should jump in and make this a 5 hour segment.
Urbanite Jim
February 11, 2021 6:57 pm
I remember watching Rush Limbaugh show on tv late at night around Clinton presidency as a child.
Papa Emeritus
February 11, 2021 6:51 pm
Shalom my fellow kippah wearing pagans!
February 11, 2021 6:49 pm
Best scene “Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor”
Ahem the quote is “Senator, don’t piss down my back and tell me that it’s raining”. From the Outlaw Jose Wales
February 11, 2021 6:46 pm
I’m up past my bedtime.
February 11, 2021 6:43 pm
It’s Nancy Grace
February 11, 2021 6:43 pm
Nancy grace
February 11, 2021 6:43 pm
Nancy Grace is who Sven is thinking about.
Bill Whitacre
February 11, 2021 6:43 pm
Nancy grace
February 11, 2021 6:18 pm
We need Potato Smasher and Alex to do a call in show about cars, call it Mick & Mac the Car Talk Guys.
Das A Crab Nigga
February 11, 2021 6:07 pm
My starship is a 68 Nova with a light drive engine, and the comm link is locked to TRS Radio.
February 11, 2021 5:52 pm
I know your coal is still burning!
February 11, 2021 5:12 pm
I once sang the TOTO cover of Africa (when we waz kangs) at the top of my lungs in bumper to bumper traffic and when I got out to go to work a lady was starring at me like I was Tom Brady. I think she heard me. Felt like a king.
Hot take: atoms aren’t real. You atompilled yet?
Someone’s been listening to E Michael Jones.
There’s something quarky about this take…
Quarks are fake.
Democracy=jewish power
Holocaust=loss of jewish power
F. Ex. “Don’t you know that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east?”
“Threats to our democracy are the first steps toward another holocaust.”
In unrelated news to the White air force purge, jet fighter crashes up 1488%.
Akshuully, military helicopter crashes, particularly Blackhawks, are increasing for some reason.
Two reasons: 1) the designs are shittier and shittier and more complicated due to defense contractor crony bloat and 2) increasing dieversity.
We took an oath to defend the mulatto studfarm.
Nate Higgers
It’s happening!!! 😊😊😊
Vegetable oil will help get super glue off your fingertips, if you don’t want to rub powerful solvents into your skin.
Molecules are fake.
Titebond III is the best wood glue, fite meh
Project Farm / You Tube.
We’re gonna test that
PL Premium poly glue is way better than PL foh hunnit. That shit is for subfloors over joists
If they was truly proud of they hair, they wouldn’t be using Gorilla Glue to straighten they hair. Be proud of your sheep hair ni99er.
Westernized blacks have always had a troubled relationship with their hair and every time they get politicized they make a big deal about it. But at the end of the day everyone knows the truth: aesthetics are universal and white hair just looks better.
White hair is a giant middle finger to the other races.
Black History Glue.
Gorilla tape is the bees knees.
It is genuinely better than all other brands of duct tape.
Gorilla Glue is FOR Gorillas so…..
She actually has grounds for a lawsuit, it was marketed directly at her.
Long time no see. I guess you were unbanned.
Did it to try to hop in on the potential lawsuit.
I’ve only seen the first three Star Wars movies. None of the sequels.
Gorilla cup: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9250395/Mans-Gorilla-Glue-Challenge-attempt-ends-ER-cup-stuck-face.html
my sides
Bugmen are never based. It’s like the tribal part of their brain is missing. Imagine them in the time of Hannibal. Seeing those fucking elephants Hannibal brought over the Alps yo kill and enslave all Romans doing the gaping mouth bit.
Shit. I was listening to fucking FTN while the live show was going on. I lost out of an hour of liveness novelty.
Did that actress even say anything about Whites? Or just conservatives? I’m not impressed with someone standing up for conservatives. That says nothing.
Jazz and Jesse could also be called Hans and Sven.
Didn’t Tim Allen say the same stuff during 2015/2016?
You’re missing the shot here on Gina! Soyboys, real Rich Evans tier soyboys are asking the important question! Why CAN’T we talk about the hall of cost?
Adderall is the principled snort
What do you guys think the vaccine is?
I half think it’s a placcebo or something.
bill gates microchips with GPS for satellite gang stalking and spacex microwave torture when you say the n word, think about jews, or stop buying ammuzin broduct
True story. I had covid for 4 days. I was sleepy, I had a slight cough, and I had body aches, and that was it. I’ve had worse colds in my life. I never took any medication or anything I just laid around and played video games and watched TDS.
Too bad all this information is coming from a guy calling from a submarine.
Listening to the piece on Lindbergh… great guy, great work FTN. His statue was already removed several years back from the San Diego Airport (formerly “Charles Lindberg Field”). I wanted to put out an “every single time”-styled article from a New York sewer creature regarding Lucky Lindy (ignoring the association with the Jud Trump) https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/11/charles-lindbergh-is-a-cautionary-tale-for-republicans.html.
One of them was in The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift, playing a high schooler when he was like 30.
Right before 9/11 was the Gary Condit/Chandra (((Levy))) scandal too.
You MacNabb should jump in and make this a 5 hour segment.
I remember watching Rush Limbaugh show on tv late at night around Clinton presidency as a child.
Shalom my fellow kippah wearing pagans!
Best scene “Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor”
Aaaand doctor.
Nerve damage
Sven: Here’s a picture of Mitt Romney running from capitol and he looks like a the biggest queer on earth
Ahem the quote is “Senator, don’t piss down my back and tell me that it’s raining”. From the Outlaw Jose Wales
I’m up past my bedtime.
It’s Nancy Grace
Nancy grace
Nancy Grace is who Sven is thinking about.
Nancy grace
We need Potato Smasher and Alex to do a call in show about cars, call it Mick & Mac the Car Talk Guys.
My starship is a 68 Nova with a light drive engine, and the comm link is locked to TRS Radio.
I know your coal is still burning!
I once sang the TOTO cover of Africa (when we waz kangs) at the top of my lungs in bumper to bumper traffic and when I got out to go to work a lady was starring at me like I was Tom Brady. I think she heard me. Felt like a king.
Africa 2018 is my ringtone
That was a fine episode, regardless of paywall status. Imagine being a free fag tho…
COC cover “Press G on these J’s” is the most underrated song.
Got played twice!!! Thanks!
The thing that should not be. Love this.
Zero days! I just gonna post every song cause I love them all.
A condo in boca. Oldie but a goodie.
That feel when your grandson is a dog.
My personal favorite.
Hart/Celler ’65 yeah! Wow! So good. So fresh and so clean!
I have been thinking about Jews! Shut it down!
I always sing Sven’s lime light when I am in my car when Rush version plays. Boomer rock never dies, it just gets more racist!
The best NSFW music on the internet
Sven’s back catalogue is excellent
Feels bad that Jesse feels he is above parody songs. DARK TIMES.
Jazz Jessins will be fire tonight.
The rejoicing will be hot and heavy and begin almost right away.
I am gay
Don’t be gay.
He needs some Milk!
*Jazz and Jassy