Strike and Mike talk about the FBI shooting in Florida, the FBI being filled with bugmen and LGBTQ activists, what really scares Jews about the Gamestop phenomenon and why Trump lost the election, according to his own campaign.
Get behind the paywall to access the show!
- Two FBI agents shot dead in Florida, what is the real story?
- Have you seen these bug Feds? Ricky Vaughn and the politicized, LGBTQ FBI
- Who runs Wall Street? 80% of top hedge fund managers are Jewish
- Gamestop: Jim Cramer explains how Jewish hedge funds rig the economy
- Gentile solidarity is why Jews are shook about Gamestop
- Internal Trump 2020 campaign autopsy says losing White votes cost Trump the election
Theme music: "Witchburner" by Storm King
Melvin Milk’em… 😀
Is there a mirror of the Cramer video?
An important issue that Striker and Mike both didn’t touch on (and relevant to every industry question of Jewish power – i.e. White House staff/Cabinet, production studios, academia, hedge funds etc.) is what percentage of the non-Jews in question are married to a Jew – especially when the non-Jew is a man and the spouse is a woman, given divorce/marriage laws. In that situation, non-Jew hedge fund guy or non-Jew Professor guy or DA non-Jew guy, but, married to a Jewish woman, is a guy we would have to ask the question ‘Does he really, actually, truthfully and fully control… Read more »
I hope they see this great comment.
Great point! The percentage of Jews/those married to Jews/children and/or grandkids who are married to or are Jews is basically 100%, most likely.
And yeah, a guy I know who totally isn’t me is from a part of the Balkans that had the exact same experience with Turks, Janissaries (who were of course taken without their consent as children, but nonetheless are traitors for their brutality) and that guy who I know agrees completely.
Ultra red pilling and reaffirming episode, even after 4 beers it sobered me up! It’s all come full circle to gamergate!
Re: Jim Cramer comments at 1:46. I trade futures, currency futures mostly, and I can tell you that this is the status quo. Banks are the biggest whales and they get their trading money from the retail traders, smallish accounts who have not figured out how banks trade. When a retail trader places a buy, he usually puts a stop a distance away from the support zone of that buy. All banks know this and drive the price beyond the support zone and into the reservoir of liquidity which are the retail stop locations below the buy price. This is… Read more »
Glenn Greenwald, a gay Jew “married” to a Brazilian leftist with black adopted kids, is a better Nazi and better for America and Brazil than Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro. If you got a problem with me writing that, your getting Finked.
Newsmax is the fermenting apple cores tied up in a trash bag beneath the trash liner is cell block 4.
How does one get their hands on a t shirt?
That was a great Morrakiu but around 1:45.
Allow me to don my tinfoil klan hood for a moment. Someone high up could benefit by tipping off a criminal with a violent profile to martyr and lionize a low level jewish female agent while also presenting the FBI as a criminal enforcement agency, downplaying the agency’s role as a political enforcement arm.
That sounds like an insane conspiracy theory.
Which means it’s probably true.
The Wikipedia article on Jim Cramer talking about that ‘admission of market manipulation’ (literal section title on Wikipedia’) plays it down SO hard. Says everything he did was legal, and that only other hedge funds do this blah blah blah. Meanwhile the section title implies he committed a crime. Reminds me of the twist ending of American Psycho where you learn that Bateman cannot get in trouble for his murders because all those Wall Street dudes look the same and have power. Admit to a GIANT crime in an interview, so controversial that it takes up a few paragraphs on… Read more »
No dox here, hedge fund acquired a company I worked with for nearly a decade. Prided ourselves on delivering top notch service. And it showed! Well oiled machine that really kicked ass in our field. Hedge fund comes in, let’s me go which pissed off 90% of the company. People left over the dumb move. I moved on from there and now working somewhere where I am the customer. Everyone that is left is miserable, and the service is absolute dogshit. This shit is fucking illegal since it goes against fiduciary whatever but there is no institional will to enforce… Read more »
This is what a JEWISH society looks like!
Dave Portnoy looks like a jacked Mark Zuckerberg
Mike pronounces “Kabuki” the actual Japanese way… Confirmed honorary?
I actually agree with the Reagan Thatcher idea of workers having an investment stake in society. The left when they privatized British Telecom and other companies would claim nobody would even want stock but millions of people bought. I like this view of society. After privatization the number of people invested in stocks in Britain went way up. Let’s be honest, those generous pensions and benefits simply couldn’t go on forever. However, it should be managed fairly so the average person can reap the benefits of financial trickery themselves. My idea is to give a secondary UBI called Universal Basic… Read more »
Great show! Yeah what they were saying about this stock analyst going all these traitors to get a life or quit playing with their phones all day, the local Jews in my radio stations have been doing that for years 2 people who are concerned about the immigration issue, it’s always get a life, get a girlfriend, get a hobby, maybe you’re just a loser and you’re jealous, they’ve been using a strategy for decades to discredit people on a personal level for their political views.
Lyndon La Rouche started out as a fringe “left-wing” figure who organised baseball-bat wielding groups to disrupt other genuine left-wing groups – see “Operation Mop Up”
FWIW, my best friend lived in the very same development in Sunrise until a couple years ago. It certainly was pretty nice but I wouldn’t call it wealthy. My buddy definitely wasn’t.
Gordon Gekko’s “Greed is good” speech was inspired by Ivan Boesky’s speech at the University of California’s commencement ceremony in 1986. Boesky was a Wall Street arbitrageur who paid a $100 million penalty to the SEC later that year to settle insider trading charges. In his speech, Boesky said “Greed is all right, by the way. I want you to know that. I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself.” Originally, the lead character was a young Jewish broker named Freddie Goldsmith, but Oliver Stone changed it to Bud Fox to avoid the… Read more »
Here’s MY version of the famous part of Gekko’s speech:
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that RACISM, for lack of a better word, is good. RACISM is right, RACISM works. RACISM clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. RACISM, in all of its forms; RACISM in life, in money, in love, in knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And RACISM, you mark my words will save this malfunctioning corporation called the USA.
The Northern Virginia Regional Gang Task Force (NVRGTF) announced it would stop using the GangNet database that catalogs thousands of gang members in the DC Metropolitan area after activists complained it had a disproportionate number of minorities entered into it.
It’s the first law enforcement entity in the area to stop using GangNet, which is a database that helps authorities track and investigate gang members and gang activities in the region
We truly live in Bizarro World.
The same thing happened in Minneapolis about a decade ago. In the 90’s we had a huge murder rate, along with other violent crimes, and a gang task force was formed. It drove down gang related, general violent crime, and property crime significantly. To the point neighborhoods even my parents had always remembered as ni double grr infested shitholes were being revitalized with Whites, even with families. Then there were the raycism charges, and accusations of corruption etc etc. The metro task force was disbanded and almost immediately the bad old days came back, but with wealthier victims to pick… Read more »
Ever seen that show Portnoy does where he reviews pizza and acts like a parody of a Boston Italian? I always just thought he was a Guniea. Then I heard him make a really nasty comment about some Jews walking by in one of the videos and thought ‘Well the only people who can make comments like that in America and not get destroyed are Jews’ and sure enough Early Life didn’t disappoint. Also he grew up in a super Jewish and wealthy suburb of Massachusetts. His whole career is just shape-shifting and deceit and with the Gamestop shit it’s… Read more »
What are the shots on future Roblox DDOSes? I heard the Antifa-Minority Coalition is doing great, so is that irrelevant Finnish hacker forum, but what can the average player do?
I believe the mp3 is mono (?). At least it is for me (I always listen to TRS on my mp3 player). I’m converting in Audacity right now to stereo, but just a heads up to S&M if that was a mistake on their end during this recording (I’d post the converted audio via link, but I think this is a Paywall show so I’d be giving content for free).
Trump said he would build a wall and the mfer built wall street.
Say a prayer for Mr. Bond. F
Thank goodness he lives in (((democratic))) Austria and NOT National Socialist Gross Deutschland or he’d be in REAL trouble!
F I love all his work. I never knew there was any beef in the past. All the drama I did know about years ago all seems so silly now. We are all in this together
I found an old hard drive with a bunch of movies on it. Watched Die Hard with a vengence.
Such a sick movie. Old school Bruce Willis is great. One thing I noticed, is that Samuel L Jackson’s character is such a racist cunt. Even McClean calls him a racist. It’s great.
When you browse normie memes, it’s amazing how many are TRS created yet these people have no idea. I hope the meme fact checkers will tell people: THIS RACIST EVIL MEME PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE THERIGHTSTUFF.BIZ.
Our ideas are naturally more popular. That’s what scares the Jewish elite. They construct elaborate glass castles in the sky. Nazis crack jokes, everyone laughs, and the castles turn to dust and evaporate into thin air.
Mike & Strike
Going back and forth between this and a shill thread on the ole’ 4chan. Spergs mad.
You should put merch links in the show posts, I cant seem to find it on any of the sites. Cheers
Shirts are on
Evan Rachel Wood’s whole brand is being the edgy bi sex fiend. So I’m not going to get too upset about a decades-stale MeToo.
just fyi: Augustus Invictus is back, and Cultured Thug recently had a group chat on Third Way Radio youtube channel where he discusses a party platform in a similar vein to NJPs platform release.
Alliances must be forged. Also a reminder that Kevin Alfred Strom has been keeping American Dissident Voices alive and well and The National Alliance is still around. We have huge numbers we don’t even realize yet
“Kevin Alfred Strom”
I was wondering just last week what the status on Augustus was, I’ll have to check that out
Lets Goooo!!!
Listen to Strike and Mike.
How can people look at James Comey and Peter Strzok and not think the FBI is a profoundly evil institution?
Have you ever seen the NPC meme?
How could you say that about me goy?
No way this guy was a based boomer, they would be shouting it from the rooftops. Our brave federal agents slain by the eebil nazi terrorists that we have been warning you bad goyim about for years now? The ones that invaded our pristine capitol, with the clear intent to crucify pocahontas warren in the rotunda?
The FBI telling the truth. Novel take.
Mein strike!
Mein Mike!
Mein Reich!
Mein Ranch!
Mein comf(y)
ahhhhh back to the 3 plus hour format, excellent…
Das rite 👑
I won’t be totally satisfied until they’re back to 4 hours!
lol im actually with you 100% but i didnt wanna be too negative lol. i trust that’ll inevitably happen
Strike makes Mike!
Got my Strike and Moike shirts in the mail today! They look great and are very comfy
Still waiting.
Hope it comes soon man it’s a nice nice shirt I can feel my clout rising as I type this
I ordered a size up because Moike said they shrink. How’s the fit?
I haven’t washed it yet but it fits pretty well comfy not too tight
niiiiiiice… looking fwd to my delivery
tight shirts, tight shots
Still waiting on my delivery (tfw yuropoor)
That hoodie on the site looks sick though, think I might order one when my shirts arrive
Hail Strike
Hail Mike
Hail Tam
Hail Victory
People are going to love this.
I’m people
Shit, I thought it was funny.
I like it man
I thought it was cancelled? Sweet.
Striker just returning to his normal working hours of 9-5
Pm and am respectively of course
F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5 It broke through! Finally! We made it F5 Gang
Hahaha, take that D’Marcus, not cancelled this time!