Mike, Alex, Striker, Ahab and Alan get together to do a visceral reaction stream to the January 6th DC uprising. (Audio is not great at first, it clears up after about a half hour.)
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January 7, 2021 1:52 pm
Now is probably good time as you say, talking and take advantage of the dissatisfaction of the Trump supporters. I wish our brother and sister on the other side of the pond a good luck with the kampf and hopefully this is the beginning for real change!
January 7, 2021 12:30 pm
I was totally on the side of “defund the police” from the beginning. I’ve known for decades that the cops only defend criminals. Whether those criminals are on the street in the corporate boardrooms or in the halls of government. The cops are NOT, and never have been, OUR friends!
Last edited 4 years ago by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
January 7, 2021 12:04 pm
Take a CLOSER LOOK! Look who’s REALLY behind the uprising yesterday…..
I met a guy from Hong Kong, while on vacation in Thailand two years ago. He immediately told me that Jews run America. I was impressed, but dismayed that everybody in Asia knows it, but nobody on America seems to… America has no prestige abroad.
“Internet, power stations, airports. The grid, basically. Thats what you take.”
Short of a Soviet-style social collapse in which the military takes OUR side(and how could they considering how gay and racially diverse they are) we’re not taking jack-shit!
Yeah man. See, you’ve got the right mindset. What happened yesterday is feeling more and more like an op to me. Look at mainstream news btw. Trumpians have put a target on their back.
No power was actually seized. It’s amazing how naive Americans are, even in our circles. It’s amazing. I think if you come from a conservative background, every comment you make should start with 5 thumbs down. Because that would balance things out better idk. Because people who come from a Libertarian background especially have REALLY BAD INSTINCTS.
“It’s amazing how naive Americans are, even in our circles.”
And then follows up with claiming having a conservative background is worst than any other alternative. Congrats, you used to be a libtard and still haven’t lost that arrogance of feeling morally superior.
This shit’s retarded to debate in general and serves zero purpose but to cause division.
I listened to about 30 minutes of this making some burgers. Any way an mp3 download can be made avalaible? That’s how I usually consume TRS content. Good job for doing the livestream after the unfolding events of the day in the Capital. That was a historic event.
I’ll say this for a leaderless movement: you can’t gayop and bribe their leadership.
Honk Hogan
January 6, 2021 10:45 pm
Extra content is appreciated. The GOP will burn for this, thank goodness. If only the boomers would’ve dropped a couple burning Blormph flags on their way through the building like their blegh heroes.
January 6, 2021 9:48 pm
please don’t take this down. This is great listening so far.
1) If the thought that this incident will spur a new continuous debate has any merit, then Our guys are gonna have to be out there in a 2nd meme war that materializes in the flesh and blood.
2) The flags carried into the storm and the ones burned are reminiscent of lolbertarian priors and We CANNOT allow these people to be lulled back into another kosher Tea Bagger Individualism, Ancap movement.
Trump Era = the Kosher Chimp Out
Biden Era = the Woke White Out
January 6, 2021 9:22 pm
Thanks, this was really needed. I’m sure friday’s episode is going to feel like the first episode after charlottesville. Stay safe guys and the fuck away from protests.
Loved hearing Alan and Warren on the same call. They sound so similar! I hope you guys upload the mp3 later for those who missed it. I had to dip out at one point to deal with a possum, so it’d be good to go back and get the bits I was absent for.
I knew a person who loved it and watched it like 10 times. It was a 55 year old boomer. Ive never heard it talked about by a younger person.
Racism Man
January 6, 2021 7:58 pm
My buddy in the Old Guard (US Army Infantry division that defends the capital) told me his unit had a discussion and concluded that if they get orders from an NSA agent it’s uno reverso
Anne's Ghostwriter
January 6, 2021 7:50 pm
Thank you, Mike, Alex, Erik, Warren, and Mr. Balogh for addressing today’s events on this historic day.
Now, we get to listen to James’ and McFeels’ hot takes. 😀
My guess is this Trump supporter would have shit all over us!
I bet she thought James Fields was a demon who got let off easy because he wasn’t executed! And I’m basing this on as much info as you are!
“Boo hoo hoo! Spam is contradicting my pathetic cope!”
Last edited 4 years ago by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
January 6, 2021 7:31 pm
The video of the shooting is absolutely disgusting. People will see this and become incredibly angry, I wouldn’t count on this being the last white chimpout in 2021
January 6, 2021 7:30 pm
The woman shot in the neck by the ZOG pigs has died. Rest in Peace, beautiful woman.
Yea this reminds me of Striker’s take back at the start of the George Floyd protests last year. Which is that ZOG is not as strong as they appear to be.
Logical Methodical
January 6, 2021 7:28 pm
Trump supporters go after the government and media. BLM goes after general society. It seems both sides have appropriately recognized their actual enemies.
Now is probably good time as you say, talking and take advantage of the dissatisfaction of the Trump supporters. I wish our brother and sister on the other side of the pond a good luck with the kampf and hopefully this is the beginning for real change!
I was totally on the side of “defund the police” from the beginning. I’ve known for decades that the cops only defend criminals. Whether those criminals are on the street in the corporate boardrooms or in the halls of government. The cops are NOT, and never have been, OUR friends!
Take a CLOSER LOOK! Look who’s REALLY behind the uprising yesterday…..
I met a guy from Hong Kong, while on vacation in Thailand two years ago. He immediately told me that Jews run America. I was impressed, but dismayed that everybody in Asia knows it, but nobody on America seems to… America has no prestige abroad.
A conquered country SHOULDN’T have prestige!
Oy Vey!! our dildocracy!!
Crap Lousy security! look at these man animals. DO THEY WANT LUNCH?
The more time passes, the more this feels like a gay op. This is fucked up. Look at what the mainstream media is saying. It’s fucking BAD!
“the more this feels like a gay op.”
Go with the feeling.
Now they can talk about the White riot.
Dude, turn on the news. Look what they’re saying!
I am. That’s why I posted the comment I posted. It’s all a gigantic set-up.
What was accomplished? They stormed a symbolic building. It was brave. But this didn’t do anything. The military budget this year is $773 billion.
In a Neo-Liberal society power is EXTREMELY decentralized.
Did it moralize us and demoralize our enemies? It feels like “yes,” heartbreaking though the murder of yet another innocent White woman is.
“Did it moralize us and demoralize our enemies? It feels like “yes,” “
Internet, power stations, airports. The grid, basically. Thats what you take.
“Internet, power stations, airports. The grid, basically. Thats what you take.”
Short of a Soviet-style social collapse in which the military takes OUR side(and how could they considering how gay and racially diverse they are) we’re not taking jack-shit!
Exactly. Exactly.
Yeah man. See, you’ve got the right mindset. What happened yesterday is feeling more and more like an op to me. Look at mainstream news btw. Trumpians have put a target on their back.
“It was brave.”
It was a gay-op. No bravery involved.
The FBI disapproves.
No power was actually seized. It’s amazing how naive Americans are, even in our circles. It’s amazing. I think if you come from a conservative background, every comment you make should start with 5 thumbs down. Because that would balance things out better idk. Because people who come from a Libertarian background especially have REALLY BAD INSTINCTS.
100% right.
And whoever down-voted the General’s comment is doing ZOG’s work for them!
ZOG thanks you for your service.
“It’s amazing how naive Americans are, even in our circles.”
And then follows up with claiming having a conservative background is worst than any other alternative. Congrats, you used to be a libtard and still haven’t lost that arrogance of feeling morally superior.
This shit’s retarded to debate in general and serves zero purpose but to cause division.
“claiming having a conservative background ”
What did they ever accomplish except giving aid to the enemy?
That’s not an answer!
Go ahead and keep arguing dude. Just showing the immaturity of your priors.
STILL not answering my question, “dude”!
Slamer sounds like a smart man.
I listened to about 30 minutes of this making some burgers. Any way an mp3 download can be made avalaible? That’s how I usually consume TRS content. Good job for doing the livestream after the unfolding events of the day in the Capital. That was a historic event.
Download is hidden in the share options
Thanks, goy.
“the January 6th DC uprising.”
Or as I like to call it the Gay-op Supreme!
The GOP just needs more homos and blacks to vote 2020 GOP strategy! We just need more Jews to make it happen!
Or more women who’re willing to get shot in the neck.
Hey, it’s not MY fault you’re pussies.
Wholly SHIT!
It’s an NJP convention!
Loads of content today. This makes me a happy goy
So many people calling for the magapede revolution cut and ran….And are now saying the whole thing was an antifa setup.
The bar-fight analogy has never been more true.
You mean like THIS:
Senator Kelly Loeffler drops her objection to the electoral count (msn.com)
I’ll say this for a leaderless movement: you can’t gayop and bribe their leadership.
Extra content is appreciated. The GOP will burn for this, thank goodness. If only the boomers would’ve dropped a couple burning Blormph flags on their way through the building like their blegh heroes.
please don’t take this down. This is great listening so far.
Agree and AMPLIFY!
2 points made I’d like to emphasize further
1) If the thought that this incident will spur a new continuous debate has any merit, then Our guys are gonna have to be out there in a 2nd meme war that materializes in the flesh and blood.
2) The flags carried into the storm and the ones burned are reminiscent of lolbertarian priors and We CANNOT allow these people to be lulled back into another kosher Tea Bagger Individualism, Ancap movement.
Trump Era = the Kosher Chimp Out
Biden Era = the Woke White Out
Thanks, this was really needed. I’m sure friday’s episode is going to feel like the first episode after charlottesville. Stay safe guys and the fuck away from protests.
” I’m sure friday’s episode is going to feel like the first episode after charlottesville.”
LOL! No it won’t!
Thank you for the additional content and analysis of the goings on in DC.
NJP needs to make an official statement about this in the next couple of days.
Wow, they should like, pay you a consulting fee
Sorry, I realised what I did right after I posted that. NJP can do what they want.
Fuck that. NJP yields to the Dicates of the Commentariat!
Welp, there’s another sarcasm detector blown to hell. Thanks a lot Sven.
I don’t care what ANYONE says that post was mildly amusing!
VERY mildly!
“NJP retracts statement out of contempt for its followers”
Yes. I download & show to the normies with a link to the site
Audio gets better at 33:30
Oh thank god, I guess Mike’s jaw finally got tired from blowing his mic.
Is there gonna be an MP3?
If you hit the share button there is a download link my nnnnnnnguuyyyyy
Is it jazz & jesse now?
That’s on Thors day.
Loved hearing Alan and Warren on the same call. They sound so similar! I hope you guys upload the mp3 later for those who missed it. I had to dip out at one point to deal with a possum, so it’d be good to go back and get the bits I was absent for.
If you hit the share button you can download the mp3 from there
By “deal with” you mean “cook”, right?
We don’t eat those things, no. It was just banging around on the roof.
What the fuck is wrong with possum stew?
You eat Escargot or something???
And here we go with the media saying “the peaceful BLM protest vs the neocon/nazi riots on Capitol Hill”
Knock me over with a feather.
Noble Savage Movies, with CGI ecological allegory, and McDonalds Happy Meal promotions.
The Trinity of James Cameron Boomer Liberalism
Avatar is really the quintessential boomer film
I like the alien pterodactyls.
I knew a person who loved it and watched it like 10 times. It was a 55 year old boomer. Ive never heard it talked about by a younger person.
My buddy in the Old Guard (US Army Infantry division that defends the capital) told me his unit had a discussion and concluded that if they get orders from an NSA agent it’s uno reverso
Thank you, Mike, Alex, Erik, Warren, and Mr. Balogh for addressing today’s events on this historic day.
Now, we get to listen to James’ and McFeels’ hot takes. 😀
I hope Jazz and James waited to record FTN
I wonder if they had to scratch the episode and re-record
This is what i was thinking, unless they just roll into it and keep on going
Get ready for three hours of taking down William Howard Taft!
Uh like hey bud mmmbig Taft not on the docket today nnnnguy
“Uh like hey bud mmmbig Taft not on the docket today nnnnguy”
Especially not before Leon Degrelle! Right mmmbud???
Yes we did. Halfway done. Will release in the next 2 hours.
F5’n intensifies
This is what I’ve been saying forever, what the based boomer is saying right now, we need to focus on the jew. Racial stuff comes second.
Trump is unworthy of his people, let that be the phrase that defines his reign until the end of time.
“NAZIs” is trending on twitter and it’s all libtards fedposting about us.
This gay “country”!
How many blacks got shot by police for rioting last year? “You can’t kill people to protect property.” I guess that doesn’t apply to Whites.
The capitol is OUR property too….
LOL! No it ISN’T!
PLEASE try to face REALITY!
Melania Trump has resigned. PENCE giving orders
Can I humbly request this be available for free? This is fantastic content and people need to hear this my brothers
Agree and Amplify
Hey! I was gonna say that!
News is reporting Pence is currently giving orders!!! There was a coup afterall
I’m fucking boiling mad right now.
They killed one of our people.
Not a NatSoc person, but a good white person.
“but a good white person.”
How the fuck do you know that?!
My guess is this Trump supporter would have shit all over us!
I bet she thought James Fields was a demon who got let off easy because he wasn’t executed! And I’m basing this on as much info as you are!
“Boo hoo hoo! Spam is contradicting my pathetic cope!”
The video of the shooting is absolutely disgusting. People will see this and become incredibly angry, I wouldn’t count on this being the last white chimpout in 2021
The woman shot in the neck by the ZOG pigs has died. Rest in Peace, beautiful woman.
She was a chump for Trump and got shot down like a dog. Too bad she had to die for her allies to learn a lesson.
Truth hurts, you bitches!
Which I doubt they’ll fuckin’ learn!
Quit fantasizing!
Yea this reminds me of Striker’s take back at the start of the George Floyd protests last year. Which is that ZOG is not as strong as they appear to be.
Trump supporters go after the government and media. BLM goes after general society. It seems both sides have appropriately recognized their actual enemies.
What time Eastern time did this stream start?
Around 6pm
After Trump finished his speech and around the time Erik appeared on Mark’s show. 14:00 EST?
No, it was later than 2pm, It started at or around 530pm est
Those four hours went fast.
Was just gonna post that lol
Remember, these are NOT conservatives. They are Q-people and Trumpists
And look what that did for them.
will this be available for downloadin
MYG, dad (my contemporary) sounds just like his son! Love this guy!
Thinking of that girl is making me rage so hard.
I wonder what she would think of internet Nazis like us?
Zog-simps are working overtime today!
Howdy Mr. Ahab Sr.