The anticipation is killing me. Don’t do this to me Mike. I have very high time preference. I wanna know NOW!
December 31, 2020 2:36 pm
Trump is going to lose? How do you know that? It’s not January 6th yet. Do you know what’s gonna happen on Januaey 6th!? CAN YOU EVEN FATHOM what is GOING to happen!!?
Does anyone know what’s actually gonna happen though? Cause i don’t know. I just know it’s gonna be BIG.
That Wonder Woman 1984 was Dan Crenshaw Spy short film tier cringe. The campy factor was too much and rendered it unwatchable.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
December 30, 2020 12:32 pm
So much gondend to gonsoom! Still catching up on last week’s. Finally getting value for my 6 million shekels a month.
December 30, 2020 12:30 pm
14 Hatey Hate
Last edited 4 years ago by Groidzilla
Data 1488
December 30, 2020 12:21 pm
Adam Green did an Excellent video explaining Trump’s Section 230 Shot and (((who’s))) pushing it’s repeal and (((why)))? Apparently some sue happy tribesmen want to sue “anti-semitism” aka “anti-israelism” out of existence. Trump is under pressure from Chabad-Lub’s group to repeal Section 230. So every (((patriot))) pushing for 230’s repeal is doing so because of (((reasons))) the right wing really are freaking retards, they don’t even know why their party pushes anything. Up to the repealing of the First Amendment of their beloved Bill of Rights and Constitution. Good morning F5 Gang. Feeling personally a little lost now that… Read more »
Last edited 4 years ago by Data 1488
Velocirapture 🇵🇸 🔻
December 30, 2020 12:05 pm
Friend of the shoah, Jim Goad, has left Taki’s Mag and has gone full GTKRWN over at Counter Currents.
I feel bad the Christmas gift I sent you didn’t get there in time. The post office said it would be there on the 18th, but I guess they didn’t specify which month they meant
Yes. From what I understand having in-jokes and fifteen minutes of irrelevant banter to start the show makes it impossible for anyone to ever get into listening to TDS.
The anticipation is killing me. Don’t do this to me Mike. I have very high time preference. I wanna know NOW!
Trump is going to lose? How do you know that? It’s not January 6th yet. Do you know what’s gonna happen on Januaey 6th!? CAN YOU EVEN FATHOM what is GOING to happen!!?
Does anyone know what’s actually gonna happen though? Cause i don’t know. I just know it’s gonna be BIG.
Shit magnet???
Wasn’t that a book by Jim Goad?
I had a small bowl of grits with my breakfast this morning. De-lish!
The trump train was really a trump school bus. The first on were the first off. Last on, last off.
I think now it has become the short bus!
Fuck! I was just about to type a short bus joke and Boom! Got cucked!
I am very quickly becoming a admirer of Belle Delphine’s tactical ability.
Getting that White woman J woke as much as possible I believe could only help /us/.
More like Belle and less like beta cuck christians who simp for her is /our/ way forward. ⚡⚡
Isn’t she a yenta?
No. Tits are too small
Do you think the jignats will do their own Mueller probe like op to keep midwits invested in Washington DC product
“Washington DC product” – haha
That Wonder Woman 1984 was Dan Crenshaw Spy short film tier cringe. The campy factor was too much and rendered it unwatchable.
So much gondend to gonsoom! Still catching up on last week’s. Finally getting value for my 6 million shekels a month.
14 Hatey Hate
Adam Green did an Excellent video explaining Trump’s Section 230 Shot and (((who’s))) pushing it’s repeal and (((why)))? Apparently some sue happy tribesmen want to sue “anti-semitism” aka “anti-israelism” out of existence. Trump is under pressure from Chabad-Lub’s group to repeal Section 230. So every (((patriot))) pushing for 230’s repeal is doing so because of (((reasons))) the right wing really are freaking retards, they don’t even know why their party pushes anything. Up to the repealing of the First Amendment of their beloved Bill of Rights and Constitution. Good morning F5 Gang. Feeling personally a little lost now that… Read more »
Friend of the shoah, Jim Goad, has left Taki’s Mag and has gone full GTKRWN over at Counter Currents.
Greg won’t like that, he runs a respectable outfit there at CC 😉
Goad has been going after the optics-tards in the CC comments sections; it is glorious.
Uh oh, Sven is doing the really soft voice bit again, he only does that when he mad.
“China INC will recycle used white guys”. You can even pick your own flavor of European life;
thanks for last week’s content! =)
No problem, all part of the service.
I feel bad the Christmas gift I sent you didn’t get there in time. The post office said it would be there on the 18th, but I guess they didn’t specify which month they meant
many such cases
Glad to see I am not the only one with this problem. Hopefully my gifts arrive not too long after the Magi are due to arrive.
Gotta remember to scroll after the F5, fellas
The firsting guys tend to stay in this area.
Woah guy, an injoke? We just lost the entire working class demo.
Yes. From what I understand having in-jokes and fifteen minutes of irrelevant banter to start the show makes it impossible for anyone to ever get into listening to TDS.