A vote for or against White Supremacy. You know what to do.
December 14, 2020 11:28 pm
Have you guys ever tried Papa Murphy’s crustless pizza? The meat lovers is delicious and it’s low carb. I Would recommend it for our guys and gals. I’m thinking of making a home meat lovers crustless recipe.
Star Wars is Crap, but Mandalorian is something you can turn your brain off to and look at it outside of all that.
It’s mostly due to having relatively good actors and massive amounts of money for Effects, that basically makes it watchable.
December 14, 2020 12:59 pm
Anti-Asian racism doesn’t pack the same punch? Well people always talk about Hitler etc having a micropenis but you know who REALLY has the micropenis. Every Asian ever.
Vivaldi is good, I’ve been using it for a long time. After avoiding IE since, literally, its first version I’ve found the latest release of Edge to be really very good.
Last edited 4 years ago by You're a big man, but you're in bad shape...
The dwarf from the Witcher series? He’s a banker, don’t trust him.
December 14, 2020 12:06 pm
Hey TRS goys I don’t post much here; more of a Threema chat guy. In any case I was listening on the commute to work and noticed your comment about religious wars not happening in East Asia. You guys are right! This scholarly fellow wrote about this difference in the following Sociological Journal : https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1354066113506948 FUN FACT:(Asian guy wrote it last name KANG) ! Frankly, the abstract is a great blurb about how due to selection bias, religion is not used as a tool for war but moreso certain religions lend themselves to Monarchs/Emperors keeping their power and using THAT… Read more »
Except the long raging Hindu v Muslim irritations in north India, Buddhism v Muslim in Burma, Muslim v everyone else in Bali, Hindu v muslims in Ceylon. It may be that Japanese buddhists/Shinto developed in Japan to avoid Confucianism. Maybe this isn’t outright warfare, just irritations? Religion is a proxy for ethnic or other group though, isn’t it?
Muslims force Hindus and Buddhists to fight defensive religious wars; Hindus and Buddhists don’t naturally fight religious wars as such. There were warrior Buddhist monks who fought wars in Japan and China etc but they were fighting over secular political issues not over doctrine; they did not fight for a one exclusive truth that had to be imposed on everyone. Japanese can practice Shinto and Buddhism at the same time and it’s not a problem. Chinese can practice Confucianism, Daoism, and traditional Chinese folk religion at the same time and it’s not a problem. Even if these religions get mixed… Read more »
Exactly, this concept is common in all polytheistic religion, as well as the other Eastern religions that act more as philosophies. If you believe in multiple gods, then you aren’t going to deny the existence of your rivals gods. You might compare pantheons as a curiosity. However the urge to destroy your neighbor because they don’t follow your god is strictly monotheistic in nature. Even early monotheism, like Zoroastrianism, is against the idea of religious wars.
Yeah that is called “Abrahamics on jihad”, as the muslims are clearly the aggressor. The Hindus were happy to ignore them until they started being attacked.
December 14, 2020 11:53 am
I just noticed Sven’s retro FTN shirt and now I’m sad.
(Obligatory “Allsup is great.”)
December 14, 2020 11:47 am
I wish it would snow in Detroit. Makes the uh, local wildlife, easier to spot in the night.
December 14, 2020 11:34 am
4 Reich
John Gilbani
December 14, 2020 11:33 am
Use that feeze frame of Mike for the entire episode today.
Adolf Quisling
December 14, 2020 11:23 am
Sven’s guitar lives to see another day.
December 14, 2020 11:18 am
A vote for or against White Supremacy. You know what to do.
Have you guys ever tried Papa Murphy’s crustless pizza? The meat lovers is delicious and it’s low carb. I Would recommend it for our guys and gals. I’m thinking of making a home meat lovers crustless recipe.
“meaning into your life”
nazi-propaganda-01-1024×691.jpg (1024×691) (life.com)
What’s your name on Twitter?
“Is that why Asians are so good at math and shit?”
Sven go for laugh, no get.
As a guy with one eye, I appreciate the one eye Crenshaw jokes. Anyone who’s lost an eye, and can’t laugh about it is clearly really new to it.
I hope the you fucked up the other guy!
That alligator is sleeping with the fishes
Star Wars is Crap, but Mandalorian is something you can turn your brain off to and look at it outside of all that.
It’s mostly due to having relatively good actors and massive amounts of money for Effects, that basically makes it watchable.
Anti-Asian racism doesn’t pack the same punch? Well people always talk about Hitler etc having a micropenis but you know who REALLY has the micropenis. Every Asian ever.
Here’s how Trump can still win.
Like listen, I know its prediction number 9999 that didn’t come thru, but listen!!!
I feel like they just make predictions and never address older ones anymore, its come to the point of being totally cultish…
if you’re sick of bravic you should give vivaldi a try.
Vivaldi is good, I’ve been using it for a long time. After avoiding IE since, literally, its first version I’ve found the latest release of Edge to be really very good.
The dwarf from the Witcher series? He’s a banker, don’t trust him.
Hey TRS goys I don’t post much here; more of a Threema chat guy. In any case I was listening on the commute to work and noticed your comment about religious wars not happening in East Asia. You guys are right! This scholarly fellow wrote about this difference in the following Sociological Journal : https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1354066113506948 FUN FACT:(Asian guy wrote it last name KANG) ! Frankly, the abstract is a great blurb about how due to selection bias, religion is not used as a tool for war but moreso certain religions lend themselves to Monarchs/Emperors keeping their power and using THAT… Read more »
Except the long raging Hindu v Muslim irritations in north India, Buddhism v Muslim in Burma, Muslim v everyone else in Bali, Hindu v muslims in Ceylon. It may be that Japanese buddhists/Shinto developed in Japan to avoid Confucianism. Maybe this isn’t outright warfare, just irritations? Religion is a proxy for ethnic or other group though, isn’t it?
Muslims force Hindus and Buddhists to fight defensive religious wars; Hindus and Buddhists don’t naturally fight religious wars as such. There were warrior Buddhist monks who fought wars in Japan and China etc but they were fighting over secular political issues not over doctrine; they did not fight for a one exclusive truth that had to be imposed on everyone. Japanese can practice Shinto and Buddhism at the same time and it’s not a problem. Chinese can practice Confucianism, Daoism, and traditional Chinese folk religion at the same time and it’s not a problem. Even if these religions get mixed… Read more »
Exactly, this concept is common in all polytheistic religion, as well as the other Eastern religions that act more as philosophies. If you believe in multiple gods, then you aren’t going to deny the existence of your rivals gods. You might compare pantheons as a curiosity. However the urge to destroy your neighbor because they don’t follow your god is strictly monotheistic in nature. Even early monotheism, like Zoroastrianism, is against the idea of religious wars.
Yeah that is called “Abrahamics on jihad”, as the muslims are clearly the aggressor. The Hindus were happy to ignore them until they started being attacked.
I just noticed Sven’s retro FTN shirt and now I’m sad.
(Obligatory “Allsup is great.”)
I wish it would snow in Detroit. Makes the uh, local wildlife, easier to spot in the night.
4 Reich
Use that feeze frame of Mike for the entire episode today.
Sven’s guitar lives to see another day.