Jazznds and James examine dark money org Proclivity and its ghost candidate ops in majority-minority Hispanic districts in Florida, Obama's PR tour to cull the fringes while excoriating black and brown Evangelicals for straying from the shot, and the coming reckoning for White Evangelicals as they are linked to the ever-flexible definition of white supremacy. After the break, the nnnguys flood the ballast tanks and explore the life of Sammy Davis, Jr. and how his conversion to Judaism accelerated his career and ultimately cast him as the one-eyed Mullato Jew wrecking ball to destroy universally-favored endogamous marriage. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Flahridahr Finkery
00:14:00 - Coalition of the Ascendant Clapback
00:30:00 - White Dispensational Supremacy
01:15:00 - White BDS
01:40:00 - BREAK
01:43:00 - Mister Shabbos Business
02:00:00 - Anuddah Mezuzah Shoah
02:15:00 - Endogamy Wrecking Ball
02:30:00 - Inclusive Golem Touchstones
02:45:00 - Blaxit 1972
03:00:00 - Outro
Star of Davis jr. What a horrible person. Even worse than I thought actually.
I’d like a mashup of JH listing foods from the Koschertified commercial VS. the Borzoi soundclips of him saying “Collapse” “Lumpenprole” “Kaczynski”
“Cultural identity and solidarity for me, not for thee” seems to be the reoccuring theme over and over again. Ad infinitum
I Google imaged the muzuzahs they are very tacky looking. Definitely not something that adds to the asthetic
Wouldn’t it be amazing if that covid money goes to an israeli pharma company. No check for you goy instead we’ll buy these important vaccines you all need to inject yourselves with
I’m so black pilled it’s not even funny. Great show I guess, if a kick in the mental jimmy was what your looking for.
Sarcasm of course, Great show Goys! I learned enough to sound schizophrenic or autistic when I discuss this queer jogger with boomers. When ever I hear one of this jigaboos songs I will change the channel.
Norman Lear stuck Sammy Davis in an episode to verbally castrate Archie Bunker on racism
I HATE Glenn Beck! I’m glad he had to sell his jet! Fuck you Beck!
The Hispanics identifying as White are Castizos and I suspect for the Asians it is the Hapas. Not exactly what it would seem like from the podcast.
Castizos are White. Hapas not so much.
I get castizo and mestizo confused
Deep dive topic suggestion: Jewmas songs and what not. IE: Rudolph the jewdeer.
I think you guys could do this topic very well.
I wouldn’t call it a deep dive, but, Devon Stack critiqued it very well:
“why would they wanna look into literally every transaction?!”
It’s literally the mark of the Beast. You won’t buy or sell unless you “acknowledge the authority of” (gr.-proskuneo-worship) that 6 pointed, hexagonal, sextatriagonal, death starl! #deplatformed !
I just did an image search on Sammy Davis jr. His Swedish wife was a cute girl, and the children he had with her are every bit as beautiful as their father.
That’s a shame
“Albums for boomers.”
OK you KNOW what that reminded me of….
120 Music Masterpieces 1970s Album Commercial – YouTube
Middle Age European princes were very sympathetic to low interest rates which their serfs offset by paying much higher interest rates.
The capacitor-circuit board is a good analogy where the circuit board represents European Civilization.
We should use more electronics analogies to get people to understand the issue. For instance, the acquisition of wealth from those at the top to those at the bottom is like the voltage drop along a resistor in series circuit. And immigration is like the charge carriers in a field effect transistor.
So ol’ Sammy was ni99er rich.
Elvis Presley and jews.
Now THERE’S a deep dive waiting to happen!
I guess you can start HERE:
1935: It’s Elvis’s birthday and, yes, he was a Jew – Jewish World – Haaretz.com
“Cantor gives Davis a ‘mazouza’…” At that moment. I was VERY concerned about where this story might be going…thankfully…
The muzak stations at work all went to jooish “Christmas” consumerism except for the Motown channel the day after thanksgiving. I’m in hell during the periods when I can’t listen to content and drown it out.
For a Black, mo money means mo problems. For the rest of us it actually makes life easier, but for them it opens up the possibility of developing expensive drug habbits, living above the consequences, or so they think. Means they go from like 2 baby mamas to like 5 baby mamas.
“Anti-semite?? That’s COUNTER-semite to you, Shlomo!”
Anti-semite? I don’t hate Arabs.
How about Counter-judaic?
Tfw I thought this show was gonna be about Ali Alexander based on the graphic.
If the answer to 1984 is 1776 then the answer to the small hats is an even smaller mustache.
“Eddie Cantor”
Isidore Itzkowitz
When I was a kid Christmas lasted from the Sunday after Thanksgiving until December 30th.
Wasn’t one of Sammy’s eyes fucked up too?
Uh, yeah:
138cd10350298e880e6aeec49a7f5a49.png (500×600) (pinimg.com)
The dude in the center is (((Jeff Chandler))).
The dude on the left is (((Tony Curtis))).
Bernie Schwartz
Yeah, I know.
One eyed negro Jew
One eye on the white women other eye on the menorah
he had a glass eye
Great stuff about Sammy Davis Jr. I’m old enough to remember all these ppl, right down to Kim Novak, she was a beauty.
I always associated Novak to being a Jewish name
The Sammy Davis Jr. bit was enlightening. It takes a huge amount of willful ignorance for people to continue believing that post WW2 social changes were organic developments.
Everything I learn about this period confirms that literally everything is fake and ghey.
The furthest advance of German troops towards Moscow was yesterday December 5, 1941. After that they were just going backwards on a Jew highway. If the Holocaust wasn’t real, it should have been.
My grandparents enjoyed the rat pack, especially Frank and Dean. I, consequently, have also enjoyed Frank and Dean, and still do. I always tried to like Sammy Davis but he has a bit different style and I mostly liked Frank anyway so I never got really into him. These dives into musical appropriation really are some good nuggets imo.
Tomorrow is December 7th. Remember Pearl Harbor. Remember WW2. Remember that you goyim exist ONLY to serve the Jew. Oy vey!
The gibs bring out the wild in the dindu
Very excited to listen, as always.
The Ben Franklin deep dives were fantastic. My brother actually listened to, and enjoyed them. Couldn’t believe it. He wanted to hear the others so I sent the links. We shall see what happens!
Either way, THANKS DAWGS
“maybe not full, Soviet style, communism….”
Yeah, they want National Socialism!
“Undocumented workers in cages…”
Sounds good to me.
I think mailers are actually pretty important. Saw a ton from Tate Reeves at my friends grand parents house in MS. His competitor was a way better candidate but Tate Dweebs was firing off all those mailers to old people with his John Benette look in g wife, fat kids and golden retriever and he grades like “A real American candidate!” And shit on them.
Btw, you guys should do a deep dive on MS and the Barbour ConInc syndicate. People really don’t realize how fake and gay it all is down there.
I was always taught that since Jesus was a jew, that the anti-christ will likely be a jew, but Southern Baptists are a bit different from other denominations.
But they’re heading in the same direction as all the others.
Nate Higgers
The #1 reason I’m happy Trump is gone is because he doesn’t act like a White man. So he’s a bad Avatar for White people. Since 2015 I’ve seen him as sort of like the White Thomas Sowell but in reverse. Donald Trump ACTS like a black man. And that’s why blacks like him so much.
I want to mention a Twitter behavior I find problematic and get Jazzhands thoughts on it, because people who represent us are doing this. Serious question: Is calling everyone we don’t like a Jew a funny troll? Do people here realize that makes us look cringe and insane to 99% of people? I’m talking about totally unfounded claims. Or in one instance, someone who had a part Jew in their family 6 generations ago etc. I’m not impressed with that. And what does that kind of behavior, something I see all of Twitter amongst our guys, does that not disgrace… Read more »
I have not observed this behavior on Twitter, primarily because I’m not on Twitter. At absolute best, social media is a digital opioid designed to exacerbate bad tendencies. At worst, it’s a way to track and study human behavior in order to better strategize a means to counter it. In the absence of free speech protections, it’s probably best that people should eschew social media in favor of IRL connections. All of that said, if people are knowingly calling people Jewish who are not Jewish, that is mind numbingly stupid. In the same way Q Anon claiming every Gentile in… Read more »
Well I’m not going to say not to point out Jewish behavior even if its a goy. I out right label anything cynical or done in bad faith as ipso facto Jewish. I just clarify that it is the behavior that is Jewish
Yeah. That’s fine. I’m talking about literally, calling like Angela Merkel Jewish or something etc. Just unfounded shit. It’s cringe. It’s like, stfu. Or that person is a psyop. The worst is when someone’s SO STUPID they’re a psyop and don’t know it. I agree with Napoleon and Sven. As Napoleon said, never attribute to malice what stupidity could just as easily explain. I find it is MUCH more common unfortunately. That’s why I have to call it out.
that’s a positive feedback loop btw
It’s positive in the sense that it produces an increase in negative results. The negative feedback loop I’m referring to is the other side of the equation which reduces and/or completely eliminates the moral sense of duty to take action into one’s own hands and instead calls for faith in religious prophesies to remedy the increasing negative results.
I remember when Frank Sinatra died, and Larry Elder was on the AM talk radio show going on and on about how Sammy Davis Jr. was the the ‘greatest entertainer of all time’, and how much better he was than Sinatra. Disrespectful Nig-gar.
Sammy Davis Jr is god like to a wish he was white shabbos negroyim like Larry Elder.
Oh, no…Jazzhands and The Candyman find common ground!
Now I’d like to add five more points to NJP
German as a second language
Green energy but not gay
Retconning kosher views of history
I think we should make up our own Aryan symbol language.
Call it “Hyperboreic”
We call them runes
somali davis jr as i like to call him