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Rick Wiles of TRUNEWS: “We love the Jews but hate Zionism.” right on their official Twitter account
My religion is literally just being ‘pro white’
Christian influence has definitely declined, and therefore, as a Christian myself, I agree that ‘using Christianity as a political vehicle’ right now is imprudent. Mike mentioned that all attempts to do so ‘in recent history’ have failed. ‘Recent’ is just the point though. Whenever this discussion comes up, the not-so-recent history of Christianity seems to get ignored. European Christians weren’t historically cucked on race, nor were they philosemitic—just the opposite. But yes, they are now. Why? The reason why most Christians are ethnomasochists now, *and why Christian influence has ‘massively declined’*, is Jews. Jews seem to have made reducing the… Read more »
It would be nice if you jesus-huggers would stop telling us this bullshit about how christianity helped defend us against the jews as long as you go back long enough. Christianity was NEVER anti-jewish. Jesus was a jew as well as the twelve apostles. Not to mention the former christian-hunter paul. The difference back then was that christians were more racist IN SPITE of being christian. To claim that jews find christianity such a threat is ludicrous. Jews LOVE christian zionists! Jews LOVE MLK and his CHRISTIAN civil rights movement! Chrtistianity over it’s lifetime NEVER had ANY problem with jewish… Read more »
This is a good point. They aren’t against any sort of Jewish philosophy, they are against the fact that they call themselves Jews. Which means, Christians believe that they are duh reel jooz, and should have access to all the current privileges enjoyed by Jews. We already know that they think it’s justified to genocide other white people in the name of not accepting Jesus, or simply not recognizing them as reel jooz.
Did you not get love from your daddy as a kid?
“Did you not get love from your daddy as a kid?”
Yes I did. That’s why I don’t need JESUS to love me!
You are full of poisonous refuse and insane foolishness.–Martin Luther
You got nothing.
STILL got nothing!
You know less than does a log on the ground.–Martin Luther
You really ARE running out of the good quotes!
In the not so recent, all you have are examples of Christians kicking Jews out, and then letting them back in every 20 years for 2000 years.
Well Remember what Moike said about how Jews don’t fear antisemitism from other religions
White people always have to be shackled to some mental construct, some philosophical, political or religious whack-jobbery to keep them divided.
It’s painful and depressing to watch.
I think I just got black pilled on the njp… Not one of the white advocacy groups from Rockwell to propertarianism has been pro-christian. And Mike just sat there and said Christianity has failed in any of these groups to do anything for whites. The only successful white group in America has been the triple letter southerners. And considering their track record on senators and actually getting street Justice for the common man, they were pretty successful. obviously they will never going to win, because the South was an occupied Nation. Either way though, another James mason, Dr pierce, George… Read more »
Whites are done for.
“Whites are done for.”
Time for you to make Aliya.
The triple letters group killed with FBI agents?
“The only successful white group in America has been the triple letter southerners.”
That had NOTHING to do with their christianity.
” going around talking about whites without Jesus seems like we’re rehashing old fail shit.”
Because Rick Wiles seems like such a WINNER! Yeah, Sure, Right.
He’s not attempting to lead a white political revolution. I don’t care about him. Njp is and is disavowing Christianity at the same time far right young men are returning to Christianity and attempting to change it.
Can you point me to where NJP is disavowing Christianity? Specific quotes from party members. Are you just interpreting lack of explicit endorsement as disavowal?
“at the same time far right young men are returning to Christianity and attempting to change it.”
LOL! Citation PLEASE!
You must not have ever heard a Rockwell or Pierce speech.
In what regards? Neither are Christian men. Neither really accomplished shit.
“Neither really accomplished shit.”
Because they were opposed by anti-White forces that christians worked hand in hand with!
Part 2 is not loading.
Great points near the end by Mike and Alex. Our economy is literally planned by Jewish Bankers, which should be sobering to lolbergs who are turned off by the idea of Fascist directed economies.
My in-laws are super devout evangelicals. My mother-in-law actually forbade my wife and her sisters from having toy pigs, because when Jesus drove out demonic spirits from two men they possessed a heard of pigs and drowned themselves. She once asked me to leave her house because I had a New Jersey Blue Devils shirt on. When I asked them if I could have their daughters hand in marriage, her father said he would only give his permission to a Christian man, and he warned me of what would be waiting for my soul if I wouldn’t accept Christ as… Read more »
“Point is”
Jesus was aJEW! How did they reconcile THAT??? Oh that’s right you haven’t confronted them with that yet! You’re next assignment, should you decide to accept it, is to broach the subject of jesus being an ethnic jew and see how they respond LOL!!!
Spam, I never took you for such a sperg, bro. You need to calm down and have a beer or something. If a person is anti-Jewish and pro-white, but also Christian you’re telling me you would turn them away? If so, then you’re also a retard.
“Spam, I never took you for such a sperg, bro.You need to calm down… ”
I’m not anymore of a sperg than YOU are! You need to just STFU!
“If a person is anti-Jewish and pro-white, but also Christian you’re telling me you would turn them away?”
No, I’m telling you that christianity is bullshit and is at odds with our ideology and that you should just shut up about it!
“you’re also a retard.”
Clearly YOU are the retard here.
From your post on Prep in the Woods:
“so arguing with you is irrelevant.”
So now you can stop.
Rome is reborn is Moskva and it will last as a White Supercity for 1000 years! Listen! Hail Roma! Roma Invicta!!!!!!!!!!!!
You wanna know what people? Every race is jealous of the White Race! Because WE ARE HUMNAITY! EVERYTHING HUMANITY EVER ACCOMPLISHED EVER DID WAS US! USSSSS! US!! Only us! Europe is the pinacle of humanity!!!!! WE KNOW IT!!!!
The most Cuckold Religon in history is objectively Christianity. So FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK CHRISTIANITY! FUCK THEM!
“The most Cuckold Religon in history is objectively Christianity. ”
I’ve scanned this comment and can detect no lie.
Unfortunately I’ve also scanned the down-voters of the comment and
have detected a WHOLE BUNCH of homosexuality!
Apparently that’s all the christ cucks we have in these comments. Twelve. LOL!
Rick Wiles doesnt speak for the entire Christian religion, past or present. The fact that he is a Boomer makes this whole fiasco make sense.
We don’t want to hear it here. We hear it each time the subject comes up. And the subject comes up when? Not only with a talk show pundits, but with politicians and lobbies that effect our lives and foreign policies, and don’t actually win us anything culturally or legally. So you guys go take that energy and lobby and get loud against Wiles and the actual people creating these problems. We know it’s easier to come here and bitch about thee people pointing out the problem, though. It’s ok.
Well you heard it from me now and youre going to hear it from me again.
This is why people hate christians.
Truth hurts.
Anti Christian sentiment is the biggest liability to the pro White movement. You want to win over White people, dont crap on their religion.
The religion that makes whites sympathetic to jews is not the white man’s religion, it’s the jew’s religion. You just happen to practice it. Saying “oy vey, dont criticize the jew-on-a-stick” makes about as much sense as saying “dont criticize republicans”. Just because it’s something you dont want to hear doesnt mean it isnt valid criticism.
Yeah man! White Christian Europeans were so sympathetic to Jews throughout history!
“White Christian Europeans were so sympathetic to Jews throughout history!”
Their lack of sympathy for jews was IN SPITE of their christianity!
Truth STILL hurts.
Now you cant criticize other people of having cognitive dissonance. You are the CD king!
LOL! That projection you did there is VERY jewish!
I’ll call it christian dissonance.
Hey, it’s not MY fault you people suffer from ideological strabismus!
When you see toilet paper over the seat at a public bathroom. The person who left that is extremely woke on the gay question
Blagak and Jamal, at Tanigra
My family didn’t do Thanksgiving this year. We did a Zoom chat and I had dinmer at my mom’s house but my siblings didn’t travel. No cousins. No nothing.
If a Christian hears how Christians have worked to bring their people suffering they need to listen. Christians that react by putting their head in the sand or pretending that these aren’t “real Christians” do not have God or Neighbour in mind, but just themselves.
This isn’t a game or a hobby. Real people are getting hurt, and it needs to stop.
White Friday Show!
As an online Christian sperg I agree with Moike, that we need to stop arguing with the skeptics about the tenets of Christianity and start confront our wayward bretheren about the practice of it.
Christian Zionism needs to be redacted.
I really don’t understand why religion is even a relevant discussion. Like seriously, who cares? We live in a secular world now, religion is no longer a fundamental part of the preservation of a society. I really don’t care about the supposed ‘eternal damnation of my soul’, when in the real world, a world I can prove exists simply by existing in it, my racial brethren are eternally damned, in a world they made. Religion will not serve as a fundamental step to return to racial glory. The topic of religion should be lumped in with desires to explore the… Read more »
Because a lot Christians are actively the enemy of the white race and whenever this is pointed out “Christian white nationalist” get all butthurt and attack their friends. Christian Fragility is a HUGE problem.
This is true insofar as that Christian conservatives, like all conservatives, are worse than useless. Conservatives will always be slaves to Jews.
space, dinosaurs and atheism. lol
“I really don’t understand why religion is even a relevant discussion.” You have a little catching up on your reading of history to do.
Jesus overturned the money changers tables at the Synagogue of Satan. Christianity does not teach you to give money to Jews.
“Jesus overturned the money changers tables at the Synagogue of Satan.”
No proof of which actually exists.
Still waiting for the proof.
I have no proof that you exist either, apart from a black and white avatar, kitschy name in ALL CAPS, and a crappy spergy attitude on most issues.
“I have no proof that you exist either”
Typical lame christian response. Thanks for demonstrating the uselessness of your “faith”.
Still being lame.
Maybe it doesnt explicitly say to give money to jews, but it does say to love your enemy, to turn the other cheek, and Jesus did say that “salvation comes from the jews” (John 4:22). I dont think there’s really a way you could spin what he did as being against christian teachings.
Loving your enemy can’t be equated to supporting the enemy’s wickedness. Loving your enemy is to encourage them to turn away from their wickedness. TruNews has not shown love for Christ’s enemies. He should repent of this action and give NJP $30,000. TruNews needs to have training conducted by SuperLutheran and Myles Poland. Of course, TruNews should pay for the training.
“Loving your enemy can’t be equated to supporting the enemy’s wickedness. ”
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. More bullshit about how you’re not doing christianity right.
You’re STILL full of shit!
Christian Zionism is a boomer reservoir. It is not apart of the younger generations in a significant form.
This act by Rick Wiles is completely opposed by Christians on our side, including other Christians woke on the JQ.
But he’s got the bigger stage, bigger microphone, and the bigger screen. The Panel addressed it’s unpopularity. But they also said nothing is done about it because more Christians will be mad that the show
evenn mentioned it, than going out to take a stand against Corporate Christianity and the problem itself.
I’ve been a Christian all my life and never heard of him before this very day. A few thousand Silent Generation people watch him on TCT that’s about it.
“This act by Rick Wiles is completely opposed by Christians on our side”
Cool, so what are you going to do about it? Oh, that’s right. Your going to run damage control and criticize people who call him out on what he did. You’re not upset about Rick Wiles giving the white man’s church money to jews, you’re mad that people found out about it lol.
Wiles is a private individual and I dont have power to discipline him, only to restore true historical Christianity in my little slice of the world. BTW, the guy that you named your account after gave full emancipation to Jews in Europe.
This question about religion and Jews is actually how I’ve managed to get through to certain normies in my circle who possess a more open mind and are at least neutral on racism. They’re moreso secular people, and can obviously be critical of Christianity, and that’s sort of my “in” with them on the JQ. Even as secular people, many will say they’re familiar with the doctrine of Christianity, and that it’s generally a more positive outlook on charity and humility… But it’s THIS or THAT group or mindset that vere away from the “original” path. So the Catholic Pedos,… Read more »
Was Mike drinking a pint of gin in this one?
Angloganggang, rise up!!
Most of those vacant big box stores are in or near population centers, close to interstate highways, have truck loading docks, open floor plans, flat concrete floors, controlled access points, powerful HVAC systems and high capacity connections for water, sewer, and electricity….Hmmm…
I can think of some uses…
Trad Cath here. Boy! Is Mike right about Vatican II!!! For example, Pope John XXIII literally sent the big theologians he picked ahead of the Council to go to B’nai Brit and ask the jews what they wanted the Council to do. Jewish rabbis also sat in on the final approval sessions of the drafts of the Vatican II documents. “Nostra Aetate” was the big one. It says jews worship the same God as Christians! Imagine that. In case you don’t know anything about Catholicism, we believe in the Blessed Trinity, which means that Jesus Christ is literally God, while… Read more »
Come on, people. Just admit that Jews are much, much superior to any white Europeans or Americans, and that you exist ONLY to serve them. Donald Trump exists only to serve the Jews. Shouldn’t you?
Uh, no.
This is basically my reply to the never-ending copes on “here’s how Trump can still win” I get from my friends every day.
Take off weight and keep it off.
Christians: -15,000
Apollonians: 1
Mark brahmin reaching Zeus tier levels of clout.
youre not allowed to call them nit-pickers anymore
Happy belated Thanksgiving Ameribros, much love from the great white north.
Canada can join us when we finally secede from these [redacteds].
The Populist Republic of North America.
If TRS ever gives $15,000 to a synagogue… Wow, just wow, I can’t even.
They wont.
Mike his eyes squinted. Sven when the bandwidth fell
Based Alex mentioning Keeping Up Appearances. I’d argue Married with Children is also a show with a retard useless wife. Peggy was shown to be completely inept as a domestic.
Eight is Enough, but only because he was raising 8 kids and his wife died. That show was based and family pilled.
Why am i getting error message?
If you get an error when trying to play the video, just refresh the page and try again.
Hyperpodcastism should do a podcast on that book.
Protesting the death panel did not take the day off, I will not be enjoying this show.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Free content is free content and I am a huuuge TRS consumer.
the main interracial marriage pastor anderson is known for performing was to one of his deacons who has since left the church because that deacon now denies the trinity
In the Old Testament God specifically says you’re not supposed to help the ungodly in this manner
Between genocides on behalf of the chosen people, it said something good?
13:15 phone data? Would be my guess as to how they know x-amount of people are together in short distance.
Pro white above all else. Christians can take their logos or whatever the fuck and shove it. Loving your enemy is evil.
Damn Straight!
Rick Wiles thinks he’s putting jews in a tough spot and opposing lockdowns by helping jews who violate them. It’s like the “asians are being discriminated against in schools” strategy but even gayer.
Conservatives and christians. Gay and gayer.
Spam Houston: Indolent AND senile. Queer and queerer.
Hey, I’M not the one who hallucinates about a magical jewish zombie!
zombie lovers.
“magical jewish zombie”
ok new band name, or album?
people like “holocaust made zeal” but I prefer magical jewish zombie’s debut album “magical jewish zombie”
Album name.
The band name would be The Dire Wolves.
This would be the first album cover:
m4QV3t1BUZa0tONX2K9QEUIf7T5VyQPiCZMQhQGqKSaPynCSRxnT3P5xVw2W0nntw3_ylrVQKEc5N4VrlG05YfeGyccYhmhEsgqGaUEmLA-q9jaXjAxz1QZD210z (512×298) (
Why does everyone have Sven’s personal number but me?
Hey Alex joke in my hometime is what is the difference between a Baptist and a Methodist? A Methodist will look you in the eye in the liquor store.
Covid and flu are translated by the same mechanism of respiratory droplets.
It will be interesting to see if flu cases are down this year. If not this covid stuff can go fuck itself.
Yeah they already said this year’s regular flu is just not killing anyone–it’s all covid cases. Gee, I wonder how they did that ?
Low time pref wignats itchin’ for their TRS fix right now!
I just wanna say, ‘thanks’ for the lols and tips of the fedora. You could be shopping like normies right now, but you took time out to save what’s left of our race.
How many White Christians stopped being Christians because of cucks like that True News guy?
The problem with christianity is that it’s a squishy, slave-morality, universalist religion. So every time some prominent christian does this I just shrug my shoulders and say, “what did you expect?”. And that’s above and beyond the supernatural flapdoodle that all religions have. Biology in general and Darwinism specifically does a much better job explaining the world to me than any religion.
Elmer Gantry final scene – YouTube
Ok, discount Nietzsche
Hey, at least Nietzsche’s not a jew.
The Jewish spirit is demonstrated in more than just a human body.
“The Jewish spirit is demonstrated in more than just a human body.”
I guess that explains you worship of jesus then! LOL!
It’s sad that you would place your faith in a fallible man and not the founder of Christianity itself.
It’s sad that you believe some agitating yid could rise from the dead!
It’s time for your old geezer medication.
LOL! MY medication doesn’t have anything to do with mental function.
But YOURS certainly would!
Jesus wasn’t a Jew, he was the second person of the Trinity. This is why Christians don’t take spergy wignat critiques seriously, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Jesus had jewish parents, had a bris and a barmitzva, went to temple, and called himself a Rabbi. What about that isnt jewish? Heck, he even explicitly says he’s a jew in the bible. It seems like you’re the one who doesnt know what he’s talking about.
Jews do not believe God can become incarnate. Jesus was God incarnate. Therefore not a Jew.
“Therefore not a Jew.”
With THAT kind of “reasoning” we should be in control of the entire country!
“Jesus wasn’t a Jew, ”
LOL! “jesus wasn’t a jew he was a super-natural being who rose from the dead! White Nationalist btfo’d!!!”
Hey, it’s not my fault you believe in ridiculous bullshit.
Who said I quit?
Hour Two? WTF! I pay to listen to your show. Now we have to jump through hoops to listen to it?
Usually, I just wait longer and that has worked every time.
I’m thinking they’re having a problem rendering the second hour video. To just listen to the entire show you can click on the “Download HERE” link just above the Hour 1 video.
Serial down-voting betaf@g
theyre gonna bulldoze those walmarts to build low income jogger hovels
Worse, they are going to get some bug architect chink from Harvard to convert those Wallmarts into “eco community living arrangements” with some bicycle lanes. The thing that amazes me most about jews is how they have subverted the inherent inclination to asceticism of whites into loving poverty and their own dispossession. I work with hipsters who live with another 10 alcoholic childless bugmen fifty thousand pounds in debt for an art degree and still… they think they are part of the elite because they have read two books about behavioural science when they have NOTHING, they are depressed and… Read more »