Jazznds returns with a snowmobile full of white pills, including the upcoming Ben Franklin, Leon Degrelle, and other deep-dives. Then the nnnguys turn to Rittenhouse bailout reacts, JP Morgan gets in on the Trump grift, swapping out election fraud for the Electoral College pipe dream, the Judiazation of Gluten-Free certification, Kosher Nationalism vs. Kosher Liberalism, the real shot behind the Pentagon shake-up, Pollard's non-pardon pardon and the decriminalization of Jewish spies, and the Biden admin staffs up with Semites. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - White Weatherization
00:15:00 - Upcoming Dives
00:23:00 - Rittenhouse Reacts
00:35:00 - JP Morgan's "Nightmare Scenario"
00:45:00 - Grand Cope Canyon
00:55:00 - Electoral College Pipe Dream
01:10:00 - Sven So Much!
01:15:00 - BREAK
01:16:00 - Juden Free
01:36:00 - Koshnats vs. Koshlibs
02:00:00 - Pentagon Shake-Up Bias Confirmation
02:25:00 - Pollard Phone Home
02:50:00 - Semitic Staff Up
03:00:00 - Outro
I just now realized that’s a goldwing that jazzuns is atop. Spiritual boomer.
Yer comment crunches in the most satisfying way
At first I thought it was a snowmobile….but it’s gotta be a Goldwing!
Agree..Use Guys should make prints of the cover art, and sell them as occasional product.
Oh and congratulations Jazz’ndz
Jazz Hands McFeels
Wife’s name: Snaps Fingers von Big-Think
Kid’s name: Rim Shots McThink
Yay white babies. Also to support the jazz hands thesis, I’ve been married for 16yrs, monogamous for 18yrs, i can imagine my life without my wife not true with my children. Take that as i mean it my marriage is very sound.
Welcome to fatherhood! It’s a great thing! Congrats bro.
The whitest of all pills! Congrats Jazz!
I never felt like you guys were shitting on our founding fathers. You’re just showing us the reality of how people and things were already subverted that early. I think Thomas Jefferson still came of looking like a guy who did his best. He wasn’t perfect. He was swindled and screwed over, but not malicious. He wasn’t a Bush or a Trump.
I am an adoptive father (child was an extended family member before the adoption). The wife and I can’t have kids of our own. I sometimes wonder if it feels different to be a dad when it is your natural child. Watching mine grow and learn and play, I can’t see how it could be any better, otherwise. The little one told me once, “I know you love me so much because you didn’t have to take care of me.” Feels, bro.
My grandpa who’s a famous Medieval historian only ever drinks Espresso. He says, Italians don’t drink coffee they drink espresso, don’t you want to be Italian?
Jazzhands, you should invest in an espresso maker. Start every day off with an espresso. That’s what an Italian would do.
If you order coffee in Italian cafe you just get an Espresso.
You have to order American (Americano) if you want watered down coffee
Is your grandpa Italian?
No. Not at all. They spend a lot of time in Italy though. They practically live in Italy.
My state passed a law a few years ago where the electors are required to cast their vote for whichever candidate won the popular vote. It was basically in response to the Trump win in 2016.
The 2 guys in the picture with Kyle are not Black Rifle Coffee executives. They’re his lawyer and some actor.
In fact, Black Rifle completely disavowed Kyle and the photograph. They’ve subsequently been canceled by MAGApedes.
Here’s Black Rifle’s response to them getting “canceled” by MAGA
Jazz almost said Douglas MacArthur instead of Douglas Macgregor, something I’ve been doing myself lol
Keep your eyes open on antelope hill folks, a great book by one of the greatest Germans of the 20th century is in the works!
You know, it’s not nice to tease White nationalists.
Could finkelthinks be called “trickshots”?
Also congrats on the baby!
Congrats Feelzy, couldn’t be happier for you!
tfw no gf certification
Perhaps my favorite piece of FTN artwork.
Cozy, funny, so much going on in the picture. James in the background. Perfect.
Congrats Jazz!
Dadnndzz. Dadnnzz.
This seals it.
The coffee table art book must be created.
And the “down-vote Spam Houston” picture should be on the cover! ?
Congratulations Jazz! and Mrs McFeels!
Once again Kyle comes up with cover art to fit the show / occasion perfectly. o/
Oh shit! Excited to hear Jazzhands’ outlook change and have a new perspective in the coming years. Having kids changes everything man, the insight gets specific. Congrats, welcome to the club!
Congratulations, Father.
There are countless products that are inherently without wheat protein (gluten) certified gluten free. One glaring example is certain brands of bottled water. The Jewish certification industry is far more nefarious than mere money making enterprises to bilk gentiles.
Gluten free is offensive because bread was a staple for all of European history.
Baby jazzhands is a huge whitepill! Let’s all endeavor to spawn more huwhites.
Ever since having my son 3 years ago. My genuine disgust and hatred for the neo liberal capitalism and the tranny and gay shit becomes infinity more visceral
I can vouche for this. I never liked it, but since my son was born I’ve gone from annoyed to full blown outrage.
absolutely jonesing for that ben franklin nnnnndeep dive tbqhwyf
Black Rifle coffee company…More like BlackRock or Black Cube coffee company amirite?
Black Rifle Coffee owners stated they are not evil Nazis because both are j’s.
The answer to the black cube is the tungsten cube
Nostalgic three notes @ 2:59:04
Congrats man!
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if a gay black is made treasury secretary under Biden. Larry Fink will still have full reign but now there’s a gay black he can use for cover. Honestly, I see Judaism returning to more crypsis with Biden president. Trump was too loud and put them in the open, same reason they don’t want Netanyahu anymore.
“Its a crime against the planet to have kids goy… now let’s import diversity to make up for your lack of having kids….”
I’m insane with anger! – YouTube
I will say it is nice that trump is out of office because now my boomer libtard family members have stopped fed post texting me all day. The memes they share are so applesauce brains that it makes my soul cringe.
Congratulations mc feels
Great to hear you’ve become a father Jazz. We did this summer as well and my woman has become a wonderful young mother. We’ve been through a lot and stuck it out for one another and now our Amazon wishlist is being fulfilled. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy Yule to your family and to all aspiring White Natalists. Heil Victory.
congrats on son. diapers is easy. it gets tough when they start running around. i had three sons with wife in last 4 years. life is a blessing
Jazzhands, a huge massive congratulations to you. I am so very delighted and incredibly happy for you. You must be over the moon. You did well, nnnguy. It doesn’t get much better than this. All the very best to you and your new family!
Hottest Take Ever:
“Nothing will destroy your life more than not resisting jewish power.”
Congratulations!!! My Wife and I had our first last March and I have to say take lots of pictures as they change so fast. And they are so fun and exciting! Babies are the best!
“You can’t get toilet paper again…”
Let the brown hoards and libs fight over it. We should be stocking up on baby wipes anyway.
I hit the comments right before listening and I can’t be happier for and your woman Jazzhands! It’s been a long road for me and mine, but we are also finally far along in expecting. So excited to hear more of the news and continue to wish everyone else the same who is committed to Our Cause. A birth is beautiful by itself, but these are extra sweet, as they are Ours! THIS is how We hail true victory. Love all you guys.
A toast to the McFeels family on the arrival of your beautiful mmmbaby nnnguy.
Truly a heart-warming Thanksgiving blessing.
OK the first 15 or 20 minutes where you guys are just talking about having babies and being family men is so gott danged heart warming I didn’t even need to take an HBP pill!
Got me kind of choked up. More of this please!
Congratulations on the new Baby Jazzhands, mmmmguy.
Congratulations nnnnnGuy
Not even two weeks since blormpf lost and everything is looking up for our thing. NJP is the talk of the town and Kyle is a free man. The future looks bright. Trump loosing was the best outcome for us.
Great to have you back Jazzhands! Even greater that you have left boyhood behind and become a man. That’s not even bantz. You know what I mean. You weren’t a complete human being or a man until you held your first child in your arms. Here’s the truth: the joy of holding my first, my daughter, is what eventually made me a hard core antisemite: “What kind of monster would set up a culture aimed at depriving another human being of this?” I also think that’s why I sometimes come across as a bit zealous when it comes to pushing… Read more »
Well, congratulations on the new addition to the McFeels family! I hope you have many more!!
Now if we can get Mike and Jamie to get married and have a kid!!!
I guess I am just a Traditional Pagan.
I have never been interested in a dirty degenerate monogamous moron who wants to pathology and pathetic pair bond.
I have 22 children from 10 amazing women all raised in an acdemy without monogamy or sexism and I could not be prouder of all 22. I guess they are my legacy indeed. ⚡⚡?
Shit, I thought it was funny.
Yeah sure bud.
Also 22 children out of 10 women is 2.2 kids per woman. That’s barely above replacement level.
But hey nice bait. ?
2020 was the year that FTN blew the lid off the Yid deception of Finklethink.