Addressing the DQ.
- Rock Maxing
- Still Stealin'
- Libtarded Future Utopia
- Fucking White Plugs; Antelope Hill Publishing, Race War Cards
- Edgy Narrative Establisment
- Deep Fake and Gay from Matt and Trey
- 90's Comedy
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
23:01 Moike got you Alex! (why I luvvs Tedious)
i don’t like chris rock. Too much of his shtick is minstrel show.
So here’s the thing. Chris Rock is one of the few and far between high IQ blacks. It’s not that he’s a Tom… but that, despite having a high IQ, and seeing reality more clearly, he cannot accept the fact that he is this way due to having better genetics than 99% of his fellow blacks. He has a sort of cognitive dissonance that clouds his ability to accept the fact that most of his racial brethren can not, and will not understand the things he says as a matter of fact or way of life, despite their ability to… Read more »
White liberals and high IQ blacks: Ha so true lol
Most blacks : lmao sheeeeit nigga we ain’t like dem white niggas haha
It’s very much like the high/low IQ meme
So who does own all the stuff we are going to rent? Do they replace it when it is beyond repair? Who collects the rent? Who is repairing? Do we have factories or repair prices shops? How do we pay for renting stuff? What about germs? What about damages – who pays? Who owns the buildings? Who builds stuff and are we all allocated the same amount of money to “rent” ? It is stupid on its face so what the hell are they really up to?
I’m sure most of that was rhetorical but for anybody genuinely wondering, they don’t actually know. Per usual the catladies writing these articles are fed a script that they look no further into than “yaaaaasss.” And those who are feeding them the script don’t have answers to those questions either, because it’s about manipulating public opinion. Not critical thought or any actual proposal to create a better world.
You missed out on a golden classic sven word association pun by nor realizing the Jackie Chan movie is called “Rush Hour” and then later referencing rush hour in the bugmanite article. Lol
That’s sick Mike likes prog metal
i kept all thinking he said frog metal