Jazzinds and Allzp make some extremely bold election predictions, Steve Bannon gay ops Tucker, deep-fakes abound while the real October surprises are the ones you aren't supposed to notice, why polling has been designed for volatility, and how Pennsylvania 2020 could become just like Florida 2000. In the second half, the nnnguys dig into the long partnership between Les Wexner and Deborah Lipstadt, including Wexner's million-dollar legal defense fund for Libstadt in the David Irving libel suit, why there's a new Wexner center in Detroit, and the ongoing Wexner-Lipstadt webinar entitled "Antisemitism: Here. Now." If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - MMMBig MMMBold Predictions
00:15:00 - Bannon Gay Ops Tucker
00:30:00 - The Real October Surprises
00:40:00 - The American Dream Plan
01:00:00 - Polling Volatility Paradigm
01:10:00 - PA 2020 = FL 2000
01:33:00 - BREAK
01:37:00 - Never Again
02:05:00 - Wexner-Lipstadt Isms
02:30:00 - Anti-Semitism. Here. Now.
02:53:00 - Outro
“she doesn’t think jews are headed into another hauloco$t today.”
Well if there had actually been a FIRST one we wouldn’t NEED another one!
“Stuart Eizenstat”
Chief Domestic Policy Advisor to Jimmy Carter. And then there’s this:
“Look at John Kasich”
He looks like a fucking zombie.
Someone who loves John Kasich!
“Yitz Greenberg”
Someone who loves Yitz Greenberg!
Eizenstat was also the guy who pitched Carter on the Holocaust memorial/museum in the late 1970s. Jews thought Carter was too pro-Palestinian so he ended up signing an EO for the holo-memorial to win them back for the 1980 election. That was what eventually led to USHMM in 1993.
Of cooooourse!
“Gentiles aka anti-semites aka hauloco$t deniers”
I think it was Moike who said that Whites when left to their own devices will always turn into anti-semites.
Of course that IS the fault of jews!
“A victory for open inquiry on the hauloco$t.”
Two people who agree with Lipstadt!
“I don’t believe in winning battles with censorship.”
Someone who isn’t angered by Lipstadt’s bullshit!
So theres this guy on Plenty of Fish live… he’s fuckin hilarious. Make a fake account and look up ‘ntp45’. More great entertainment you dont have to pay for
I am going to get a lot down votes for this , but is anyone going to vote this election? Not just voting for the president but also for judges,congressman, district attorney etc.
Nice show title, goys. Nice job, Kyle.
“Lipstadt is a lying vindictive jew”
Name one that ISN’T!
“those were executions of …enemy combatants.”
ILLEGAL enemy combatants!
That’s funny Deborah, I heard “Six million” and I stopped listening
Speaking of Antelope Hill Publishing:
Great show. Prepaying another year
Inb4 Pat Little creates a Bitchute video explaining how he pays for TRS sub via litecoin for grugs.
I think I still have $40 in my litecoin account for when I was going to purchase the FTN lightswitch brain shirt, but then James figured out a way to get credit card server access. TRS is gonna’ have credit card options when I need to renew again in Feb/March, r-right, guys?….
No. In June when I need to renew!
Seriously? RICHARD EVANS? Can we pay Rich Evens to read these testimonies for the meme?
(High pitched maniacal laughter)
Christopher Browning is even worse! Think about THAT! WORSE than Richard Evans!
The American that the SEALs rescued was only captured like 2-3 days before.
I have a question for you jazz or if not some could answer this. Some people say black have a extremely low voter turnout, which means they barely vote, and a lot of times don’t register to vote. Is this true?
It’s always extremely low (except in 2008) compared to every other demographic group, except hispanics. Hhhhhuuuuuuulatinos are actually harder to turn out than blacks.
I was gonna vote mang, but I so sleeeepy.
Dear god i hate ni**ers we had to spend over an hour dealing with a ni**er who thought he was smart. Christ Almighty I’d rather just deal with the hood rat who knows he’s dumb than a sub 80 iq ape that thinks he’s smart and going to outsmart us.
Yes i know this isn’t relevant to the show or topic but this is really the only place i can vent about it.
“Yes i know this isn’t relevant to the show or topic …”
But it’s relevant to our lives.
These nasty Jews ruined David Irvings’ career. He still works and writes, because he can not afford to retire. If you can, please either make a donation or buy one of his excellent books.
David Irving ruined David Irving’s career. He’s a hack and an opportunist. Don’t buy anything from him he’s not trust worthy!
Truth hurts.
Youre a low life piece of crap
“Youre a low life piece of crap”
Hey, I SAID fuck YOU!
All you do is attempt to piss on great men. What have you done lately? Spam some edgy commentary on the Internet. You’re an ant compared to Irving, just shut up and go back to your old folks home.
“All you do…”
Fuck you. What has Irving done lately? Or ever? Except try to jump on the revisionisttrain when he thought it would make him enough money to buy a new Rolls Royce. Quit being a fapping Irving fanboy. It’s undignified.
old man still has energy to open his trap
LOL! Mr. Skittles doesn’t have the brains to figure out that Irving is a con man!
“All you do is attempt to piss on great men.”
Men? Other than Irving who have I pissed on? And Irving is a money-grubbing opportunist. So HE isn’t great!
David Irving’s works are the best history of the Third Reich anybody can buy. https://irvingbooks.com/xcart/
“You’re a low life piece of crap”
That is what you originally posted. Whatsa matta don’t have the courage of your convictions? Oh and by the way…fuck you!
I wrote it because its true. You have no respect for men who devoted their lives to uncovering the truth, where no other historian bothered or could go, and sacrificed all of the pleasantries of a normie life in the process.
“I wrote it because its true. “
You wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up and kicked you in the balls. Going on the assumption that you have any!
“ You have no respect for men”
What mEn? I’m only talking about the scumbag Irving.
Yeah Spam, tbh there’s really no excuse for not just shutting the fuck up and taking your own side here. Lipstadt and Wexner targeted Irving with the intention on bankrupting him (and they did) and shortly thereafter he was imprisoned for standing his ground on these subjects.
“Yeah Spam, tbh there’s really no excuse for not just shutting the fuck up…” All Irving had to do is just not sue her. Sure Wexner and Lipstadt are both scumbags but that was no excuse for Irving to fall for the trap. And as far as his arrest goes while those laws are vile and anti-White Irving KNEW there was a warrant for his arrest and chose to go to Austria anyway. In both cases he put himself into those situations and ended up making us all look bad. And that is above and beyond his historical peregrinations on… Read more »
In other words, when Irving went to Austria, he put his life on the line for the sake of helping a younger generation of Europeans to wake up and throw the Joosh shackles off their continent. Yeah, real con man indeed. Sounds like a hero and a man concerned with reversing the outcome of the Second World War.
Getting arrested didn’t help anybody. He was just showing off. And those people he was “trying to help”? They were probably just assets of the jewish run government of Austria. So literally NO ONE was helped. Quit kissing Irving’s balls!
I suppose Uncle A getting arrested in 1923 didnt help anybody and was just him showing off?
And so now we’re talking about Hitler??? LOL!!! Even Hitler understood that he’d made a mistake with the attempted putsch. Try reading a book some time. I mean OTHER than Irving’s. Not that you can trust the mainstream authors.
Um bud, Jazzhands and James explained in this episode of FTN why Irving couldnt “just not sue her”. Go back and listen this time.
Umm bud they’re wrong. There was no way Irving was going to fix anything by suing her. The system wouldn’t allow it. So he just made things worse.
Irving had to save his honour and future prospects of acquiring access to precious archives in universities and national libraries.
When was the last time you fought the Joos in court?
“Irving had to save his honour and future prospects”
Again, the jig was up by that point. No trial, even if he COULD win it which he COULDN’T, was EVER going to fix that. He just made things worse.
How was Irving supposed to know that a trial wouldnt give him victory? Ernst Zundel won cases in Canada to freely distribute his works.
LOL!!! Man, do YOU even pay attention? Zundel was PURSUED in a criminal prosecution! HE didn’t sue ANYBODY! Oh and by the way he actually LOST both trials and only won on appeal. And even with those “victories” where did HE end up??? And I don’t know why you would even bring up Zundel since that scumbag Irving disavowed him AFTER he’d been jailed and deported!
Irving still helped Zundel in court, and the evidence that both men provided is crucial to our side (ie the truth). Why you constantly have to counter signal your own side makes you sound like an autistic aspergers victim.
“Irving still helped Zundel in court”
And yet Irving repudiated Zundel later. The fact that you keep avoiding that MAKES YOU sound like the victim here!
Why do you have to write in all caps?
Why do you kiss Irvings balls?
David Irving’s works are a pile of bullshit!
Relax boomer or I’ll put you in time out
Feel free to do so.
So the multiple places in works like “Hitler’s War” “Goebbels” and “Goring” where Irving asserts that there is absolutely no proof of a Fuhrer order calling for the eradication of European Jewry is bullshit research?
” is bullshit research?”
Yes, because he doesn’t deny the haulocau$t. He just claims that OTHER men like Goebbels, Himmler and Goering were responsible and the Fuhrer was some sort of paper tiger who couldn’t run his own state. Now maybe you missed that implication but that’s not MY fault.
When reading the summation of Irving’s works, here are the conclusions that one reaches: 1) Hitler: innocent of any plan for a pre meditated killing of Jewry. 2) Goebbels: endorsed the deportation of Jewry, not their elimination. 3) Goring: no charge of extermination but went along with the deportations to make Europe juden frei. 4) Himmler: the man primarily responsible for the deportations and who didnt always have the luxury of washing his hands in blessed holy water each night before he went to bed. He was the head of the secret service. When have secret services been staffed by… Read more »
“Now, were there atrocities committed against… “
Again NOT the conclusion of Irving!
“The conclusion is this….”
Irving didn’t exonerate anybody but Hitler. So I don’t WTF you are going on about. Quit trying to exonerate Irving
You sound like you havent read Irving’s other works, and if you have, you didnt understand them.
No YOU sound like YOU just don’t wan’t to admit the implications of Irving’s “works”.
Did you not share toys when you were in kindergarten?
Did you not have friends when you were?
I had the only friends that mattered: Jesus and David Irving.
A jew and an opportunist. BRILLIANT!
Here’s another article that’ll make all you Irving fanboys even MORE angry! https://jan27.org/semi-revisionism-is-dead/
Great artwork.
Deborah Lipstadt’s voice is so terribly disturbing.
OK I’ve got to say, the artwork is probably the best they’ve ever done. Amazing shit.
juden will have to refer to their pajeet made AI to predict the outcome of the gay disco they created. I’m sure the results will be flawless and 100% accurate…
That kinda went cattywampus didn’t it? Maybe if American Crusader could edit his “E” to an “R” and wallycat could edit his comment to an “S” or an “!” point we could salvage this tower!
Hey, it’s not MY fault it got fucked up!
you are a pissbaby sam
Thanks guys for getting me to look forward to NOT vote in the most UN-important election of my lifetime. With no emotional investment it will be pure entertainment to watch as a spectator.
bronfmann is tied in with NXIVM too
who member
jews always embellish their stories with bullshit details when they are lying. Debra derailed from her story right after she hears the dollar amount, she starts rambling about nonsense. Same thing happened to the jew on TDS that was talking about being attacked by blegs a few shows ago. He says he was on his way to see his sick father and then just goes on and on with this woe is me story, with trite details about nothing. It’s like a nervous defense trigger or something, because they know they are being deceitful, so they try to make themselves… Read more »
The best part of wakin’ up—
—is Jazzhands in your cup…☕️
This might sound crazy guys, but hear me out, I think these Jewish people are up to no good.
Thank you, fellas
Bro I was in Pennsylvania during 2016 but I was registered in another state I requested a mail in ballot 4 times over the final 2-3 months prior to the election. Not 1 ever arrived so I didn’t vote in 2016
Because you’re White.
The jews recoil!
I got one of those Nielsen television surveys in the mail. For the portion asking about what radio program I listen to the most I wrote in Fash The Nation. “Technically” it’s TRS Radio so it should still count.
It’s only a matter of time before FTN lands their second big name advertiser for a single episode.
I’m a firm believer in using the jew’s tactics against them.
Thanks for 2 shows in one day. I needed thith since I’m working a 13 hour overnight shift.
I consumed mmmmmmmmmproduct
I am excited for next mmmmmmmmmmmproduct
thanks nnnnnnnnnnguys
Gingrich has 2.3 million fucking followers!?
My older boomercon brother once asked me if I thought everyone else was stupid. This is more evidence that I was right.
You we’re right.
I’m still a new listener somewhat so maybe this is presumptuous and stop me if it is.
PLEASE talk Striker and Borzoi into an election night live show. Borzois are good boys who love treats so that probably won’t be hard. Striker might be a tough ask because you might need to get a top tier Jew to write a book about how bad it would be for Nazis to have a live election night show to really get him on board.
It would be the GOAT podcast episode!!!
We will be doing an election night stream. Was talking about it with Striker today.
Hell yes. I don’t have shit to do Wednesday either. This is gonna be GREAT.
Strike the Nation on election night!
Clearly jews don’t like Striker. Good for HIM!
This is going to be epic!
“My dog ate my Hunter Biden’s laptop documents”
The absolute state…
Hi Jazz and James. Thanks for the great work you do. I feel like I have to listen to every FTN from the past 4 months two more times to absorb all of the information again. I gotta take notes, ffs. Fantastic jobs guys. Best podcast in history.
Thanks hmmmmydude
I love the show title! And the yids look like one of the bosses from Megaman, “Top Man”
Tucker never said it was the only copy, in fact he said they did make a copy, so they had the docs either way. It wasn’t paper, it was a flash drive, or so he said on his show. There’s quite a bit on the laptop from what’s been released so far. I don’t know what difference any of it makes to us, I mean no one is surprised politicians are corrupt.
Lol what is the point of this well akshually? Purported copies and flash drives makes it look even worse for Tucker. If there are copies where are they? This confirms my take that this is nothing more than about stringing magas along on fake distractions and Tucker is party to it.
Trying to help. Your take depends on them saying they have some big bombshell but then it got lost so isn’t coming out. That’s how you presented it and it isn’t the case. I archive every show because the info you put is out is so important in my view. So when you are off on something, just trying to help. The overall point holds completely either way. The public is at a place where really no one cares if their choice is doing corrupt choice. The biggest downside of this to me is that is shows how bought into… Read more »
No, my take was that there was never a bombshell and that the entire purpose of the op is to string people along, in which Tucker is an active participant. The op seems more credible if the only copy got lost in the mail, but if Tucker had copies or flashdrives and didn’t release them, it makes it even worse. That not only doesn’t invalidate what we said, it confirms it even further.
I really freakin hate jews
Hate is energy:
jews don’t like hate.
Damned dancing Israelis!
The art work is superior! Those Israelis rarely run out of reasons to dance.
Agree and AMPLIFY!
I thought there would be no show today cause rerun. Does anyone who how to get Gomorrah season 3? Do i need an italian dvd player? I can’t find Gomorrah online. And the dvd set won’t play on my xbox.
Nah we didn’t wanted to make sure Vlad the Impaler got reposted on Halloween before we did the actual show
Jmes Allspice
Based double show
It’s a good thing I always take my HBP meds before a show now because I can tell this episode is REALLY going to piss me off!
Wow. 2 FTN’s in a day! Hail FTN!
I win. Great work guys. Best show on the webs
Jazz and James giving out redpills for Trick or Treat, best candy ever!