James and Borzoi break down the latest on the will-they-or-won't-they stimulus news and wade through the Trump campaign’s 11th hour electoral Hail Marys before covering the administration’s secret effort to protect those responsible for the opioid crisis from prosecution. In the second hour, two seemingly unrelated stories collide as Project Veritas merges with Prager U- giving way to a deep dive into the Talmudic origins of modern art and how it was used as a weapon to break solidarity, destroy meaning, and slander the working man. If it’s Sunday, it’s FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 Intro
00:02:00 Sidstepping The Trick Overload
00:09:00 Stimulus Ex Machina
00:19:00 Red Meat Fire Sale
00:28:00 Madison Joins The Finkelbench
00:40:00 Sackler Sweetheart Settlement
00:59:00 BREAK
01:02:00 Project Zionism
01:05:00 Prager Unit 8200
01:14:00 Omar Goin'
01:21:00 Ugly, Silly, And Offensive
01:23:00 Modern Art: A Jewish CIA Operation
01:37:00 The New Weimar
01:47:00 Bankrupting European Artists
01:59:00 Anxious, Meaningless, Despair
02:02:00 Woman III Live Reacts
02:07:00 Tinklethink
02:10:00 Camp Liberators and Art Critics
02:22:00 Destroying Rockwell
02:24:00 Number One Scroll
There is an entire academic tradition in modern art for “deskilling” as an legitimate artistic practice.
“(Deskilling)… is a term of considerable importance in describing numerous artistic endeavors throughout the twentieth century with relative precision. All of these are linked by their persistent effort to eliminate artisanal competence and other forms of manual virtuosity from the horizon of both artistic production and aesthetic evaluation” – Benjamin Buchloh
tl:dr, I’m going to suck at art on purpose.
The financials of the art-world are incredibly opaque. Tax frauds and money laundering are rampant. With a few connections, you can artificially inflate the value and prestige of artists and artworks.
I think another angle is that the sales of ugly, but exorbitantly priced artworks exist as a means of gaining access to a certain social circles.
If you had asked me a few years ago about modern art, I would have given you apologetics. Since becoming red-pilled, it’s hard to justify. The “intellectual” heft that Ab-Ex primarily relies on is a Freudian interpretation of mind and an elevation of an “automatic” method of making art that suppresses the conscious mind and allows the subconscious mind to take control. The result is usually pretty awful. It’s easy to fall prey to a sunk cost fallacy, but when I look at all the behind-the-scenes garbage and the cultural rot that has come out of modern art, the juice… Read more »
Yeah, the Sacklers are a nasty piece of work. Maybe you need some of the frontier justice we have in Canada. Apotex is a pharmaceutical company, the largest manufacturer of generic drugs in Canada. It was founded and ran by (((Barry Sherman))) until his untimely death in 2016. Sherman was a nasty piece of work, manufacturing drugs that were still patented in other countries. Apotex has a large team of lawyers and sued anyone and everyone. He made many enemies along the way. Then in 2016 he and his wife were found strangled in their home. The cops aren’t saying… Read more »
This story sounds so familiar. I could have SWORN I read or heard of it before.
Echo comment on the debate. I agree with your analysis, many people felt like it was a dud. There was so much energy in 2016, always some new and crazy antic, from either Trump or his supporters. In the epic middle debate, Trump said he was going to install a special prosecutor to bring charges against Crooked Hillary. Later on, she commented that she didn’t want him to be president, and he responded with the famous line: “Because you’d be in jail!” That freaked out the old hag, it was epic. But this time around, in 2020, Trump just repeated… Read more »
J.C. Leyendecker was a big inspiration for Rockwell. If you wanted to emulate an art style, you could do a lot worse. Among other things, his skill rendering fabrics is exceptional.
Hour 1:18 mark: the only time jews will reference themselves in media other than as victims will to be to portray themselves as an insignificant people with a funny religion rather than dangerous, like Hitler said in Mein Kampf. They’re fine with falling back on stereotypes as long as they are not shown as dangerous and powerful. See Mel Brooks or Kyle in South Park for examples.
“The average art museum is a graveyard run by a pretty boy with delicate wrists and a swing in his gate.”- Thomas Hart Benton
The Andy Griffith Show theme song…sung by Andy Griffith:
The famous 60 Minutes segment on modern “art”:
After I listened I looked up “the runaway” I know James mentioned it, but I saw the new renditions and thought, you know it really is true we aren’t allowed to have anything innocent, pure or good. Anytime you do you have some snarky sneering “libtard” telling you how ridiculous you are. How your sensibilities are lowbrow and backward. I see that and think of a working class guy serving his community trying to help a kid who needs it. It goes to show how “libtards” project their intent or feelings onto us. Let’s just for arguments sake say the… Read more »
Modern art is gay and should all be launched into the sun when we win.
Ol’ Tom Benton couldn’t have said it better himself.
i’m reading Brenton Sanderson’s book battle lines and he has an entire chapter on modern art. It’s a huge Jewish ethnic network racket where jews aggressively promote each other. Figures like Mark Rothko and Diego Rivera (both Jews) are held up as artistic geniuses while goyish forms of art and goy artists are dismissed as outdated and rubes. Art museum directors and art critics are overwhelmingly jewish and decide which art gets displayed and which art/artists are promoted and praised.
I listened to this while driving and got pulled over for a DWAI
Driving While Anger Impaired
1. The art scene provides a way to meet smart and rich people
2. Having a new and complex art form allows you to be the expert in it rather than having to win over existing experts
I am sure that the subversive content of the art is important as well. But from a purely organizational analysis: having your tendrils in the art scene is a smart strategy for an intelligence service.
Also doing something subversive to the existing order is a good way to attract other subversive people.
Encounter Magazine?
Did Peter Collier name his neo-con publishing company Encounter Books after that?
You want a dose of an anti-modern artist watch the Ken Burns documentary on Thomas Hart Benton! Jackson Pollack was a student of his until he started doing what Benton called “bug-house art”! Pay close attention to the comments of the art critic (((Hilton Kramer))).
Amazon prime:
DVD [Which I own]
Mini-documentary on the fate of Benton’s first great mural “America Today”:
Jordan River? They’re focused on the Litani River James. One step at a time.
The Chinese have taken over the movement
Which movement?
The bowel movement
Thank you.
George Lincoln Rockwell was a great painter. I don’t care what anyone says.
So was our beloved Uncle!
Terrific show, guys! Another great book along the lines of Jewing up the culture is Degenerate Moderns by E. Michael Jones.
I know we’d diverge from Jones when we hit the racial fork in the road, but he’s done terrific work tracking the very jaaaish subversion of psychology, art, anthropology, etc throughout modern history.
Great show guys/dogs
Koi fish whiskers on the boys… Nice touch Kyle.
Ah so desu ka…
hearing jazzhands say “There is Hope” on the koschertified commercial always cracks me up.
Disch schoap!
Hysterical press coverage??? Since when has the “press” ever been hysterical in it’s coverage of ANY jewish plutocrat??? Excepting the coverage by the Volkischer Beobachter and Der Sturmer of course.
We need to sacrifice onlyfans thots to big line! it’s the only way!
Look goy, kiddie diddling is just the natural expansion of the market. What are you going to do, manipulate markets?
Kiddie Diddler on the Roof
If I were a Pederast..
Art is the natural beauty of the world, which is divine, brought to life through the spark of brilliance and creation that sometimes springs forth from the minds of men, and which is also divine. When the public works of a society grow in this organic way, they reflect the past, present, and future glory of it’s people back upon them, serving as inspiration. Our enemies have made anti-art, to rob us of our connection to the divine, to instill ugliness and despair. In the same way that the rot of modern liberalism can be traced back to humanism, all… Read more »
Looking forward to listening to the modern art deep nnnndive.
Mini deep dive. Got my snorkel.
What’s up with the stereo autopanning Borzoi?
Ahhh gotcha. Good show in any case!
This sackler story has me jims over the moon; lost my little brother to addiction.
I feel for you, bro. This shit hits home.
It’s a constant battle with the volume button every time Borzoi talks. Dynamic range is too great.
Good old Borzoi going between not being able to hear him to murdering my ear drums.
No worries, bro, appreciate your insights.
This is the last time I buy a salmon and rice flavored XLR cable made by Purina.
Excited to hear this pairing.
Damnit, Kyle, that Borzoi made me splutter all over my screen.
Was just told a few hours ago a fraternity brother passed away of an overdose. I last spoke with him about a year ago. He’d been in the hospital last the summer but didn’t get into details. I’m about 30 years old and this is the seventh person that I’ve known and that knew me that has died as a result of opiates. My best friend from the time I was a freshman in high school until he became an addict in his 20s died two and half years ago. In 1998, Arthur Sackler was inducted into the Medical Advertising… Read more »
The Sacklers are about as in alignment with antisemitic canards as it gets. That they will get a sweetheart deal is exactly why anti-lynching legislation exists–to make frontier justice hyper-illegal and federally prosecutable.
In fact, most laws basically exist as a barrier to frontier justice in response to Jewish behavior.
“Medical Advertising Hall of Fame.”
How sick does a society have to be for something like this to exist.
I remember Rainbow Flag Six. It was cool because like 1 shot you die. Plus you had a team or 2 you could command. So more realistic. The guns were also really loud for a video game and had a lot of recoil. You felt like you were really in the Rainbow Flag Seige.
I stopped by to down the Friday Tedious, and I found the Sunday Fash ready for consumption.
My eyes got slanted after listening to this episode.
Flip & The Mad Chink
My two favorite Asians on the TRS network, yay!
Looks like a great show bros, gonna consume this on my back porch tomorrow
Well this is a treat
I think we should hold on the eugenics with this one…
This is a great host pairing. No offense to Jazzy.
I can’t talk about what should happen to the Sacklers without Fedposting so I’m just going to thank y’all for making such a concise and pinpoint case for why they are pure evil scum.
James Allsup and Borzoi Boskovic two of the foremost thinkers of the alt-right together on a podcast. This one is gonna be good.
Big Borzoi the man!
FTN at the 白色右radio network
Lets gwooooo!
Here we go another solid FTN by the looks of it
F5 gang