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Mike, Alex and Borzoi are skeptical.
- Covidshit
- Libtardshit
- Antifashit
- GayPakistanishit
- Shermershit
- David Cole, Bradley Smith, Michael Shermer on Phil Donahue (1994)
- Mark Weber/Michael Shermer debate (1995)
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Sorry about the intermittent audio glitches. These are the kind of Dark times to expect at TRS when I do audio production.
Mike, if you haven’t listened to David Coles interview about Michael Shermer you absolutely have to. Dawson did the interview, it’s really funny stuff, the day the grift was born.
I actually found this on the internet archive just yesterday. I find David Cole just slightly unbearable though, and he tends to make it all about him rather than the system of analysis that Shermer engages in. Carlo Mattogno’s essay in ‘Auschwitz Lies’ on ‘Denying History’ is the most devastating BTFO of Shermer I have seen.
“he tends to make it all about him “
A jew making it all about himself?
We are in these dark times together so they feel plenty cozy
Oh jeez, it’s like a shoah for the first five minutes or so of hour 2. I think it gets less frequent after that.
At 3 hours and 24 minutes, Mike, consider it an A/B test for quantity over quality.(of sound not content — I haven’t listened yet, but the comments have me confident the content up to the customary high standards of The Shoah)
Did you think this was an episode of Mike and the Mad Wop?
“Mr Technical Difficulties” Johnny Monoxide vindicated at last!
At least I can produce proof of this Shoah.
the fucking zingers in this comment section…
Hey Moike, gotta ask because I’ve been hyped for it. Are you guys still suing that Myles Powers n’guy?
@Mike, re:”Oh jeez, it’s like a shoah for the first five minutes or so of hour 2…”:
Don’t joke abowt tha hoe-low-cauwst (oh, gawd!)
No Sven means bad audio but an extra hour of content… insert meme of superhero sweating trying to chose which button to press.
That’s a no-brainer. More conBRRRRRT!
I’m just glad I get to hear it. Thanks
Sounds like you’re being censored, I’m imagining what kinds of things you’re saying that get bleeped out
All I could think of was the Death Panel dodging Joosh lasers from a 1960’s sci fi show,.
Those aren’t lasers they’re robot farts.
No need to apologize for ANYTHING, Mike! You guys did a fantastic show… I love the holohoax denial commentary. Fantastic stuff! I don’t mind not having the bit always ready, I love listening to TRS insight, even on “trivial” matters/tangents.
By “dark times” you mean brown tranny times?….
Yes, yes he does.
I was going to ask for a refund on my sub but since you apologized we’re still cool.
NO REFUNDS! Moike gets to keep all $1200.00!
Still better than Stroike n’ Moike 129
The Virgin Sven Audio quality vs the Chad Emergency Alert System impersonator.
I did a short course the NGO ‘First Draft’ run for ‘journalists’ and they say the following about verifying sources on an image, they call it the ‘5 pillars of verification’ – they’re doing it for COVID shit but I thought it’d be fun to apply to ‘holocaust’ images
o Provenance: are you looking at the original content?
o Source: who captured the riginal piece of content
o Date: when was the piece of content captured
o Location: where was it captured
o Motivation: why was this piece of content captured (or presented as it is eg painted pictures of women bathing at Auswitz)
Covering a wide variety of shit today!
Say something nice about White people.
Rock music.
Italian food
Law and order
White people are the most empathetic
Satellites and space exploration. White people will discover extra terrestrial life within this century within this solar system.
Oil paintings
DNA analysis/forensic science
Rome, Saint Petersburg, Venice, Moscow
White people created movies and continue to be the ones that make almost all movies (worth seeing).
The internet
White people have more nuance and dynamism than any other race. White people have a better sense of humor than any other race.
White people are the most beautiful.
Zoos/the study of animals/preservation of animals
White people are the most honest race.
White people are good at plumbing/sanitation. And have high standards of cleanliness/hygiene.
Basically everything good ever.
National Parks/Parks as a concept
Nuclear energy
K selection
Ice Cream
Boy Scouts
Being that it’s my birthday: WOO HOO!
Cool. Halloween is a pagan European tradition. Jazzhands should do a deep dive on that. A mini deep dive.
I didn’t add “work ethic” because I think the Asians are better at that. But I mean, who wants to work 80 hours a week and commit suicide like a Jap? And I take back “the most honest race”. Because frankly, I don’t know that Slavs and southern Europeans ARE HONEST like maybe Anglos are. They have “their truth” not “the truth”. And I’m perfectly fine with that. It’s better actually. But those are like 2 main differences between the Anglo/Nord and the Slav and Italian Europeans. But basically everything else applies to ALL Europeans. And most of those, to… Read more »
“ I think the Asians are better at that. “
The Asians are only “better” at brain-dead repetitive drone “work”.
Ehhh, kind of true. They’re less creative. They’re emotionally flat. They have less dynamism, that’s why.
“Rome, Saint Petersburg, Venice, Moscow”
Shit, I thought it was funny.
Guy, your whole thread doubled the width of the web-page. Nice.
Creating a forum thread in a comment section
You gotta problem with that???
Oh god, Mikes mic in hour 2
I’m an anarcho-communist who gets working class people fired for the international banking jew in the name of trans midget workers of color.
We’re reaching levels of pretzel brain that shouldn’t even be possible.
Mike goes Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr again
Someone needs to make a meme of an angry Wojack pointing out the audio issues and a head-turned-to-the-side Mike responding “Hehe microphone go BRRRRRR”.
I got fired for calling one of the customers a stupid n word. It had been my 10th warning for that kind of behavior and IN BIDEN’S AMERICA I guess I don’t have that FREEDOM anymore.
I can’t download one hour ! I need the whole frickin show!
You can’t download the show until it’s finished
Lol. His premonitions were true!
Did he fall or was he pushed? The racism union has been grumbling as of late
Personally I blame the jews.
Trump beat COVID in 3 days and is heading back to the White House Covid BTFO’d
He still has to quarantine for 14 days if I’m not mistaken
That’s what my brother said. ?
libtards owned again ???
Thinking about Bat-Clooney’s nipples, a defining aspect of my life
Rased And Bedpilled
Get the Exodus Americanus boys for that Horus Heresy Poz Button, it’ll be the best episode of Political Science Theatre yet
This x the power of 6 million suns!
Oh gawd six million pay chads getting the shoah the first hour
Never admit a mistake Mike. You over estimate the intelligence of the White working class. Just tell em YOUVE BEEN PROVEN RIGHT AGAIN! Even when you’ve been proven wrong. No matter what you said, just repeat exactly what happened then say, ITS JUST LIKE I SAID!
Uh, Noooo. That’s what our enemies do. On THAT point we SHOULDN’T copy (((THEM)))!
I’m implying Mike should make it a joke. He should use my joke one if these times. He used a different joke. Something about having reverse prophecy ability. Mine is brazenly lying about what he said. Like, if you go back, Mike predicted THE EXACT DAY when that Ginsberg would die. The exact hour even!!!! That’s what’s so amazing!
Not every joke is funny.
Everyone missed McNabb’s sweet Event Horizon reference.
651 is my favorite number. It’s my IQ. Although when it comes to numbers I have dyslexia. So i forget if it’s 651 or 165 or even 651. If it’s not 651 it’s 651. Im pretty sure.
Is this the new incel thread?
No, it’s the volcel thread.
Nobody ever thinks to toss a penny down the hall in vampire media.
Another day another battle with the zen player, truly a herculean struggle like Jacob wrestling with the angel of the lord or perseus slaying Medusa. Might as well make the camel go through the eye of the needle than to get it to work.
At last, the alienation ends
Oh hell yeah. We’re back in bizness. F5 gang needs to F5 and it should work.
It suddenly worked. Thank you, ghost of Eichmann.
It works now on firefox, for me
Works for me on grome
I know you see the comments Moike
I feel alienated.
So much for an early first hour, eh? Oh well, at least I can catch up on Paranormies while I wageslave from home…
Have some control, asshole.
i just installed opera. It was a negative
I also tried waterfox. That was also a negative
Is there a secret secondary pay wall for non pajeet access?
Here’s the thing
More or less.
Winfag here, no viddeo on braveik, foxfire, and tried edge as a desperation move, no bueno
Fixed, goodd work svenjeeyt
Or moikey
I never had any issue playing a video on this site until now.
Maybe it’s a message.
Tried Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Firefox, no joy.
I’m at working and feeling the alienation.
The Spinning Wheel is an ancient symbol of the Aryan conquest through chariot warfare. Very solar symbolism. A+
Pjeetvision is alienating the working class as we speak
Das ist serh schlecht, nicht laden auf Chrome und Edge!
We join the group in the middle of the day as they wait in the cold for their podcast to arrive. The podcast has not been seen for many days. Passengers that have paid as much as ten hundred Zogars to board sit awkwardly by the road and refresh their browsers. There is a problem. The podcast will arrive late again and the group begin to get restless and write gay comments.
We refer to them as homosexual comments around these parts.
As William Wallace said in that movie, they can take our lives, but they will never take OUUUUUUUUUURRR PREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!
Well they DID take our prep…….they…….did 🙁
Dad leaves and this all goes to shit. Sven is never allowed to take a day off… ever again.
This is the first time in 2+ years I’ve had an issue with the video playback
Yeah though it’s hard getting stuff to work when all the ready made solutions Shoah you. I just feel lucky that this week is the first time I’ve ever had issues.
Pajeet Vision doesn’t know the shot…
Here’s the thing, please do the needful.
Vidya not working on grome
Awe video do spin wheel again. Oh well good takes come to those who wait
Any Brave niggas having pajeet issues? Also DuckDuckGo nighaz
I’m phonefaggin and nothing works about to try on desktop
Chrome too
Working class status: alienated
Firefox too. Chrome btfo
Yep, not working here either with Brave. “Video not ready for this device. Please try a different browser.”
Friendship ended with Mikejeet, now Svenjeet is my best friend.
Wasn’t Moik supposed to be the tech whiz of the bunch?
He is, just not with A/V production. His skills are in a different tech discipline.
The Byzantine Snek slithers his way onto yet another podcast, and I’m ok with that.
f5 gang gang
Non-alienated working class reporting in.
I’M TOTALLY FUCKING ALIENATED! Just not by TRS. Not even when Jazz yells at me.
Reporting in for triggering, sir!