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Mike, Alex and Borzoi are skeptical.
- Covidshit
- Libtardshit
- Antifashit
- GayPakistanishit
- Shermershit
- David Cole, Bradley Smith, Michael Shermer on Phil Donahue (1994)
- Mark Weber/Michael Shermer debate (1995)
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Sorry about the intermittent audio glitches. These are the kind of Dark times to expect at TRS when I do audio production.
Mike, if you haven’t listened to David Coles interview about Michael Shermer you absolutely have to. Dawson did the interview, it’s really funny stuff, the day the grift was born.
I actually found this on the internet archive just yesterday. I find David Cole just slightly unbearable though, and he tends to make it all about him rather than the system of analysis that Shermer engages in. Carlo Mattogno’s essay in ‘Auschwitz Lies’ on ‘Denying History’ is the most devastating BTFO of Shermer I have seen.
“he tends to make it all about him “
A jew making it all about himself?
We are in these dark times together so they feel plenty cozy
Oh jeez, it’s like a shoah for the first five minutes or so of hour 2. I think it gets less frequent after that.
At 3 hours and 24 minutes, Mike, consider it an A/B test for quantity over quality.(of sound not content — I haven’t listened yet, but the comments have me confident the content up to the customary high standards of The Shoah)
Did you think this was an episode of Mike and the Mad Wop?
“Mr Technical Difficulties” Johnny Monoxide vindicated at last!
At least I can produce proof of this Shoah.
the fucking zingers in this comment section…
Hey Moike, gotta ask because I’ve been hyped for it. Are you guys still suing that Myles Powers n’guy?
@Mike, re:”Oh jeez, it’s like a shoah for the first five minutes or so of hour 2…”:
Don’t joke abowt tha hoe-low-cauwst (oh, gawd!)
No Sven means bad audio but an extra hour of content… insert meme of superhero sweating trying to chose which button to press.
That’s a no-brainer. More conBRRRRRT!
I’m just glad I get to hear it. Thanks
Sounds like you’re being censored, I’m imagining what kinds of things you’re saying that get bleeped out
All I could think of was the Death Panel dodging Joosh lasers from a 1960’s sci fi show,.
Those aren’t lasers they’re robot farts.
No need to apologize for ANYTHING, Mike! You guys did a fantastic show… I love the holohoax denial commentary. Fantastic stuff! I don’t mind not having the bit always ready, I love listening to TRS insight, even on “trivial” matters/tangents.
By “dark times” you mean brown tranny times?….
Yes, yes he does.
I was going to ask for a refund on my sub but since you apologized we’re still cool.
NO REFUNDS! Moike gets to keep all $1200.00!
Still better than Stroike n’ Moike 129
The Virgin Sven Audio quality vs the Chad Emergency Alert System impersonator.
I did a short course the NGO ‘First Draft’ run for ‘journalists’ and they say the following about verifying sources on an image, they call it the ‘5 pillars of verification’ – they’re doing it for COVID shit but I thought it’d be fun to apply to ‘holocaust’ images
o Provenance: are you looking at the original content?
o Source: who captured the riginal piece of content
o Date: when was the piece of content captured
o Location: where was it captured
o Motivation: why was this piece of content captured (or presented as it is eg painted pictures of women bathing at Auswitz)
The thought of people taking the time to physically mail letters to shermer accusing him of being a J makes me smile
Lol I just finished reading Churchill and Hitler and the Unnecessary War. I just skipped the holocaust part.
Tell them: “We’ve learned to cope with your “out” queerness which you could hide but you don’t because it gives you power. Maybe it’s your turn to learn a few coping skills with the idea that person next to you disagrees with you politically.”
1:13 was a recent story about a journalist who went and asked black people to say one nice thing about white people and they couldn’t do it. thought you guys were about to segue into that story.
“What’s so bad about deporting people on trains?”
You’d have to ask all the illegals and their libtard allies in America who were yowling about Trump in 2016.
What the hell is this “Zen Player”?
This was an awesome denial session. Shermer is a loser.
“when you nuke a city everyone sees it.”
And when you kill 6 million people there are going to be remains. Lots and lots of remains.
“Exploit errors made by scholars who are making opposite arguments.”
So, listing the pile of errors by haulocau$t-promoting historians is not a convergence of evidence. And making “opposite arguments” isn’t writing about the past “for present political, ideological or personal purposes”.
“Biographies of Hitler…”
“The rewriting of the past for present political, ideological or personal purposes.”
LOL! Because none of the mainstream WWII historians do THAT!
“I think that is a deliberate manipulation and deception.”
Well, Richard Evans would certainly have as much experience in manipulation and deception, especially in WWII historiography, as anyone!
Evans’ argument that all errors should be random is bullshit. He’s making an essentially statistical argument but historians don’t take a “random sample” of documents and present them. There’s always subjective judgment in selecting material and there’s always some sort of narrative to it. OBVIOUSLY you are more likely to include material (or make errors) that will help your narrative rather than undermine it. It’s not like Lipstadt’s hack scholarship would pass that sort of test either. Does she ever make “pro-Nazi” errors? Lol, no.
Exactly damn right!
A major flaw in Shermer’s logic is that he’s arbitrarily bundling many distinct claims together as “The Holocaust” and he says we have to accept the entire bundle because there’s “lots” of evidence supposedly proving bits and pieces of this bundle. The thing is though that we have “lots” of evidence only for the most mundane parts of the story. The camps, the tattoos, the yellow stars, the trains, shaving hair, etc. But we have only weak evidence for the extraordinary and sensational parts of the story. The extermination program, the gas chambers, the six million. If we were being… Read more »
No it would be like providing chain of custody veified, physical forensic evidence of a crime.
Instead he declared all of the hearsay “science” by fiat and tried to frame legitimate analysis in the secular theism of “anti-science”.
Alex that book you want is available here
Conservatives only care about MONEY!
Alex’s face in the hour 2 thumbnail is my face when I look at the hour 1 thumbnail
Cant wait for the PozButton reboot series
you don’t have to be so timid when you are on other podcasts! Being silent 30 minutes means you were never there basically! Its like half gassing, it aint RIGHT! The Chamber aint tight! A Dushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
A gentile is more credible than a jew across the board regardless of what the issue is
“Comrads, pleas to keep jenocide topp secret, wil be big truble in caz we loose war”
-Adlof Hortler 31 April 1942″
United Steel Workers leadership is pushing Biden. There’s a large “push back” with rank and file citing chinese tariffs etc. by Trump. Have i completely cut myself off from the outside world? Have wages and employment been rising? I looked into trailer lot fees, in salt lake valley you’re talking over $700/mo for the lot and over a grand for an 800 sq ft trailer. The working class is getting crushed, your fight for AIDS is not helping.
Mike you look like Robert Timmons from LArkrise to Candleford, you’ll like him too
Finally looked up turgid. Thanks for that.
Just saw bipoc in a yard for the first time last week. Thought for sure it was some super fun sexy big time thing. Nope just assholes changing terms.