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The Death Panel are making lists.
- Paywall Announcement
- Space Striker
- Jewed Out of 40 Acres and a Mule
- NY Times White Washing Lists
- The Merchant Minute
- Fucking White Mail
- Knock-Off Michael Shermer
- Girl-Name Quigley
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
I’m looking for a good read on the ba’thists. Iraq in particular but whatever is good, recommends?
Bruce Willis became a star from the tv show Moonlighting which was much more based on his humour & rapport with Cybil Sheppard than action stuff
David Cole lays out the Michael Shermer thing pretty well in his IHR talk.
I think Shermer got into it sort of naively, probably as something to boost his magazine. He probably figured it would be very easy to debunk. But the fact checkers started inundating him with fact checker material and Shermer pretty quickly realized he’d bit off more than he could chew but was too much of a bitch to admit it.
“General Dew-hett”
Dew-ay. French you know.
All the destruction and the fighting to the bitter end was Hitler’s fault even though it was Roosevelt who pushed unconditional surrender. Yeah, sure, right
The Reichstag Fire
The first debunking of the accusations against the National Socialists was published in 1964: https://www.amazon.com/Reichstag-fire-Fritz-Tobias/dp/B0007DMFS0/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3SJC43YI9ZLAR&dchild=1&keywords=reichstag+fire&qid=1600384922&s=books&sprefix=reichstag%2Cstripbooks%2C214&sr=1-3
AJP Taylor wrote the approving introduction to the English language version.
The most recent debunking of this Communist lie came out in 2016: https://www.amazon.com/Reichstag-Fire-Case-Against-Conspiracy/dp/0750964871/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1600385273&sr=1-4
The introduction to this book is written by Hans Mommsen the great-grandson of Theodor Mommsen the author of the monumental A History of Rome.
The authors of both introductions are mainstream historians.
“he’s just not saying they’re jewish.”
From Wikipedia:
Historian Robert Rotberg states, “Quigley nowhere proves anything. He hints, he implies, he supposes and he presumes.”
Uh yeah. Moike? It’s promounced PEE-buh-dee not pee-bawdee. I’m not kidding!
The reason why there should never be private banking. All capital should be directly controlled by the government.
“Schindler was a piece of shit.”
“Instead, Marcel Goldberg, a Jewish “clerk” assigned to the new Plaszow commandant Arnold Buscher, played the largest role in compiling the transport list. It is generally agreed that Buscher, an SS officer, “could not have cared, within certain numerical limits, who went on the list,” according to Thomas Keneally. >>>>It’s also agreed that Goldberg engaged in a certain amount of corruption in who he added to the list<<<< and, moreover, that there was not even one “list” but rather different lists that emerged over a series of months.”
The question is did Itzhak Stern and/or Oskar Schindler know about this corruption and profit from it?
Fun fact: The west coast JDL and the east coast JDL fought each other. Dov Hikind and Irv Rubin were enemies.
“If I had a son, I would want him to be just like you!”
-Uncle A., to Leon Degrelle
The Eastern Front by Cousin Leon:
Hitler For A Thousand Years also by Cousin Leon
Hitler, Democrat again by our Cousin Leon
Pro cousin Leon documentary part 1
Pro cousin Leon documentary part 2
I have been paying very close attention to the availability of books on well known websites. When Amazon removed Martin Luther “On the jews” a few months ago I looked on target.com and walmart.com you were able to order it on both sites. I added it to my saved list/cart on both sites. Just in the past two weeks they have disappeared and are now unavailable. Kind of strange how both huge retailers decided to stop selling it at the same time. I wonder how that works.
Can someone please post the site where I can buy the Leon Degrelle book?
thank you friend.
Hey, do you know if this is just a different version of Hitler For A Thousand Years or not??? The reason I ask is because TBR published My Revolutionary Life and I found out it’s just a different translation of HFATY which is now being published by Ostara.
Disregard my question I asked Antelope Hill directly and this is what they said:
Thank you for your question. We are happy to report that it is a different book – The Burning Souls is a poetic memoir, more poem than autobiography. It consists of 33 sections divided into 6 parts. The parts are titled as follows:
1) Empty Hearts
2) Wellsprings of Life
3) The Misery of Mankind
4) The Joy of Mankind
5) A Man’s Duty (Notes on the Eastern Front)
6) To Give Completely.
A.H. Publishing
“Faces of power.”
How many of them are JEWS???
13% my ASS!
Oh Moike. The 3/5 of a person was a compromise between the North and the South. It was made because the South wanted all the slaves counted for apportionment purposes and the North, rightly so in my opinion, pointed out that apportionment shouldn’t count people that aren’t citizens. Of course NOW we count all sorts of illegals and non-citizen legal immigrants so that California and NY and Florida and Texas can have big electoral numbers!
“If only shit-bag plantation owners would hire White people.”
YES! Thank you!
The idea that the Old South was this great repository for pro-Whiteness is just BULLSHIT!
Or rather a kind of proto-Finklethink!
The cotton gin didn’t pick the cotton it just processed the cotton that was picked. The invention of the cotton gin is what preserved the cotton trade. Because otherwise it would have been too time consuming and expensive to process the cotton by hand.
Here’s a photo of a reproduction of Whitney’s cotton gin. Clearly NOT for picking the cotton. Just for processing it:
Here a photo of a modern cotton gin:
I would really enjoy a deep dive on WW1 if it ever happens in the future. I had a brief look for non-mainstream starter material a while ago but it’s hard to tell if the writer is a holograms 9/11 tier conspiracy guy or not
Shermer went to an IHR conference and debated Mark Weber in the 80’s. I really don’t like him but I have to respect a guy who is willing to do that.
” I really don’t like him but I have to respect a guy who is willing to do that.”
Why? Because he’s being being paid by Big Jew to shill the hollow-hoax absolutely EVERYWHERE??? It didn’t take ANY guts for him to do that! He’s totally supported by the jews who run this shitshow called America to make this speech in front of a bunch of right wing WHITES! He was never safer in his ENITRE life! FUCK HIM!!!
Really lyov, you should know better!
21:40 hour 2… let me in on this
I definitely want to see the Death Panel do a mystery science theater 3000 style viewing of Schindler’s List. Make it happen Sven.
I’m not sure if that would be the most hilarious thing the Death Panel has ever done or if I would end up overdosing on HBP because it was so INFURIATING???
Shit! No guts, no glory! LET’S DO IT!
He survived because his grandfather submerged himself in trhe fecal slop of a latrine and breathed through a reed until the Nazi guards passed by.
tfw when you just started reading Forever War last week
Can you please show my wife’s drawing of you guys?
Yeah! I’d like to see that!
Wrongfully accusing whites of disproportionately occupying positions of power in their own countries (which they should be entitled to regardless) is a legitimate critique and something we need to urgently change (it’s for your own good goy trust us), but correctly observing the virtual monopoly that jews have on formerly white institutions and culture and implying that there’s something wrong with that means you want another holocaust and you need to be silenced at all costs.
The chutzpah is infuriating.
If we’re going to talk about disproportionality WHAT ABOUT THE JEWS???!!!
Sven continues with the wresting posting without mentioning FUCKING BASED Roddy in Wreslemania 6 with his black face vs Bad News Jogger.. C’mon nnnguy.
I will be looking that up, sounds awesome
These disgusting jews are something else. I searched the terms “Jewish” and “shun” and this comes up:
And you know it’s just the tip of the noseberg.
“There is no nice way of saying it,” Mrs. Engelman said. “Our community protects molesters. Other than that, we are wonderful.”
IF we send physical cash, should we still treat it as if it was a money order through /paywall/?
Thats what I did. I hope it works.
I have been interested in Tragedy and Hope for a long time so the second half of this show is actually one of my favorite of all time!
I had a conversation a couple of years ago with my shit lib, fellow boomer brother about the hollow bulls hit, and he said that his (young millennial) kids didn’t give a shit about the hollolie. That could be the white pill we’re hoping for….
I just want to say, you’re all soo trad…
Re: Part 2
For all newbs to the reality of WW2 (((Allied))) carnage and war-crimes:
Watch this, I dare you.
Warning: It is a tear-jerker. War is Hell, when you deal with Communist Jews and their lackeys.
Compare and contrast the body language of survivors of Dresden with survivors of Auschwitz when they each recount their experiences.
Very telling
I really want to know what $100 item will increase my SMV…
I found some parts of that NYT feature to be kind of whitepilling. Especially the demographics of the Senate. 91% Huwhite. And the few minorities are not typical minorities. 3 “blacks” – Kamala Harris (not really black), Cory Booker (part black, closeted fag), Tim Scott (the only real black and of course he’s Republican, lol) 4 “Latinos” – Cruz, Rubio, Bob Menendez, Cortez Masto. The first three are mostly if not completely white Cubans. The last lady is half Mexican and looks white. 2 Asians – Hirono (Japanese), Duckworth (half Thai, half white) What we see here is that blacks… Read more »
“They are half minority at least and they are still putting up a white presidential candidate in the wokest year on record.”
That just shows that democracy is bullshit.
Which I guess could be interpreted as a white pill too!
> Fresh-faced GIs stumbling upon the concentration camps
This guy’s master’s thesis tells of how GIs killed SS who surrendered, and, what they did to the German prison guards. Look for ‘shovel’ for a brutal read, worthy of Quentin Tarantino. I’m surprised people haven’t put this stuff into movies yet.
75% of the Ivy League schools have kayak presidents.
You’ve said this before. But it bears repeating.
Crazy, I didn’t know the Morgans were not Jewish. I knew one of his clan, probably a great great great whatever. They lived in the richest part of <redacted.> Everyone, including me, just assumed she was Jewish.
Her interests included:
the Beatles
Grunge music
Woody Allen films
Snorting literally any pill
Stealing all my buddies away from their blonde and redhead girlfriends, and…
F^cking and torturing and gaslighting said girlfriends.
Fun fact: One of them killed herself.
Yeah, we just assumed she was a Jew Morgan.
You learn something new everyday.
Spiritual jew IS a thing!
According to the stick pile on Tucker: DC staff is really and Republicans are even gayer than the Democrats–nice that they admit it and trying to celebrating it.
The listing guys stand over here they’ll show you how it’s done.
These slimy jews fill up the news with White hate ain’t this fun?
Anyone seen that David Cole has a YouTube channel lol? He does a weekly show and takes questions
Yes. I’ve even commented on one of his videos.
Which has apparently been removed after something like four YEARS! LOL! Fuck jewtube!
Death to America.
https://jimgoad.net/hug/GroupHugEpisode20.mp3 Interview with David Cole
Thanks. I miss Jim since he went on that shabbos goy’s platform behind a paywall.
Fuck David Cole. Listen to Tom Metzger:
Starting at 35:30!
Whoopi interviews Terrible Tommy!
How sweet is that?
List making: the lowest poetry, and the highest politics.
Use this for your avatar:
Cool, thanks.
Sailer has talked about the JQ for a while but he usually treads pretty lightly. He mocks them all the time for going on about the WASP country clubs. The “Golfocaust” he calls it. One point he’s made about Jewish overrepresentation is that a lot of Jews (especially neo-conservative Commentary magazine type Jews) were very nervous about affirmative action back in the 60s and 70s because the logic could be applied against Jews. But the more aggressive Jews were like, naw it’d be fine, we’ll just have an outrageous double standard and screw whites from both ends and use our… Read more »
Thanks to TRS, I learned how to get off my ass and learn how bitcoin works and how to make payments with bitcoin. Maybe the removal of credit card payments option was a good thing because I learned something useful. Thanks!
“The Death Panel are making lists.”
And it’s not even Christmas!
[Wholly shit! I’m going to be buying about 11 or 12 books from Ostara Publications !]
Right Stuff Roll Call
Sven needs to make this
Seriously, I would trade a Shoah just for a one-time MSTDS 3K of Schindler’s List or any other film of that genre.
The plot would be similar to the original show, like “It’s the year 2030, and President Harris had us sent into outer space for our fascism, where we’re forced to watch shitty Holohoax videos all day on our Nazi space station”
You forgot the part where we re-engineer that space station to fly it out of Earth’s orbit to land on Mars where we terraform that planet into a Nazi super state from which we launch a White reconquista of Earth and the REAL Final Solution for all non-Whites! jews most ESPECIALLY!!!
Clearly they won’t list black rock and black stone. Zog prefers the normie be ignorant of thier existence and will end up doing an in before with associating it with a bilderberger esoteric conspiracy tier existence