Jazz and James update your firmware on the Israel-Bahrain deal and what more is on the way, a Kodak pump, dump, and loot booster rocket to send your jimmies even further into orbit, the parallels between what Trump/Kushner/Carson are doing with HUD today and how jignat GOP megadonor Larry Mizel and others defrauded HUD under Reagan in the 80s — and got away with it, future black agricultural debtors of America and the purported white supremacy of John Deere, how big corporations like Wells Fargo, JPMorgan, and BlackRock are loudly supporting BLM while quietly giving millions to law enforcement, NFL fans boo anti-racism at the opening game that few watched, and Netflix's "Cuties" Israeli producer scrubs his internet presence. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Oh say can you see Kyle?
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Imploding Arab League BDS
00:30:00 - Kodak Booster Rocket
00:50:00 - Morning in Weimerica
01:35:00 - BREAK
01:38:00 - Future Black Debtors of America
02:05:00 - White Supreeemacy of John Deere
02:25:00 - "Woke" Capital
02:38:00 - NFL Doubles Down on Brown
02:48:00 - Pura Coincidencia, Bro
03:00:00 - Outro
James got it mixed up, the Atlanta team moved to Winnipeg. Despite signing almost every nog in the league, blacks didn’t give a shit.
The original Winnipeg team moved to Phoenix, where nobody cares and the team threatens to move every year.
Which books written by Douglas Reed would you recommend we read?
The Controversy of Zion
It’s Monday and my jimmies are still not back yet
Its not that you stole money goy. Its that you stole our money.
“Hot Cheeto Farmer” is an excellent handle
One that matches the lips. Amirite?
Five minutes, twenty-five seconds in, you’ll find out what is ‘nearest and dearest’ to Dan Bongino’s heart and where is allegiances really lie, and no, it’s not with ‘his country’, nor his family.
WTF! Everything about that was awful but from eichmann on dental damage.
I’ve never bothered to look this guy up before, and Jazz is 100% accurate this butt goy isn’t 100% White.
That boy has some Cheeto Farmer in the woodpile.
Jesus i just saw that Jacob Blake PSA on Dissident-Mag. There’s something to the shallow eyed retard thing. Black consciousness amazes, it’s funny as hell. What was this dude saying? I almost thought he was saying, do better, learn from my mistake. By the end of his statement um no i don’t think so. Is this accidental negro pilpul?
Sorry about the Autism over Kodak and Poloroid Jazz Hands. You and James do a great show!
Many thanks to you both!
This was the he best episode since around the 100 to 105 episodes when I first started listening. God bless y’all.
Seriously, This is the content that made FTN great. I sent the link to my normie buddies. They just hit the second half with the FFA bit and they’re loving it. We all went to a 50/50 high school, so the hot Cheetos farming commentary is killin em.
Here’s an article by KMac posted on VDARE yesterday:
Can NJP partially platform on a White Farmers of America (and/or a Future White Farmers of America) organization? Jazzhands can give the corn-growing courses…
Fun fact: they literally had SIX FUCKING HUNDRED CHILDREN TWERK for tryouts for the acting! SIX HUNDRED!!!!
Edit: shid i wasn’t patient
Christ, I didn’t know about or give thought to the auditions…peak Weimar. I guess this was a French film (distributed via Netflix streaming services), but you can just bet (((American Hollywood))) is priming the pump for this kind of degeneracy to be produced locally.
Jazzhands, I was watching the Chiefs Texans game for a bit before I saw that jogger kneeling, and there was no way in fuck that stadium had 17k ppl.
Yeah James was saying it was under capacity
Nice work, Kyle.
I built a (functional, but not great) wooden frame for a cardboard box ‘house’ for a stray cat we’re adopting, and walked the dog, and still didn’t get through all of this FTN! Good episode, tho, Goys: moar jewish tricks & lack of negro-wits.
In case anyone didn’t get the show title reference (along with Kyle’s foreground art). Maybe Netanyahu’s horse-faced daughter could have been the other half to FFA’s we wuz farmers n’sheeit.
JFC Jazz and James. I can’t stop relistening to FTN 340 to hear about the Kodak scheme…I miss my jimmies…they were old and tired…but they were my dear old friends,,,now I’m 100% with Alex…fuck this shitty country…fuck everything about it. Sigh.
“people playing the market have done well”
I can vouch for this. My older brother lost 200 grand when the market tanked at the beginning of the “plandemic” but has made 800 grand since the re-opening of the economy.
He’s well on his way to affording a paywall sub!
LOL! He gets mad at me when I send him a Sunday FTN episode because it disrupts his boomercon capitalist fantasy.
Don’t want to WELL ACKSHULLY but I’ve come across no substantiated information that Zangro is Jewish/dual citizen.
I know his Wikis is wiped, but still. IIRC the production company is ran by a Jew. But yeah. Just make sure your info is verifiable.
Just as Borzoi says, Let’s not make the jobs of the professional anti-semites harder :^)
A cursory search reveals dozens of screenshots of the now completely scrubbed Wikipedia page confirming the Israeli dual citizenship. Zangroniz is also the name of a well-known “Basque” Sephardi slaver merchant family from the late 1700s through abolition. It is not a Gentile last name. But yeah. If you want to come with gay snark and claim some Jewish producer with a very long track record of pumping out degenerate anti-White Jewish content, especially films sexualizing young girls, isn’t actually Jewish, you ought to have some means of substantiating your claim. Otherwise, as Borzoi also says: Shut the fuck up… Read more »
Houston: you get a greenie for that pic!
Here is a copy of the Wiki page:
Another copy of Wiki (read the comments, they’re hilarious):
Apparently the French Wiki page deleted his profile entirely (use a web translator to confirm):
When one looks at Dan Bongino, it’s not wonder the “Italians are black” meme came into being.
Somewhere, Dennis Hopper is smiling.
Dat wide nose and flat face tho… definitely darkie DNA.
I just saw a guy driving from downtown with an american and a smokey the bear flag…. hahahaha that’s some good meme magic.
From the home of John Deere. Worked for corporate. John Deere could give a shit about a black boycott. They are the world leader in the manufacture of the best and most expensive ag implements, worldwide.
Black farmers do not exist, in Deere’s mind.
Btw, Deere is headquartered in the Quad Cities (moline).
“They’re not going to look into this stuff”
Great show!
Forgive my autism if I missed the joke but the word “Croats” is pronounced “crow-ats”, not “crotes.” The latter is funnier though.
And HERE’s your sperg!
Thanks Chuck Houston ?
That’s “le Olde” to YOU!
“le Oldefag”
I think you’re looking in the mirror.
You are correct. I am Croatian and it is pronounced as “Crow-ats”.
And AWAAAY we go!
Shimon and Karfunkel
Hello d’nations, my old friend
I’ve come to absorb you again
Because a Zionism softly creeping
Left its seeds while you were sleeping
And the Fink-think that was planted in goys’ brains
Still remains
Within the sound of finance
“spend a month learning about jews.”
In response to the segment just before the break
“when a Jew speaks of the love of humanity, even the rocks smile”
“Mike Pence’s philo-semitic brown-nosing”
Spam Houston’s reaction:
“a Crote”
LOL! Croatian spergery ensues!
Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel
The talk about blacks getting farmland reminds me that Rhodesia tried to give black families land because a lot of the white farmers wanted to move to cash crops. So they tried to hand out farmland on the cheap to blacks so they could grow foodstuff and create a black middle class, but it failed because the dad would run out on his family and the farm would fail.
ACKSHUALLY the Atlanta team moved to Winnipeg. Hockeys about the only sport I can deal with just because I grew up playing and watching it. Theyve tried to poz it up but most fans dont care. BLM was chimping out because the NHL wasnt doing enough…like we all know, it will never end and they will never be satisfied until out daughters have mulatto kids and our sons are trannies.
Didn’t they move a Canadian team to Jacksonville or New Orleans or something?
The original Winnipeg Jets moved to Arizona and are now the Coyotes.
Before the “wild” came in as an expansion team in Minnesota they, and the Hartford Whalers (moved to NC) were being courted.
The original MN team the North Stars moved to Dallas in the early 90’s (by a jew owner) ironically leaving the “state of hockey” without an NHL team for a decade.
The whole blm stuff by nhl players is so fucking forced it’s not even funny. Most nhl players really don’t give a flying fuck ab jogger lives matter. Even some white nfl players are like “nnguy, whats going on here (Drew Brees).”
On the John Deere topic, their equipment isn’t that great, there’s a great YouTube channel called Western Truck and Tractor Repair, Warren, the guy running it, works on a lot of Deere equipment from time to time and some of their stuff is ass backwards from how it should be, it’s not built with in-the-field service in mind either because they don’t believe that farmers and people who have their equipment have a right to work on it to begin with. All these things, to me, lead me to believe that Caterpillar makes better equipment for construction at very least… Read more »
Deere parts are cheap. But CLAAS
My family business being involved heavily with Deere on the one side and Cat on the other, I would give my preferences to Cat, but straight up both are garbage and Hitachi is probably the best you’ll get. But they’re gross Japs who make that gay anime shit.
I’ve spent some time in Bahrain. Actually it’s a small island country that you can drive around and across in a very short amount of time. The US Navy had an awesome hotel/barracks to party at. Great down time. Really nice golf course. Alcohol is legal there so Saudi Arabia decided to build a bridge from the main land to there. Every Thursday night (their Friday night) a line of cars from Saudi Arabia head over to party in Bahrain. A literal line of cars that stretch across the bridge all the way into Saudi Arabia. Bahrain is basically a… Read more »
With how fake and gay the twitter trending is im surprised how they allowed cuties and cancel netflix to trend as long as they did even they know this is bad optics for them.
That other netflix show big mouth is way worse but because its a cartoon the people don’t care at all.
Nuck Figgers, Puck The Folice
>my last words after having a stroke
Jewish ownership/control of NHL and NASCAR proves it’s pointless for fans of those sports to throw other sports under the bus because “at least our sport is still mostly white”. There’s nowhere to run to, J3ws own and control everything.
Is there an article on that Kodak thing?
I knew we were f_cked as soon as Pence was chosen as veep.
Remember when we pushed the meme that Pence would zap the gay away? 2016 was a simpler time. https://i.imgur.com/X4E4581.jpg
The white hair was perfect for the Race Bannon memes.
“2016 was a simpler time.”
A more SIMPLE-MINDED time!
Fuck The Noses.
My hatred of Israel continues to reach levels never thought possible
MLS soccer fans in Dallas booed BLM/kneeling players last month, so this is going to be pretty universal in sportsball, not just NFL.
Most American soccer fans are “I just wanna grill” normies, not SJW antifa. Plenty of Trump fans and blue lives matter types too.
But schlomo owns the league; the owner of the Real Salt Lake club is being forced to sell because he counter-signaled BLM or something.
Interestingly a lot of the non-white fans hate BLM/antifa too. New York City FC “fascist” fan groups are basically White & Hispanic Proud Boy types.
I will always see soccer as something little girls play
“Soccer is foreign/gay/for girls” is the finklethink/Boomer brainwashing of America post-WWII, post-Slaughter of the Cities. American sportsball fans in particular don’t know their history.
God soccer is gay. I hate how all of these american teams try to cargo-cult the famous european teams. Real Salt Lake? What the fuck is that? What royalty are you referring to?
All sports are gay and have been now for decades. American soccer isn’t unusual or exceptional in that regard. And it was (((Americans))) who ruined soccer and not the other way around. It’s the pretense that soccer is uniquely “gay” in this regard where I start thinking “okay Boomer!” and I’m pretty sure I’m one of the oldest people commenting here. I will always think of the “soccer is gay” people as Boomers, because I’ve been hearing that crap for 40+ years now, long before silly names like Real Salt Lake existed. Spiritual Boomers have no capacity for self-reflection when… Read more »
“Jazz and James update your firmware on…”
Hoo boy, where are my pills?!
COD on Spam Houston’s death certificate: Mike Pence’s Zio-shilling
LOL! It’ll take a helluva lot more than the race-treason of that albino shabbos goy to put ME into the ground!
DAMN 5 minutes in and jazz is already doing a deep dive on himself and unpacking all of the lies from the previous episode
F5 n’Sheeeeet