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Due to Mike's moonlighting there will be no hour 15.
- Wiener's Law
- Addressing Fact Checking Concerns
- Concentrate on the Concentrations in the Concentration Camps
- We Wept With Implications
- Dig Through the Ditches
- Implausible World Building
- Richard Greene's High Levels of Pilpul
- Cherry Picked Brick
- The Merchant Minute
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
I’m seeing a convergence of exculpatory evidence.
Anyone have a link to Moike’s appearance with Collett?
There are “people” in the comments claiming Mike is a jew. Feel free to express your disapproval.
Funnily enough, the 18-minute guy was a German national (executed by Arizona).
“There is no reason why you should laugh when I present alternative information”
Being a shill for Shlomo and a traitor to your own people, insisting on and bolstering a narrative that it blatantly absurd in several different ways at once and obviously invented as a blood libel is as good a reason to be laughed at as any, frankly.
Not to mention Myles does his smarmy laugh about 88 times during the video.
This dudes nose is so high in the air he can’t even smell the non existent bitter almond smell.
Damn Straight!
I remember watching RNC and DNC conventions in the 1970s/80s and thinking it was a big deal. Then I gradually noticed that for all of the drama over voting for party platforms, the party platforms had zero impact after the election. It’s all fake and gay.
I was literally on the verge of throwing up looking at this (((Weiner))) guy.
I work with what is possibly the most quintessential boomer you can imagine. The guy is a gentile who has an Israeli flag bumper sticker and coffee mug, is extremely talkative (even when no ones listening), and wears Velcro sneakers.
The big picture you have jews running on this flat out absurd lie that the entire west castrates itself over meanwhile you have goys writing massive tomes on chemical reactions in cement rooms that most people won’t even want to invest the time learning of its existence just to demonstrate 1 flaw in thier story with 1000’s of other threads to pull
On the public urination thing: I watched a Louis Theroux documentary on paedos and when he asks them in prison about what they did they mostly say “I was just pissing in public.” The prison guard explained and its just what they all say. My guess is that became the origin of the urban legend.
Short TRS today. I never listen to Holocaust denial. This is all I know about the Holocaust. I don’t find it very interesting.
Crusader Kings 3 is epic!
That California law should be called “Milo’s Revenge”
Green’s pilpul is at levels we never thought possible. It’s quite insane – in the course of trying to show a merely formal similarity between the disinfestation chambers and the HGC, he’s had to demonstrate that no HCL was used anywhere!
T shirt idea
Seriously need some TRS shirts goys
Why does it matter if the walls of the delousing chambers were blue or not anyway? If the presence of hydrogen cyanide were as hard to prove as they claim, then they have no evidence of gassings at all.
Except (((eyewitness))) testimony. Which is all they WANT to rely on! 😉
It must be a cohencidence that jew lawyers and media make it a point to insist eyewitness testimony is unreliable in every situation except the holohoax. ?
That’s a sweet Sven-shirt.
So basically the walls should have been blue
Does this smell like cyanide to you?
Fact checking is a comfy reprieve from from the daily onslaught of outrage porn.
Increasing the fan horsepower doesn’t necessarily mean an increased rpm. Depending on gearing/pulley ratio, a higher horsepower fan would make the fans more efficient, so they could run longer without breaking down or being overburdened to the point of complete failure.
“headroom” was my first thought but idk anything about fans
You don’t know about water column? What are you, an imbecile?
Water column? Is this minecraft?
>a higher horsepower fan would make the fans more efficient It’s less confusing to think of it the other way around. A more efficient fan running at the same rpm would do more work on the air, demanding more effort from the motor. Higher horsepower on it’s own doesnt mean more or less efficient. A bigger or more efficient fan which moves more air than a smaller fan needs more torque to do so because it’s exerting a force on more air than the smaller fan is. Power is torque multiplied by rpm therefore power increases. To move more air… Read more »
The size of the fans didn’t change, and I may have misheard then, but I thought they said the volume of air being exchanged remained almost the same. If this is the case, then the higher horsepower fan would be more efficient. I mean, I’m sure the Germans would have been aware that an impeller style exhaust fan would have been far more efficient at removing the gas in a fraction of the time, compared to axial fans. It just doesn’t make sense.
If it’s achieving the same effect (movement of some set quantity of air) at a higher horsepower then by definition it must have been made less efficient, not more. I need to rewatch this bit and understand what the argument actually is, I didn’t really follow at the time.
blessed are the cheese makers
The impromptu Dragula cover was brilliant.
Lemme get this straight. People can legally kill children who are BORN, and possibly start f*cking the ones that make it to childhood? I hate this movie.
Finally, the Rob Zyclon cover I’ve been waiting for. Now we just need a Peddle Poweredman 6,000,000 cover.
Btw that weiner jew’s bill applies to 14-17 year olds involved. Jews still can’t touch 10 year olds without ending up on the registry, for now…..
edit: just kidding you already addressed it
Another psycho-sex-fiend named Weiner. Its like Johnny Monoxide is always right and the screen is a real thing.
I posted in yesterday’s Strike and Mike a link to a free PDF of Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey (Ulick Varange):
Yockey made it clear in 1948 that what we would come to know eventually as the holocaust was nothing but propaganda to continue a war against the German people and ultimately the Occidental people in the West. The FBI killed him when they finally caught him in 1960 to shut him up from revealing the truth.
I should have also included with it and I would recommend that people read Revilo P. Oliver’s critique of Yockey here (it is a long read in 4 parts…when you get to the bottom of each previous page click ‘Cont’d in Section x’):
In one chapter he talks about how in the American occupation of Germany after the war a German called an American army kyak a “lying jew” to his face and the jew shot him.
Kuck Fikes
Similar to what happened at Bad Reichenhall to the French Charlemagne SS division with Leclerc interrogating them.
“Why are you wearing a German uniform?”
To which a French SS soldier responded
“Why are you wearing an American one?”
Then they were killed. The French at the time were wearing a variant of the American uniform.
I’m taking your comment as a sign from above that I should buy the book For Europe by Robert Forbes.
Such A Lust For Revenge
Plot of Gladiator ripped off “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” starring Sophia Loren and Stephen Boyd
I think it was meant to be a remake.
Mines are just earth fistulas.
Filing complaint = free advertising and more Holocaust peer reviewing
Big truck guys loving Israel was always a reaction to the Islamic terror gay op. Now that they’ve had to drop the op and Muslims are rapidly getting gayer, the Israel worship will start to fade.
I’m sorry but Miles Powers is no longer a useful foil. He is just dragging you into the weeds getting you focused on arguing over details to where you forget the larger message that your gas chamber shit is fake as fuck. He is controlling the argument. He will never cede defeat he will just come up with another obscurity to drag you along and run out the clock
was it hard to be that wrong?
I don’t know every detail you debunk needs to be phrased in a way that sets up the Holocaust as a fact. So you are constantly propping up the Holocaust as real in order to knock it down as fake. Go back and listen to the podcast and pay attention to how Moike speaks throughout the entire bit. He almost gets tripped up by constantly having to accept the premise
I don’t know fam, I actually enjoy it a lot. I love it when they point out when people are lying. It also helps sharpens my own holohoax denial capability.
Who is dragging who into the weeds that they would rather not be in? The hoaxers could have gone on forever with their lies if it wasn’t for being dragged into the weeds. What’s more likely? TDS listers decide that Powers May have some good points and look into if holohoax is real? Or Miles Powers listeners, decide that TDS May have some good points and look into things deeper. A few years ago I would have thought that the holocaust being fake is retarded “ how could you possibly fake 6 mil deaths and something that well known” Here… Read more »
Watch Uncle Jared’s latest interview with the guy from Israel. It was amazing.
Yeah no, 300 mg/m^3 is 271.61 ppm. Reason I bring this up is to show how stupid the narriticians are because it’s very easy to get that right
Traffic must be up lately. Pages are slower to load on show uploads
I hope that means more paywall subs: i’ve been seeing more people in Bang so maybe?
That jew Scott Weiner has spearheaded every single pervert agenda over the past 4 or so years. He legalized secret poz loads, he did another thing a few months ago and now this
Video is now ready goys
Has there been a “Deny Deny Deny” cover of Genesis’ “Tonight, Tonight, Tonight” ?
I got some concrete in my pocket
About ready to burn
Commie Poland’s where I got it
I gotta prove there’s no blue-hu-hu-hu
Its okay Mike is on Colletts drive
So what do you guys think of Jason’s grilling of Mike? Also, (I watched starting from 2nd hour) did Mike address why NJP’s logo (as Jason pointed out) looks so similar to NDP? Anyway I think Mike is a very patient and likable guy. He did very well in that “interview” from what I’ve managed to watch..
That sounds interesting; is there a link?
I was listening to No White Guilt a few days ago I while he wasn’t specific you could tell he didn’t approve. I think it’s an optics thing with him. I think it’s long past time to ditch that.
Come on guys you’re being lazy. Just record at 5.73x and you can give us 15 hours of content in 2h37m.
Fifteen hours? What do you mean I didn’t get my thirty hours? In the contract, it says each show is forty hours! The clause right there, says I get sixty hours per episode… you’ll be hearing from my cousin Morty!
Yeah, but that only applies to Strike and Mike. “All episodes of any show in which Striker or Mike appear shall last no less than 30 hours and no longer than 100 hours, unless Borzoi appears in which case the show will be 150 hours at 1.5x speed. All Sven interruptions count for double.” – TOS
Fifteen hours of The Daily Shoah when two hours thirty-seven minutes isn’t good enough for two two hour segments.
Yes, our expectations are high.
Paykang gang gang