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The Death Panel have the fast setting narrative.
- Big Truck
- Boomer Parallel Universe
- De-Escalating the Checking Account
- Fucking White Mail
- Max Projecting Boot
- Guess Where Brian Stelter Hid the Narrative
- Finklefighting
- SWPL Safari
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
My wife is drawing a cool picture of the Holy Trinity: Mike, Alex, and Sven.
I hope they’re all deep fakes. lol
It’s never right but it’s always funny.
Puffy fish lips is a common trait of jewish physiognomy. Paul Singer, the big vulture capitalist and LGBT activist, who is, yes, a Republican, has a big honking set.
The Jewish Black alliance must be about the lips…Frenology Gang!
Isn’t odd how every time Sven makes a joke a cricket finds his way inside his house?
Soooo, if I listen to audio only I get ten minutes more content? Am I reading that right?
OK I see what happened. I thought you guys were giving ten more minutes to free fags and I just hadn’t noticed. I was wondering how long THAT had been going on without me knowing!
Starting off with Coal Chamber… well done
From Ancestry, Stelter: North German: nickname for a disabled person, from Middle Low German stelte, stilt ‘wooden leg’
A peg-legged kayak?
pol doxed the shooter
GLR said something to the effect of “You’re good navigators, but you’ve been furnished with faulty charts”
FBI is going to try to wreck these people on some coral reef.
Chapter 3 – The Chart Forgers, good book btw.
AM (((right wing))) radio is now on team Kyle, at least in terms of defense. They sound like they listened to FTN and filtered out all the Jew stuff. So, Rosenbaum is “a White guy” etc. Its something interesting that isn’t maaasks and demonrats and socialists for a change. Still, not good enough. I think they are seeing how massive WN narratives have become on twatter. I see Kyle as a hero.
Alex has a blow hole in the top of his head
That’s where he plugs into his computer and downloads info directly to his brain.
Uh-doysh! ?
Thanks for a good show, guys.
I’m jealous of the coffee flavored Bang that Sven has. Can’t get those in rural areas. Goes great with sausage and eggs. You can mow the shit out of a lawn after that.
wwwwhoops better put on my newsman fedora here
Everybody laffed at the Baking Soda drop, its one of our family drops.
I see Alex took the Musk brain chip, and they just forgot to seal the hole in his head.
Mike, you got the Goodmans mixed up: Andrew Goodman wasn’t Amy Goodman’s brother; her brother is a David Goodman, with whom she’s authored books. All Jews, though!
oh gawd
what about John Goodman?
Actually the amount of Black males who are actually violent is not low. 1/3 of Black men are felons that have spent some time behind bars. It’s something like that. And those are just the ones that are caught. I’ve known violent blacks. I think most of them are violent sociopaths.
Mike has the wrong shot re infiltrating antifa. The FBI wants to be able to blame patriot infiltrators for antifa violence. The media has been trying to do this from the start, they told you what the shot was, the FBI is just trying to falsify evidence of it.
I see I was beat. I’m leaving it up
It bears repeating.
To distill everything down. We have a bipartisan Boogaloo situation
I have a different theory on why the FBI is asking Proud Boys to infiltrate Antifa.
I think it’s because they want to arrest a Proud Boy disguised as Antifa and then claim that all the violence committed by Antifa was actually far right agitators disguised as Antifa.
Absolutely damn right. And they’ll use it as an excuse to throw a wide net and rake in other White dissidents.
Hullo Spam and all my fellow whites, would you like to join my group, it’s called the Union of Radical Anticapitalist Socialist Movements for an Anti-Racist Overthrow of Amerikkka–The Allied Green Progressive Feminist Collective Party. ((URASM4AROA-TAGPFCP)he/him/fe/fi/fo/fum) I promise I’ll give you 10000 Shekels! We are here to do redacted in a very serious way; don’t worry no GayOPs! We’ll even donate a tree to plant in Ramla Palestine with your name on it! Come on…don’t worry what could go wrong! The FBI wants to stop the vy-ool-inz. Your job is to go out and counter protest against the People’s Front… Read more »
They are constantly asking right wing people to become infiltrators, of any kind, and they are desperate to get those “mUh rIgHt wInG tErRoRiSM” stats up for their (((benefactors)))
Starting the video and seeing the video picks up mid-stream and going back and playing audio to listen to the #content until the video starts like a good cuck.
Where is my hour 2 REEEEEEE
Jesse you should have gone tankless for the water heater, they’re a lot more efficient than tanked units
Wait for hour 2 or listen to audio?
Come on and join the Low Time Preference Abteilung and wait until TOMORROW!
Threatening Powers with a lawsuit would be a hilarious power move. Maybe then, he would realize the caliber of men he’s dealing with.
Just sounds really gay to be honest. He would just change his rhetoric to being censored and it wouldn’t be entirely unwarranted. If the fag had his shit behind a pay wall no one would pay to respond.
Pardon me for doing a consoom product bit, but anyone that thinks the FBI will ever operate in good faith needs to watch the movie Richard Jewell
b-b-b-b-but the Georgia FBI just rescued 39 trafficked kids, t-t-t-t-they must be the good people!!
Miles Powers is a jew and as a jew he just gets to steal from you
He is???
I’d be interested to know his mother’s background.
Read Blood’s a Rover by James Ellroy. It’s pretty clear he had an inside source in the FBI telling about how the FBI gay ops every and any political group.
You can’t wear anything representing a political party when you vote, it’s illegal
Is this a joke? The first time I ever voted was for Trump in 2016 and there were people right outside of the voting building with political signs and shirts.
I believe that only applies to poll workers and the polling venues. Not ordinary voters.
its just another law that gets tactically enforced if at all. Its a law but nobody really follows it
“ts just another law that gets tactically enforced…”
That implies there are ANY laws that don’t get tactically enforced!
wat. I’m now ashamed to admit it but I wore my Blumpft shirt in 2016 when I voted. Nobody said anything.
Mike has purple core shadows on his face, and peach colored skin tones with this lighting. Something that I normally only see in anime. I wish I would make lighting that perfect. Change nothing, I love it.
Are you squinting? This sounds like that lazer-lights, pastel anime conversation with Mike and Jazzhands last week.
The Portland Pigs tried to block streets and keep the Trump caravan out downtown. The trucks you see driving around downtown deviated from the route to avoid the police roadblocks. The Portland Piggies still were pigging on Saturday.
something about bacon….
Oof…with some scrambled eggs, a sprinkle of Tabasco, with hash browns, now I’m fugin’ stahvin’.
Pork breakfast sausage + hash browns + over-easy eggs w/ Cholula sauce
And a coffee flavored Bang. Now I’m stahvin’
With the exception of the Cholula you’ve described the breakfast I have every morning.
The shot goes off 0.5 seconds after Jay’s mace cloud. A normal person takes 2 seconds from draw to shot. A trained person can go from draw to shot in 1 second. 0.7 seconds is world class. That means the shooter did not react to the mace. He already had his gun out.
^^^solid analysis here^^^
Plus, you can definitely see the mace cloud get blown back by the gunshot. Sven actually mastered that scrubbing, because I haven’t noticed that in anyone else’s rundown. So, props Sven.
Hitler farted Zyklon B in my grand aunt’s face.
i warned you this would happen
Nate Higgers, Kate Hikes
ok now where’s nate
No Jill in the movement. Probably for the best.
That was my last account but it got banned from commenting, perhaps for valid reasons
Early Coronavirus speculation was so long ago, now, I can’t remember if Kate had the hot takes on Covid virility in the long-run ot not…
USA TODAY has an article about the riots turning people off on BLM and how it effects Biden ,..
He bear maces him I believe that’s the cloud you see, so I think he’s facing him
Slomo light enhanced video of the shooting
Mondays are a lot less shitty when you know it means new show time.
Hi stella
I thought that the video wasn’t playing then I realized that I was looking at the back of my phone. Classic mistake.
Video quality looking good?
that fuckin coal chamber drop
Get Bang corporation to get on the show, screw tpusa!
Ayy lmao at sven showing off his nu metal collection with coal chamber.
Completely forgot about them.
YouTube’s nu metal collection breh
It was on the ozzfest 97 promo cd so it’s acceptable to own a copy of that song for that reason.
And that reason alone.
Get out of my rowboat.
We wuz f5’in and sheeeit.
Hail victory.
Hail paykang gang.