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The Death Panel have the fast setting narrative.
- Big Truck
- Boomer Parallel Universe
- De-Escalating the Checking Account
- Fucking White Mail
- Max Projecting Boot
- Guess Where Brian Stelter Hid the Narrative
- Finklefighting
- SWPL Safari
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
1) Nice flex by the black columnist to say that the white person has sex with a black while on Safari. I know it happens, but not as often as blacks flatter themselves it happens.
2) The teachers taught us a trick that because of the “l” in calumny it meant, specifically, lying. FWIW. That’s why a pun on columnist is “calumnyist”.
3) You cannot share a link to an UNZ article on facebook, even in Messenger. I assume the ADL will catch up with The Hyphen in that regard soon.
Got curious about the KKK book they got in White Mail. Googled it hoping for a PDF and I got mine!
“I can never tell if you’re filibustering or actually doing content.”
LOL! Me too!
“I think if Trump wins these people will just start murdering random White people.”
Which is more of an incentive for the (((Establishment))) to promote Trump! They WANT White people killed!
Mike is obviously correct about the need for ordinary whites to accept that they are white and that whites have group interests.
The problem is the anti-racist presumption. It is at the deep center of every other assumption the media, academia, and government make, every naked lie and ever “greater truth that didn’t actually happen” they spin.
It must be confronted head on. Race realism has to be put front and center. These people are simply wrong, whether they are the liars or the lied-to.
I just bought 5 books from CODOH:
Debating the Holocaust A New Look at Both Sides
Eternal Strangers Critical Views of Jews and Judaism Through the Ages
Streicher, Rosenberg, and the JewsThe Nuremberg Transcripts
The Giant with Feet of Clay Raul Hilberg and his Standard Work on the ‘Holocaust’
Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrator Confessions of the Holocaust
30 Gas-Chamber Witnesses Scrutinized
They’re having a great sale right now. They increase the discount with each additional book you order! I had a 20.22% discount and saved almost $20.
She’s not wrong about the protests being a safari for white shitlibs. Liberal white adventurism is nothing new. Where she fucks up is right where you’d expect a black to fuck up, equating getting back to work/school and being productive with white supremacy.
Productivity is white supremacy.
Boomer proceduals is why white people still think truth is the coin of the realm with criminal justice
“you’re not supposed to make group judgments”
And yet they make group judgments about White people all the time!
“we’ve accepted the path to nowhere.”
Buncha Goombas diversifying the construction force!
Moike’s gay Stelter impression is too good. He needs to avoid doing it.
Sven, your Stelter impersonation is so funny and accurate, I gotta ask: Are you a vet? Perhaps military intelligence winning over hearts and minds. My sides bruh.
Wondering about the legal and technical feasibility of car-mounted ultrasonic deterrent systems as a non lethal and fun way of pacifying protester herds.
Not fully advocating for it and obviously I think anyone in the know should stay far away from protest zones altogether. But there will always be ordinary folks who get caught up in these things. They don’t have our politics but you know if they panic and hit the gas they might as well speak for us because they will be maligned as racist white supremacists if they ever so much as shared a meme. I also like the meta quality of normies going around installing these things. It evokes the stories of flame throwers mounted on BMW’s in South… Read more »
“Wondering about the legal and technical feasibility of car-mounted ultrasonic deterrent systems as a non lethal and fun way of pacifying protester herds.”
Shit dude, just play classical music and you can at least get the n!993rs to disperse!
When my brother worked security at a local mall they’d play it in the food court. It culled the herd dramatically.
I’d play Wagner!
The Feds sort of remind me of my grandmother.
You know, you’re still in high school. You love bands like Metallica and Slayer. You’re birthday comes around and you open your present from her and it’s a Stryper cassette, or even Journey or Boston or something.
“You like the hard rocks, right?”
“Here, we got you an evil Nazi…” The mugshot is some hapless magatard.
If only America were as discerning as a 14 year old metal head.
You guys need to do more Brian Stelter content.
“If you don’t believe what I tell you to believe, I’ll ban you from comments.”
Welcome to fascism, pussy.
Late on this, but Stelter is 100% a Jew. He married a shiksa at a Jewish ceremony and they plan on raising their troglodytes Jewish.
McNabb is the soul of the Death Panel.
Guys you’ve seen what happened in Tallahassee? They tried to pull off another Kyle styled lynch and they got… a concealed carry boomer surprise.
We can clearly see that the enemy wants to get guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens because they just want to lynch their political enemies.
Maybe the FBI could convince Lady MAGA to infiltrate Antifa. He will blend right in. And then it will be a literal gay op
Contemplative gay face has a dildo up his arse.
Sven’s imitation of Stelter is 4th Reich tier.
All you would have to do to cancel Brian Seltzer is to film him eating.
Multi-level joke. I like it.
Svens impression of Chuck McFeels was “radio” magic, and shouldn’t go uncommitted upon. Jazz, you have been challenged. Don’t let us down.
“uncommitted upon”
Also note how the skateboarder stops and looks after something on the ground and after a few seconds he walks a few meters, bows down and seemingly pics something up where the cases from the two cartridges fired very well could have landed. Also notice that before the murder two people are screaming to each other. “We’ve got a [trumper or intellligeble] here! [Another voice]: Right here? [First person again] Pull it out! (Presumably referring to the second person drawing his gun). These guys are presumably the degenerate murderer and the antifa skateboarder. The murderer claimed on some social media… Read more »
Yeah this guy very clearly doesn’t understand the concept of a hold when firing at close range. Among many other issues with his marksmanship.
from the WSJ article on Michael Reinoehl:
“The sister said Mr. Reinoehl, who is older than she is, moved away from home when she was young. She said he was previously a professional snowboarder and that he had been estranged from his family for at least the past three years.
“I never really knew him very well,” she said. “He was just a figure that showed up every once in a while to demand money from Mom and then disappear.””
link to the article in the wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20200901005415/https://www.wsj.com/articles/police-investigating-antifa-supporter-michael-reinoehl-in-portland-shooting-11598904528
A prime example of a spitful mutant (As Edward Dutton says).
Big surprise that Antifa is built up of antisocial deadbeats, low level petty crimals, junkies, psychopaths and so on.
https://youtu.be/hgJL1ZH6lXg As for Kyle fighting a girl – perfectly normal thing at that age, esp with larger, older girls. Everyone who has a sibling can confirm a scuffle while young. In the video we see Kyle jumping in because he’s protecting one of the smaller girls (perhaps his sister? His gf? His buddy’s gf?) They all showed the video which only says Kyle was the one beating a “woman” when you can clearly see he’s there in a group fight between two groups. Simply just protecting the small girl. After what he’s getting beaten down and stomped on by joggers… Read more »
I have read in the comments, that yes, the small girl is Kyle’s sister. Like I thought.
I like how they frame it as if someone beat his ass when it’s a group of four dudes barely holding their own against him. Also, if an older girl is swingin on my little sister she’s getting knocked the fuck out by me.
Immortan Mike, now somebody photoshop Alex Mcnabb as a warboy; he already has the haircut fam
Kyle Rittenhouse killed more Jews than Dr. Mengele.
As Poseidon has mentioned, in Europe, Kyle is known as a person who murdered “3 white men” (according to the comments, the article calls them “persons” and won’t mention their bg nor records).
The comment section has at least 5 comments saying “he killed 3 white men, where is the outrage”… How can we reach people so brainwashed by the media? Or are those all feds or Josh just steering the narrative?
I luv ya’ll, no homo