Welcome to Episode 126 of STRIKE and MIKE. Strike and Mike discuss the coded anti-semitism of Tim Scott at the RNC, the cuckoldry of Fallwell Jr, how a Jew founded the Christian Right and corrupted the Constitution Party, Federal Judge Diaz's attempt to make white activism illegal while immunizing antifa violence from prosecution, the hypocrisy of the anti-White racial system and why antifa is worried the National Justice party will be successful and is begging big capital to suppress it.
- The RNC and its speeches
- "Hollywood elites" Tim Scott's crypto anti-semitism at the RNC wins cheers
- Falwell Jr. and the inevitable results of porn and puritanism
- Howard Phillips, the Jewish founder of the Christian Right
- Judge Diaz uses insane pilpul to justify denying RAM appeal
- The inherent hypocrisy of anti-Whiteness
- The reluctance of system representatives to codify anti-Whiteness
- Antifa spokesman Shane Burley on why he thinks the National Justice Party will succeed, and why that scares him
- NJP Statement on Kenosha violence
Theme music: "Witchburner" by Storm King
Of course people will fall into hypocrisy and make mistakes. The solution is forgiveness through Jesus Christ, not trying to be a “perfect person”. That is impossible.
Antiracism is the new Puritanism.
All these red pills are from Dawson. Golan Cipel thing is fucking scary…
Jews seem to be hardwired to revolve around kompromat production. I suppose being a race of shameless inbred parasites who have a canonized commitment to murdering 3-year-old gentile girls who get raped by Jews, it’s hard to produce kompromat against “the chosenites”.
When the full automatic Soviet Jewish dysgenic darkness eclipses the eugenic European ethos of White Western Civilisation you know the world is on a fast track to hell. #FactsMatter
They are going to be putting a lot more people on the payroll, as their narratives weaken
We may recall that from Century of the Self part III, the type of prudery and puritanism with sexual manners was a Freudian concept. Especially through Anna Freud, she in her personal life and with her patients tried to completely desexualise them fearing the irrational forces that sexuality could present. Of course on the other side of that Kosher Sandwich of extremes was Reich and Brown (RR Reno mentions him) who pushed hardcore openness and organasms as the method for controlling the population-releasing their pent up aggression in degeneracy. The middle ground or Third Position is once again an anti-semitic… Read more »
Two years ago those cops wouldn’t have allowed him tot he vehicle to begin with. Policy decisions killed that man.
Letting Roman Catholics into America was the precursor to letting Jews in. The one naturally led to the other.
I agree that conspiracy shit is largely a waste of time. At the same time, I don’t believe any right thinking person could view the day one Instagram dumps of the Comet Ping Pong guy’s account and not be convinced that he was running an Epstein style baby trafficking/blackmail ring. Pictures of babies with wads of cash in their mouths sitting next to pill bottles and a comment about traveling to make a deal. Picture of a mystery meat homo outside another building owned by Alefantis with a baby, and a comment that says ‘found this one last night. Good… Read more »
Derrida attacks ‘logocentrism’ from an explicitly Jewish angle, in the same way as Levinas who he was heavily influenced by, the Jew as outsider being in the ethically elevated position to perpetually dismantle every broader, so called totalitarian, structure of truth, the very idea of standards of beauty, virtue, justice etc. Striker makes a good point on conservatives. If those in power abandon their sovereign duty to their own people then the otherwise healthy instinct to conform and defer becomes the greatest weakness. I think it’s also why you get a perpetual Stockholm syndrome with these voters, the idea that… Read more »
Personally I’ve always been a purity spiraler when it comes to sex. That’s just my gut reaction, the problem is most people are already fucked up in that regard. Christian mercy is a strength for their institutions in that regard.
Alexander Reid-Ross’s take on PiS (Law and Justice) makes it painfully obvious that despite fancying himself as an expert on “populism”, he doesn’t know a thing about what he’s talking about, PiS was formed in 2001 and only started talking about immigration in a more major way around 2015 when you had the migrants pouring into Europe.
There are a great many right wingers (Groypers, TradCaths etc.) that don’t like our “liberal” view of sexual relations. It seems like that is an issue to litigate for another time. When WAP goes platinum, radical puritanical infighting is pointless in the face of the much greater threat.
Think of how retardedly hypocritical this line of thinking is…
“People don’t matter. Ideas matter. Ideas transcend the people who thought them up.”
You’re system is a Kafka trap.
“Well, Kafka was white so of course you’d say that…”
You make a good point but Kafka was Jewish. Therefore you have to agree to some extent that it must be the ideas that matter over people, since you are using an idea created by a Jew. There needs to be a balance between real world empiricism and idealism or romanticism.
I think you missed the above point.
Ideas transcend people BUT you’re people…
I think you guys are missing what I was trying to say. First off I know Kafka was jewish. TRS is a very post-early life space so I assume if I write dialogue in quotes it will be understood that I’m not the speaker. Second, I’m not the one taking the position either way on the question of ideas being more important than people. I was trying to show how leftists use this argument, the argument put forth by anti-racists and propositional nationalists when it suits them, when they are arguing for immigration, or arguing America is an idea, or… Read more »
If I “lack a culture” it is because the parasitic ruling class has interfered with my ancestors’ ability to make culture.
If you say my people “don’t exist” you’re making the same racist argument the jews make of the Palestinians.
What will ensure that my people do exist and that we do have a culture is the preservation of my ancestral continuum without him interference by outside forces. And no amount of historical slander or mental tricks can deny that my ancestral continuum does exist.
And I have a right to pursue ancestral continuity. Full stop.
Everyone should be opening Tiktok accounts and making montages of activism/memes/aesthetic right now because essentially, China has already won the Cold War
Tiktok is definitely ripe for propaganda. You can tell Jews are panicking about not controlling that app because there is A LOT of pro Jewish content being pumped out that is obviously coordinated. Similar feel to the Israeli Wikipedia editing squads
ANOTHER stereotypical Jewish surname!
The conspracy is with the judges clerks and prosecutors.that is where all the conspirimg is going on
Its not too late to write a hit piece on Cullin in National Justice striker. He will be an issue in the future its not a matter of if but when
Did anyone else catch striker pronouncing apple-let court
Why do antifa act like every time a nationalist advocates for something like “law and order” that it’s not a genuine plea and that there’s a secret agenda that we’re attempting to push? We’re not Nick Fuentes. Whites have anxiety about their personal safety and future because this country is empowering people that hate us and the government is instituting policies to replace us in the economy, in our culture (film, music, whatever) and in our neighborhoods. They always treat our concerns as fake probably because they have no way to address them and just want us to die.
Yeah it’s so insane and some malign conspiracy that people might prefer not to live in a town that is burning down around them filled with people who want them dead.
“Why do antifa act like every time a nationalist advocates for something like “law and order” that it’s not a genuine plea and that there’s a secret agenda that we’re attempting to push? “
To try and de-legitimize us.
Because the papers leftist read say that whites don’t have any legitimate political interests and the only reason whites would create an organisation for law and order is because they’re delusional and mentally ill.
So true. I’ve always found the Anglo Protestant (heavily jewish influenced) view of vices weird as a Catholic Souther European. It’s always all or nothing, puritanism or porn, teetotaller or alcoholic, vegan or fast-food obese. Moderation is never an option!
Do you reason like this when it comes to homosexuality or cocaine?
Considering the amount of homophobia on this site probably not. That homosexuality is acceptable in a moderate form.
Accepting f@ggotry isn’t moderate nnnnnguy.
“as a Catholic Southern European”……enough said
Totally bro. Washing the African feet belongs somewhere in the middle.
Is moderation an acceptable position when it comes to opposing White Genocide?
huge Striker : Borzoi schism over that Whiteshift book. Borz was making out it was some kind of deranged Tim Wise style anti-white hate screed
It is, papa JF covered it back when it came out. The whole concept of it is how the definition of what counts as White will continue to loosen as we get race-mixed out of existence. That’s why its called White Shift, because it’s about how the meaning of the word White will ‘shift’ to refer to Hispanics and mulattos in the future instead of actual Europeans.
It hasn’t shifted in Brazil so there’s no reason why it’ll shift here. This is just more anti-White propaganda encouraging Whites to breed themselves out of existence.
Striker is dead wrong on 14-y-o drinking with parents. Surveys have shown that teenager who are given alcohol at home drink more than the control group when they grow up.
believe he said a “sip of wine” not hard liquor guy.
when I was in Ireland there were PSA’s on 11, 12 year old alcoholism
The culture France, Italy etc. have around alcohol is different to other parts of Europe, and America. So whether a child is emulating an English or Italian parent will affect the result. I haven’t seen recent stats but I know that 10 years ago meds had a lot less instance of binge drinking (like you see in the UK every weekend) and this correlates with not seeing alcohol as a prize you get when you turn a certain age
Yeah, but families that pour a glass of wine for their children are more likely to view wine as a staple, so as the children grow up in that culture they drink wine daily with food the same way their parents did. Americans and British have a tendency to view alcohol in the context of vice because those nations have historical social movements whose activism pushed policies around alcoholic consumption. If some prudish bible thumping church lady tried pulling that shit in an Italian village she’d be dragged out of her horse drawn carriage and slapped shitless. “Drinking,” and drinking,… Read more »
Whats the source for that porn is like drugs and it make you do weird sexual things the more you watch? I see people repeat that over and over but never cite a source other than anecdotes.
Personal experience
“other than anecdotes”
Common sense.
I think the point that Anton was making is that MOST porn is actually totally normal, and not weird at all. We ALL have bukkake parties in our living rooms every now and then. That’s what all the trad wives are doing. Normal stuff guys. And if you’re saying that’s not normal, I’m with Anton, I’m gonna need a STUDY TO PROVE that! Because it’s normal to me. I was conceived of at a bukkake party.
Why do you need credentials to make a study like that? All those anti-porn groups got tons of money, but never do anything other than websurveys.
Which speaks volumes in itself.
“Which speaks volumes in itself.”
Yeah, that conservatives are a bunch of money-grubbing scumbags that seek to divert the time and money of right-wing Whites into ineffective organizations. I just can’t imagine why that would be!
Do I need to show you a study to back up the shocking claim that I haven’t actually seen reported but know is true that drugs are moreish and that to achieve the same neurochemical effect people end up taking higher doses than they did?
Source: Jews advocate in support of porn
While you’re at it, provide me with a (((peer reviewed study))) that y00s subvert and exploit their host societies or one that shows groids are stupid and have poor impulse control genetically.
Honey it’s 4pm time to crowd your phone storage with more TRS podcasts!
Yes babe.
The shit TV pulled off in the 70s…
Ridiculous now.
Corn beef hash can’t be Jewish don’t take that from me
I love corn beef! Cabbage not so much.
Even if it is I’m “culturally appropriating” it.
NJP Statement on Kenosha violence
Good stuff lads. A cogent thesis.
Striker: “when you get all picky with the words, it’s because the facts are not on your side.”
Yeah, it’s a saying: “when the law is not on your side, argue the facts; when the facts are not on your side, argue the law”.
Translation: Talmudry
Saw what Striker looks like. Striker is a zealot. He’s a serious person. That’s what I’ve always liked about people like Vladimir Putin or Nikolai Patrushev etc. I’ve theorized for awhile the FSB/SVR is a fraternity of people like them.
I’ve always strongly disliked Trump and I dislike Boris over in the UK for the same reason. They’re not serious people. They’re not focused. They’re not passionate. They’re flimsy malliable irrelevant people. If you’re not passionate about anything, you were never really alive.
> malleable
The strongest marriages I’ve witnessed are between Christian couples that saved themselves before marriage. I was a dog early on and it haunts me today.
What is striker’s take on Kaufmann’s belief that Mormons et al will carry the “torch of whiteness” into future centuries? Is there even any evidence that the characteristics attributed to them that are obviously White are tied tonracial feelings, or is it more a function of long-standing fundamentalist stylei living and discipline. I think it’s him feeling around in the dark because he doesn’t understand all Whites, and he’s projecting hisndesired result. In fact I think he probably partially comes yonthis conclusion bexaus he sees them as the passive type of Whites he wants as part of his fantasy football… Read more »
“he sees them as the passive type of Whites he wants “
Mitt Romney! Need I say more???
The Mormons give me the silent treatment.
They seem to be a happy people: (Andy Nowicki on his impressions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh316YAJBlM ) — at least, when they don’t think about Mormonism too much (reddit’s /r/exmormon).
⚡ & ?
Hail the No Jews Party
Mind Blown.
Wow, we are entwring levels of making Jewish terrorism against gentiles official state policy unseen since the 1930s.
Beaners in the juustice system are genetically incapable of not being corrupt. Be it the prosecutor in the Kate Stienle case. The judges always blocking Trumps orders on immigration, the border agents who let thier cousins slip in drugs while they pull over a white trucker to take up man power making it easier to traffic dope. Beaner cops don’t how to police properly. Or this brown turd in a black robe.
The Ridder/Yiddler memes are pretty dope out there right now.
Voat the funny subverse has a large selection going right now. Scanning through them as I download new product.
Some riddles I bring about ancient foes!
A few look like us except for the nose?
Riddle me this, puzzle the ruze.
The Fall of Twin Towers was Orchestrated by ?
Now listen up Bat’s this riddle’s no joke.
What burns with out fuel or ashes or smoke?
A riddle for you the Average Joe.
If six million died then where did they go?
Listen real close to this riddle of mine,
Who chews on baby dicks but never eats swine?
Ponder my riddle seek all the answers,
On 9-11 who were the dancers?
Lmao fuckin gold
People are going to love this.
When POC try to do pilpul they only look like assholes because its not convincing to anyone, its impossible for someone to “well akshully” justify it. Because its so stupid on its face
Ive been looking forward to this. Needed some Striker specifically.
A Real Human Being.
I am the consummate consumer of the toasted content. Thank you for product!
Vincent James has been kicked off YouTube. He had several hundred thousand subscribers.
On the plus side, if you’re removed from YT, it kind of proves your bona fides (Alex Jones, probably being an exception, there).
what did Allsup have when he was banned, 50k or 500k?
Closer to 500k
That’s like 20x as many jews that died in the holocaust
Oh whoa… that must have just happened. I actually like Vince. I really think he’s our guy just suppress his power level to keep his platform
He’s extremely anti-Jewish and explicitly racially conscious. It’s surprising he’s stayed on as long as he did. He targeted conservatives with that message. He probably did more than we do actually to gain us (Whites in America) ground. This is a disaster.
VertigoPolitix got doxxed too. Or threatened. So he’s gone. People hear about that too? That happened recently.
” This is a disaster.”
No it’s not. We’ll get beyond this.
“This too shall pass.”
Yesssssssss. Thanks guys
Hell yeah!
Yeeessss. Content.
Man it feels good to be back behind the paywall
just in time to clean the house, thanks goys
Good timing gang gang.
>be the first to comment!
Another victory for F5 Gang
Another sure win!