Jazz and James tell you what to think about the Bannon indictment in the context of the tightly choreographed controlled demolition of Trumpism, the real shot behind the USPS finkelswitchbrain kabuki theatre, how Ghislaine Maxwell's sister Isabel became the Israeli ambassador to Silicon Valley and the truth behind the Bill Gates hype, Loomer's coomers, well askhuallying the Hamburg(er) Massacre, and reactions to the new National Justice Party. If it's Saturday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - We Build My Liquor Cabinet
00:30:00 - Controlled Demo
00:52:00 - USPS Shot
01:13:00 - BREAK
01:16:00 - Isabel Maxwell: Ambassador to Silicon Valley
01:36:00 - Patriot vs. Spy
01:48:00 - CoooomTouch
02:04:00 - Loomer's Coomers
02:15:00 - Correcting the Record on Hamburg(er) Massacre
02:30:00 - NJP
02:56:00 - Outro
Had a go at illustrating Striker’s observation that Laura Loomer is the JigNat Jigsaw doll…
Anyone have the link to the 3 hour podcast on tech he recommended on Dissident Mag?
NJP Optics did look great though!
I choked on my fried rice when jazz did the Lady Maga voice at the end, holy shit lol
Literally everything you have said about the USPS also applies to the Royal Mail in the UK
Sweden and Denmark as well. Denmark dismantled its postal service and the Swedish one took it over.
“Extremists are those who no longer fall for the tricks.”
$18-25/hr to deliver dragon dildos?
Ngl boys I’d take that job and gladly put some post office negro out of a job.
FTN’s takes are really good. You inform me of things I would never know.
Thank you
I am sad I missed out on the t-shirts.. my excuse is working too hard. to tired to boot up computer to order oh woah is me 🙁
“sock email”
What if I don’t give a fuck? Can I still use my own email? Or do you guys want the security from your side???
“Most of the attacks on this…”
Are from a bunch of gate-keeping anti-White fa990ts and their genocidal jewish masters!!!
“You’re either in favor of this, what we’re doing, or your not.”
I’m in favor, I’m in favor!!!
“I just wanted to take this opportunity to do the well ackshually there.”
Thank you so much for that. This is a perfect example of why I will NEVER stop listening to FTN!
“Now I’m stahrvin’!”
“You’re gonna find me hangin’ off the wailing wall!”
Alternate show title.
You’re gonna find me hangin in the plastic surgeons office
Only if the doctor says it’s too big a job!
“Oy vey Laura, there’s not a lot of options here, we can make you look like the clown from saw, or leather face.”
“More on MOSSAD…”
Oh isn’t there ALWAYS!
While the postal service has several unions. employees are not required to join the union. Once upon a time, there were over 700,000 employees! Automation and decrease in mail volume has led to the decrease. Unions for managerial positions are more like glorified associations. In the 1960’s postal workers qualified for food stamps and any raise had to be passed by congress.
Membership numbers are available on OLMS DOL website. Unionfacts.com summarizes based on that data. Including retiree members, the big three USPS unions have member numbers as follows:
APWU 278,297
NALC 247,467
NPMHU 138,813
Many of them have wives. Some of them live in swing states. Seems to me the shot is to activate them and their money for the election season. NALC 327 million, APWU 73 million, NPMHU 33 million.
Dems want them to pay and show loyalty if they want to keep what they have.
I should have ordered a shirt for my wife. Now I’m in trouble for getting mine.
Is it even yours anymore? Was it ever?
“You didn’t think to order two, but your wife did.”
“The good ol’ Mediterranean dunk tank.”
Dont forget, Gates was in that little black book they found in the safe on epstein’s island.
Ofc if I was controlling releases I’d put a bunch of red herrings in it..
Still LoLLing at Paul Allen in Christian Bale’s voice
Sooo, I’m guessing that without American taxpayer money Israel wouldn’t be able to play NEARLY as many of these spy games as they are.
“Laura Loomer… make BDS federal policy”
Wtf I support Loomer now
Yes I know it was a mistake
Oh god damnit, it won’t let me do the YouTube bit of hiding part under the “read more” option
That outro song is the best.
Ah the halcyon day’s of 2015/16 before most knew Blimpfh was a gay op from the beginning. Even if a lot of the lyrics didn’t age well in the long run White Hot Takes was still an epic effort.
The “We Build the Wall” scam is a perfect example of “muh free market” voluntary charity spending…like how libertarians think our entire civilization should be run. Even the wall they did build was low quality crap apparently.
“One of those nice, big German eagles…”
But where to hang it?
“It’s getting bigger. It’s going to get a lot bigger.”
From TASOB, sounds like PA has a recent surge in home grown popularity.
PA was my first thought when I heard about NJP. Both are sensible White rights movements. Then you got NRM in the Nordics. Times are getting exciting.
“Their takin’ me for an arm and a leg here!”
Shit, I thought it was funny.
Thanks guys for all the inside sports ball. And thank you James for the mail processing. Got my light switch brain t shirt. I plan on wearing it to a Labor Day weekend Trump boat parade up my way just to get some chuckles and see if anyone recognizes it.
We need a secret society identifier to wear in public so we can know who’s on our side. A FTN shirt would work just fine.
I whistle the FTN theme frequently; no one has notices yet. Thinking about just looping the theme and playing on speakers, see who looks. Shirts better idea tho
Two years ago someone recognized my Paranormies shirt. Unfortunately both of us were going in opposite directions and didn’t have time to chat beyond acknowledging the shared interest in TRS.
Whoever did the art forgot that Bannon wears two button up shirts. one over the other.
That portrayal of Bannon is EXTREMELY flattering!
It actually looks like they got both collars in there. I would have made them more different colours. I never noticed that before but I looked it up. Does anyone know why he does that?
I don’t WANNA know!
Probably needs the extra layers of fabric to cover up large nips. Probably was doing it for decades before compression shirts were available.
Why not just wear a standard wife beater under? Maybe the wet brain affects ones choice in dress as well as other basic decisions in life.
What is the artwork supposed to be?
A parody of Kars for Kids w/ Bannon.
ok im a zoomer and had no idea what that was
I’m a boomer and I didn’t either. I just appreciated it on a purely esthetic level.
I was a MAGA person in 2015 and you guys saved me.
For the first time my wife llistened to the whole podcast with me. Never would have happened last year, before the riots. Her one criticism was “why does he use the term gay as a negative “. The brain washing is ingrained. I explained that gays are proxy warriors and not your friends.
“why does he use the term gay as a negative “
“I explained that gays are proxy warriors and not your friends.”
Not to mention extremely sick and twisted people that should be
kept away from children at all costs!
That’s it. I’m getting a BitchUte account. I gotta spam FTN the fuck everywhere, like I was from Houston. I forgot FTN was doing prescient sound bytes. That shit is good. This is the Mana of news…
Follow Us on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/twn0Lh90YxuC/
With the power of FTN, I can now see the Finklethink behind every AP-inspired headline. Let’s see what new powers the lads over at FTN have bestowed upon us this time.
Fuck college. I got a math degree and this stuff is more informative. I shoulda learnt how to weld though, real talk.
Me too. I work a professional job in IT and often miss the opportunity to properly work with my hands. I could listen to all the big brain content on my headphones while working, so I can be a cultured Grugg.
Wearin’ the FinkleThink glasses.
Dude, it appears the news cucking was hot and heavy this time. I was hoping that the secret recordings by that man-faced bull dyke Marry Trump would’ve snuck into the stack, cause I really wanted to have my biases 3rd-party confirmed about the sick fucks who rule this flaming shitheap of an oligarchy. Roy khon got Blormf’s sister her judgeship, the bull dyke appears to have double crossed not one but two family members in her quest to appear the most virtuous man in the land. Juicy.
I close loved one thinks DJ Trump is trying to lose on purpose. Funny, I heard Striker say something similar. Maybe he is, I dunno. Everyone in his family seems to have a book about him. When I look back at my god emperor trump meme collection with this new knowledge I think, “Why did I ever trust a Billionaire for New York?” I fucking hate those people, especially the small hats, of which he is constantly surrounded by. I’m writing in my vote this year. That thing Biden said about Whites being a minority was too much. Fuck all… Read more »
“When I look back at my god emperor trump meme collection”
I disposed of my collection a year ago.
“Fuck all partisans.”
Fuck all ANTI-WHITE partisans!
Jazzhands does an okay impression of himself, but Jesse is better.
Europa Report?
No where’s Full Haus?
thanks again fren
The way things have been going the last year I was reminded of this old Merle Haggard song. It came out almost 40 years ago!
I think me and you could get along, old buddy.
I showed this to my boss. I’m basically undoxable. He would get his AK out and look for commies to sh….. Do stuff with.
I envy your boss/employee relationship
*Sees Kyle’s artwork*
Nightmares it is then.
With that stupid jingle, too
Brian kolfage, ” I must run but I have no legs”
110-Walls for Kidz, 110-Walls for Kidz (now I have that song in my head-thanks, Kyle)
I think FTN mentioned that (((charity))) was for jewish kids to go to camp (I wonder if there’s a hall of cost joke there…).
Keep the mail system, criminalize mail advertisement!
Q Question: Mike LOVES “Cheese Pizza”…..do you think this was him trying to GIVE US A SIGN that he is being abused, by Jamie? ?
‘Ranch dressing’/“I’m stahving” is the Illuminati’s highest degree’s challenge and countersign.
lmao that artwork is great
My shirt fits great. Thanks James!
Got mine yesterday, too. Thanks, goys!
Love it… Hanging next to the oven-mitt in the TRS tee section of my closet.
Personalized thanks from James is a nice touch.
Got mine Friday. Fits me perfect too. I have the same problem as Sven, if a shirt fits me in the shoulders and chest it’s usually a parachute in the waist. This one doesn’t do that. ??
Who could’ve predicted that the top issue of the 2020 election cycle would be . . . postal reform?
Gotta expect news cucking to happen. It’s not like we have a 24hr fascist news channel
I think I’ll save this for my Sunday morning (White) power walk.
I did a spit take upon seeing the artwork.
Almost had it, I’ll take second
this is a great birthday present thanks
Happy bday nibba
If you were Marius Aventicensis, Bishop of Aventicum, you’d be 1488 today.