Welcome to Episode 125 of STRIKE and MIKE. Strike and Mike discuss the National Justice Party's founding event, reactions, direction and goals of the party, how Democrats and Republicans (The Epstein Party) control the electoral process, how access to political power is restricted, Pedophiles being allowed to organize online while Whites are not, and the Steve Bannon indictment.
- The National Justice Party, founding event, direction and goals
- The Epstein Party: the Democrat and Republican DC swamp
- The mainstreaming of M.A.P.s (Minor Attracted Persons)
- Arie Scher, George Schteinberg and pedophile scandals around the world
- Steve Bannon indictment: how liberalism uses selective prosecution as political enforcement
Theme music: "Witchburner" by Storm King
I’m sorry did Striker say “Patrick Henry”??? LOL!!!
Possible mascot/emblem of the NJP?
No. This isn’t an offshoot of the Republican party.
OK it’ll be FOUR DAYS of low time preferencing by the time I listen to this! It’s about another 12 1/2 hours of waiting!
The time has ARRIVED!
Is this gonna be a call in show?
That CNN claim about black babies dying by white doctors; are they including abortion clinics. Is that why they get that stat. Are they tactically assigning life to fetuses. This is CNN black babies being aborted is thier sacrament
I’m intimidated to listen to Strike & Mike now that I know Striker can probably kick my ass.
Shit dude I always assumed he could kick your ass! LOL!!!
He has the voice of the kind of guy who throws the first punch.
The israeli diplomat…all the later stories mention ‘sex scandal’; you have to dig to find it involved kids . What a fucking cover up. Also does Striker or anyone have a source for the Italian tv /film thing? I vaguely remember a story on cbc. We should be spamming the shit out of social media with it if we have a source.If it’s provable, it’s bigger than pizzagate
Striker is a good face of national justice. He replaced Silvio Striker with Eric Striker on Twitter. He looks very Italian/Spanish. He looks like someone who my be a nationalist.
who was the token boomer that came on stage at the speech?
The Alt right loves a token boomer like the GOP loves a token Blake!
Who you callin’ a token???
I agree about Whitney Webb. From my understanding about mint press news is that it’s ran by some Muslim broad. Mnar something or other. Unfortunately can be rather anti white at times.
FTN has been mentioning them a lot in their Epstein-tier dives. I’ve been meaning to check them out. Thanks for the insight (haven’t had a chance to listen to this S&M yet).
Whitney Webb is no longer with Mint Press (she left on good terms to focus on her own work). You can find her latest work on The Last American Vagabond
The coinage of the term gay op did a lot to screw up gay ops