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Jazzhands joins the Death Panel for several relatively shallow dives.
- Dark times at TRS continue, no video for today's show
- The anti-White racial murder of 5 year old Cannon Hinnant
- Federal Judge that is not Norman Moon recuses himself
- Racist Democrat statues
- Unwelcome Outsiders
- Cville anniversary propaganda fail
- The Merchant Minute
- Elaborate Schemes, 1863
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
When I hear kvetching about the Teddy Roosevelt statue. I’m like he is the one on the horse because he was the president. Duh. Whats so hard to understand about that
I just can’t look at TR the same after reading this book:
When i first started listening to trs back in 2015 i noticed that i didn’t like some of the things sven was saying. Now I fully understand the line “gradually, I began to hate them”, and I agree with virtually everything sven says.
Chang and Eng Bunker, the “original” Siamese twins owned slaves.
The one black on white shooting that still makes my blood boil just as hot a year after is the 13 year old who while accompanied by his father who only wanted to sell his Xbox to a 16 year old black kid who offered to buy it online gets shot dead right in front of his father. It still blows my mind. Its like dude did the thought of having 0% chance of getting away with it even cross your mind. And for a used xbox
The people who disavowed Charlottesville manufactured consent for what’s going on now
Rush Limbaugh was telling his audience that an Obama operative organized Charlottesville as a gay op
Regarding the murder of Cannon Hinnant: Most articles state “No motive is given, but police say it wasn’t random…”. I’m willing to bet the nog admitting it was racial and the cops are keeping a lid on it.
Please stand by for concocted bullshit narrative.
Abraham Lincoln and the Jews: 10 Fascinating Facts:
Great information on Judah P. Benjamin. Listening again!
(((Lewis Charles Levin))) founder of the Know Nothing party. Such an awesome redpill and a great conversation piece for normies. He even used his own goofy face as the party banner.
Yo, I got I think a three months or one year subscription last week with my bitcoin, now it’s saying I need to subscribe for premium content?
I got you fam. It says on the support section:
If you are having trouble accessing your Paywall account, please email us at [email protected]. Include your username and email address in the body of your message.
Should I make a synthwave style compilation of Belarusian troops/cops cracking down on the *ag*ot opposition to this song?
Yes, yes you should.
C’mon spam tell us what you do with all of your free time were dying to know? Anything besides throwing out childish disses and spam posting on TRS?
Are you a real person can you have a real conversation? Or are you just going to be respond with some spergy diss about being a beta fag or envious? C’mon spam can you do it? Can you be a real man? Or will you just have your little snarky comebacks? I cant wait I know this one’ll be good!!
“C’mon Spam can you do it? Can you be as lame as ME?”-thefacilitator.
I’ll never be able to facilitate lame jewish bullshit as well as you. I TOTALLY admit that.
Lol. I love how you redirect alt right disses to other fucking paychads on the TRS comments. Oh I dont agree with spergy Spam Houston on the TRS comments so I’m a jew shill. I hope those upvotes do something to actually helping you produce a family, a job and a home. See unlike you I actually want people in the alt-right to succeed. You can just go on tearing other people down in the comment section with your edgy betafag and npc comments while I “hide” behind my white family, job and home and you comb through TRS comments… Read more »
The ADL is REALLY desperate to get rid of me!
Dude what the fck are you on about?
>I want to see the alt right succeed
Start by not bitching
There are some *iggers on Twitter who are justifying this by saying the little boy was trespassing and he was using his 2nd amendment rights. It’s not true, but they’re having a riot saying things like that.
Like I always say, Black people are GENETIC SADISTS.
Jesus…I’d be in jail if I was on twitter.
Daddy..is that an optics Jew or a jignat??
Neither son. What you see there is a zionat.
Nice intro music
Love the Death Note ost Morriakiu!
I’m reading “Controversy of Zion” by Dougles Reed right now, and yeah, it looks look they made-up the Egyptian stuff, and actually stole Egyptian history. Also reading: The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt: The Secret Lineage of the Patriarch Joseph by Ahmed Osman who’s thesis is basically just that.
King Solomon was a rip off of Ramesses.
“Egyptian stuff”
very good book, gets a bit silly when he talks about hitler but does a fantastic job of showcasing jewish terrorism in the lead up to the creation of israel.
Expel the (((Hyksos))).
The happy merchant has plagued civilizations since the dawn of time. Literal carved stone images of hand rubbing long nosed tribe.
Nate Higgers
Jate Hews
A close relative of Kate Hikes
Sven is quitting. Calling it now.
Go back to the Vatican
Honeymoon’s over. He already planned on quitting a long time ago.
Nice crystal ball you have there, mmguy
Nice try, Converso
Borzoi has spoken
He can finally get that job at Sunglass Hut he has always wanted.
I called it before you. 2 DAYS AGO! When I noted Mike was wearing his Pink Shirt in Prep in the Car. A lot of people didn’t see what had happened but I did. Sven going on “vacation” is just a cover story. He was taken out of the picture. Pink Shirt Nationalism led by Mike and backed by prep Richard Spencer from the shadows, launched a coup de tat and eliminated anyone who would not go along. Sven’s Twitter is still active, but is now under Mike’s control. Soon Mike will purge all the accounts that think Pink Polos… Read more »
Ok retards
well sheeeeeit!
Hey, it was funny.
I’m liking the guest hosts this week.
They have to know the constant subjection of whites to street violence while never granting it the attention it deserves and denying whites any recourse is going to result in a McVeigh. And maybe that is what they seek. They need white terrorism so why not cultivate it by creating grievences and then not only ignore it but double down.
Sadly, there are enough of our people who are naturally a little (or severely) mentally unhealthy, that can be gradually broken down by the system, and eventually unhinged, either by fedposting memes on their own, or by some kind of honey pot.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing gay ops of autistic teenage boys with carousel-riding single moms “busted” for “conspiring to commit violence”.
No PrEP, no vidja, your going to find me hanging from the batroom
Thumbs up for a high effort post.
How does one hang themselves in the batch’ room. There is nothing to tie a noose too
Who’s going to be the special guest on Friday???
Spam Houston
Alex is right: sniper rifle == hunting rifle
A child once said to me in pure innocence, “Jews are brown”. Well said.
Jazz the Nation
i don’t like black people
They’re called Melanoids
Swarthoids is good as well.
I’ll stick with the classic and just call them shitskins.
They’re genetic sadists.
Remember what these “people” do to our people! Remember the tortures, rapes, and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Remember that the anarchists and the )ews want YOU and YOUR family, and your daughter and your wife and your mother to have this happen to them. They laugh about it. They WANT it. And so one sees the face of evil, and so to must it be destroyed.
This episode gave me mono, literally ?
It’s in mono not stereo get it? ?
I see you already have your mask
Never leave home without it
Deport the groids. Make Liberia Great Again.
Bleghs, if you feel oppressed, you shouldn’t be here. It’s that simple, really.
I see that jazz joined but is high svenergy back?
Yes, but his mic was muted the entire show
He will return more powerful than you can POSSIBLY imagine.
I have no time to listen today, so I just wanted a quick recap. I can always make time for sven tho.
mmmm gontendt
I still think the original take that trump will win a second term and do an amnesty for illegals is more likely.
The only way he can turn it around is to get Fed unemployment through and cancel college debt. Otherwise he’s toast.
Get ready for bitch Houston to comment on every fucking post. Little bitch boy doesnt like any downvotes or talk back. Spams way or no way.
Says the bitch.
(Jaw drops to the floor. Eyes pop out. Sound effect of, “AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!!” Places eyes and jaw back in place. Regains composure.) … Eh hem, that’s quite an original take
Whoever downvoted this post is a PUSSY!
Betaf@9 downvoter on the loose!
Moike-Jazz is a great combo, that What’s Happening episode from a few months back was a treat. My brain is expanding fourfold as I consume this.
“What’s Happening episode”
Little fag boy Houston. Watch as I make snarky responses to every comment.
What a fuckin’ pussy! LOL!
Lol. Look how many upvotes I got on the TRS comments. I’m a real boy!!
Hey, it’s not my fault you’re a douche.
People think the underground railroad is literally underground
And literally a railroad
If you know a shitlib in the South make sure to remind them that they are living on stolen Confederate land
there are many here and even the people waving confederate flags are 1% as racist as i am. feelsbadman.jpg
North may have been morally against slavery, but the North had Fugitive Slave Laws in order to prevent the North from becoming an African sanctuary. As stated, most Northerners did not want Africans in their communities. If slavery were to be abolished, outside war orders, the government must compensate slave owners for their property and no one was willing too compensate slave owners for their freed chattel no matter one’s stance on slavery.
Union Republicans really did shit all over Southern Democrats and Native Americans for some African votes and appease their, at the time, Sephardi pay masters.
“North may have been morally against slavery”
No they weren’t. They were MONETARILY against slavery. The plutocrats who ran the North just wanted access to the cheap colored labor in order to drive down wages and break up White labor’s attempts at organizing.
Oh gawd I’m such a little bitch boy.
LOL!!! Well, at least you admit it!
Don’t know what books you guys have read or been privy to already, so sorry if this is old news.
Wandering Who? By an Israeli jew, talks about jew identity and has some pretty interesting and seemingly honest jewish self reflection. I have only read this review so far but it has some choice quotes in it and interesting reactions from the tribe.
Go figure there’s no Borzoi podcast to post a book review when you actually need one.
Push it to the top of the front page so people can find/notice it.
Where is the video??
If Charlottesville isn’t on the ordinary person’s mind, then the masses of ordinary people cannot compare or contrast Charlottesville with Minneapolis, Portland, Baltimore, Seattle, Saint Louis and notice things.
Sven gone? No worries, the contempt for the audience continues! ?
Phew I was so confused searching for my product to consooooom
Abe Lincoln was even more racist than the South
He didnt even want em in this country as Slaves.
WTF I love Abe now?
Slavery was a real bad idea. Not sending them back to Africa where they belong once slavery ended was the worst idea.
Lincoln wasn’t sincere about that. It was only a tactical maneuver when he was pushed into a corner by Stephen Douglas about what Lincoln would do with all the blacks when they were freed. Lincoln kept up the pretense of repatriation until after the Union’s victory at Gettysburg [IIRC] and then suddenly just dropped it. Funny how that worked out.
does it matter. this reminds me of people saying winston churchell campaigning on “Keep Britain White” so he’s racist too
Yeah I’m sure he thought the jews he took money from were White.
This should be a good one
Mike, Bike and… Frog(?) against ZOG
How DARE you accuse Jazz of being a Frenchman!
JacquesHands McFrenchFries
man mike and jazz what a combo
I found this an interesting question on Quora: Q: How was Europe cleared of landmines after World War Two? A: The Germans were very efficient with their minefields. Essentially all the ones that were laid down, especially in France and Germany itself, and to a less degree in Poland and the USSR, were well marked on maps. As soon as the war ended there was a program of landmine clearance which was finished by the 1950s. Of course they did not get every unexploded munition and they are still finding the odd bomb in Germany, Poland or the former USSR,… Read more »
The only way to get coverage over theses killings of white children at the hands of POC is lashing out and paying the violence forward to a degree that it cannot be ignored. And its up to the parents to exact retribution on a collective identity
Video is not working but It’s probably just downloading.
There is no bideo.
Appreciate every thing you do Mike, hang in there.
Have you checked out the book by Peter Wnter, “The Six Million”. Barnes Review Carrys it.
I thought my right ear bud was broken
This is what we call Finkelmmmmbud
f5 gang represent
Moike, audio is only coming from my left speaker
how is it that this happens every time sven doesn’t record
Dark times.
New song idea: “Pajeeting in the Dark”
Fixing it now.
Heat up that stank ass Indian food pajeet
Much appreciated