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Jazzhands joins the Death Panel for several relatively shallow dives.
- Dark times at TRS continue, no video for today's show
- The anti-White racial murder of 5 year old Cannon Hinnant
- Federal Judge that is not Norman Moon recuses himself
- Racist Democrat statues
- Unwelcome Outsiders
- Cville anniversary propaganda fail
- The Merchant Minute
- Elaborate Schemes, 1863
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
The slavery as a 0 interest loan with massive interest that hits way later is an incredible argument that has really btfo’ed a number of dipshit boomer conservatives in my extended family. Whole lot of them coming around lately. Thankfully my very eastern Euro grandparents redshifted me on the you know whoish question many years ago. Basically every single day of my childhood, just to make sure it stuck. Lol. I wish I had known how important it was back then, and not wasted years as a dummy libertarian. Keep up the great work guys. It’s needed now more than… Read more »
Remember what the n!ggers do to us. Remember Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Kidnapped and tortured by absolute animals that deserve nothing but the finest of redactions.
Houston Texas, Moike. That’s the Chitty where the supposed white blakkchile assassin done did didn’t not do that deed. Talcum X went nuts. Here at TRS we knew what really happened before it even “really happened”.
Mike is misrepresenting the Teddy Roosevelt statue. They’re not kneeling to the white man. He’s leading them forward.
I want to clarify that it’s still white supremacist, but, good guy white supremacist
Does anyone know if we have a Shoah today?
Sure do.
5/8 of Ivy League schools have Jewish presidents. 75%. WTF??
Welcome to Weimerica.
5/8 is 63% not 75%.
Still wildly disproportionate to their overall share of the US population which I believe is about 2%
The rugged indivualism not only stops whites identifying as a collective group. But it also prevents from identifying other races as being prone to crime. That black who shot the 5 year old should be held accountable as an “individual”
Collective guilt for thee but not for me.
While pulling my hair out during the cotton bond segment, I went and read the text of the bond in its original american. It turns out that if the holder of the bond preferred to be paid in super cheap cotton instead of pounds or francs, they could do so within six months after a peace treaty was signed. Seems like an important detail for several reasons.
Nogs shoot white children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Antonio_Santiago
should have sentenced the entire extended family of those two murderers to life in solitary
“menorah room in his mansion.”
I’m creating a swastika room in my home.
“The exact opposite of a yarmulke”
Zioclops is already doing the “racist Demonrat statues” bit. It’s a helluva lot easier than actually doing anything to protect the statues, plus you get to pwn the left by calling them the worst name ever: “Rayciss!”
In reality the worst name ever is: Republican!
With “conservative” being a close second.
Ironic they call themselves “conservative” when they can’t even conserve women’s bathrooms so a little girl doesn’t have to share it with a pedo in a dress…
That just shows the level of their corruption.
Ironic that they call themselves “conservative” when they can’t even “conserve” a little white boy’s life, or even his yet to develop balls when his mentally ill mother wants to permanently turn him into “mommy’s little girl” with hormone “therapy”, i.e. torture. These pathetic treacherous d!ck suckers will be [redacted] for their disgusting displays of aid rendered to our racial enemies. If they thought siding with the )ews would prevent them pain and suffering. The looks of horror in their faces when they realize they’re wrong, will be worth every minute of this hell we find ourselves in now
The stickers say “Reject Poison”
great episode
McNabb is right “sniper rifle” is just a video game term for a hunting rifle, like how “military-style assault rifle” means any semi-automatic rifle.
Assault rifle means cool/scary looking rifle.
There’s been cases where guns have been banned that are damn near the same as another one because the first looks like an m-16 or whatever, Canada I believe had such garbage in a massive gun grab recently.
Holy shit there is one tiny article all the way at the bottom of the Daily Mail about the 5 year old boy who was shot. I don’t see it being reported anywhere else
Did any of those 4 white death row inmates being executed this summer walk up to a 5 year old and shoot em in the head
The mother is receiving death threats.
The mother of the child? Fck those animalistic lesser hominids.
in total sincerity. I blame jews for that 5 year old getting shot. They put the pieces in place, they set the wheels in motion. And they did it knowingly with this crime being the intended goal
“I blame jews”
As well you should.
It’s a reasonable immediate response because far more often than not its the root of the issue.
Every day the Jew media incites violence against Whites.
Damn Straight!
Tyrone be hopped up on grape drank and jewish lies.