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Striker talks with Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front
Patriot Front: https://patriotfront.us/
Thomas Rousseau's political arrest: https://national-justice.com/thomas-rousseau-patriot-front-arrested-posting-stickers-protesting-drug-abuse
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Bitchute Archive: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/frankrome88/
Wanted to check in and comment on how much I enjoyed the show. Great interview, Striker.
Didn’t one of the main agitators of the French revolution have the same name Thomas Rousseau
I believe you’re thinking of Jean Jacques Rousseau. He was a philosopher and died about a decade before the French Revolution.
One thing I will say about tactics of 1A protected speech as it relates to street demos is: PF has got the formula down imho. I would not allow anyone to know beforehand where or when any demo would take place & make sure only the protestors are informed (not journalists aka Antifa BLM) or any other party and bring your own recording equipment and produce the feature film yourself. Stuff like this has to be – in keeping with the propaganda as modern warfare theme – silent (to outsiders) and precise like a surgeons incision (in and out no… Read more »
This says part deux. Is there a part 1? I can’t seem to find another interview
I found it. In case anyone else is interested: https://therightstuff.biz/2019/01/17/6pm-est-the-peoples-square-american-revolution-ii-with-thomas-rousseau-of-patriot-front/
Not to give the game away but all it takes is a single breakthrough. One of us gets FU money (not by a donor but in business imho to preclude conditions aka strings attached) and it’s over.
We don’t want to give to charities & support causes that will make us look good to the ruling class ****. We – and I hope this is the case more or less universally – want to go back. Retvrn to tradition.
Will Blomph win or lose? Who knows. Who cares. Those are electoral tactics. Will our Huwhites gain consciousness? I truly hope so. And it is due to great freely speaking platforms like TRS & others plus pure play peaceful 1A protected demos like PF that we are gaining traction with the new proto-Hitler youth. Our man hasn’t manifested yet. But he will come. And we are building the platform for him. It’s like the catch phrase in the old movie, “Field of Dreams” regarding the classical baseball players when the voice in the ether tells the protagonist: if you build… Read more »
Just wait for Hitler to come back, guys!
I think we are in a propaganda war with the ruling class ****, not a shooting one. And in that case, our victories and defeats take place in theatres of imagination. I think we should strive for (my apologies; I beg that you suffer the phrase “strive for” in this one instance so I can make my point) recapturing the hearts and minds of our people. That putting the cart of tactics before the horse of strategy is a losing proposition.
Usually I don’t agree with street demos per se (no offense Striker), but in this case when it’s a pure play propaganda operation with a no touch offense (no physical altercations or allusions to the same) I think it makes a great movie.
Nice one
Anyone have a link to the video they played at around 51:00?
I’m old enough to be Tom’s Dad and I am so inspired by him. He is so intelligent and focused.
I don’t find any bitcoin address on patriotfront.us. Let me help you out son!
Same. PF’s looking pretty solid – would like to divert some shekels being spent elsewhere to them.
I’ve heard they reject all donations because they don’t want to become bound to the people giving said donations: may or may not be true.
If this is true… Holy fuck. That makes me even more regretful that I’m too fucking old to join.
What is the southwest coalition mentioned in one of the superchats?
Hail the Patriot Front!
Texas is pretty gay
Abolish the police tbqh. No cops and white people can defend themselves
I agree in theory but in practice we’d just be left with more powerful feds to crack down on the only law left in the US: no white advocacy
Put a bullet in them, what could happen? They send more feds?
i’d expect what would happen would be 24/7 waco
Much respect to Patriot Front! Flash mob-style protests are the best way to conduct ourselves, counter protests take days to organize effectively. Anonymity, Action, and Activism!
Question forTom. How can we donate to Patriot Front?
Join, or send men to join
Age restrictions limit the former.
Then you have the latter. I’ve heard they reject all donations.
“So your questioned by the police about what organizations you’re affiliated with?” you reply…”The ADL”
Might get charged with impersonating law enforcement
“you reply”
I refuse to answer any questions on the grounds that it may tend to incriminate me.
NEVER lie to the cops. Because that’s against the law and a cop is positively SALIVATING at the thought he’ll get a White Nationalist locked up! Because ALL cops are careerists who only care about increasing their wages and pensions!
Don’t even bother taking the fifth just demand your lawyer and exercise your right to remain silent. Tell them if they want to communicate with you they need to arrange it through your lawyer. Even if they claim you don’t have Miranda rights because you’re not under arrest you can still refuse to speak with them. If you’re not under arrest they also have no authority to compel you to talk with them. Cops love using 90 IQ Low Synagogue Talmudry like that. The bottom line is if they claim to have the power to detain you until or unless… Read more »
Anyone got some fresh content? I need a fix? That TDS today was pretty good, left me jonsen.
I sure am glad they left your jonsen!
Because stealin’ a mans jonsen just ain’t right!
I’m catching up on Paranormies as we wait, so all is good! 8 hours of painting and TRS podcasts, what great day!
Wish you a great evening!
“Striker talks with Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front”
I’ll be listening. I want to hear what the man has to say. Patriot Front made big news in my area. A trannie city council member was up in arms over some stickers….LOL.
Hail Tom! Respect for any man that takes a stand for our people and gets arrested by these pig goons.