Jazz and James find Deutsche Bank hangin in da batchroom, more evidence of sunken ship Trumpism as the ultimate 2020 election shot, Kanye spills the beans on the Finkel indy op, and the man - and network - who made Stephen Miller, as Jazz goes full Pepe Silvia on Miller, Horowitz, Gorka, Lauder, Trump, Dershowitz, Cohn, Stone, Breitbart, Drudge, Birnbaum, Finkelstein, Netanyahu, Glick, Feith, Gaffney, Lewandowski, Torossian, and Perle. In the second half, it's the chewy bono on Beirut, complete with dancing Israelis, and the new era of gay ops. If it's Sunday, it's a canard-laden, dot-connecting FTN!
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Deutsche Bank in da Batchroom
00:22:00 - Kanye Black Bag Confirmed
00:37:00 - The Network That Made Stephen Miller
00:55:00 - The Perversity of White Identity
01:05:00 - The Finkelstein Network
01:24:00 - One Jerusalem
01:50:00 - BREAK
01:53:00 - Chewy Bayroot Bono
02:25:00 - Dancing Israelis
02:45:00 - We Gay Op Who We Can
02:58:00 - Outro
Hello! Can someone please provide me a link to the transcript of this speech covered around 1:14? I can find it eventually, but I was wondering if someone had it at the ready. I like to save as much of this as possible as my own archive and to digest it for talking points. Having a source link would be pretty awesome for these deep dives. It is a lot to keep up. Shoot, maybe these guys would write pamphlets pointing to sources? If Common Sense can be widely read, maybe these pamphlets could be as well someday. Just a… Read more »
Incredible groyper art. MUST SEE.
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead. Thousands of American servicemen dead; hundreds of thousands with traumatic brain injuries—all on Dubya’s hands. But he loves immigrants!
Don’t all Americans love Dubya now? Sure we called him Bushitler, but now we see what a good man he was! He’s friends with Michael Obama!
Incredibly insulting to the Fuhrer.
Down right heretical if you ask me
is it too much to ask to live in a world free of GAY OPS?
Ha! This ni&&a said, “lezbanon”!
You guys are awesome. Thanks for all yer nnndeep nnndives??
~1 hr 35 min in: ‘X-Committee’. Reminds me of Dark Journalist X-Series (UFO conspiratorial guy, not an /ourguy/…
…but does think Q is some kind of Marketing Op, fwiw). I haven’t listened to a whole lot of the DJ stuff, but I think the gist is that the designator ‘X’ has to do with secret projects (advanced flight or even space projects, perhaps breakaway civilization-tier technology, if you subscribe to that). To the extent that any of that stuff exists, you know jews and Zionists are embedded to shareholder or director status in those pogroms.
All those references of Big Aviation, too (~1:34 and Frank Gaffney Jr & his Center for Security Policy, funded by ‘Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman…’) reminded me of probably the only Law & Order episode I’ve ever seen (I wonder why). Basically, it centers around a wealthy and influential Defense contractor who is a homosexual pedophile. Art imitates life, I’m sure (to the extent you can consider Law & Order ‘art’).
Interesting: Frank Gaffney has an SPLC page.
We look at Kyles artwork
And what do you see?
Kyle is visible in the chat
This is for jazz..
The name you were struggling with “goetz”
Maybe goethe or however
It gets alliterated..
You probbly know where that goes
But for the comments and for the detail, maybe we should look at that Sachs, cohbergh, goethe thing…
* they flex within surnames.
Dawson has been pushing the narrative that Beirut explosion is caused by Lebanese government
What is supposed to be their motivation?
big government largess bro
Nice job, Kyle.
If I were a practicing Christian, I guess I would see Martin Luther as a prophet, with Israel as the stone tied around Judentum’s neck before it was thrown into the river Elbe.
With more and more Jews admitting that Israel is much more of a liability than an asset to their continued ability to rule, you are going to see the abandonment of Israel and a massive rapture form between stupid Jews and clever Jews. The caved in head Jews who will go down with the ship, the state of Israel, will rip the mask from even the clever Jews, and their 3000 reign of terror over gentiles will end.
Listening now. Mind, literally btfo. Thanks a lot, Jazz Hands and James. Now I’m a grug.
“Mind, literally btfo.”
Has there been a time over the last six months where FTN hasn’t been mind-blowing?
I certainly can’t think of any.
jews don’t approve of FTN.
Jew rhymes with eww.
Who the fuck would down-vote this comment?
Except jews.
The ADL thanks you for your service.
Jonathan Greenblatt says, “keep up the good work.”
LOL! And you do!
You beat me to 9-11 prep!
Memory hole.info will have a bunch of key players in understand 9-11 attacks up soon same as I did for JFK killed by Israel analysis.
You guys are awesome! Great show.
Thank you for your service
Thank you for YOUR service!
An old woman on the street once asked me if I was Jewish. When I replied “no,” she said “well, no one’s perfect.” At the time I thought it was just a joke…
Thanks, JazzHands, for increasing “Kosher Awareness” to our general public by dropping our trademarked term “KosChertified” into your narrative in the first half of the show – especially in pointing out our unique database that aims to grow resources for all products NOT Kosher Certified (#NKC). We have a long road ahead of us in taking back Religious Freedom. If we are to #GoFree towards our roots in Occidental au Naturel, we have to build, and that means sharing with others. We thank you for unabashedly growing the popularity of the terms we have created! For those in this chat… Read more »
Thanks for the heads-up on the book. I just bought a copy!
You know what? I’m not happy with people who went through these anti-White pogroms and all the shit that’s been going on lately with a cool head. Smooth as ice. No changes. No change in rhetoric. Tone. You know what that is? It’s OMINOUS. It’s a bad sign. And what’s coming for us in a few years, will have I think some Whites fleeing the US. We’re crossing the Rubicon. The cultural/racial revolution is now. The REAL pogroms against us will be later. If antifa killed Richard Spencer, who would lift a finger? The killer might get a pardon. Actually,… Read more »
TRS has been great.
Yes it has. But boy are you black-pilling HARD!
Oh I censor everything I really think on here. I always give the charitable half. Did I say we’ll all be criminals for this in a few years. And TRS will be taken down as hate speech? Without resistance, there will be no defense for what happens next. And my prediction is, it won’t be like before. It’ll be a little different. Decentralized. I think The Purge is a VERY good model. And no one will care. Or report on it. Or resist systemically. It will be genocide by 50 million separate, unpunished crimes. And no one will ever really… Read more »
I myself need to take a break. I am not as strong as I thought I was.
Feel better.
Holy shit dude! You really are having a bad weekend!
I’m going into hybernation. Vodka, Always Sunny, Hagan daaz.
Sit coms never solve anything.
I took a sick day. They do for me. That and sleep and vodka. It’s kind of like in men in black. That memory wiper thing. I need that.
“The US really is a first class Jew state”–Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, April 1943
Ok I’m black pilled as fuck. I don’t know what happened. Maybe it’s cuz my neighbor across the hall has a black baby in the oven from a guy who stole $3300 from her then took off? Btw, I fucking hate the White Lives Matter meme. It’s so shallow. Can’t we do better. What does it even mean. Think that changes anybody’s mind? It’s so stale. At this point, if Whites are gonna make a statement, it better be more insightful than White Lives Fucking Matter. What would I say? Idk, something that gets people THINKING. Alright. Off my head,… Read more »
I wish I had a clever slogan for you that would work. Most whites can’t even comprehend that we are being colonized/genocided. You can barely get them to accept “It’s okay to be white”.
Don’t they feel White in who they are? I’m kind of losing touch with what the norm is now. I feel sick.
“Don’t they feel White in who they are? “
In their minds it’s the one form of denialism that’s acceptable.
Whites need to have a NSDAP mindset. Its all about believing in something positive to uplift yourself.
The majority of them are unaware of why things have gotten so bad and who is doing it to them.
I don’t think it’s one source. I’ve decided that I am Blackpilled as of today and I will be going into a hate the human race hybernation period. I think there’s a word for that.
TRS is great, but we are outnumbered. I feel White people are getting LESS ethnocentric. I vastly overestimated humanity.
Haven’t we all.
“I feel like whites are getting less ethnocentric”
I thought you knew the shot dude. Of course whites are getting less ethnocentric, that’s the propaganda the )ews are pushing. But they’re afraid because they see that philo-semitism isn’t on the rise that they would love to see
If white people talk about whiteness at all, it’s in an ironic or mocking self-deprecating tone.
We are a race of George McFlys.
*Zignat, which is next level Jignat
“He rejects Taylor’s perverse idea that Whites need to organize under White Identity.”
You fucking jew.
A disgusting foreskin thief, acting like the disgusting baby dick sucker he is. Surprise surprise!
What’s wrong with that?
Fascism is anything jews don’t like
So is anti-semitism.
A proud jew at that!
“There is no Palestine, there are no Palestinians”
OK I’m going to get a little autistic here:
The people who call themselves Palestinians today are actually Canaanites. I’m thinking that would drive jews even crazier [if that’s possible] if they actually started calling themselves that. For example the Canaan Liberation Organization.
Hey, I said I was going to get autistic!
Modern day Palestinians are the genetic decendants of the ancient Israelites. They are biologically closer to the Canaanites than the Ashkenazi.
I don’t agree with that first statement. The ancient Israelites were jews with some Canaanite mixed in. Which maybe explains the social friction between the jews of Judea and the jews of Israel. It was ancient jewish purity spiraling. I do agree with the second statement though.
2 ignoramuses!
Make that THREE!
Some Orthodox Christians in Syria and Lebanon can trace their family lineage back to Apostolic times.
The only good Jew is a Christian.
Not even then. Then they’re just crypto )ew’s trying to corrupt christianity. The worst mistake we ever made was trying to make them convert. They should’ve been removed
“And I’ll admit that I’m wrong.”
We all were.
This is certainly not a niggardly podcast!
How dare you! How absolutely DARE you!
Oh gawd
You don’t even know what the word means!
Stay fashy my friends.
That is an epic photo. Also incredibly tragic, when you remember what their fate ultimately was. Having said that, both men died for the truth, and I would rather be in that position, than fight for Israel in one of America’s fake Zio wars.
Absolutely right!
Another jew expresses his hatred of Hitler.
So would it be better at this point if he won?
It wouldn’t make any difference. Because both sides have the same goal. Just different ways of achieving that goal. Don’t Fink yourself my dude.
I know. But if their shot is that he’s trying to lose to sink the ideas, doesn’t it follow that him winning would mean their shot fails? Unless it’s just as good for them if he wins and that shot is just a backup.
That shot IS just a back-up.
Clearly jews don’t want Whites to know what the shot is.
Didn’t downvote ya
Thanks my dude!
I didn’t think so. I was just responding to the NPC’s that did!
“Hitler’s art was great…”
Bush’s not so much.
Don’t make fun of the disabled. I think Bush’s drawings are special. And unique.
Oh that explains it. It’s rehabilitation therapy!
But can you come back from being an Israeli neo-con stooge?
Yes you can! And I’m the perfect example. But painting isn’t the therapy you need! It’s FTN and TDS et al. on a daily basis for a couple of months at least! Depending, of course, on how severely you’ve been brain damaged by Finkel-think.
The best therapy:
Um, I think you’ve just given the best explanation of Finkel-think
I will take the labotomy package. That sounds good.
No you won’t and no it doesn’t!
Of course shills like you want him to have a lobotomy.
Then he’d be on the same IQ level as you!
Another ADL lobotomy victim.
ANOTHER Finkel-thinker.
Hitler was an artist, pure and simple.
Plastic fake titted women, what’s the point? They’re an artificial product.
Third Eye Blind does their own version of Disorder which is bretty great.
Whitest shows ever: Sopranos, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. I’ll post the bit for anyone who doesn’t know it.
Time for another anger-fueled jog. No hammers or timbalands though
Listening to you guys talk about these loans that saved Trump’s business makes me think of churchill and his semitic windfall.
I wonder how much he got paid to round up the Boer women and children to starve inside the wire.
30 pieces of silver I believe is the standard. Or as David Irving put it, I believe it was 100000 pound sterling?
Not to mention steal the harvests of Indians, which caused a famine, to feed his war effort.
Great cover art as always.
Can’t wait for the day I can listen to FTN with my official FTN shirt, mug, wristwatch, wallet, keychain, and of course surrounded by funko pop versions of the entire TRS crew. VERY COOL
Cell Phone case!
That’s right deny FTN some income!
I think people are just doing what the FTN art says to do
I think there are a lot of NPC’s in the comments.
“-1” Hey, jews can’t have ALL the money!
Arthur and his kids have waged psychological jihad on a generation of White Americans.
Thank you guys for what you do. Never falter. Love ya
The Double Hard R, a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
When being raycis with my co-workers we say “n i double grr” when one is headed our way.
Great artwork again Kyle!
LOL!!! Holy shit I just noticed your message about me!
Never change mmbud.
Thanks my dude.
The conspiracy is real.
The conspiracy isreal.
The conspiracy: Israel.
I knew it.
Damn Straight!
I’m going with the meme, I’m gonna down vote everything you post for now on.
Confirming their status.
Clearly pussies stick together.
“Feith, Gaffney and Perle”
OH GOD!!! My neo-con history coming back to haunt me!
Will these nightmares never end???!!!
Time to get angry.
LOL! As if I ever stop!
i remember when i could come in this late and still be first.