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Borzoi and Nike have a raucous four hour discussion with Curtis "Moldbug" Yarvin about Carlyle, what it means to have the high ground, the Bayesian sexuality of Hitler, the GayQ vs. the JQ, World War II spergery, whether to affirm or deny the socially constructed Holocaust, WASPs and Puritans, and debate how to be a proper dissident.
Intro Song: Culture Terror
Outro Song: //LOAD_VR: nostalgia2_1986.exp
Art by Leitis
That laugh alone makes me cleave to thoughts of [redacted] in Minecraft. Love Borzoi, this new show, and his reaching out in an attempt to have a dialectic. The turn this one took is what often causes me to abandon my strange fascination with the philosophical and return to my natural origin of “Where’s my fookin rock?” I had only vaguely heard of this actor through TRS, but after hearing this pilpul, it’s obvious he is all but interested in Truth or the truth at all. He is a well read beta who fancies himself after men who he does… Read more »
So much bullshit in this…. The Jünger maneuver was sophisticated though. Using a heroic figure to discredit Hitler is exactly what a modern kosher-conservative type would do.
Thats why we should reject “heroism” if it is not politically motivated. Jünger might have been a “manly man” but he gave up on politics and decided it would be cooler to just be a “star”. We could as well just take advice from some athlete or celebrity.
First question: “Can you give the audience a brief summation of your ideas or what you’re about?”
Four hours of podcast later and I still don’t feel like I have a good answer to that question.
“Can you give the audience a brief summation of your ideas or what you’re about?”
“I’m a jew and I gatekeep the rightwing in order to preserve the kosher sandwich.”
Ha. So true. There’s a spergy blog called Slate Star Codex and the guy wanted to respond to neo-reaction but he couldn’t find a decent summary of their ideas. So rather than try to engage Moldbug’s disjointed ramblings directly, he ended up just writing his own summary of neo-reaction just so he’d have something to respond to. And even this is like 30,000 words, lol.
I just can’t listen to this bugman, I want to shove him in a locker immediately
A LOCKER? I know a BETTER place to shove him!!!
This is one of the best pieces of TRS content I’ve listened to. I respect Yarvin enough as a thinker and historian that I make a good faith attempt to get the point he’s trying to make.
But I walk away from his writing and this interview with the sense that he does for a kind of erudite pop nihilism what Gibson did for cyberpunk.
I see where his ideas come from but don’t see where his thought is going.
“I respect Yarvin enough as a thinker and historian”
When I read or listen to his stuff I feel like I am taking a long ride to nowhere in particular. Although the scenery is occasionally interesting.
If you take all of the “um,uh,like,you know” out of this it would be a 1hr show.
Cmon you galaxy brain mischling spit it the fuck out
in a way….
I think it was on a strike and mike that the guys discussed all of the censuses that were taken and the vast range of discrepency between them with plenty of room for 6 million Jews to “disapear”. Easy answer to Moldbug.
They constantly lie about their numbers, they change their names, and they wander everywhere.
Not to mention all the “survivors” who changed their names upon arrival in Pissrahell who also cohencidentally are also listed as “victims” of the holohoax multiple times.
This is counter-intuitive for a lot of people. At a glance it seems like it should be easy. Surely the estimates for world Jewish population are accurate to within a million, right? Well, actually, no. There is a big error term and all they have to do is take a high estimate before the war and a low estimate afterwards and there you go. The “measurement error” here isn’t random. They can manipulate it.
I have tried listening to this 3 times and every time I rage quit within 30 seconds because he says ummm so much. Honestly Zizek is a better speaker than this retard.
Zizek is also more radical and more dangerous.
Moldbug inserts long, interesting tangents to his occasional bland points. He is by his own admission the guy who is there to divert dissidents from “becoming what their enemies hate” aka saying the things that actually matter.
I obviously enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would.
Moldbug says the way to fight is not to fight because the liberals of today will be dead by then anyway?!? So, his future regime will somehow exist without having been fought for…? He doesn’t care whether his ideas are ever actually applied, just whether he is right. But the truth of political ideology can’t be proven unless it is applied. so then his claims to truth, etc., are unfalsifiable. Does he like Napoleon because he was supposedly gay? Or, would he argue that Napoleon can’t possibly be gay, since he dislikes Hitler who he claims is gay (and because… Read more »
No, people obey their bosses, police, and teachers routinely, and this obedience is based on reciprocity. Masters/mechanisms is a false dichotomy. All of life can be conceived as mechanistic. Moldbug is constantly arguing against straw men and baffling his audience with bullshit. We are not living in a post-totalitarian space, we are living in liberal totalitarianism and in many ways Moldbug represents the culmination of that process rather than its antithesis, an utterly bourgois, pseudo-intellectual wannabe aristocrat. And no, there is still a society which exists in opposition to antisociety. Owning libertarians is low hanging fruit, but Moldbug’s own worldview… Read more »
“Oy vey, don’t deconstruct me goy!”
Spot on analysis here. I feel sorry for the “Aryan” half his son is alleged to favor and curse what evils that mischling sibling will be allowed to subject him to. The gods only know what degenerate things he subjects his wife to, playing out his obvious homoerotic fixation with Our Uncle.
A perfect demonstration of the difference between high verbal IQ and intelligence.
omfg what a pretentious, smarmy, condescending, arrogant windbag! He starts jerking off from word one and incredibly manages to say nothing meaningful for hours. His dismissal of the whole of continental philosophy was an immediate clue to his shallow understanding even of his own supposed line of thinking. I know a reactionary LARPer who talks in exactly the same style. Maybe it is a psychotic phenotype.
Yeah, the enemy in Eumeswil is a tyrant called the Condor… a large, powerful scavenger with a hooked beak.
Where’d they go? They died of typhus.
Where are the remains?
In an Israeli or Soviet cemetery after they died of natural causes
In other words NOT in the alleged killings fields of the hauloco$t!
Exactly damn right!!!
Contrary to what Moldbug says, holocaust fact checkers attack the holocaust legend at a foundational level. For the most part, they do NOT focus on technicalities, minor inconsistencies, etc. He waves off Germar Rudolf by saying the Russians probably rebuilt everything anyway but given that Krema 2 is in ruins is it really believable that the Russians “reconstructed” a pile of rubble? That’s just silly. His argument about population decline is a classic line. The problem with it is that it presupposes that we have a good sense of the global Jewish population before and after the war. We don’t.
Imagine that. A jew spewing bullshit. Who’d a thunk it?!
Hyperpodcastism merch idea:
“Havel’s Greengrocer!”
Yard signs.
I hate to keep harping on pre-imperial Rome, but Ellul did say they perfected the social technique.
In any case, though Yarvin turns a profound phrase, it doesn’t just come down to either obeying a king or a mechanism.
Again, strong inter-subjective bodies develop social forms that are not only obeyed by themselves—the Mos Maiorum for example—, but also create a reference point in the collective conscience of the social body that allows it to make determinations about what kinds of formal institutions should be obeyed —for example, the Numen.
The guest is 110% about the east coast trains Boston thru NYC thru Philly thru Baltimore thru D.C. is just a gallery of what was you got these run down cities and hollowed out industry,and negros
Borzoi: Makes an accurate contradictory point that devastates Moldyjew broader point.
Moldyjew: ehe, I actually agree with you and yeah, I have read that book.
Also Moldyjew: I’m actually an Alfa and I establish my own frame.
I tend to think only a society with a diminished sense of identity would need to resort to quantitative measures of success/failure in the first place. You look at early Rome, virtue was practically a concrete form that bridged not only the public/private divide, but class (Order) stratification as well. Boys became warriors who became citizens and office holders through the Cursus Honorum, and that meant the most productive men were the cultural and political locus of their civilization. I believe it is the absence of this kind of social body, as a reference point, that forces mercenary technocrats to… Read more »
moldbug? more like termite
It really is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. He is half Semitic, but that Semitism really stands out.
He believes he has the “high ground” by rejecting the official Pearl Harbor narrative, but accepts the official and ridiculous Holocaust narrative.
I can easily explain his position:
Rejecting Pearl Harbor narrative = not a threat to the global finance capitalist neo-liberal order + possibly a book deal
Rejecting Holocaust narrative = threat to global finance capitalist neo-liberal order + payment processor rejected + ostracization
Typical jewish shuck and jive.
I like this so-called, Moldbug. He’s very intelligent. I say that because he understands the consequences of rejecting the Holocaust narrative. The money stops. Smart man… He compares the NSDAP to ISIS. Great comparison. Now, he compares the NSDAP to ISIS because they both struggled for political legitimacy. Very, very bright young man, this Moldbug. He also read a lot of books. Titles such as Hitler’s Table Talks, and Mein kampf! Very impressive. He said Hitler was a genius. But not smart. Did he also say Hitler had one testicle? Hmm, I gotta rewind that part… Also, what really impressed… Read more »
“Where did all the Jews go?”
Prove those jews were murdered by producing the remains.
“Oh but goy, those mass graves are holy ground and you can’t disturb them, even with non-invasive GPR, you just have to take our word for it.”
t. jews
Oh but my fellow White person I though you all believed in the separation of church and state? And this IS a criminal investigation! I’m afraid we just won’t be able to accede to your religious restrictions!
t. Nazi demagogue.
Next episode, Borzoi interviews Alexander Soros.
Synopsis for grugs:
longnose man: uhm have you uhm read this stone tablet uhm?
Borzoi man: yes
longnose man: uhm holobunga uhm real, uhm mustache man uhm gay!
Borzoi man: no
German speaking Jews vs Yiddish speaking Jews.
Oh look Goy, there’s a dichotomy between Jews.
Except Yiddish is a German dialect with some hebrew words and hebrew lettering
ya that part killed me. Who gives a fuck if abunch of secular jews looked down upon these ghetto jews in Eastern Europe. They still see them as part of the same tribe in the Jewish diaspora.
Fuck you Moldbug for calling my ancestors subhuman for killing your ancestors.
Shouldn’t have ‘liquidated’ our middle class with Cheka. Turnabout is fair play.
And Germans were a bunch of pussies
Good ep longdog, never listened to him before reminds me of a slimy higher iq Milo, guess it’s a jew thing
“You should be friends with me because there are ways you can gain materially from me”
This seems like an argument for only jews. Am I wrong in thinking that this motivation is just wrong or is it just my poorfag sensibilities?
You’re not wrong.
Thank god. It gets to me at a visceral level. I don’t see friendship as a financial transaction. Sure I like to get along with people I have to interact with in business but this seems so insidious. He actually made a plea to Borzoi that he should be friends with him because it would gain him financially. I don’t look at friendships as transnational other than community building “hey we should all help each other” And I mean real communities. I don’t know how many times I have looked out for people helped them move etc. and they weren’t… Read more »
Where can I find the “umm umm” Moldbug keeps telling me to look for?
second half of the interview its peppered like zyklon b tablets in auschwitz
I’m not good at math. I stormed out the last 2 hyperpodcastisms because I take a STRONG LINE against science.
You’re either against science…..or you’re with the terrorists.
I can’t believe I’ve made it nearly 3hrs in. I hope his appearance on this podcast doesn’t attribute to him selling a single copy of his book.
It’s done nothing but reaffirm my complete lack of disinterest in him TBH. He has a lot of nothing to say and that’s about it.
I’ve been trying to finish this podcast all day, and have gotten nothing but confirmation bias, and not in a good way. Its like eating an entire bag of stale off brand chips and feeling sick after despite knowing this was going to be the result of consuming it.
“I can’t believe I’ve made it nearly 3hrs in.”
I hope you don’t get cancer.
We’ll all be fortunate not to contract GRIDS after listening to his faggotry for a prolonged period. ??
Nike was getting run over by a mouthy Jew having his monologue for three hours… oof. Gonna have to turn the tables.
The only way to deal with a Jew is to be rude
I don’t think that’s the ONLY way! 😉
Puritans eh? Blah blah blah….
Big credit to Borzoi for suffering this smarmy koike for 4 hours
I have to give yuge credit to Borzoi for being able to put up with this smarmy koike for 4 hours. I certainly wouldnt have been able to.
Somehow, this turned into my favourite TRS podcast episode.
Moldbugger is completely full of shit
Fart sniffer. He mentioned something like “if you’d brought that up at a dinner party you’d get laughed at”
Mother fucker, you’d get your ass kicked talking like this at any of our bbq’s.
Half anglo and half jew always equals 100 percent faggot.
This must be Milo’s cousin. Only gay boys like this Jew see gayness in everyone else.
Like they’re looking in the mirror.
East Aryan Imperial General Borzoi delivers solid product once again.
(((Curtis Yarvin))): Cynical, contradictory, and deceitful.
Cynical, contradictory, and deceitful=jew.
Being a WW2 history guy I have to say that Germany committed less atrocities than the other powers. For instance, Michael Witmann the famous SS Tank Ace actually saved Soviet Tankers from 4 burning tanks he had just knocked out. Amazing! Most tankers would have let them burn.
Truth doesnt matter in hyper reality. All things related to nazis = bad, because nazis bad, because this one really bad thing that you question bad man for questioning.
“Truth doesnt matter in hyper reality”
hyper reality=jewish reality.
Mother of fook the creeps, beeps, and sweeps on my jewdar were going off like crazy.
lol, for some reason this seems like a quote from Spaceballs 🙂
Moldbug’s going to find the next Napoleon…..ROFL
Moldbug talking about dicks for an hour is proof he’s a pervert
Im like Im like um yeah… (the essence of Mencius Moldbug, leader of Neoreaction)
One of Moldbug’s purposes in coming on was to attack Hitler
I’d say it was his main purpose, if not the entirety.