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Borzoi and Nike have a raucous four hour discussion with Curtis "Moldbug" Yarvin about Carlyle, what it means to have the high ground, the Bayesian sexuality of Hitler, the GayQ vs. the JQ, World War II spergery, whether to affirm or deny the socially constructed Holocaust, WASPs and Puritans, and debate how to be a proper dissident.
Intro Song: Culture Terror
Outro Song: //LOAD_VR: nostalgia2_1986.exp
Art by Leitis
This Joo REALLY loves the smell of his own farts
And he’s different from every other jew how?
Enoch should have crashed this podcast midway like he did with Laura Loomer a few years ago.
The chief benefit of this episode was to educate our people on the true nature of Moldbug and the NRX.
Yarvin: “I’m totally insufferable”. This is the only thing I agree that he said.
“I’m totally insufferable”
Like he had to tell ANYBODY that!
It’s funny, I can actively hear his inner jew take over, its the “uh um” of his jew program kicking and being like “no more cogent analysis its subverting time baby”. I swear its like listening to a Morrakiu sketch.
When Yarvin accused Borzoi of having a Jewish view of history, it was the end.
Yarvin: “I dont care if Hitler was gay”. Talks for 30 minutes about Hitler being gay.
Make that 1 hour
I cant believe this koike was allowed to talk for as long as he did.
Yarvin is like a combination of Destiny and Ezra Levant
“Hitler was gay” ~ Curtis “Ladybug” Yarvin
Trannies love NRX
Anyone unfamiliar with Yarvin should research his Urbit pyramid scheme.
This is a conman who will lie to your face while feeling morally superior doing it; I’m convinced he derives pleasure out of thinking he’s fooling someone.
God help anyone naive enough to give him money.
In another words, he is a classic Jew. He has the chutzpah to simply lie and deceive to your face with no shame.
A lying, thieving jew?
Knock me over with a feather!
Yarvin/Moldbug is a professional liar.
The Nuremberg laws were too cucked.
An argument I had with Spam Houston on the FTN page a few weeks ago. Never trust a jew or a jogger.
The one drop rule applies for those two races. Others you can be conciliatory to varying degrees.
I don’t remember that. Citation please.
Of course I do support the idea that if you’re 3/4 White that’s good enough.
Isn’t that what Lothrop Stoddard said?
Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels wouldnt agree with a thing you say, Yarvin. He would have deported you to the East
The only way to beat someone like Yarvin is to tell them to shut up
Yarvin may be half a Semite but he’s all koike
I like how Borzoi says “You guys” to this koike
The V2 project was :1) a brilliant act of German engineering and science and 2) a desperate attempt by the Germans to seek vengeance on the Allies for massacring German civillians through terror bombing
Yeah Yarvin leaves out the part where Hitler avoided attacking civilian targets as long as possible even after Churchill had begun bombing German civilians.
The point of the blitz and the V weapons was not to terrorize the British civilians into demanding an end to the war, it was to retaliate in hopes of getting the British to stop their terror bombing German civilians.
Yarvin apparently expected Hitler to sit idly by and do nothing while German cities were reduced to ash and rubble.
Yea but Hitler was a really stupid genius. No I’m not engaging in doublethink.
“I am a Holocauset believer”–Curtis Yarvin
“I have the high ground because I say so.”
Ok jew. Not an argument.
Ok. Let’s say the holocaust happened and you would like to know where all the Jews went. How many Jews are we looking for? How many were there before hand?
Lets start there.
Let’s start with producing the remains of all the “victims”.
Jews do not understand the mindset of National Socialists, Moldbug
Sure they do! That’s why they invented Zionism!! They are just epic HYPOCRITES!!!
To be an enemy of Yarvin/Moldbug is a deep honor.
This podcast reminded me of Hitler’s description in Mein Kampf of how the Jews lie repeatedly with no shame. Gradually, I came to hate them….
This was an absolute delight to listen to, thank you borzoi. “You know Borzoi, you have a very Jewish way of understanding history.” Was ROTFL’ing at that!
It was the quote of the week.
Germany attacked West because of the French/British buildup to take the 3rd Reich down, you moron
I think the “you can’t have an opinion on something unless you can go to a dinner party and not stick out” has to be one of the dumbest copes I’ve ever heard. As if his smug, mischling ass wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb at every rural dinner table in America. By his own standards, he is never allowed to have another opinion on me and mine.
Moldbugs purpose is obfuscation and redirection. Nothing more, nothing less.
In other words…judaism.
Yarvin/Enoch debate NOW!
Yarvin/Striker debate on Hilter.
Sieg Heil!!!
Yarvin, you dont know shat about the 3rd Reich
Yes he does. He just lies about it.
When Yarvin said believing in God was stupid, I though one of you should have said “Fukk you Jew”
I would have enjoyed them eviscerating Yarvin in the last five minutes.
Everytime I left an NRX meeting I felt the need to take a shower
‘just give me the 6 million and I’ ll give you the moral high ground to discuss Anglo atrocities’
High IQ double jewwing
I have the moral high ground to discuss JEWISH atrocities!
Yarvin/Moldbug is nothing but a bag of Jewish tricks
fucking jewish
No LARPing… says the Jew, LARPing as an Anglo…
“Show me where all the fucking Jews went, then I’ll believe you…”
“Hitler was gay, cuz he didn’t brag about how much pussy he was slayin’…”
The audacity of this Jew is just astounding.
“Show me where all the fucking Jews went, then I’ll believe you…”
Show me the remains of the 6 million jewish “victims” and I’ll believe YOU!
““Hitler was gay, cuz he didn’t brag about how much pussy he was slayin’…”
Emil Maurice used to talk about chasing women with Hitler in the old days.
“he audacity of this Jew is just astounding.”
Really just your typical jew.
Yarvin had no intention of letting you guys talk.
Typical jew.
30 minutes in… still waiting to hear the word “Jew”
They’re being far to conciliatory. I’m 1.5 hours in and haven’t heard any real pushback beyond mild disagreement. Hoping it comes in spades in the latter half.
I think Borzoi’s intention was to let Moldbug present NRXism, not really debate it or mog the shit out of him.
I get that, but pushback on the obvious tropes was absolutely called for.
I concede you let a fool open his mouth and leave no doubt that he is exactly that. Which has a value of its own, and you did start pushing back respectfully further into the conversation.
This foreskin thief is full of himself beyond my experience with the average jew I’ve encountered and that’s saying a lot.
I don’t think he’s foolish i think he’s evil.
If Moldbug thought he was going to be confronted with an actual debate he would not have come on the podcast.
Friendly conversations are fine with people you disagree with if it is in good faith but nothing about Moldbug is honest.
Still it was an entertaining example of Jewish tricks and obfuscation which we can learn from.
Also FJP Veale’s “Advance to Barbarism” is well worth reading.
I rejected the label Grug at first, but, after enough time witnessing the big brains on here, terrified f falling into a midwife camp, I will be accepting of my place around the Grug camp fire from now on.
Pull up a seat kinsman. It’s a comfy place to put your feet up.
Call me a cuck, but I have way more respect for African Christians with some of their shit together than for smarmy Jews like Yarvin.
I don’t have respect for either. The former at least are only dangerous to themselves however, whereas Yarvin is the parasite that burrows into the unaware and unguarded who are looking for any reason to avoid necessary conflict and struggle.
I believe the purpose of Yarvin is 1) to redirect the goyim into nonsense, and 2) give Jews a safe place in a potential white state, and/or just subvert it.
Either way, dont follow Yarvin.
Yarvin sounds so incredibly Jewish. Any white person who follows his lead needs to be rescued.
You misspelled “redacted”. In Minecraft.
There ARE cases of communists in Germany converting to National Socialism. I’m not prepared to abandon racial comrades who’ve seen the light.
How many times can you say “atrocities of the National Socialists” in one sentence without providing an example of said “atrocities”?
“Muh holohoax” is not an argument.
He is Jewish after all…
Of course, but even for a jew this guy is ridiculous. How can anyone take his bullshit seriously?
People who love to smell eachother’s farts and sip latte’s in downtown salons
I know his followers. They are unappealing nerds with chips on their shoulders.
People take him seriously because he tells you just enough truth about how the (((system))) is predatory and mendacious and then tells you you are really smart for jumping into his cage.
Finklethink 101.
There were NS atrocities but within the context of the war they were neither unique nor unusual nor any worse than what the Allies were doing. That’s why he doesn’t want the Holocaust Narrative questioned, because it’s the one thing holding the entire Jewish power structure together. Without it their power over us collapses. His “reactionary” politics are entirely tactical.
His “reactionary” politics are libertarianism trying to present itself as something other than fake and gay judiasm.
It’s like Judaism for the masses
If Adolf Hitler were a god, Yarvin would be a smarmy little stock exchange trader with heavy handed smells
One of the principal traits of NRX people is LONG WINDEDNESS
Yarvin, do you agree that Jews are a dirty, Christ hating, smarmy, materialistic, greedy, self serving race bent on world domination?
He would tell you that WASPs made them that way, somehow.
I’ll tell you right now what pisses me off about Moldbug and NRX. They like to say that National Socialism was inadequate and “chaotic”, that white self determination and white nationalism are grug brained and stupid, and that we lack an intellectual class. All of this is bullshit. The 3rd Reich was anything but chaotic: it existed for 12.5 years and not only revived the German economy, but gave the German people their pride and national self determination back. The National Socialists were the true leaders of Europe and wanted the Jews out. It was only destroyed by overwhelming military… Read more »
“Chaotic” = not following Jewish orders.
Borzoi, can you please do a book analyses of the writings of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels? Especially “Goebbels on the Jews” and the essays he published in Das Reich. Many of his best essays are in Das Reich
The Jewishness of Moldbug certainly comes out in this, he’s got that style of high verbal IQ to the point that after 4 hours of show, I have learned very little about the NRX ideology. He’s also got a chronic case of the coombrain with the amount of focus he has on sexuality. His dishonesty shows itself in the argument that Hitler being gay is helpful to no one, because it is objectively helpful to people who wish to demoralize those who admire Hitler. There’s also the obvious point that he still believes in the Holocaust, despite the glaring problems… Read more »
The Jewishness of Moldbug…yes indeed, and Lord help any of our people that fall for his Jewish tricks.
The Moldbug underpants gnomes business plan:
Step 1: Obfuscate Jewish role in current crisis while leading potential dissidents down blind paths that lead nowhere or to dead ends.
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit.
I heard one of his disciples say that they intend to bribe Hilary Clinton into going into retirement. Knowing what she is into, can you NRX guys actually deliver, if you know what Im sayin?
Even if that happened who cares. HC is just a tool of her masters and she is past her sell by date.
NRx aren’t rich and connected enough to outbid the Rothschilds/etc., and there’s plenty more tools where HC came from. Removing HC from politics would change nothing.
And yes it sounds pretty creepy if NRx are implying that they are into that sort of thing.
He lays out step 2: Grift off of the aforementioned misdirected dissidents via paywall
Yeah instead of “profit” I should have put “prophet” because Yarvin claims he is laying the intellectual groundwork for some future ruling class, or something, in a very vague way which seems unlikely. That’s the step 2 that is missing.
I doubt he is poor enough to need the grift. Would not be surprised if Peter Thiel is bankrolling him.
The “ideology” of NRX is just a front for Jewish subversion
You know, when I was younger I wanted to join in some kind of intellectual circle because I was smart. Growing up though, I’ve come to the realization that sometimes, you just gotta embrace the grugbrain.