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Borzoi and Nike have a raucous four hour discussion with Curtis "Moldbug" Yarvin about Carlyle, what it means to have the high ground, the Bayesian sexuality of Hitler, the GayQ vs. the JQ, World War II spergery, whether to affirm or deny the socially constructed Holocaust, WASPs and Puritans, and debate how to be a proper dissident.
Intro Song: Culture Terror
Outro Song: //LOAD_VR: nostalgia2_1986.exp
Art by Leitis
I was briefly (and uncomfortably) involved in an NRX group that contained 1) trannies 2) mixed race people 3) muds 4) Muslims 5) white converts to Islam 6) catholic reactionaries.
Not our guys.
He sounds so fake. I don’t believe the words coming out of that hole in his face.
WTF BORZOI oh man no way this is gonna be horrible/ amazing i can tell
I really like Borzoi and Nike, but I just cannot do it. Four hours of Moldbug … I don’t have the desire to even start it. Read some comments and I’m certain: hard pass
“YOUR DECONSTRUCTIONG ME!!” The half jew cries out as he deconstructs hitler
The “mainstream” holocaust narrative has about as much evidence to it as space alien abductions: photoshopped pictures, missing people stats, conflicting eyewitness accounts and “reconstructed” facilities in theme parks. And even if we were to buy all of it as legit – when viewed as a whole it the presented “evidence” doesn’t even converge to the “mainstream narrative” to begin with. And to be honest, if both narratives were to put on the credibility scales I’d pick the alien abduction one to be more credible over the “mainstream holocaust”. At the least with the space aliens we are talking at… Read more »
Interesting to hear the conversation between Borzoi and Moldbug.
Borzoi did a good job at extracting some good info while providing push back (“context”) and humor when the Judaism got hot and heavy.
Moldbug’s contradictions were kind of funny: “Don’t call yourself a Rationalist and Less Wrong, but also I’m at a higher level because I look at everything objectively with absolutely no biases.” Oh, and so what is your unbiased take about Hitler? “Well, he was probably gay. This is incredibly important to talk about for some reason, so here’s my analysis. 2% of the population is gay, and even though Hitler hung out with a lot of women, there are no records of his sex life, so that brings the probability of him being gay from 2% to over 50%.” And… Read more »
His claim to be objective is laughable. He’s like the guy who constantly tells you, without being asked, that he’s totally trustworthy and would never molest children. And never stops talking about his non-desire to diddle kids. And then gets offended when you turn down his offer to babysit your children. Look, Moldbug, there’s no such thing as objective history. Everyone has biases and an agenda – ESPECIALLY those who claim to have no agenda. People would trust you more if you were honest about your biases and your agenda. But your objective is to trick people so you can’t… Read more »
>there are no records of his sex life,
Who the hell kept records of their sex life? In the ’30s? This Jew must keep a diary of every porn video he watches, and think it’s weird no one else does.
We do know AH had a young lady he “worshipped from afar” as a 14 year old. Heartiste was teasing “Hitler fan boys” about it years ago, but it’s perfectly ordinary for 14 year old boys to have crushes. In fact we have multiple examples of AH being attracted to women and zero evidence of homosexual attraction. The best Moldbug can do is imply based on nothing but theories and conjecture that AH was a repressed latent homosexual. So repressed that we have no evidence of his ever giving in to these alleged homosexual urges – making him functionally indistinguishable… Read more »
Made it 2:23:00 in and I have had enough of this Jew.
I am not allow
You missed your chance to ask Curtis Yarvin if he was still selling Urbit.
[ insert Bernie Sanders “no refunds” meme ]
Take a shot every time Moldbug says “um”.
Gonna need a 50% APR payday loan to afford that volume. Maybe Moldbug knows a guy.
“I’d rather have Besos run Washington than Washington run Besos.”
Lol does this dude not understand how the current neoliberal state operates?
Yeah it’s like he doesn’t understand that everything he claims to hate has been created by the system he wants to create in future, not seeming to understand that it already exists now.
This outlook is so f_cked up it had to be produced by a mischling mind, as it is at war with itself.
What we have is even worse than that. Bezos (and others like him) have power over society through his monopoly status independent and separate from what they can buy from Washington.
It’s Jewish thinking. That’s all you need to know.
Of COURSE he does! He just doesn’t want anybody ELSE to understand! 😉
“Hitler was gay because he avoided women.”
Actually Hitler loved and appreciated women and was surrounded by women.
“Yeah, but those women were fag-hags.”
And into the oven you go.
“…make it nice and crispy.”
Borzoi and Moldbug bond over their love for Celine Dion.
“Listen, goyim, Hitler was a gay peasant retardo genius. Also, I realize the Holocaust is impossible and there’s no evidence for it actually occurring, but where did the Jews go?”
This guy is very transparent. I gotta wonder why he did this. If it was an attempt to steal TRS followers, he should’ve been less transparently Jewish.
I was reading his blog long before he was doxxed and it was obvious to me at the time that he was Jewish simply by his arguments.
He is transparent but seems to be unaware of it.
That’s what I kept wondering, does he realize he is confirming our biases? Seemed like he didn’t. Except when borzoi would explicitly mention a specific bias confirmed while laughing.
“He is transparent but seems to be unaware of it.”
I think that’s a common trait among jews. They fool a lot of people so they start thinking they fool everybody!
Jews are the midwit race!
Every time Yarvin says “my motives are pure, stop deconstructing me, I’m only interested in the facts”, I hear “I’m a lying half-k1ke and I think you are stupid enough to fall for it, or at least not call me out on it.”
“It doesn’t matter that the Holocaust is technically impossible. Where did the Jews go?”
I hate this guy.
Moldbug tactically believes in some historical revisionism so that he can turn around and reinforce the Holocaust Narrative because he’s “a serious guy” who questions narratives.
Tactical revisionism.
Tactical judaism.
Wow that was the gayest thing I’ve ever heard.
The way he portrays the relationship between American and Eastern European Jews is so fucking dishonest.
This kike shows his hand when he blames WASPs for Jewish behavior.
Yarvin: I’m only interested in the truth and facts that I can prove.
Also Yarvin: Hitler was totally gay, trust me.
Wish you guys could’ve had Striker on for the Hitler conversation. Funny how Yarvin pushes the conservatives of the time, the ones who would’ve lost the country to the Bolsheviks, and basically calls Hitler a big dumb dingus.
Striker would annihilate Moldbug if given equal time.
Moldbug is the right side of the kosher sandwich so of course he pushes the useless and time wasting conservatives.
“Every WWII historical revisionist theory is correct except for this one very specific and very dubious claim, goy.”
“Oy vey the Jews are assimilating to the Anglos! No wonder they are acting so horribly!”
Moldbug is just one long series of “Hey look! A squirrel!”
He’s a verbal magician distracting his audience while he switches the cards.
“Where did all the Jews go?” That issue has been addressed, Moldbug. And I’m not hearing any evidence that you are honestly addressing it. We know where they migrated to. You want to use the OJ Simpson example? Well, there were two dead bodies in evidence in that case, with autopsies. Where are the six million bodies, Moldbug? Why is there not a single autopsy proving gassing? If Action Reinhardt is real, we know where the bodies should be buried, and no one wants to dig them up and prove the case. Or even use ground penetrating radar to see… Read more »
“Where are the six million bodies, Moldbug? “
What an insufferable smug self-serving elite-larping snobby faggot. First thirty seconds: I am going to shoe horn my victorianesque anecdote of traveling through the dominions of the empire.
He sounds like a conservative: That is, not saying anything of substance but posturing as comfortable in his fake-elite position which the listener must take for granted. Larping as a victorian elite and praising rationality while cloistered in his house to avoid niggers.
What a fucking faggot.
Am I just small brained or does it seem like Molbug just gave word salad for most of this episode!
He only speaks Joosh nonsense
Not just you. He just filibustered about how smart and well read he is while saying nothing interesting at all. Utterly insufferable and dishonest. And jewish! What a shocker!
Moldbug believes a very Kosher narrative regarding National Socialism.
The philosophical mukbang is hot and heavy and starts almost immediately.The first hour is alot of him name dropping people but there are finally some sparks flying by hour two. 2:50 Borzoi:”You should be a cult leader and I mean that sincerely.” LMFAO PUA philosophy at one point to try and make a case for doing nothing. Calls us pornographic, proceeds to tell a story about bulls fucking. Ends by praising Zuckerberg as a genius and saying Bezos should run Washington. Other than billionaire homosexuals and jews, who is this supposed to appeal to again? Respect to him for showing… Read more »
Or perhaps Strike & Mike as a guest. Yeah Moldbug has been well critiqued by TRS but I’ve never heard Moldbug actually address these critiques. The current tech barrons already have all the power they could want, why should they listen to Moldbug, for example. Moldbug wanting to be the Court Jew pretty much invalidates his entire project, as the current Court has no use for him and any potential Revolution that might replace it would never trust him. Moldbug is far too proud of all the books he’s read, but if he actually engaged with the TRS “nazis” he’d… Read more »
People of this ilk are attention whores. I would ignore him.
Moldbug is an effete Jew who leads people no where but his own anus
Curtis Yarvin holy shit. Listening now, I was not expecting this.
Mold bugs challenge on the holocaust amounted to basically “well, where did all the jews go then” …..well there is also a specific book on codoh dot com dealing with this exact question which I’m sure he hasn’t read. Mike has mentioned this before. Weckert’s “jewish emigration from the third reich”
Just going through and picking out the parts of the Hitler section that particularly annoy me: “What really killed [Hitler] was the limits of his intuition. Because his grant strategy of making peace with England and Russia did not work out too well.” Hitler certainly made several peace overtures to England, particularly in 1939 and 1940, however, per Irving he only authorized a response to peace feelers from the Soviet Union once in 1944 and even then he told Ribbentrop they’d eventually have to finish off the USSR regardless. Irving presents a convincing argument that Hitler rejected numerous Soviet attempts… Read more »
“It’s on you to say where these people went” No it’s not, we just need to show they weren’t gassed or systematically killed in the “Holocaust by bullet.” To continue the defense lawyer analogy, you as a Holocaust affirmer have the burden of proof. Convincing people FDR set up Pearl is not hard at all, particularly after 9/11. Discussing the icebreaker hypothesis won’t get you arrested in 15 European countries. In fact Icebreaker is the world’s best selling world war two history book! But it is the Holocaust that is difficult to attack, because attacking the myths that undergird a… Read more »
I almost feel like I don’t have to listen to this now. but I still will. Thanks for the writeup
“To continue the defense lawyer analogy, you as a Holocaust affirmer have the burden of proof.”
Extraordinary claims [like the hauloco$t] require extraordinary evidence-Carl Sagan, science jew.
“Second the Communists didn’t help Hitler,”
“And one of the things about the brutality of National Socialism is it really resembles the brutality of ISIS”
Ackshually it’s Stalin’s USSR whose brutality resembles that of ISIS. Not to mention the economic aid that both the USSR and ISIS received from the US!
When you get the non-committal “mmmmMm” from Borzoi in response, you know you’ve fucked up and he’s too polite to call you a gay nerd
If that happened I am dissapoint in Borzoi.
Calling out gay nerds is his prescription.
Oh no no I was premature, it gets spicy around 2.5 hours in
Yarvin: I’m interested in truth, and the current historical narrative of WW2 is a mix of facts and propaganda.
Also Yarvin: the six million happened, Hitler was gay, and you’re wrong to reconsider the evidence of these things.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find a jew engaging in double talk!
It’s time for another podcast purge.
Smh this mans is not politically helpful in 2020
Broke: “I don’t speak German”
W O K E: “I don’t speak Latin”
you know the next episode is gonna be about some Marxist Frenchie?
The pearls have been ripped off you ages ago, don’t pretend you have them.
It is jarring in so many ways to hear this man speaking on therightstuff.biz.
“salus populi suprema lex”
so.., national socialism?
I am 45 minutes into the podcast, and so far Moldbug has not said a thing. Listen properly to what he states: it is nothing more than ranting. One hears a lot of metaphors and anecdotes, but there’s no substance that attaches one idea to the next.
I agree the first hour is ramblings. The 2nd hour got interesting when they get into ww2, Hitler and holohoax
oy vey
Oh shid… your not talking ABOUT moldybug you niggas got him on …
4 hrs AHAHAHA yes
>4 hrs
Well I know what I’m listening to at the gym tomorrow
Gonna run this through Audacity and compress it so maybe I can hear this “Moldbug” person. Never even heard him before, he’s a mumbler
Broke: discussing moldbug books
Woke: discussing moldbug thoughts with moldbug
Bespoke: discussing if hitler was a twink with moldbug
A Bruh Moment for the Ages
why did you give this mischling a platform?
The “no platform” tactic is their weapon. The best way for us to fight that is to use every and all platforms we can
The episode was some very-very good optics… by default. And you didn’t even need to say anything when your opponent willingly presented himself as being peak disingenuous and/or mentally deranged. Who was Moldbug even trying to sell his “owns”/narratives to?
There isn’t a receptive audience for his cringe-fest of a performance anywhere on the political spectrum. I’d expect even his co-ethnics to be rather unamused. Why go on a podcast of this sort to stroke your ego by being “edgy”… to effectively provide infinity soundbites for your opponents totally reinforcing their ideas and positions as correct and valid?
He knew how to choose battlefield.
If only he went for Maoism, Juche and Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, you would’ve wiped the floor with him.
Should’ve called Striker in the middle of this
Hello big brain my old friend, I’ve come to boulder you again