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Let's Krooollllllll!
- Underball the Partisan Gap
- Look at this Rabbit Hole
- Nazi Germany Criticizes Degenerate Art
- It's Jew Denying Time
- 6 Figured Man
- Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up to be Amnats
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
The show Mad Men also showed a prepubescent girl masturbating. It wasn’t graphic, but it was explicitly clear what was going on. It was Don Draper’s daughter, who later went on to play woke Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Yes, Mad Men was produced/directed by a bunch of Jews.
And the creator of Mad Men, Matt Weiner got #metooed
Don’t forget about this.
Wow. That’s one scene I forgot about. Made no sense to me at the time, but now…
I think they shut many alt-right news outlets down (red ice, radix, etc) just prior to all this Epstein and Maxwell info coming out, was exactly this cover-up. I man it seems pretty obvious, so they can have no outlets leaking this sort of info and they can just go on with their “election fraud” distractions.
There is not a single photographic or documentary piece of evidence that a single person was gassed. There is not a single autopsy conducted by either germans or allies on the corpse of a victim of a gassing.
In the 75 years since the end of WWII there hasn’t been a comprehensive archeological examination of the alleged killing sites of the “holocaust”.
I like Hinduism and it’s art and architecture.
Me too; I also like Indian food which is probably an unpopular opinion here. Needless to say we need to send the Indians back to fix their own country and we can learn to make our own curry if we want that sort of thing.
“Don’t Let Your Sons Grow Up to be Amnats?” I am an American Nationalist. What’s wrong with American Nationalist?
What’s wrong with American Nationalism?*
It depends on what you consider “American”. If you actually know what Americans are, white people, then they’re nothing wrong with it. If you believe all races can share our nation equally, then you’re still deluded into believing that racial egalitarianism is the path forward for our people, which has shown to literally be the largest contributing factor to white genocide.
Bald Eagles are cool
In these circles AmNats refers specifically to people like Nick Fuentes and the Groypers who think they can optics cuck their way into influence in the GOP. The paleocons tried this 30-40 years ago and failed, when circumstances were much more favorable than they are now.
Ideally WN and AN should be synonymous but they aren’t and they won’t be unless we manage to take power and make it so.
The Simpsons
What is the website where i can order that book?
What book?
This is the book:
Big mouth=Big nose
Imagine being 20 in 2000
I was looking at Bush-Hitler shops and found one that was syndicated on Red Ice way back in the day. 😀
Jared Holt fucks kids.
And dogs
You’re wrong that the lawsuit wasn’t an MRA suit the alleged assassin was litigating.
That is a talking point among MRAs—that men are discriminated against because they have to sign up for selective service and women don’t.
So when the FedEx lawyer sued about selective service he absolutely had an MRA agenda.
But wasn’t part of the story that judge told him he made good points and allowed the suit to continue?
This is the second TDS in a row where the Bush-Kerry election comes up and the fact that both candidates were Skull & Bones fails to get mentioned (and Tim Russert conveniently dies of a heart attack relatively soon thereafter). And don’t give me any of that ‘that’s just conspiratard nonsense’, because TDS then (appropriately) segues right into tinfoil alley with the Epstein-Mossad/Black Cube FTN rehash (I need to finish that episode, apparently).
I should also re-watch Grosse Point Blank…
cia heart attack gun
If you really want to wear some tin foil; The name of one of the creators of the show Big Mouth is Nick Kroll. Krolls all up in everything.
That guy is a pedo-watch for sure (those (((phenotypes))), tho). I remember him from adult swim stuff like Children’s Hospital and FX’s The League. Holly Wood is so goddamned fucked up, and worse: jewish…
Would be funny if a politician started talking about the Reichstagsfeuer or the Kristallnacht and actually knew and told the truth about them.
Did you like the drawings I sent in? Please put them on fridge
Indians are the Jews of Asia
Wait, but I thought the CHINESE were the jews of Asia?
I believe the based Japanese samurai guy called the Chinese closer to the n!ggers of Asia? Or maybe he called them mongrels? I think he called them the mongrels of Asia or something along those lines because of how many times they’ve mixed and been conquered
The Chinese are a truly alien people to me, which is weird because I’m such a weeaboo
OK bracing myself for “Nazi Germany criticises degenerate art”. I trust you, guys, but bracing anyway! The things proscribed in Germany at that time were mostly Jewish, which fair enough they needed a reset in order to have nationalism, then they could relax later if it was appropriate and if not, not……. but some of the things that weren’t, might not always have been degenerate. Mostly they were, and if we have to throw a few babies out with bathwater, so be it. After all, the West has thrown all the babies out now: there’s no non-political art left. What… Read more »
You should do some kind of music podcast. Or blog.
Thanks that’s a good idea. It’s more feasible now that nobody else stands to get any fallout…… but it’s kind of a dead horse that doesn’t really need flogging.
The time to aim for a renaissance in the arts is *after we win*, so if people in our thing, including leaders, have some smack to talk about people I respect, I think I can live with that.
Not heard the episode yet, doing some work that requires silence……. very excited for the new product though, nice juicy menu.
OK definitely ordering a copy of the pamphlet. It’s an important piece of history. Not seen the video yet, will watch tomorrow, so not going to pass any comment at all on the artworks in question. One thing I will say though is that a lot of people in these circles have some kind of admiration for Futurism, and some people also admire Julius Evola, who was a dadaist/surrealist. Futurism’s very much part of that whole post-impressionist movement. What’s interesting about the pamphlet is that its intent is so obviously healthy, and the necessity of such an action so glaringly… Read more »
The MET has a room with two adjacent statues of Hercules, it’s pretty cool.
I will never get tired of Sven saying “uge fans”
Hour 2 video won’t load, did it get nuked, or something? Works fine in the audio version though, so I don’t think I am missing much.
And a commenter showed me the light…. See below.
f5 gang for hour 2 rn
La la la la-la
That show has demons who come to the kids when they get “horny” with dildos in hand. The target is CHILDREN that’s why it’s a fucking cartoon! You don’t think kids can’t find a way to get ahold of that show? It’s to sexualize and groom children on a mass scale !!
In the early 90’s, based observers said the same thing about Ren & Stimpy. I laughed it off at the time, but those observers were correct!
I don’t recall anything sexual from that show? maybe I forgot but I don’t recall anything ,..
Do a search for John K
The Stimpy plush dolls had buttcheeks on them
They always had weird, somewhat sexual gags in the show. The creator also made an “adult” version of the show full of degeneracy.
90’s shows definitely had inappropriate, Jewish humor sprinkled in “for the adults!”. I’m convinced things these days are far worse. Let’s put the content aside (even though it’s obviously more Jewish than ever), and focus on the accessibility. Young people such as kids and teenagers have incredible access to the internet with their smartphones and the abundance of electronics. Their gaming console of choice has a built-in web-browser that they could use to look up porn, for example. Most parents these days are apes who barely know how to use technology themselves, let alone moderate their children’s use of it.… Read more »
I was under the impression that private information of federal judges was already under special protection otherwise these people would be getting picked off regularly considered how man people that railroad
IIRC the Matt Hale case had the MSM freaking out about someone allegedly threatening the judge IRL. TDS or FTN should do a deep dive on Matt Hale and Edgar Steele.
Truth is boomers are cowards who let their kids get railroaded without incident. If it was my kid they would find themselves buried alive
I think the crux of what mike was trying to say is that, the Nazi government cared so much about it’s people that rather than destroy the degenerate art it put it on display and educates the public about it and how it was a corruption of Morals and the ideal society. The exact opposite, you might notice, of our modern institutions wherein you cannot even discuss the supposedly most evil of governments. No instead, it was the nazis of all people who cared enough to preserve history and educate the public to try and avoid living in a sick… Read more »
They wanted to inoculate their population against this garbage, which is what you have to do. We need to ENOCHulate, get it.
The war against the 3rd Reich was a war against all human decency
Massive Epstein redpills inbound
Already watched hr 1 woke jamie
The Third Reich was a natural response to jewry
That’s certainly what Kevin MacDonald wrote:
Not much changes in 20 years. We’ve gone from Democrats wanting hanging chads to both parties wanting to hang Chads.
I gotta get that book.
Jews have no understanding of true religion
Sven… I did Torricelli already
Hail Rick Wiles!
Thernovitch: “The truth isnt my Molyneux”
Nick Kroll is the son of Jules
Did you guys have a good weekend?
I cant get the image out of my head of Sven saying MAAAAAAASK!!!!
Same here! Any time someone says “mask” I say “MEEEEAAAASK!” under my breath.
I really can’t stop, haha!
Lol. I missed derail sven and alex. SLAWSUIT
Today’s show is brought to you by the area code of L.A.’s San Gabriel Valley.
Home of beaners and chinks
When your country is being subverted by Bolsheviks and your capital building is set on fire, dont tell me the Enabling Act wasnt necessary
Looks like Alex is wearing a little, tiny yarmaluke.
Very cool
I saw Mike Enoch’s cousin today, he was wearing a table cloth, rocking a stalhelm driving one of those huge extended handlebar choppers. Didn’t help that he was as wide as a house, fucking died laughing in the car.
Dang you guys are quick
Paykang gang gang
F5 gang here
F5 gang checking in.
F5 gang