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- Underball the Partisan Gap
- Look at this Rabbit Hole
- Nazi Germany Criticizes Degenerate Art
- It's Jew Denying Time
- 6 Figured Man
- Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up to be Amnats
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Hail McNabb!
Do this mean our favorite cyclist is getting a payday?
I watch, rhyme time, with my kids so they can settle down for bed. I watch gears which operate counterintuitively and it pisses me off! This is so basic for iq and aptitude testing that i can’t except anythin other than malice as an explanation. Am i wrong? Are people high on the food chain this stupid?
I want to see more Ben Shapiro imitations
I’ve not watched shapiro for some while but it still strikes a funny bone.
Not everything is perfectly good or perfectly bad, and sometimes even modern art royally fucks up. The “critics” hated this, obviously.
Honestly i can apply my personal vision if i try hard but not my favorite piece.
For me, it’s a very rare exception, and I almost always try to find the shortest way through the modern art section of the art museum I’m visiting.
“a nationalist without a nation.”
You DO have a nation! It’s White people! You just don’t have a STATE!
I get it personally. The most receptive of people i meet have a block. Whiteness scares me, it is daunting, without it what does global future look like? Yet the fortitude to enforce progressive social norms are not appparent.
“All Trump signs.”
I can attest to this. One of their favorite things to do is to get a 3ft x 5ft Trump flag and fly it from the back of their pick-up truck.
Sven: I was moving on to watch Polaks burning rainbow flags.
Moike: Yeah, that was fun.
Me: LOL!
It’s sad isn’t it? Slippery slope is a thing white man.
You’re better than this
You can listen to the 2nd hour of FTN but the web of conspiracy is so vast with so many players especially when you consider how it ties into past deep dives into the epstien child see trafficking black mail operation. You will get lost very easily. Someone needs to put out a diagram.
Mapping is difficult and i agree. Glenn Beck did the board for this exact reason.
Oof…BBQ brisket sammish with a side of cole slaw. Now I’m fuggin’ sta’vin.
Since the Jewish line today is to say anyone who shows up in Germany from Africa or wherever is German, can Lolocaust reparations claims be re-directed to those people?
No. Because jews DO believe in White ethnicity when it’s time for a shakedown!
Clearly the ADL disapproves of my comment!
My husband told me that my 6 year old son told him “Dad I’m seeing black lives matter on Nickelodeon, do they think they are better than us? Should we just get rid of them”
I think Joos think this is our instinct so that is why they have to push and push.
Where’s the lie?
Ah yes, the f@9 who goes around down-voting all my comments.
Imagine being such a pathetic “life” form.
Could you imagine the planned response to instinctual genocide as provocateur? No, this is attack not defense!
I was relieved to find out none of my friends like big mouth. I have yet to find somebody I know who does.
Good show today guys, glad you got the card.
What video were they talking about that features the deformed woman and her baby?
Jesus christ
Lmao that’s fucking terrible.
That’s WAY too mild a reaction!
Apparently someone thinks that’s not mild ENOUGH!
And I’m supposed to object to euthanasia and eugenics??? Fuck THAT!
Another vote for dysgenics!
Darwin is rolling over in his grave!
I love the Moike vs. Sven disagreements over party politics and anti-war politics circa 2000-2012 because I can see myself in both sides.
I was like Sven in the 1980s, supporting the GOP and hating Dems for the wrong reasons, basically finklethink.
In the 1990s I was like Mike, anti-war and uninterested in merely partisan politics.
Both are steps toward correctly understanding the bigger picture.
I was the same way but reversed. And 2012 was the year I hit the wall.
I know, you liked me better as a dumb-fuck neo-con doing the zionist’s work for them! Womp, womp.
I was hoping for George Floyd body cam analysis. News cucked!
Moike lied again! India has 28 Olympic medals, including 9 gold medals. That’s tiny considering India’s huge population, but it is also often in sports Americans don’t care about, like badminton and hockey. And India’s biggest sport, cricket, isn’t an Olympic sport. But yeah per capita, India’s sporting achievements are unbelievably pathetic.
India has medals in hockey?
”Field” hockey. India and Pakistan used to dominate the sport until it switched to AstroTurf.
Outside North America you need to specify ice hockey if you mean ice hockey. Funniest internet conversation I ever witnessed was someone from Ireland talking to an American about how they both liked hockey and neither one realized they were talking about different sports. This conversation when on for several pages!
Good times.
Everyone in the Anglosphere are people divided by a common language.
India has native sports like kabadi and native forms of martial arts and physical culture like yoga. India does poorly in international sports because the bulk of their population is living in shitty conditions and the upper castes aren’t interested in fixing things to help them. There is no infrastructure for sports. For instance I mentioned field hockey switching to AstroTurf. This radically changed the sport, making it faster, but India and Pakistan could not afford to build tens of thousands of plastic pitches for kids to play on so they no longer dominate the sport. China is the reverse… Read more »
No it’s deeper than that. Of course I have no studies but it’s my impression that their deficiency is their lack of physical qualities and that those deficits are definitely genetic. They are a small, squat type of people — which actually helps for a sport like cricket and could help in a game like soccer — who don’t seem to be that gifted at either the explosive or endurance aspects of athleticism. It’s very telling that they haven’t ever produced a player for the top flight of soccer — soccer is actually really popular there. I can’t even think… Read more »
Soccer isn’t that popular, relatively speaking, India has only recently tried to launch a professional football league and Indian footballers trail in player participation way behind that of hockey and cricket.
I’m sure you are right about Indian physical abilities but if they had a Chinese style government mandated sports infrastructure and sports culture they would do better.
I’m glad I read this before trying to flex on some pajeet about not having any Olympic medals.
How can you talk about Stacy Abrams and not spam drops from that guy that hates Alex?
A shaved Harambe
That gorilla had a sense of herself
Now I’m just chuckling thinking about President Harambe
I want proof that Bald & Bankrupt (Benjamin Rich) is Jewish. Reddit rumors are not proof. Just watched his video from Serbia from a couple months ago. Bald had the virus and almost died. He said he had a blood oxygen level in the low 70s.
I’ve watched heaps of his videos — and that Viking mate of his Harald — and I never got that impression. The proof I’ve seen so far is that in his Gopnik video with that hot Russian broad he responded to some buskers saying ‘Shalom’ with ‘How did you know?’.
Who knows maybe he is. I don’t really care his videos are interesting.
I remember that episode with the hot Russian broad. Maybe he was just flirting with her. In any event Bald is as Jewish as Bill Gates until I have sound evidence proving otherwise.
“Forgive me granpa Moshe”
He seems to have some kind of jewish identity at the least even if he isn’t a full jew.
I forgot to link the exact time, I’m tired lol. https://youtu.be/ha3dUbisRuk?t=136
Fuck me. His grandpa was named Moshe?
A lot of Christians had Old Testament names. I’m still not convinced.
Yeah but Anglicized ones not Hebrew names. ‘Moshe’ is just Moses but I’ve never known an English person to have a Hebrew name who wasn’t Jewish.
Gonna have to flat out say probably at least part Jewish now.
Fact Check:
Akshuallly the USSR had 300 million people in 1989 not 200 million, Moike.
This whole time I was confusing Alan Dershowitz with Kurt Eichenwald
I thought underball was some sort of sexual term
Sopranos is a great show.
Does anyone have that clip of uncle Rick? I can’t find it.
Absolute vintage Mike from 46:00 to 52:00. God I wish I could articulate this to my normie friends like him.
People in Antifa just believe they’re living in Star Wars. And they’re the rebels. I’m very very smart because I saw this scene and I know “This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
They ignore the fact that the fascistic villains of Star Wars are just as marketable as the plucky Rebel heroes, often more so.
I like to tease them. When I was like 5 my best friend’s dad used to be like, it’s not Batman and Robin, and Fatman and Bobin. We got so mad.
Let me set up the bit: Racist Trumptards believe the election was a fraud but have no STUDIES to back up that claim. They just believe, without STUDIES this racist conspiracy that hundreds of billions or trillions of “illegals” voted in the election, which is itself a racist idea. They are AMERICANS. MORE AMERICAN than those racist evil idiot Trumptard conspiracy theorists. Trump was SAVING AMERICA before the Democrats stole the election with hundreds of trillions, with 6 trillion illegal votes. From illegal aliens. He was THIS CLOSE to building the wall and doing all his promises. He just needed… Read more »
So glad to back in good Paychad status. A whole week without paywall content was unbearable. Thanks Jamie! And also Mike and Sven.
I voted Nader in that election.
Sooner or later we have to listen to Ralph Nader
Thereby exonerating yourself of any wrongdoing.
Feel free to take a victory lap…but JUST ONE.
Doesn’t that mean you helped elect Dubya?
Can anyone point me in the correct direction to find the credible accusations that both Ghislaine, and probably more importantly Epstein, are/were apart of Mossad? I’m trying to deprogram some of my rural brothers. They understand whiteness implicitly, instinctually actually, which is great. The only prior they have is “Judeo-christian” values. The theocratic stuff does not bother me much, I can handle it, I just want to be able to definitively show them the true colors of Israel
There are a few things that point pretty directly to that conclusion. -Ghislaine is the daughter of Robert Maxwell. Check out Maxwell’s Mossad ties (I believe this is acknowledged even in mainstream sources, particularly over in Britain). -The quote from Alexander Acosta that they need to go easy on Epstein because he “belonged to intelligence.” And then some things that point to it more circumstantially, -Photos of Ehud Barak sneaking into Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. -Strong evidence this was a blackmail operation. Amy Robach video says this. Many accounts say the rooms being wired for audio and video. The only question… Read more »
Rip in peace MRA activist
5 yoe at one of the big tech companies in SV as a programmer you should be making 500k TC
Awesome rant from Mike starting around 46:00 of hour 1. This is the kind of stuff that got me hooked on TDS.
Exactly, Mike’s rants are the shit. Reminds me a bit of when Dr. Pierce would go on his rants after getting really pissed