James is back, Pitnnnguy McFeels tells you the correct way to roast a chuck, FTN merch has arrived, polling confirms the absolute state of negro fatigue and how 2 months of anti-white bigotry, agitprop, and nation burning failed to move the needle, the risk of politicizing normie escapes, whiteness on trial, and the squad receives the Steve King treatment. In the second half, a piss earth shit storm is a brewin, the generational impact of Trump's holocaust for browns presidency, and the Jewish long game on the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Did you see Kyle's art?
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Roast the Chucks, Smoke War Now
00:06:00 - FTN Merch Announcement
00:11:00 - Absolute State of Negro Fatigue
00:40:00 - Monumental Cucking
01:05:00 - Neoliberal Pastimes
01:30:00 - Omar Leavin Omar Gone
01:42:00 - BREAK
01:45:00 - Piss Earth Shit Storm
02:25:00 - Holocaust Presidency
02:40:00 - The HUD Rule Shot
03:08:00 - Outro
They aren’t going to project fans into the MLB seats they are going to project those 3d holocaust survivors they made a while back into the seats instead
So the poll gave the option of “Negroes are being murdered by duh poh-leese” or “isolated incidents?” This is a good example of poll questions being written specifically to bake in an idea that ZOG wants. It’s just taken as a given that some Negroes are murdered by cops.
“Do you support marriage equality or do you want to throw homosexuals off rooftops?”
i just wanna grill ffs
The last thing blacky wants is whitey to go away.
Nash-uh-nal ni99a moozeeyum graphic link, please.
So this may seem inconsequential but yesterday, Sunday, know more news did a live stream where he called Uncle h a Zionist and said that he worked for them the whole time. He tried to prove his point by reading Jewish texts that said an anti-semite would rise to power to stop them. A self-fulfilling prophecy. I tried to explain to him that his logic also makes him fulfilling their prophecy. I was then shadowbanned. I feel it’s imperative to defend our heroes. Because his take leaves us blackpilled and without hope. My small channel doesn’t stand to reach enough… Read more »
“Because his take leaves us blackpilled and without hope. “
I think you’ve put your finger on the motivation there my dude.
I’ve argued with at least two of these “Hitler was a zionist” spergs in the comments of a TRS podcast. It’s not difficult because they don’t know shit about history. Of course maybe I’m just better at arguing that some!?
Well if you feel like honing your craft you can go to his comment section on YouTube from yesterday because there is like 75 people sperging about it. I would, but my comments don’t really show up. I can see them, but other people can’t.
Thanks for the compliment. But I’m on everybody’s shadow ban list. 😉
Knowing too much is a gift and a curse.
What I really wish is that Eric Striker would debate and destroy him.
Great show. Welcome back James.
i recommend listening to the second half of this more than once!
Did people here read the piece by Thomas Dalton entitled: A Thousand Points of White: One Strategy for Achieving White Nationalism? If not, it is a worthy read. Just in case an implicit remark would be insufficient, this is the explicit link:
Yo, James when are you going to make another video because I am anxious to see more content from you.
“Jazzhands, why are you cheering this on? BECAUSE HE’S A ZIONIST PUPPET.”
Can’t make something perfect better.
“People didn’t show up in Omaha.”
The only vote I want to cast:
Tbh fam, suburbs are cancer
Obviously the racial dynamics involved here are no good
Don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this in comments, but the Giants Dodgers games got around the lack of crowd by half-filling the stands with cardboard cutouts of mystery meat fans. I only barely watched baseball last year to see if DJ LeMahieu would take the batting title. But that cuck kneeled so sports are now cancelled entirely in my mind.
I would cancel my cable. Nobody watches it. But the price for internet only and the triple play are pretty much the same
When we lived in Minneapolis it was $30 cheaper to have the $7.95 per month local package on the bill with the internet. It was the local channels, Tbs, and cnn. We never once plugged the coaxial into the talmudvision.
By only having internet I’m saving about $85 a month.
Spock And Ball Torture
Great show as always guys. On the topic of the extra $600 for unemployment, my theory is that the GOP higher ups along with the donors are purposely tanking the election to get rid of Trump and his antics. From a pure strategy standpoint, ending this program months away from an election makes zero sense politically. Donald’s ego wouldn’t allow him to to willingly tank it himself, so it appears to me the party is doing it for him. The second possibility that comes to mind for me is that he is willingly throwing the election because SDNY has the… Read more »
People in Japan must have LOVED Aum Shinrikyo before 1995, with all those detractors getting cancelled like that. Clearly if no one’s saying anything, people have no problems.
The HUD ethnic cleansing precedes Obama. It was hot and heavy in the Cleveland suburb of Parma in the 90’s. A lot of beautiful Polish and Ukrainian neighborhoods have been destroyed. Yep, WHITEY just moves south. Not mad at em; I have family there. Still depressing to witness.
Even in the early 00’s it was still 90/95% white. Hurts my heart to drive thru it now.
Jazz and James, holy fuck! Your duo hits so hard that only a fool would ignore you in the belief that this would make you go away.
Stay safe brothers as your redpills are on a level we are not even supposed to know exists.
“I demand congress give everybody a thousand dollars a week…”
And combine it with cancellation of all college debt.
“I think other people should be helped out by this.”
Yeah, like me! The current system doesn’t help me at ALL!
“Rugged collectivism.”
I’ve been using the term “Rugged Communitarianism” for years now. I always use the Siege of Boonesborough as an example of what I mean.
I also point out that “Rugged Individualism” is a 1920s Wall Street invention. An early form of judeo-Capitalist d&c
Shirt looks cool, but would love one with the logo on it
I will pay top $ for a jazzhands keychain
TDS bobbleheads would be awesome
I want a STRIKER bobblehead! You can just put the dark glasses and hardhat on him like in the SPLC photo!
Lovin’ the shirt’s art!
Kyle’s illustration has my sides splitting.
The White Culture Chart comes from a 1978 book – White Awareness: Handbook For Anti-Racism Training by Judith M. Katz
About the Author
Judith H. Katz is coauthor of The Inclusion Breakthrough: Unleashing the Real Power of Diversity. She is Executive Vice President of The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc., a Troy, New York firm that assists private and public sector organizations in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Also I don’t have a problem, necessarily, with reparations. It just depends on the KIND of reparations! For instance MY preferred form of reparations would be repatriation! For all jews and colored people! Funded with the money of plutocratic jewish billionaires!
I don’t know about the rest of you but I WANT the police defunded! Not because of some f@990ty civil rights or libertarian reason. But because the police are the defenders of this anti-White, jewish controlled, market-Bolshevist system. Without the police average-everyday White folks like us would be able to effectively defend ourselves against our jewish oppressors and their goblin army of colored “people”. Of course the fact being that the police support the anti-White system means that they’ll NEVER be defunded!
Until we take over of course! But then we wouldn’t NEED to defund them because we’d turn the police into a force for White supremacy. Properly understood, of course, as a White only country!
Hail Victory!
That’s an interesting take. I’d like to add that increased lawlessness will have an accelerationist effect on urban whites that still don’t realize what the shot is, or at least the scope of it. As Striker has been saying, depoliticization is no longer an option for us.
“That’s an interesting take. “
I’ve realized that law enforcement [at all levels] actually inbterfered with my self-defense going all the way back into the 80s. Back when I was a lefty socialist!
I just cant remember if I subscribed to In These Times or Democratic Left magazines. Oh well, now I’m a NATIONAL Socialist!
I haven’t followed baseball in 20 years but I remember blacks largely participating in baseball growing up in the 80’s and 90’s. Did something change or am I remembering wrong. I mean I can name quite a few famous black baseball players from my childhood
They meant people who watch it.
I’m the king of negro fatigue.
I’m the king of hebrew fatigue!
Hey Spam, do you have a suggestion for a crypto exchange other than coinbase? Thanks in advance if you do.
Sorry but I don’t do crypto.
Thank you for the reply, all the same sir
2001 was on last night. The openning BLM protest scene went on pretty long.
History of the World had a more accurate depiction.
It’s so bad for me (negro fatigue) I only watch old TV Shows with no black main characters. I get triggered to put it mildly when a current TV program is one and the commercials seem like we’ve all moved to Zimbabwe.
anyone have a suggestion for a coin exchange to get into litecoin? I am 100% new to crypto, but I think it is probably going to be useful going forward. I heard the TDS guys saying that coinbase was not good (for us), so I’m just wondering if there is something better.
Yeah I need to know as well, I tried to use coinbase but it wouldn’t let me buy coin.
Much appreciated. I’m looking into it as soon as I get home from the gym.
I found a way I support Reparations, IF they stopped the Billions of dollars sent to Israel and instead spent that money on American monkeys.
This greatest yet of chimpouts is as effective to the movement as having an episode of FTN beamed directly into the brains of every white person on earth. Keep in mind that its not just Americans watching this shit-fling of niggerized communism. The Kikes are really wearing out the tires on this thing and going nowhere. There is going to be a huge equal and opposite reaction.
I like the episodes like this one that feature current events. They’re more akin to tasty junk food than steak-and-potatoes deep dives, but neither would be as enjoyable without the other.
Regarding Blacks having Greek/Roman names: Its actually hilarious. The Antebellum South had a legacy of classical influence, such as Athens, Memphis, architecture, etc. Now just imagine a bix nood type fiddling around racking his brain over simple issues, and getting to call him socrates.
The slave owners named their slaves after ancient Roman and Greek names; biblical as well.
They have cardboard cutouts of people in baseball stands. I heard that people payed to have their cutout there as well. I started spasing in the gym locker room when I saw it on the tv.
Yeah it’s true, the money supposedly goes to (((charity)))
Jazzhands: “They just wanna see you swing the ball~ or whatever.”
I have been using virtual shield for a long time just to support allsup. Its really cool that this company works you you guys. But, are you still getting paid by the fact that I use it? Should I cancel and sign up again later with your refferal? Please advice.
Trouble is I have a hard time getting into TRS with VirtualShield up.
whites (lower case) have less “shared history and culture” than Black (Capital B)? Is it just me or when I look around there doesn’t seem to be this broad shared culture of sub Saharan Africans, but all I see around the world is the artistic and intellectual influence of whites. What is this bond Liberians and Congolese share that requires a capital B that we pathetic unbonded whites lack?
Wearing 1986 Denver Bronco Super Bowl Champ shirts and a love of fat white women doesn’t really seem that culturally bonding
“Ordering your merch is totally safe. All we need is your name, home address, email, mothers maiden name, blood type and favorite member of Mussolinis inner circle… Totally safe”
—-James Allsup
Just breaking chops. I am only 45 minutes in and really enjoying the show. As enlightening as the deep dives are, having an FTN which covers all the current issues while not wasting a second of air time with filler and backed by a few tons of prep is the reason I joined this crew.
Judaism has nothing to do with Christianity. Rabbinical Judaism was created about 300 years after Christ’s ascension. The phrase “Judeo – Christian” makes zero sense, so stop going along with the bit. Christianity and European history are interwined and inseparable.
James Fields did nothing wrong.
Related thread.
Hot off the presses boys. Get them before August 5 for that premium shipping:
Youre a regular Dale Carnegie with that ability to make friends and market merch. I am in for one shirt if you promise no more three week hiatuses during these difficult times.
See Kyle!
Hey James, do you have a suggestion of what exchange I should use to procure some LTC or BTC? Mike and Sven said coinbase was no good for us but that is what jewgle keeps pushing us toward. Maybe you guys could do a little segment on helping us dip our toes into crypto? Congrats on your new baby, sir and thank you so much for helping us feel hope again.
I used Bittrex since they allow for debit card deposits of USD for a 3% fee plus whatever your bank charges for foreign transactions (mine charged 1%).
I usually wait till Sunday to listen to FTN, but since Sunday is otherwise a content desert, and Im listening to FTN now.
Every time I think the art can’t get any better…content foreplay at its finest!
I’m still working my through the People’s Square but that artwork and show title are ace.
I have a Sixth Sense for when a new FTN episode is posted.
Right wing pattern recognition squad
F5 6th sense
Hitler did nothing wrong!
Goebbels did nothing wrong!