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The days of “purchasing Battle Flags at Walmart” as a pacification method or release valve is simply an outmoded efficiency seeking mechanism.
Technique requires even greater levels of pacification to achieve in greater efficiency.
Identifying jews as a “system consciousness” is important, but resisting the system through economic praxis and cultural secession are paramount.
“content desert”
I heard Borzoi say on the last People’s Square that he was going to do a new HYPERPODCASTISM. I thought he meant this week. Does anybody have anymore info???
“The first concentration camps”
I think those were actually done by America in the Philippine War. That war started in February 1899 and the Boer War didn’t start until October.
“Tucker Carlson”
All the talk about how great he is over the last three years has just been coping.
I’ve lost so much faith in Tucker. He goes right to the edge, but then walks back 6 steps
I was skeptical from the beginning.
We all were, but I was hoping that by now he would be a little more forthright. But I guess Antifa took care of that…
I think that was all fake.
Possibly. What I do know is that the usual antagonists are behind it and that they need to be removed from power. Everything else is a distraction from our main source of ills.
“we’ve still managed to do good shows.”
The only thing missing lately is DENIALS!
“There will be more fact checking.”
“It’s a barrel that’s being rolled.”
I remember thinking when I first saw that why not just give them these…
“Jennifer Rubin and Thomas Friedman”
Don’t forget that scumbag “Bret Stephens”!!!
‘Jennifer & Thomas Make a Porno’ with sweaty Bret Stephens holding a shakey camera
–sorry for the visuals, frens
“sorry for the visuals, frens”
Well at least you didn’t post a link like Ursus!
Get ready for next green screen.
The system only benefits people like Destiny on a superficial level. In all reality, he would be much better off under the system that we desire. People like him are just too caught up in their vices to see it. They’re basically addicts who are willing to ignore reality for the sake of perpetuating their disease.
Excellent insight!
Casualties of War – Eric B and Rakim
>Literally predicts 9/11
>Praises Saddam Hussein
>Frags his commanding officer
That record was 2002.
“When THEY call, I’m going AWOL”
1992 brother.
Compromise: “Judeo-Bolshevism”
Zionism IS market Bolshevism!
When they came for the Nazi’s I said nothing for I was not a Nazi.
When they came for the AmNat’s I said nothing….
Fuck the AmNats I’m GLAD they came for them!!!
“…a bunch of boomers who don’t know the shot.”
On minute 13. Best TDS since club med auschwitz virtual tour
Doesn’t the two fingers English thing come from the 100 years war between France and England. The French would cut off the middle and index finger of the English because they were known for their archers. So to this day showing your middle and index finger means basically FU in the UK.
Yup, legend says comes from the Battle of Agincourt, but its often disputed as apocryphal from (((sources))) with their own agenda. Can’t let the filthy goyim have a source of martial pride or its gas chambers all over again.
I am a monthly who should have run out today. I was waiting so i could become a yearly. Lmao guys.
Dunno if Alex thought about this but usually some kind of hit-piece or twitter thread will come out before a twitch ban is implented on someone as big as Dr. Disrespect, and unless he’s Jewish, something really fishy is going on here. I’m ruling out any kind of sexual assault allegation
I can’t believe Post Limón isn’t Jewish.
Is he definitively not Jewish? Seems most likely scenario is that he is Jewish by blood and he doesn’t talk about it. Musicians who’ve worked with him seem to think he’s Jewish.
For me personally I use the term “communist” when talking to my conservative friends and family, because the min I say jews it instantly turns them off. I know its not calling out the specific enemy but its the only way I can get them to listen.
Yeah. My comment will probably get downvoted but I don’t know what Mike was talking about last Shoah when he said normy trump voters like us. They find the idea of racism (especially antisemitism) abhorrent. In fact literally every conversation I’ve had with these types of people where I drop a J-bomb or try to get them to use common sense about nibbers ends in them calling me a communist.
When in discussion with Trumpers, right wing normies, and Republican boomers, point all all the hypocritical characters amongst the right AND left and and then discuss (((who))) they are and let them ruminate over it. Then, when new J tricks present themselves, repeat said process and eventually they’ll come to realize it’s simply a truth.
Except they never do and it’s entirely due to an IQ gap. Pattern recognition is the basis of G (General Intelligence) and quite frankly they suck at it because they’re dumb
I mean Jesus everyone in this movement thinks they have the smooth-talking magic formula or the answers to redpill everyone. Some people just won’t fucking get it and that’s it, there’s nothing you can do about it. I don’t waste my time with them.
I just don’t want to hear that these people like us. Politics aside they may enjoy our company because we’re likable people usually but when politics and sociology are involved they’re only capable of Finkel-think
Jennifer Rubin must appeal to a very niche group. She is a one person kosher sandwich. But the bun is stale and moldy. Even hyper Zionist Mark Levin would trash her as a subversive element Within Kosher conservatism
Which is why even with an ethnostate they won’t all live there. The vampires need human blood. Turning on each other makes them aenemic.
It’s literally a Jewish teleplay.
Duke disband German special forces unit for right-wing political opinions.
Whamen defense minister. Can’t have strength in defending your nation anymore..
Sven should do a parody of Man on the Moon by REM for the Andy Kaufman analysis
It MUST BE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY???? =l How about it’s a coaltion of evolving and expanding “white supremacist” organizations. We have to all HELP FUND our vanguard. We have to eventually be in a position where WE can HELP White people who get preyed upon. I can’t take credit for the idea, thank Keith Woods.
Mike I think you’re talking about Asher Roth who’s definitely Jewish
Why is Tucker orange?
When pushed on Is-Ra-El, Vaush and that branch eventually go to the default Chomskyite talking point. That being, that even if they admit Israelis aren’t white, they will just say they are tools of Neo-Cons and Evangelicallllsssssss… Which is, after all, the OBVIOUS archetype of all power in the US with the most influence! Just ask Eric Andre and any (((Atheist))) talking head (people like Aron-Ra). I’ve been listening to Jooz themselves, Rabbis mostly, who welcome Gentile action and support. How they love Righteous Gentiles like Zionist Christians whos support is really repentance for them. A Rabbi named Tovia Singer… Read more »
Danny and donald glover arent related lol
They’re both ni993rs. Close enough!
are you sure? I acquired this possible disinfo way back when he was on that Community show
Will anyone take $200 to accompany me on Saturday to the patriotard celebration of “Our Country, ‘Murica!” that I’m attending to be a good son to my boomercon parents to stop me from screaming? $250 if you stay until the end when they sing Lee Greenwood.
$300 I’m there
It’s not capitalism that’s the problem. It’s Jews. If the Jews run the corporations and control a nation through diffuse power by way of neo-liberal capitalism then the nation will be terrible for gentiles. Same is true if they control the state and control a nation through hard power. While it’s true that neo-liberal capitalism is a more durable system, that’s only a bad thing when a hostile power is in control of it. If a bunch of white nationalists controlled google, facebook, news media and the banks the system would be great for white people. Why “critique” capitalism. It… Read more »
Are you telling me you place race as your highest value,
and yet you support an economic system that places profit as its highest value?
You’ll come around. Capitalism is another sacred cow you will one day cook on the grill.
If Jewish run business’s can put Jewish ethnic interests over short-term profits why is it so inconceivable for White-run business’s to do the same? I own a business, I pay employees and sell goods to customers. This is not some abstract principle or sacred cow for me, it’s my livelihood. I’m not going to declare it immoral or sit quietly while others declare me immoral for “stealing worker’s surplus” or some such nonsense. As for Alex’s point, can you point to a place where mass mental illness and shattered families occurred that wasn’t the result of Jewish influence? What’s really… Read more »
“I own a business, I pay employees and sell goods to customers. This is not some abstract principle or sacred cow for me, it’s my livelihood. I’m not going to declare it immoral or sit quietly while others declare me immoral for ‘stealing worker’s surplus’ or some such nonsense.” Business and private property still exist under National Socialism, and in the Third Reich you would have had guaranteed access to floor space in the large department stores. Today that means Big Box stores would legally have to host Mom and Pop outlets under their roofs. Never confuse Aryan Free Enterprise… Read more »
Capitalism doesn’t work though. If it worked, you wouldn’t see mass mental illness and shattered birth-rates everywhere it becomes popular.
“It’s not capitalism that’s the problem. It’s Jews.”
If they were National Capitalists maybe they’d have won the war, or at least not been utterly defeated. German factories were less efficient than American or British factories.
“A National Socialist is someone who wants to save his race. A conservative (capitalist) is someone who wants to save his money.”
-George Lincoln Rockwell
“If they were National Capitalists maybe they’d have won the war”
If capitalism was so superior then the allies wouldn’t have needed the Soviet Union.
“German factories were less efficient than American or British factories.”
British and American factories were heavily socialized during the war.
If you are a “National Capitalist” you are no longer a capitalist. The moment you enforce a border you have denied capitalism its logical conclusion. If you want a white country at all you’re already not a capitalist since you’ve now collectivized on a racial level.
Capitalism = Judaism. Without a strict racial edict on who’s allowed to participate in an economy, jews will always find a way to be the holders of capital. Capitalism assumes egalitarianism which is fundamentally antithetical to being a racist and so capitalists will always have an incentive to promote jewish degeneracy as a commodity. The logical conclusion of capitalism is to erase sex, race and all borders. A border is a form of labor union which is collectivist and thus socialist by nature. The logical conclusion of noticing differences in race and sex is hierarchy and authority, essentially fascism. The… Read more »
Celine knew the shot 15 years ago.
Heh..,,not the Celine I was thinking of.
Hmm…has Sven been watching hannibal’s channel?
Dr disrespect’s real name is Herschel
Herschel ‘mmmGuy’ Beahm
Vaush didn’t get banned from Twitch, his account was defunded.
let that be a warning to all the uppity leftists.
Defund the police = Liquidate the Js.
Now that’s what I thought too!
I too thought “The Original German” bit was Alex singing. Every day is a new day where you learn a new thing.
Me too! I’m deeply disappointed!
If people thought it was Alex, that makes it a good imitation. Sounds like a compliment.
Funny how they attacked the alt-right rabbit hole and remowed it, but the CP rabbit hole is still there… even google will give you this shit if you use the pedo codes. (Do not try this! but if you have liberal friends who doesnt believe this, tell them to google: BH kids) make sure to point out who owns and runs both google and YT??
They also got AmRen and Jared Taylor deleted from Youtube..
I know Jared Taylor is intentionally dismissive of the jq, but he was the guy who woke me up from Shapiro tier libertarianism. F
We must ensure all our people serve their purpose. Mr Taylor serves his purpose. It is time for the younger generations to end the madness Mr Taylor and the sane of his generation couldn’t stop. It isn’t fair, of course, but life is not fair. Life is struggle for existence, but it can be beautiful, if we make it so
Andy Kaufman basically invented trolling.
He invented not being funny, while still getting rich as a “comedian” also.
Allegedly he’s said “Muqtada” and smiled because Shia cleric muqtada al sadr managed to get himself on the masked execution crew
Is there a source for this? Sounds interesting.
Cuomo/McCloskey segement is the banana split of all things American 2020. On second thought, it’s the entire Golden Corral buffet with that banana split as one of many desserts.
Dr Disrespect was talking about David Ike live.
Dr was basically red-pilling kids and leading them down the alt-right conspiracy path on Twitch.
Huhuhuhu, mike wants to be part of a transition.
Destiny: ActuallyOMGyouresofuckingdumbdudeIcan’t believeIhavetoexplainthistoyou…DEFUND does NOT mean DEFUND
Headin out to Eden… yay brother
Skip Homeier, who as a kid was in a movie where he played a Hitler Youth who somehow ended up in the United States but couldn’t stop being a Nazi
I wonder if Molyneux would come on the Shoah now, there is literally no reason not to at this point and it would be funny to blast his own drops at him. Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook are literally enforcing the censorship platform of the ADL, SPLC, fortune 500, and yet leftists still think they are fighting the power and the corporate boardrooms are all secret German and WASPs just pretending (increasingly hard) to be anti fa anti racist’s. The level that modern “homo semiticus” will conform never ceases to amaze me, and even the most neuro atypical alt righter still… Read more »
You’re probably right, I don’t see any way out of this unless God stops playing his enteral hide and seek game and decides to rip apart the heavens and descends unto the earth and kills everything in his sight.
Or we can just keep pushing the )ews until they over-reach, like they always do, and kick them out like we always do. This time, the only difference is they won’t physically be able to enter our lands again
I used to think the two fingers gesture came from the English archers story, but some sperg WELL ACKSHYUALLY’d me on it and explained this was a folk tale and it actually comes from the “horns” symbol which is some kind of reference to cuckoldry.
I don’t know if that’s true either so who the fuck knows.
No it really is from the English longbowman. During the wars with the French the upper class was knights while the lower class was archers.
with the invention of the longbow the lower class could devestate the knights which the upper class hated with a vengance so the cut of those two fingers of all POW`s.
thats why this gesture (I still have my fingers frenchy and I can kill you in a honorless manner) was used to taunt the French during these wars and it worked.
I don’t even have money, I went back to being a Libertarian. I only have precious metals and stocks to trade. How about I send you guys 5 oz of silver bars, or 40 lbs of copper bars, or I can gift you guys half a share of VGT stock?
Cuomo saying “White Power” would make for a good drop