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PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
This was a quality Shoah.
Anyone still supporting trump has too much faith in the system to consider somebody who tries to talk to them about race is a fed. The mere fact they think trump is on their side and will fix anything shows they have no idea what’s going on, let alone have the sense to realize saying the wrong thing could ruin your life.
The address is everywhere, to the point that nobody notices it because it’s just part of the background noise
Patrick is in the final stages of discovery of the Charlottesville lawsuit. Not defending his statements but that probably has something to do with the timing.
No the little girl just knows they’ll give you another if you say that black girl stole mine. And she’s smarter than white people cause she knows Wendy’s doesn’t have anything for her. White people would be like, but Wendy’s as a business is owed some kind of loyalty as a private blah. Fuck Wendy’s. We want Wendy’s to go broke.
NOOOOOOOOOO! Not my heckin’ Wendyrinos!
I just had a Dave’s Double TODAY! While listening
to Striker and Borzoi talk about 20th Century Jooish
philosophers! DAMMIT!
Man, now I’m stahvin and there’s no Wendy’s within 40 miles or more from me.
Gnolls are humanoid hyena hybrids that walk on two legs
The Drizzt do Urdan novels
Jogger elves.
Oh those, they are terrible.
I love Mike freaks out about dungeons Nd dragons.
when i hit my natty peak, i was like yep its time for some steriods haha
Mike, how dare you refer to Hogger as an evil gnome?
Wow that first hour is just on fire
Hey, guys great show as always. I agree completely that we have an organizing and collective problem in that we’re all afraid to speak out because of our lively-hoods. I know you guys have mentioned this in the past; That we need to have our businesses all working together and have pretty much an internal economy so that the consequences for speaking out all not financial but a social problem that we can weather and fight much more aggressively by being the people who say fuck you to some jew or shabos. I’ve been wanting to write a comment like… Read more »
I understand your frustrations brother, it’s not easy making the right calls when your family is also on the line. Quite frankly, your father is correct. If you are confidently unabashedly unashamed in the fact you don’t care about BLM, you will have your shit pushed in. But you’re right as well, living in fear and compliance will get us nothing but genocide. You must convince your father to share your views, but to be silent about it, while still making strides toward our goals. Until we have a network of whites with a common defense fund to fight back… Read more »
Thanks, brother, I agree with what you’ve said here and that it’s important to keep our righteous feelings, but we also have to be safe until we can co-ordinate. What I wrote at the time was definitely me being a little hot under the collar because it’s my first comment ever, but at the same time it is true. I am lucky that I’ve had this knowledge on the jewish power structure for the last 4 years and have been convincing my father all this time. Now he is pretty understanding of it but has the usual boomer response of… Read more »
“The average trump supporter hates antifa so much. They don’t hate us. If anything they think we’re feds or something, trying to trick them into admitting they love whiten people. That’s how far gone this thing is.”
Seriously LMBO at this.
I don’t know if that’s true, they definitely hate antifa but whenever I mention the issue is that they’re coming after white people I get thousand yard stares. Then a lecture about “heritage not hate” or DR3. They also still have way too much faith in the system to realize what danger they’re in for saying certain things.
Ya boomers are so far gone on the race shit. Boomers always bring up some example. Some anecdote.
Im like hes not an American hes a beaner he shouldn’t be here. Boomer says I know this one mexican lady she was born in Texas shes american pays her taxes. SHES NOT AMERICAN.
Sven you look fine don’t let the haters get to you.
On the D&D subject other RPGs in the industry have gotten rid of racial stat bonuses and the current D&D edition came out at the tail end of when it was uncontroversial to have them.
The concession they made at the time was that there were no penalties just different bonuses based on race.
Does anyone here have an opinion on Kyle Hunt from “Renegade Tribune”?
He was our pal and suddenly turned on us in 2016.
I used to write for RT occasionally. I never had any negative interactions with him, but there is some weird shit out there about his girl, that DEFINITELY doesn’t jive with our thing.
Did I receive a down vote for an honest question?
Yes. But that’s OK I’ll give you an up-vote for getting an answer to a question that I couldn’t. 😉
Hey, where is Pakistani Anarchy? He’s the self-appointed verifier here. Make sure you lament the demise of every mudshark to stay ligit [sic] in his mind.
2nd Hour – 35:00
The average White person in America was 58 years old in 2018. Yup…
Game Over
Where I live, it’s not uncommon to go days without seeing a single White person. One time I think it was a whole week.
And when I do finally see one, it’s always a whigger or a mudshark. Or some junkie. So even on the rare occasion that I cross paths with another White, conversation is pretty much out of the question.
Oh my god where the fuck do you live. Get out. Spend the final says of the empire around your brethren. Better to live around white people in the outskirts and commute an hour to work.
Imagine being so fragile that you have to go around canceling everything and everyone that makes a reference to your likeness.
40k Orks > Tolkien Orks
11:32 in the 40k Lore there’s plenty of justification for the Imperium being anti-Chaos because Chaos is directly opposed to the goals of Humanity because the four major Chaos gods, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh, are the worst aspects of Humanity. As for wanting to destroy the sentient Xenos species in the galaxy that’s a relatively new belief in the Imperium known as Monodominance, it was created around m34
Sauron though
Stefan Molyneux was kicked off youtube today
And NPI/Radix (Spencer).
And Huwhite Grandpa Jared T !
The acceleration advances
He was fighting a losing batlle. You cannot continue to walk up right to the line when the line is constantly moving.
I am happy for every example that cucking doesn’t work.
Genocidal Fedora Tippers would also have been a great show title.
Sven I have watched/listened for years and you’ve definitely gotten bigger.
Sent in muh paywall today, feels good
Well done.
can we find out the names of the specific Wizards of the Coast employees who are responsible for these decisions?
we cant keep letting this happen, there’s a war and we ethically choose to ignore several fronts of the conflict. this shit is what lead directly to society accepting iconoclastic action.
part of me wants to tempt these fuckers to ban vidya and dork activities to help white kids focus on real life instead of retreating into fantasy and not fighting back.
Even if you did that, those white kids are harmless. They’re not fighters. That’s why they larp as characters who are.
They larp because video games are specifically designed to play on whites inherent tendency for adventure, discovery, and combat. If the real-world directed those inherent qualities into something productive, then they would be far less inclined to use video games as an unhealthy escape. Whites are not powerless and weak people. If we were, it wouldn’t have taken the whole world to have destroyed Germany, and it wouldn’t take the most powerful propaganda apparatus ever created by man constantly shitting out anti-white propaganda to keep us divided and oppressed, if we were weak individuals fit only for consuming entertainment products.… Read more »
Dont worry y’all. We’ll have that chance for adventure soon. Once all the boomers die. Our country is taken over and we are the minority. They’ll be lots of “adventure”.
The 2 boomers with guns just put out a statement saying they love BLM and its white people who caused problems on their property.
Citation needed.
Citation provided:
per my forum post, this seems fake and gay and/or written under duress.
Absolutely written under duress. I’m sure they’re both well aware of the repercussions if they don’t cuck.
Its on the forum and TDS cover it around 50mins in on the 2nd hour.
Don’t doubt me, I wouldn’t lie to you.
I just assumed they were using it sarcastically.
I love BLM too.
When are these people going to realize that capitulation is not only futile, but has brought us to where we are now? We need more fuck yous, en masse.
If I’m mailing in a USPS money order can I also order a copy of the “Durner Diaries” signed by everyone on the Death Panel?
Where all dey Nite elfs at ?
If youre going to make fun of evangelicalism, attack Christian Zionism
Attack the whole thing. It’s all shit. Especially those “born again” Christcucks. They’re my personal favorite target.
Nah one should definitely just attack the most harmful doctrine to our people, which is Christian Zionism. Attacking anything else may be fun, but it ultimately won’t weaken the Yews like attacking their pet Christian Zionism will. I think religion of whites is something that should be discussed when we actually have power
Some people want the churches open but the majority of the white working-class recently polled prefer the bars.-Tom Metzger
Great, I’m glad whites prefer to drink themselves under the table instead of attending a church service. Oh wait, no I’d probably rather them go to church. Oh well, if we keep dividing our own people by whatever stupid religion they choose to practice (unless you’re specifically attacking it for supporting Yewish interests) then we definitely won’t have to worry about churches or bars, the argument will be moot. Whites will be able to drink themselves into deaths of despair as much as they want, I’m sure our Yewish masters would love that
“Great, I’m glad whites prefer to drink themselves under the table instead of attending a church service.”
LOL! As if they wouldn’t be drinking gallons of cultural AIDS by going to these goblin-loving churches anyway!
“Oh well, if we keep dividing our own people by whatever stupid religion they choose to practice”
It’s not US attacking THEM because of their stupid religion! [although why we should tolerate that religion if it IS so stupid is beyond me!] It’s THEIR stupid religion attacking US and the ideology of White nationalism! And THEIR jewish master just LOVES that!
Cool it with the anti-ork remarks! I like them so their not nigs. Also orks do have honor in fighting. They like challenge and don’t like to sneak around. Not the type to sucker punch you like a nog.
That is true, they’re like the epitomy of the noble savage. They’re still filthy orcs though!
“noble savage”
That never existed.
My totally made up game with made up characters needs to reflect the real world perfectly or my made up fantasy battle will be problematic. Uh, sure whatever you say.
Death really is a gift to men. Elves have to eternally witness the world getting more and more globohomo every year.
Hour 1:00:00
Precarity. Great word, Mike!
That’s a word I brought up on a previous show, it’s used a lot by left-wing critics of capitalism.
It’s the perfect word for America’s situation. Thanks Alex, who is, as far as I know, the most shredded member of TRS Studios.
Holy moly paywall still werks
Nico? Really Moike? How long has TYH been on this network?? Nike. Fucking Nico…lol
what happened to TYH ? !
Still here, bro.
Nico? WTF?!
Nah, fuck nordicists.
Some years old stupid deconstuction of white fantasy/Warhammer.
Damn, Reddit just banned 2000 subreddits, including The_Donald
They finally banned the donald? Wonderful I can only imagine the mind meltingly dumb copes that were being posted on there.
Another thing I was left pondering from Friday due to Mike’s new book club recommendation.
How long will the Lutheran Church be able to keep Its namesake? I mean, The Jews and Their Lies is hyper Shoah in comparison to My Struggle sitting next to each other on the bookshelf.
UUUP, popcorn is done…
United Ulster Unionist Party?
Did you guys see the trump retweet of boomers shouting white power?
trying to pretend to be based to get votes again
It’s amazing how based and white nationalist loosing Republicans can be…Fash the Nation Sunday basically explained this whole bullshit ploy Trump lives to do.
I’m personally pretty excited for the rebranding of the Drow Elves as Soy Elves.
“Buddy Lolth” sounds pretty awesome. No more demon spider worshipping, matriarchy of the abyss. Lolth will emerge as a happy anime good version of herself.
Happy Love Spiders are gonna be big.
Praise Lolth!
lmao Sven’s Stern impression is so good
So I looked into Alex’s pest problem the other day and found what he was talking about was a damn wasp, which I found ironic that he called a “mud dauber” given the affluent Anglo infatuation with keeping and rearing blacks.
Daubers are real. Dirt Dauber. They are thinner than wasps and have a more narrow wing profile as well. They build their nests from mud, as opposed to chewing plant matter to make paper, like wasps do.
It’s dirt/mud dauber. Do not ever contradict me on identification of wild species because I have a fucking godlike knowledge of them. It’s a type of wasp with a particularly ghoulish life cycle.
Seriously, I can’t believe there are people who’ve never heard of a mud dauber before.
Fuck D&D. Play Rolemaster, 2nd Edition instead.
Tolkien was definitely racist he talks about swarthy foreigners and orcs being evil which the white elves and men have to fight against
Just look at the Haradrim.
tuning after a long day at work with freezing coke zero. perfectly timed. feelsgoodman.
Mike, a Gnoll is a seven foot tall humanoid with the head of a hyena. It’s not an evil gnome.
Gnomes are jews Tho
Possibly Mike was thinking of Svirfneblin.
Egg & Snausage. Now I’m sta–
Linked a couple vids for the Sasha Baron Cohen thing just in case you plan on doing content on it since you mentioned it in Prep, comment with video links waiting for approval.
He’s a provacateuaer. Provacateeeuuuuuaore’ê. It’s very French.
He’s jew. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww. It’s very jewish.
10 is better than 1