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The Death Panel cancel pink polos and oatmeal khakis.
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- Anti-White Catch 22
- Just One More Justice
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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
I was so autistic about what to put in to Pay to line on the MO only for Sven to say just leave it blank and now I feel stupid … and autistic
Thanks for the quick snail mail renewal, ng…guys.
No actually Mike, you must read the Bible like it was written for whites. Actually it says if you follow God’s rules you will rule the world….when whites just in part followed God’s rules they did rule the world. Note jews do not follow The Rules but the opposite and have to cheat to rule…. Also mention the part you left out….if you dont follow God’s rules you will sow and strangers will reap. You will build but strangers will benefit from it. Your daughters will be taken by strangers and you will be powerless to something about it…. Which… Read more »
I was so glad when Chekov’s scrambled eggs returned halfway thru the 1st hour. Hangry Jesse is not a fun Jesse. 😀
Jane Elliott of brown eyes blue eyes fame gives heinous cunts a bad name
“Monday you can go fuck yourselves.”
Why are you even celebrating the fourth of July?
I mean I’ve listened to all the FTN deep dives and even if this country was never ours and always has been some central-bank debt-fueled pyramid-scheme, well, a day off to drink and grill is reason in and of itself to chill.
If anything it’s our last decade of fourth of july celebrations. By 2050 fourth of july will be outlawed as white supremacist.
“ By 2050 fourth of july will be outlawed as white supremacist.”
Yes a perfect example of the kosher sandwich. Out law something as White supremacist that is ACTUALLY anti-White! The perfect jewish head game!
Sven worships future Hitler, WN grill for future WN USA.
On April 20th.
“a day off to drink and grill is reason in and of itself to chill.”
No it’s not. You’re are essentially celebrating an ideology that is destroying us. Better to just take April 20th off.
Re: the McCloskeys
I’m starting to think that many of these incidents where White people brandish guns at riotous negroes are just fake. Kind of like Trump. They act in a based way and then when some sjw types whine about it they totally cuck. It’s like they are engaging in sabotage.
I still have a month to figure out this paywall thing as far as I know.
I mailed My money order on Saturday afternoon. They had me back up and running Tuesday by noon. Worked like a charm.
By the way, if you want a swastika emoji, it’s a Chinese character (wan2) 卐. Just get a pinyin keyboard and you can type it in on anything. 卐卍卐卍 希特勒
“bad optics”
If you don’t click on that link you’re a PUSSY!
All myth and religion are epiphenomenal. The sun is a natural phenomenon, and the cult of Helios was an epiphenomenal expression thereof. Same is true of the struggle of fathers and sons having epiphenomenal expression in the myth of Cronus and in the Cult of Zeus. Same is true with the incremental progress of the ancestral tradition and the myth of Prometheus and the triumph of Christ as the culmination of the “Giver” ancestor.
Point is, Woke is the sun god of the deterritorialization inherent to capitalism.
Of course the irony is that in order for Woke Capital’s multicultural, anti-racist facade to exist, its underlying machinery must both acknowledge and exploit immutable cultural and racial fault lines.
Disney is “scrubbing” its Splash Mountain ride because it contains themes and characters from the already scrubbed “Song of the South” movie.
Yet Disney’s HR absolutely goes out of its way to hire maids, cooks, grounds personnel and staff with various racial, cultural, and linguistic barriers in place as to make collective organizing and action impossible.
“We’re just celebrating diversity, got.”
“White fragility”
It’s not what Robin De Angelo says it is. White fragility
is White people not having the guts to redact the living
fuck out of White Uncle Toms like HER! AND her jewish
massas and their colored pets! And that creates two
questions: when will THAT fragility collapse and how terrible
will the consequences be for jews, their colored pets and
their White Uncle Tom collaborators???
LOL! Are you for REAL???
Do you suppose it shoukd be a hate crime?
Well, sorry guys. Just an honest question about why i should care if I’m on some radar when i’m not doing anything wrong.
Because the FBI doesn’t CARE if you are innocent! They’ll just forge evidence and slam your ass in prison for life ANYWAY!
Are you REALLY this dumb???
“The country that is held in the highest esteem worlwide is Germany.”
“You’re not hurting the corporate state in the slightest.”
You guys missed “Genocidal Fedora-tippers” as a show title 🙂
“Why isn’t his account named Yahweh instead of God?”
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. – Aristotle
Love Sven’s Somali migrant shirt
It’s very Haitian.
The fact that Alex occasionally has a train come by is hilarious given his tendency to derail
The train is fine.
Deus Vault
Does anyone know of a way to change the speed of podcasts on either iphone or chromebook?
If you want muscle growth you have to eat at least 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight everyday – Arnold Schwarzenegger
And also take steroids under a doctors direction.-Arnold Schwarzenegger
And marry a Kennedy and schtupp the maid
Yeah, I don’t think those had anything to with muscle growth.
who comes out and points guns like that? seems fake to me. i wonder if the whole thing was set up as a photo op.
Patrick Casey is a homosexual
Whats the deal with that guy? I never followed him. I just heard Spencer had beef with him lol. He’s in league with Nick Fuentes and the Groypers I understand?
Are you sure? I remember he had some good Twitter posts about a year ago.
Ted Danson didn’t do black face. I remember he and his wife Whoopie Goldberg *gag* did some award ceremony with white face
He didn’t?
Been watching “Birth of a Nation” in between bodcasts. Soooo much blackface. The women in it are particularly lovely. My only complaint is that they make Woodrow Wilson seem based with the quotes. Spoiler, he wasn’t. Everybody is wary of bleqs. He’s not special in that regard. But yeah, you want 100’s of blackface actors. Check out “Birth of a Nation.”
I had a Dukes of Hazzard hot-wheels growing up, named it “Duke.”
Caleb Maudlin btfo
Come on guys, how did you not mention the added irony of the Tyrannids being a hivemind?
I listened to Rush for just a couple of minutes today—all I could stand. He was saying that Never Trumper John Roberts actually handed Donald Turnip a great campaign issue: the Supreme Court! The libs are schvitzing now! Better pull that “R” lever for constitutional conservative justices—who stab us in the back!
“the Supreme Court!”
Jee-zus KRYST!
LOL! Like I have a right to be surprised by this
ridiculous carnival!
I first read this as the band Rush.
I stopped listening after Signals.
as a result of Chapo criticizing white fragility their reddit group was banned, I won’t drudge through their community to see the reaction but I am curious on how exactly they will perform the mental gymnastics to blame this on white supremacy instead. Because that’s how white supremacist our system is that if you’re anti-white you will get platformed and have corporate/establishment support but you criticize anti-white propaganda one time you get deplatformed.
The original D&D was super racist, mongrelfolk were the result of racemixing and classified as a good act to kill regardless of their intentions, anyway for a based RPG look forward to Zeitlos (shameless self promotion)
That mansion boomer rifle is iron sights-only, with fixed carrying handle, of musket length. Do they even make those anymore? You can’t even red dot optics cuck with that version.
He lives in a mansion; that rifle is almost certainly a transferable pre-86 M-16 that costs more than my car.
It was a Colt Sporter, manufactured between 1989 and 1994. Colt removed the bayonet lug and renamed the AR-15 in an attempt to avoid ban legislation.
I think it’s an old Colt AR15 Sporter. I liked the 1990 aesthetic he’s going for. Very LA riot.
The realtor threw it in when they purchased the house in ’88.
A 20” barrel is a good option. Unless you’re in an enclosed space an extra 4” over a patrol carbine isn’t a hindrance, but the extra length gives your projectiles a lot more reach. Nothing wrong with irons if you have the fundamentals. It’s part of the original design.
13 orc do 50 raids
Raids are complex operations with specifically targeted locations and items/persons in mind, often with weeks of planning. Longboats were impressive feats of engineering and craftsmanship in their era. Multicontinental raids organized without maps and minimal use of written language is very high agency.
Orc savages loot and break shit with compliance from law enforcement and are organized and directed by Jews/Jewlattos/shitlibs with compliance from law enforcement.
Calling them raids is giving them too much crrrrredit.
OK then 15 orcs do 50 chimpouts!
Clearly the NAACP disapproves! LOL!!!
Show title could have been… Milo: Gayus Vault
Nah, we should keep making memes of the Ken & Karen boomer couple. The worst punishment we can give them for being Shitlibs is a continuous stream of racist memes with them wearing siege masks and shit.
why is your username green?
I have no clue. WTF?
You’re a literal glow-in-the-dark, my dude.
Now. You know.. and I agree, I agree in the best way. But there are people, some of the best.. some of my best people are telling me. Yes. There are statues. Some I’ve heard are being ripped down.. And we are going to deal with these people with regards to the statues.. and with regards to law and order. These people will be dealt with by law and order. But yes I can see why some of these statues, some horrible people in those statues, why they, frankly.. can be torn down. And if they are torn down, Sean,… Read more »
Beware of Greeks bearing the gift.
Archie Bunker strikes again!
Archie Bunker will NEVER die!
Books are by RA Salvatore. Icewindale Trilogy was one one of the books that got me in to high fantasy next to the Hobbit.
I used to like those books…then I realized Drizzt is just a based black in a maga hat.
I still enjoy the books, but not as much as old books like the Belgariad by David Eddings. I read a lot of dreck for fun, but I notice how my views have shifted and things like that pop up and poke me in the brain, not rage inducing but I do notice it.
Icewind Dale blew me away at twelve, re-read a decade later, not so much.
Bought 2 omnibus editions of the Drizzt origin books, very disappointing. More recently, read a bunch of Ed Greenwood, the guy who invented the FR campaign setting, much better quality of writing.
RPG manuals and books available for download free here: https://thetrove.net/