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The Death Panel de-escalate the situation.
- What an Actual Cop Thinks
- The Entire Rayshard Brooks Video
- Black Mama Jackpot
- Instacop
- Everyone Hates Woke Whites
- Amiee and Andy
- Rehash the Rail, Kevin MacDonald Interview
- Slightly Altered Paywall Instructions
The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Two favorite youtube channels:
Police Activity
Donut Operator
hours and hours of confirmation bias.
I can’t work out whether donut operator is one of us deep down or not.
Stephan had on based black man . Based black man said “ I can say whatever I want about white people no repercussions. But there’s a tiny group of White people you can’t criticize because it’s anti Semitic.”
Stephan quickly changes subject…
New sub would be great if you cover this on the next show .
13 minute mark
Holy shit i need some time preference! Stefan said that’s the question of black privilege hahahaha!
Was it tommy sotomayor? Dude the david duke talk paid dividends?
I tried but they lost me in the first 10 minutes. I understand, fathers, education blah blah blah.
How does the saying go? All roads lead to Hitler, everything else is masturbation. It feels good but is a fruitless exercise. Something like that
All roads lead to Hitler…or they lead nowhere.-Matt Koehl.
Any ideas on what Striker and Mike were referencing as the ‘thing’ they are going to unveil? Some political…thing?
Mike, please talk more about Caldwell’s excellent translation of Mein Kampf, including his introduction to the book!
Yes I meant Dalton. Not sure why I said Caldwell
You mean Dr. Thomas Dalton’s translation?
How do you all process and cope with all of this? I’ve been woke to the JQ for about 3 years now and over that time I’ve had to cut out Facebook, Twitter and listening to you guys every few weeks or months because it’s just too stressful to fully comprehend. I thought I had become desensitized from this but this latest wave of gay ops has completely knocked me off my feet. I expected levels of this and am not necessarily surprised but it’s just so much so soon. I get a headache and my eyes go bloodshot with… Read more »
Check out strike and mike for more….f5 f5 f5….damn it
LOL! I know the feeling there mmmbud.
I hope Striker got his pizza before the show started or he’ll be STAHRVIN’!
“a good jew”
To me it’s interesting that blacks are smart enough to understand how to use money as a medium of exchange, but not smart enough to treat money with a low time preference where you can save and invest it for delayed consumption. I have to wonder how different populations in the past dealt with money when it was a new invention. I doubt that blacks in ancient times would bury hoards of gold and silver coins the way the Greeks and Romans did when they needed to protect their hard assets.
It’s genetic. They’ve never had the environmental pressure in such a way that they were required to survive by saving money – or at least evolved due to it. They have little to no genetic predisposition or even a culture that encourages it. On the other hand, blacks clearly have a genetic predisposition towards violence and aggression.
That’s the problem with the idea of paying our blacks “reparations for slavery.” Give them a lump sum and most of them will squander it in no time. Instead, if you wanted to do these blacks a favor, you’d pay the reparations into something like a sovereign wealth fund – call it the Sovereign Negro Fund, I guess – and then pay them an annual bag from the investment returns. At least the capital in this scenario could produce some wealth instead of completely going to waste.
Which is why any reparations given to blacks will be issued as a regular stipend doled out into perpetuity. Expect the payout to increase at regular intervals and never go away.
“at regular intervals “
Just before election day!
It is a basic principle in life that choices have consequences. We’re just going to throw away the experience of the ages, now that blacks and their Jewish puppeteers want us to let blacks do whatever stupid or damaging shit they want and not pay any price for it.
I too have spoken with some law enforcement types. They were worried about monday morning quarterbacks etc. They were generally supportive of these officers though. When it’s the mcmichaels however they were willing to string them up. In their mind a citizen has no right to intercede, i disagree, in my eye’s that’s the only way forward. Cop’s need to recognize that they work for the enemy. Just look at these two shootings. Citizen’s fighting over a gun, cop’s shooting a fleeing suspect in the back as he blindly fired a tazer. Somehow you can muster the energy to defend… Read more »
The difference between animals and humans is the transmission of non-genetic information. Animals transmit genes. Humans transmit genes and memes. Memes create a psycho-social environment, which includes several genetic and non-genetic artifacts, all arrived at through collective struggle. Language itself has a strongly genetic aspect so that when we translate higher concepts from one linguistic family to another we almost always depend on loose approximations. The very concept of truth is conceptually different between the Indo-European and Semitic languages. The Greek Alethea and the Latin Veritas mean “that which is revealed.” The Hebrew Emeth means both “the firmament” and “spoken… Read more »
My avatar keeps disappearing
Is it a picture of a black babydaddy?
No, you grotesque degenerate.
You have either absolutely no sense of humor or your IQ is lower than that of the average baby daddy.
neither of those things apply to me
Neither grotesque nor degenerate applies to me.
Lets just shake hands and ride the Tiger tank down Adolf Hitler Strasse
I wasn’t trying to offend you, pal. It was a harmless little joke.
no worries
Second this. I thought it was funny AF.
I cant tell sometimes whose legitimately a sperg and who is just joking.
Welcome to the world of internet forums.
I still legitimately don’t know and genuinely don’t care what Duginism even is or if I could be counted as a “Duginist”.
I do know that he is not where I got my ideas from and if some or all of his ideas resemble mine, all I can say is “good for him”. ?
\o !!!!!!!!!!
No editing, no Sieg Heiling????? What has happened to this place?
Anyway, I wanted to agree ?
The editing is working for me. I just can’t delete!
Neither work for me. ?
ATT (now AJJ) is run by Jews
Expecting introspection and honesty from y00s, or expecting them to stop exploiting and eroding the societies that have allowed them in, or expecting them to stop lying about it and having dicussions in good faith is like expecting cats to stop going after mice.
Not going to happen.
The guy who created Spongebob explicitly said thats hes “asexual” which is the cuck way of saying “hes not gay”. But hes dead now, so they raping his creation. Just like making Lovecraft about Anti Racism
Ah comments are back, weird bug. Great episode guys!
On selection for group strategy. Our folk seem to avoid discussion and disagreements because we’ve been baited into infighting by judaisers for so long. If a disagreement can possibly arise its Inb4 by ‘talking about politics is impolite.’ I had intercultural communication course at one point, communication between men and women is intercultural because women aren’t men. Our society is feminized and sensitive so adapt and frame things in a sensitive manner and from a vulnerable position when necessary in order to communicate within the realm of understanding of your subject audience and express ideas in a Cannon they understand.… Read more »
Regardless of how hard we are on cops. We will be consistently the most objective if they just want shilling like the past 40 years go listen to Limbaugh while he is still alive
Rayshard Brooks had a rap sheet a mile long including battery, family violence, felony cruelty (to children), false imprisonment, obstructing an officer, theft, etc. I am in possession of his complete arrest record and it is BAD. He was in jail and was released due to COVID-19. He fled from officers because he knew he would get sent right back to jail. I refuse to “die on a hill” defending trash like this. He finally got what he had coming. The system coddles these assholes. He deserved to be remove from society. Oh, by the way he had four kids… Read more »
The “victim” was a low-life scumbag. What a surprise.
A sex pervert working in a funeral home? Imagine my shock. I’m sure there’s no chance this person has also dabbled in necrophilia. Patricia Bosworth’s biography of the actor Montgomery Clift contains an anecdote about a gay necrophiliac bordello in New York that was around back in the 40s or 50s. People would literally pay to get in and screw a man’s corpse.
I had that book. But I don’t remember that anecdote. Maybe I just suppressed it!
And YOU reminded me of it! DAMN IT!
Yeah sorry mr. Funeral home owner I’m not letting your sexual pervert freak touch and desicrate the body of my recently deceased parents. And im going to tell you that is why I am taking them elsewhere
“They are going to go to trial without any evidence, and they are going to get the verdict they want anyway.”
Nuremburg, anyone?
Why do negroes love PCP so much?
It must fill some chemical void in their walnut brains. They like smoking embalming fluids, and formaldehyde too. They dip they newports in them, dry it out and puff away. Has basically the same effect on them as the PCP.
All that embalming fluid and formaldehyde and their breath still smells like a rotting corpse.
I don’t even know where they get the PCP. Never came in the same general area of pcp
It’s a horse tranquilizer. They probably get it from the same source that ketamine (cat tranquilizer) users do, burglaries of vet clinics, or other thefts along the supply line.
A hot take would be that the jewish owners of the pharmaceutical labs deal it directly in bulk to distributors. It’s not much of a stretch considering at the end of the day it’s just another drug to peddle.
Great show.
Thank you death panel.
On all political discussions on social media, our standard reply to anything should be a picture of Uncle A. with a caption that reads “Are you willing to listen NOW?”
All roads lead to Hitler or they lead nowhere.- Matt Kohl
Great episode. Hour one; analysis of a fake narrative. Hour two; analysis of another fake narrative.Hour two, best hour.
Be interesting to see if Kevin taped the interview himself.
He’d be a fool if he didn’t, but he seems to be a bit of that naive boomer sort despite the lessons in being burned repeatedly, and what he knows about our favorite tribe of foreskin thieves.
We do not need “the Cops on our side” now that you are out of power. We could have used your help when you had authority left and you could simply have spoken up about things that were going wrong. You were all quiet because all you ever cared about was your pension. You could also have refused support other Cops when they were in the wrong, but again, you refused. How many innocent white people were brutalized or murdered by Cops? People that naturally gravitate towards law and order and used to be sympathetic to law enforcement feel betrayed… Read more »
They owe us a lot. Not the other way around as the “blue line” crowd thinks. I’ve never felt the police protected me. I’ve had occasions where I’ve been harassed (in Minneapolis no less) for minor infractions like underage smoking, or doing so too near the sacred doors of establishments where its barred etc. Meanwhile, joggers are literally walking around with open bottles, smoking blunts, publicly urinating etc and the cop doesn’t bat an eye. In situations decades ago altercations I didn’t start with darkies went against me once the cops showed up. In my opinion every White person is… Read more »
actually they had to wait for the creator to die to say spongebob was gay because the creator was strongly against it
)))Stephen Hillenburg((( the name reminds me of )))Mitch Hedberg((( once again, I bet his name got him through the door.
Excerpt from 1968 Revilo Oliver speech. Scarily prescient. Would enjoy some TDS discussion of this prophet and his ideas.
Clarence Thomas is a Catholic.
Goresuch is technically a Protestant because he now attends a Protestant church, but he was raised Catholic and he is from a Catholic ethnic group. He is not an old stock American.
Old Stock American “wasps” have not had representation on the Supreme Court in a very very long time.
A real Lutheran or Protestant who believes in the Bible and the traditions of their non pozzed churches would never have approved this LGBTQ stuff
So now we’re in the argument of who is a real Christian. Great. Every single liberal Christian can make just as many arguments that YOU aren’t the real Christian. Christianity is just like the Constitution. It means whatever you want it to mean. The proof of that is all the different denominations. And that’s not even talking about the science denial or the magical bullshit of a supernatural being or the Resurrection. When will it be time for us to grow up and stop using the crutch of big daddy in the sky gonna save us?! Hey, if I can… Read more »
But you can’t do shit on your own that’s the thing bud. Only one unifying group strategy can do it because there is an objective right and wrong. So like all godless shitlibs, protestant judaisers and the rest of the Christians in name only, your fucked and are only larping as a grown up big brain individual who hates his father and rejects all authority. There would be no science without the fundamentals laid out by those who lived within the catholic tradition. Grow up angst fag and learn some humility.
“Only one unifying group strategy can do it because there is an objective right and wrong.”
Then why is it failing so completely??? If it could work why ISN’T it???
“There would be no science without the fundamentals laid out by those who lived within the catholic tradition.”
LOL! The ENTIRE European scientific tradition, not to mention moral tradition, is the invention of Greek and Roman pagans so WTF are you even TALKING about?!
“Grow up angst fag”
YOU are the only one exhibiting any “angst”!
“and learn some humility.”
Like YOU? LOL!!!