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The Death Panel white knight for Karen.
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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Cuz’ I’m a walnut, waaaalnuuut, dead or a-live…
Hi all
The white women who were comfortable under this system and went right along selling white men out, up until about 2-3 years ago? They will in fact suffer then come crawling back. All women can respect is force. It will be yours or someone else’s. If you can’t they will. Luckily the only safe harbor is white men, and in general at home. So let people start learning. Like Covid and basic hygiene. Grow up or get yeeted into the waste bin of history. That is the point in time historically we are at. Seriously have gardens and preps. Oh… Read more »
>The white women who were comfortable under this system and went right along selling white men out, up until about 2-3 years ago? This is not a honest framing of the issue. Every group of people in America has been gas lit and brainwashed by Schlomo. And you’re shoving it in your post, the women are completely separated individuals and have no part in any group, trading a in their life for status. This isn’t how this malware was installed. For white women (like men), white group interests were demonized and replaced by a dysfunctional and false sense global womanhood.… Read more »
Another reason they let Mike out of the lawsuit is because they knew they couldn’t drain your bank account. If he was paying for representation they would have dragged it out just for that purpose
I want the Nation of Islam to police blacks.
I was disappointed. I was expected this podcast to continue with the Strike and Mike content. I wanted to hear sven lose it listening to the audio
Mike, your rant at 45:00 was the best rhetoric I’ve heard on your show in a long time. Keep up the good work!
Black people are “An albatross around the neck”. Very apt.
Just ask Tommy Sotomayor! LOL!!!
If only I knew 15 years ago how many issues the west boro Baptist church were right on
Seems white people need a lawyer involved to call in a noise complaint
Backing Karen, but not guys who were gaslit into fighting unpopular wars they didn’t incite? Many of them legitimately believed their families and nation were under significant threat. Others were socially pressured in or in most cases conscripted.
It isn’t about the jingoism. It’s about honoring achievement in our ancestry, taking back that narrative and exposing the injustice and corruption.
It occurs to me that most nationalist pundits don’t have families with serious military histories. If that were the case, and they’d processed the conflicts reasonably well, they wouldn’t be taking this approach.
But yeah, Karen has been unjustly cancelled.
“occurs to me that most nationalist pundits don’t have families with serious military histories.”
Implying most globalist pundits have serious military histories! If it WERE the case maybe they wouldn’t be taking the approach THEY take!!!
you should check out ‘mein liebe fur irland’ a german ww2 propaganda movie
Where is it?
Great song Sven! Transition to/with intro music was epic. Can’t wait for more original content. Keep flexing that power level.
Every time I think I have finally managed to wrap my head around just how evil, disgusting and inhumane K1K€s are, K1K€s be like:”But wait! There’s more!”
Sven’s mistake is actually paying attention to what is going on rather than sperging out over Star Trek and the fakeness and gayness of Holocaust narratives.
I don’t know that that’s a mistake. As long as you dovetail it into hauloco$t debunking it helps further our counter-narrative. And to a lesser degree so does Trek Sperging.
“You’re forced as a second class citizen now…”
So…Wilmot Robertson was right all those years ago!
Shane raising hell in the background is adorable LOL!
Fuck your modesty, the early shows were great.
I still keep 30 soundboard buttons on my phone to this day because of them.
Welp, the whole Karen in the Park incident certainly reveals to me why I started social distancing in the mid-eighties. I instinctually understood that people suck. Now I know it’s really JEWS and COLOREDS who suck and are ruining everything!
Spicaboo > blatino
The Rambles are known for their “whispering bushes” where random homosexuals hook up. That jogger was up to some gay shit for sure.
“The reason it’s called Karen and not Shoshanna.”
“I hates this Yankee Nation”
Here’s the super secret white privilege tip for blacks: The less times you interact with a cop, the less chances you have of getting killed by one.
Well that’ll be in one ear and out the other.
Karen: A woman who makes the mistake of treating blacks like regular people.
Regular people? You mean like WHITE people! Because, let’s be frank here, Whites have always been a global minority and, consequently, are NOT the norm! The norm is shitty colored people. White people must NEVER forget that! What’s normal for US is positively GODLIKE when compared to the shitty colored norm of the world! In my opinion this is what motivates jewish maliciousness towards us! ENVY! That while Whites have a cosmic soul the jew, despite having high IQ’s in comparison to the colored majority on Earth, have the exact SAME animal souls as THEM!!!
Absolutely! Forgive my shorthand. Every other people is irregular to me.
Fuck you Sven, Brits only get to grill 3 times per summer. I waited for you…
I always thought the way to catch a dangerous african animal without killing it is a tranquilizer dart?
They’ve developed an immunity to it by recreationally consuming what they call
“Purple Trank”
I’m with Sven, I’d love to rock that COVID Commander style
I know we all know this but it bears repeating: actual “white racists” don’t fall into these traps precisely because we know what to expect and we have an accurate assessment of TNB.
Our guys would have never engaged that “bird watcher” in the park in the first place, and would have definitely broken contact when his cell phone camera came out.
Liberal whites walk straight into these traps because they have their racial blinders on.
Why isn’t pagination working? I tried adding extra line breaks, but no dice.
With all these recent chimpouts it feels like 2014 all over again, except TDS sound quality is much better and Mike’s takes much hotter! Sven’s drops not so much.
I was going to say, the old TDS is back. We just need Bulbasaur.
” like 2014 all over again”
Ah yes another election year! Where the jewish System riles up the negroes to try and galvanize people into the democratic or republican camps so that once again NOBODY will look at the jews! Ain’t jewish dystopia GRAND???!!!
Y’all are doing God’s work. Every episode better than the last.
Google’s Web Components already makes archiving pages that use them difficult, and now they are going after the Wayback Machine? Fantastic.Taking down archive sites is going to be the next big push.
“going after the Wayback Machine”
I had a feeling that was going to happen.
ANTIFA/Anarchists appear to be out in force rioting today in Minneapolis.
Well of COURSE! It’s an ELECTION year!
I’m sure Minneapolis Mayor >Jacob Frey< didn’t fan the flames or facilitate in any manner this American city burning.
As Mike said in one of the recent episodes, probably part of the reason why they keep clinging to older narratives that seemed semi-plausible at the time, but are more and more absurd in hindsight, is precisely because so many innocent people were executed and imprisoned on the strength of those insane confabulations. It doesn’t bother them morally or emotionally of course, what worries them is that if people knew the truth, not only would they be outraged at the Big Lie in and of itself, they’d be doubly outraged that so many people lost their lives and had their… Read more »
They sucked it all up? Jews are deep mouth breathers fucking hilarious.
Not clever at all but damn that’s a jew comfortable on their position in the world.
Some things that are true didn’t happen
Some things that happen aren’t true
You guys are so grug, you probably don’t even get it jesus…
Do you think The NY Post would run an article titled
“Central Park Shaniqua” if some black women were caught fighting on video?
Hell no, not without a special prosecutor assigned to the case.
Excellent commentary on the dog situation in the park, including the “Karen” meme. It’s annoying that people right of center are gleefully using this anti-white epithet in an attempt to look trendy.
And the pandering to blacks from all Americans who aren’t us is disgusting.
Official Narrative Black vs. Black We See Too Often:
Time to fire up the GAS CHAMBERS!!!
Oh! I see! You people are AGAINST gas chambers!
Karen’s are a powerful weapon if utilized properly. Have a look at Whitney Webb. She literally looks and sounds like a woman who would be named Karen.
First time commenting long time listening. Good jorb
Whoa! Easy there Machine! Don’t overdo it your first time!
Mike was on fire today. Mike is the reason I came here in the first place and I really think he’s the voice we need. Also, talking about how the liberal women in his family don’t like him because of his views got me thinking. He really has made some sacrifices for this movement in his personal life and we all may be called upon someday to make sacrifices of our own. That’s just the way it is. Lastly, this pro Mike posting is to take nothing away from all the trs guys as I’ve come to think of them… Read more »
It’s surprising and kinda sad he doesn’t have more support from his family. Mike and the whole TRS crew have taken serious risks to make this happen. He’s got a lot more knowledge and clout than I do, but I’ve been able to distill this info to my conservative dad, technocrat brother, and liberal mother, and they are starting to yell “Bullshed!” at some of the anti-White narratives popping up on their precious boob tube. TRS is making me a better nazi, and I want to spread the good word to those who need to hear. This nation was never… Read more »
It’s funny thinking about the reaction of Mike’s family. I actually thought my family would be better. LOL! Late last year my brother told me that if I ever get attacked by (((these people))) that I’ll deserve it because of my anti-semitism. So there you go! Mr. Boomercon. A crazy semitophiliac just like all the rest!
It sucks, man! Many of us struggle for the best possible world for our race, and get so much pushback from people we would assume to be our closest allies. I want to reject these people, but this family of mine brought me up from a puddle of goo, fed me, gave me shelter and clothed me, and even taught me something about my heritage. I’m one of the lucky ones, but I bet many of my less fortunate brothers and sisters who grew up in a shitty household were taught that White people are crap and should reject everything… Read more »
Show him some of the anti-white articles they write. The mask has slipped a lot. I remember one where some crypto sheckleberg woman was explicitly crowing about how great it was that white people were having less kids and how great it was that we were declining and how brave and blah blah blah poc were and how evil whites were in the NYT or something like that. Showed the fam that and some other thing where she revealed she was a cypto jew with a goy name. That woke them up. Except my dad, he is willfully blocking it… Read more »
“Show him some of the anti-white articles they write.”
LOL! You think I haven’t? I was sending him all sorts of stuff for about a year when first think one morning he texts me that just for my information he was deleting everything I sent him! What an ASSHOLE!
This doesn’t surprise me in the least Spam.
My family reminds me a lot of Mike’s family in many ways. They are shitlibs but older liberal evangelical Christians who are morally conservative but they can’t seem to draw the connections between their politics and the steady decline in public morals. I really do think Mike is right in that Holocaustianity is our real public religion now which explains why so many whites are so antiwhite.
no way, i was just thinking of this song today. looking for it forever
Man, thank God they’ve been easing these covid restrictions. Just the other day I went to Mike’s holocaust fact checking buffet. They have something for everyone! Odd though, the Jews claim it gives them gas. I find the material very digestible.
YEET Jews into space.
Yeet, yay, fun!
May their venture work out as successfully as the bear shit landing on the moon.
Loved the show borthers
Another obvious problem with reacting to black people based on what they are is that it lets people know you think they’re shitty.
Like, by reacting to black men as if they’re stupider and more violent, you’re accusing them of being what they are, which means you’re violating the assumption that all people are equal
(apart from the white goyim, who are uniquely evil and need to be humiliated and destroyed, of course).
Literally just had this happen at work. One of the regulars started talking about the joggers looting target, and burning the auto zone. I said this is who they are, and this has nothing to do with the dindu the cops made good. Its just the ghetto lottery. He immediately started in on the “I have nothing against that blacks” blah blah blah insert boomercon boilerplate here. I asked if he ever had to live around them, or do business with significant numbers of them, and just got that blank stare that said his OS just blue screened and made… Read more »
You might have hacked this boomercon’s brain. Good work!
In 2-3 months or even weeks, you might have made another TRS subscriber and friend for life.
System error: installing new Operating System.
“In 2-3 months or even weeks, you might have made another TRS subscriber and friend for life.”
Either that or he’ll start knocking back fentanyl until he dies!
I’m leaning more towards him overdosing on blue pills to keep the bad think away. Its so frustrating dealing with people you know instinctively get what’s happening and do everything in their power to deny it. Thankfully some of the late millennials, and zoomers are learning to trust their instincts and common sense. Every day I’m reminded why IDGAF about the vast majority of boomers, and that they’re not only beyond help, but actively trying to kill their own race. Purposely, or unwittingly makes no difference at this point.
Amy Cooper’s LinkedIn says she’s Jewish and participates in Jewish advocacy.
Really? It’s almost too good to be true. I hope that info is correct. (She does, “genetically look like she’s on the cast of Seinfeld”)
If she sues and wins then we will know this is true
different Amy Cooper
If she is Jewish, she’s a part of the anti-White crusade. She’s probably already got co-ethnics buzzing in her ear telling her not to sue. She will in fact, go on national tv, apologizing for her “White privilege”, and she will either get her job back or better, because her tribe owns the shot.
If she’s not Jewish, she has been kicked down a couple notches, will watch all of her liberal friends abandon her, and will have an overdose of red pills. Hopefully, Amy will tune into TRS and become the next Kimmy Goebbels.
That’s obviously not her.
This article is excellent, regarding “Karens”.
I think there is a photo of Elie Wiesel with a forearm slip that shows no tattoo. That’s part of what drove Hunt to do what he did.
Is Eyes and Teeth a cover song or an original?