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The Death Panel white knight for Karen.
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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
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Shane and Siege baby. The future of the network.
TRS: Toddler Racist Syndicate
That Karen was participating in her life. I don’t want to live in a world where White women can’t call the police on some Negro “bird-watcher” hiding who pops out to threaten her dog. So she had her dog off the leash. I thought harassing people for minor violations (like barbecuing where not permitted or invading a private pool) was wrong?
There never was and never will be a black who has a hobby of bird watching
There are 100 times more interesting birds to watch in Africa
Deep down AWFLs know that we are right. The issue is getting white women to admit what they know to be true regarding race.
Hello my fellow whites. How can blacks go back to Africa while still getting white access to white vaginas and money. That is my question.
Moike was fire today man.Only at the 1 hour mark now but really great takes so far. Also, baby McNabb is adorable.
Meet me on Twitter in 5 minutes at John Boyega’s @.
I’m about to start the first, as far as I know, J-Tower.
See you there !
Great discussion of the holocaust related material also, guys. It’s a very interesting field of history. I think everybody in this movement should read at least 2-3 of the revisionist classics. I think all will find them very enlightening and you will be much, much better prepared to argue with a normie believer and have a much better chance of punching through the indoctrination. Even if you live in a country where you can get in legal trouble for questioning the official narrative, it’s good mental training learning to weigh arguments against one another and learning to recognize deficient arguments… Read more »
I respect white soldiers but oppose ZOG’s wars that waste the best of our race on foreign conflicts we don’t need to be involved with.
1:29:25 Quarantavius
Tedious: Skips one day
Subscribers: I’m never gonna financially recover from this
I’m sorry but the it wasn’t a paywall show excuse doesn’t fly
Very talmudic reasoning if you ask me. Taking off from work for holidays you don’t give a shit about is very jewish
Doja cat is jewish
100% correct, south african jewlatto
half jewish, half zulu; julu.
Half/half julu…
She’s hulu!
I think anyone can agree the Officer was in the wrong. But all I see is just another excuse to say “fuck Whitey”
It’s never about real justice, it’s only about dragging whites through the mud.
“I think anyone can agree the Officer was in the wrong.”
Implying that negro hadn’t done something wrong that he just hadn’t been caught for!
Thanks to TRS University, that was my first thought as well.
THIS FUCKING THIS! Sorry for the caps, but I just spent an entire shift hearing copes such as the first line of this post. Dindu DID do something and got the results anyone with a working brain could have forseen.
Thanks Sven for saying “fuck I’m starving” in response to crab barreling. You always know when we need comic relief.
I get standing up for the central park woman getting media-lynched right now. It’s supposed to be White solidarity, but I can’t muster any sympathy for AWFLs or ziocons.These are race traitors who love nothing more than to serve jews and destroy our nation. I’ll be moving to a small town with a very White population, and one of my biggest fears is having the wrong person (especially zio-cucks) finding out I don’t share their philosemitic affliction. My new career and dreams can easily be smashed by a “fellow White” who takes a dim view on nazis. I don’t think… Read more »
You greatly overestimate their “philosemitic affliction”. Even the liberal whites are antisemitic if they are sure nobody else is listening.
Liberals tend to be less philosemitic than conservatives. I’m moving to a very White town in a conservative Christian part of the country. I have to assume a humble posture on the JQ until I know who is who, because conservatives are just as eager to destroy another White if you hit the wrong trigger. You don’t get many chances in a small town.
Thanks largely to TRS, I better know how to tread that thin White line. It just sucks that I have to worry about other Whites. I don’t even remember things being this bad 10 years ago.
The key is to let people get to know you first. You’re describing exactly the area I moved to a few years ago. I still keep my power levels under wraps, but when there’s an opening to jam the pry bar in and widen it a bit I take it on every occasion. As Moike said multiple times, if you give the right people permission, and they like/respect you they’re going to be more receptive to what you’re telling them. You’re always going to have the ones who will never openly express their true feelings, and lash out at you… Read more »
I feel you DW. I still miss the days when I could walk into an Indian casino bar and randomly meet a NSBM musician with a Wheel-Of-Life patch and you could strike up a conversation with him and his gf. Maybe it’s my time to flex and show the swastika of the moment.
“If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.”-Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
We need to reckon with the fact that black people are oppressed by human civilisation. We need to help them get back to a society (Africa) they can actually function in.
Hey, I’ve been saying for a long time that the proper form of reparations for Blacks is repatriation!
Reparations through repatriation.
Nice, this is now mine thank you.
Public domain my dude!
Retvrn to tradition, chuck the spear.
Chvck the Spear
Agreeing and amplifying
You guys should consider reaching out to Brother Nathaneal and having him on the show (or Strike & Mike).He is an ethnic Jew who converted to Eastern Orthodoxy and spends his time calling out Jews on their bullshit.
“He is an ethnic Jew”
I think that’s the disqualifier.
Well he’s certainly an anomaly. Look him up, he’s been on Know More News with Adam Green.
I know all about him. The problem is there are plenty of “anomalous” jews. But they just end up providing cover for the standard jew. As in “See? Not all jews are the SAME!”.
rule of thumb, it’s best to keep jews at arms length
I prefer to keep them at BORDER length!
Best to keep them at a Universe’s length.
Four, three, two, one…
Striker is familiar with Brother Nathaniel. I’ve heard him mention him on “the public square”.
these guys shouldn’t feel like they have to give an excuse for taking a break on a fricking nat’l holiday. these are human beings, not podcasting machines. i don’t know how they do multiple talk shows a week without getting burned out.. but glad they manage it.
ok ’nuff said
They spoil us rotten. I almost feel like a cheap Scot for paying $10 a month for so much good stuff.
You can always donate more…
Hope you had a good Memorial Day.
I’m a victim…
On a cattle car I riiiide…
I’m Dario (Gaaaabaiiii)
Dead and alive…
It does look like the cop killed the guy, and yes it’s pretty awful.
But of course cops occasionally kill Whites like that too. (Wasn’t there the case years ago of the tramp beaten to death by a bunch of cops, or the guy murdered by a cop in his apartment hallway?)
There’s one of everything, the question is what do the statistics (while they’re still allowed) say?
They say that White men are more likely to be killed by the police.
My personal theory on the recent uptick in social media lynching of Whites is that ZOG feels like it doesn’t need all the Whites it has. Whites can now be completely disenfranchised since they don’t need the fresh young goy blood to fight their wars. Gay-Ops are the future, not an infantry full of straight White men. Very problematic. It’s been pointed out before, the only time Whites are celebrated (implicitly) is for their service to the DC cesspool.
Also perhaps drones replacing troops.
Literal machines are more reliable גולמים (goylomem (golems)).
The Karen thing is being weaponized against white people because redditor scum got a hold of the meme. It could have been a good one in our hands but now its ruined.
It’s the same thing that happened with the “Ok, boomer” meme tbh.
“blacks are the real awfuls” well said
baby Mcnab is a natural derailer.
Hulleaux, I’m derailleur
Nate Higgers
Alex, uh hullo, would you agree that the Trumpberg administration has done nothing to stop the original viral vectors that brought gorona to the US in the first place? Sicky chinkies and poz’d europeans are still flying into the US on the COVIDA Express. I think Batman Returns and Batman Forever will be quite brutal.
How many white women were raped and beaten to death by violent low IQ rapegroids the same day of the bird watchening?
Comment section is looking pretty fly. Good job mike
To be fair, I did catch a show a couple nights ago and Nick did make it very clear that awfl or not, Karen is an anti white slur and it shouldn’t be tolerated
So I hit pause and stare at a screen in a screen on a screen to see Alex hold up his Simulation and Simulacra
Woah dude
*Simulacra and Simulation
Is the thing with Alex, Keith and Borzoi happening on The People’s Square, Poz Button, Third Rail or something else?
The train outside Alex’s house announces itself like a bull elephant in musth.
Regarding “Karens”
Every time a white woman does get raped or murdered by a POC, we should take to social media and start posting about “look at the situation this dumb ‘Karen’ got herself into”
I dunno..I can see the pros and cons of the subversive act. But I just mowed the lawn and don’t have the energy to type anymore.
I hates the yankee nation as well. not the Yankee folks tho, they’re cool.
Reopening the country is a much more complicated then ok everybody back to work. Even the people who still have jobs have to figure out what to do with thier kids. Even if the day cares reopen. People are not going to be comfortable sending the kids thier. So if you own a day cares good luck expecting business to come back. Summer vacation makes it less difficult for what people can do with thier kids. But even if schools did reopen would people still send them in without hesitation
“Black essential worker”?!
Blacks ceased being both essential and workers in this country in 1793 with the invention of the cotton gin!
Outdated farm equipment ass avid birders can go take a long jog off a short bridge in Selma.
Fuck you.
Yankee rag
She lost access to the park so couldn’t do the walks anymore. That’s why she gave up the dog. That was like her friend. He ruined her life and he’s gloating. Imagine the emails and shit she’s getting. Does anyone think she’s NOT receiving death threats?
Maybe not going to the park will save her life.
The husky asthmatic thinks the virus is no big deal. Come on big guy, we care about you and want you to stay safe. Just because the lockdown is fake and gay doesn’t mean the virus is. Maybe mike was just saying is doesn’t matter because we are all going to catch it eventually and there is no point in worrying about it.
Is this just a meme about the first 200 episodes? If not I completely disagree. I started listening around episode 20 or so and I’m still here. The show is way more polished and professional now but some of those early episode had my sides in orbit. There was a raw humor like sitting around with your funniest friends. I mean, now it’s like a real show but those early shows were what hooked me. I wish I would have gotten an oven mitt.
I missed out on the blue one, but got two red ones as an original Paycuck. I sent one back to be redistributed along with a couple books for the bonfire featured in the first live video stream.
Hope Mike was kidding about deleting the first 200 episodes. No one expects all TDS takes to stand the test of time. It’s about the journey and figuring things out, to arrive at the correct take, the evolution of which you can watch and learn from.
In any mutli-racial context or incident, White needs to #StandWithWhite. TINA.
The holocaust education sections must continue, each one enhances my rage to a fine simmer
HCN is especially damaging to even modern gas mask filters.
Field Manual 8-9 NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations (1996) page 363-364:
“..Hydrogen cyanide, because of its volatility and low molecular weight, is poorly absorbed by the charcoal in the canister of the respirator. This charcoal is therefore impregnated with metal salts in order to improve the performance of the canister, but the protection provided against HCN is not unlimited.”
“…Modern [gas mask] filters are effective against attack with hydrogen cyanide, but should be changed immediately afterwards.”
You’re a gentleman, and a scholar.
“SS-Lt. Kurt Gerstein”
Well that certainly explains why (((they))) made up that bullshit about his “confession”.
People should fund raiser for someone trusted to download that stuff imo. Buy GBs. Or whatever metric is like above that or 2 above it. Just an idea. Someone should do it.
@02:17:10 regarding Koomerkommando PPE…There might actually be a grain of truth to that one. I saw the nose of that cope walking around the corner three minutes before you said it. )
25:39 the only thing that woman did wrong was she didn’t use a harness when walking her dog, walking a dog by the collar is an easy way to do damage to a dogs throat if it tries to chase after something
Giving someone else’s dog treats is an easy fucking way to get shot imo. That n****r is lucky he was in NYC because in any rural area he would have been shot for trying that. Best fucking case scenario is that he tried to kidnap the dog, worst case is that he tried to poison it.
Not heard entire episode yet, just still on the first segment about the dreaded virus, and seriously Sven no homo but I LOVE YOU. Finally someone’s saying what’s been on my mind this past couple of weeks.
Your brain is beyond galaxy-sized. Cannot wait for the new song, genuinely excited for next product.
Thank you.
Angry Mike is my favorite. I hate self hating White women, sorry it’s going to be hard for me to feel any sympathy for them:
Sympathy is not what is required. What is required is solidarity. It’s our people, right and wrong, no questions asked, no quarter given. It’s the only way to move forward as a people. Give up on liberal politics entirely. There is only one principle: Victory. There is only one path to victory: White Solidarity. They’re either at your feet or they’re at your throat. It’s just the way it is.
I totally see your point but she would still sell her own people out to be a “good white” I post on my normie Facebook about anti white shit all the time and I get met with crickets. People won’t argue with me but they won’t say it’s wrong even when it’s blatant. I have zero tolerance for that kind of weakness.
You expect too much of women. They are herd animals. Very few are capable of thinking about issues clearly because of their emotional nature. We need to be the ones leading them, not the lügenpresse and their MK-Ultra celebrities.
“…let Bruno TESCH those things!”
-Celine Dion