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The Death Panel white knight for Karen.
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- You're Not Going to Like This
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- Karen Nuance
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The Right Stuff Dot Biz
PO Box 1069
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Where can I get a copy of Sven’s soundboard?
Maybe she’ll kill herself. This level of stress. The whole world hates her now.
I have to admit that I’ve never understood why people get stressed just because someone hates them! Personally I REVEL in the hatred of these scumbags!!! It just means I’ve done something RIGHT! FAR right!
Doxxing is only effective if they managed to actually ruin somebody’s life and make them apologize with a minimum of effort.
This is why they go after BBQ Becky and Dog Park Diane rather than white nationalists who are ready to rumble. It’s easier to beat up someone who is otherwise on your side but makes a gaffe, rather than go after hardened thought criminals. Beat a dog enough, and he learns to like the whip, as they say in Appalachia.
I have a dog. People ask before feeding your dog. It could be poison. You don’t do that. One time a woman tried to kick my dog and I immediately shoved her to the ground. Her boyfriend called the cops. I scared him to. Don’t fuck with soneones dog. I would have fucking shot that black guy. I’m very impulsive tbh.
“I’m very impulsive tbh.”
LOL!!! Join the CLUB!
Forgery in a deli? THAT’S ANTISEMITIC
The mayor of Minneapolis saying “blacks shouldn’t have to be killed by cops” is a J*w btw.
Well of COURSE!
What are Jews doing in Minnesota?
Shitlibs love voting for Jews.Pritzker, governor of Illinois expanded Medicaid for trannies.
What are jews doing ANYWHERE outside the Sinai DESERT!!!
We unfortunately have the largest population of foreskin thieves in the upper Midwest. The adjacent suburb of St. Louis Park (known colloquially as St. jewish park) is crawling with orthodox, and hacidim.
She is right though. They shouldn’t be here and there was a time that that sort of thing was over before the cops ever showed up. Lol
“You’re Not Going to Like This”
Am I going to have to take an extra high blood pressure pill for this?
Apparently the black guy in Minneapolis died of a heart attack in the ambulance 27 min after leaving the scene. He had already slipped out of cuffs by dislocating his thumb, and was on hard drugs.
Source? All I can find are pending medical examiners report from Monday.
They are restarting the BLM machine to push whites to turn out for Trump so he can complete more jew policies in his second term.
Thats a Jazzhandyish take….after some deeb thinking, I gotta agree!
I just got banned in another dlive chat for promoting TDS
dlive mods are chosen by the respective streamer and the most candidates for banning content they find disagreeable.
Thin blue line vs. Dindu line
The thin blue line is worse!
What are you? A bunch of police lovers???
That Central Park ni**er birdwatcher comic book writer is also a fa**ot. FYI… This was also a case of f*gs hating women, though of course it is a minor part of the story…
So he is Jussie Smollet, except he concocted a plan just plausible for the media to run with it.
I think Sven needs to bring back the “Its my turn to talk now BUDDDIIII” drop from the judge at McNabbs town meeting or whatever.
So damn good.
“HE WAS JEWISH, AND MENTALLY RETARDED” is my all time favorite
They want the white dog lady to commit suicide. That’s the new standard for character shaming in this day and age. Fuck these people, how long can this shit go on for before normie whites start getting pissed off?
The normie Whites won’t even get mad when we push them into the gas chamber. They’ll just figure they deserve it! Of course in THAT case they’ll be right!! LOL!!!
Radical Sam
I just calls ’em as I sees ’em!
Arguing over whether the cops using excessive force are responsible for the death or blacks commiting crimes, often violent crimes, then resist are responsible for their death is a darn good pilpul with no winners.
jews are doing a full-court press with the anti white spectacles in anticipation of the c-ville court case in october
Lol that Central Park guy said he was in the park bird watching. First with the jogging, now with the bird watching what next a vicious pack of Karen’s lynching an innocent African American basket Weaver?
Theres probably 10 bird watchers left on planet Earth and none of them are black. Im so tired of this nonsense.
So this gets weirder apparently Christian Cooper(bird watcher) is a writer for Marvel comics and introduced the first gay character in a Star Trek comic and he was the head of the Harvard birdwatching society. It’s kind of weird that he and Amy have the same surname. I hate to be the tinfoil guy but this whole story is weird and I’m getting some Jussie Smollet vibes from this whole incident.
A ton of white boomers still bird watch. It’s a thing.
…these filthy knitters
Are they seriously talking about ending the $600 extra unemployment gibs? I know republicans will say they want to but it’s not going to be popular with anyone.
Restricting immigration is INCREDIBLY popular! Do you see the the republitraitors restricting it???
Lol. I fucking hate republicans. My point is they have been talking about stopping gibs for as long as I can remember. I’m just wondering where the talk about taking away the 600 is coming from. Guessing boomers and republicans. I just want to know who to attack for trying to get them to take my bag away.
” I’m just wondering where the talk about taking away the 600 is coming from.”
The same place all the talk about America being a nation of immigrants comes from: billionaire jewish plutocrats.
They will only take the gibbs if its white people getting it, and it probably is for the most part.
I’m with the birds on this Central Park story. Birds are pretty based. I’m done simping for humans.
based and avianpilled
Based Shane
Trump Administration preping America for the incoming flood of Guangdongese while fanning flames.
Just testing the new comment interface. Well here you go:https://i.imgur.com/XZkz3JM.jpg
oh new comment software. Looks better.
*does a fedpost*
It seems as though the American black has a defense for violence against every form of perceived institutional racism. Since Asians spreading COVID-19 isn’t even an exception, how did the American black become intimately familiar with absolving themselves of any culpibility?
Fuck yeah Angry Mike! No lies detected.
Angry Mike is ALWAYS the BEST Mike!!!
Haven’t listened yet but after seeing this I’m looking forward to a good Mike “FOCK YOW!”.
I agree with Shane’s takes. Wah-Nationalism gets attention of the public.
The rescue made her give the dog back, she lost her job for calling the cops and saying African American.
The Bug-Nug/ Zog-Nog label was from me, you’re welcome.
Sheesh Mike go easy on Alex and Shane
I thought Shane had several excellent points.
I agree:
Did Alex hit the lottery? All of a sudden his camera quality and surroundings improved exponentially.
Alex-fronted cycling topics and interview format video platform channel when?
My dog is a jogger, he needs the exercise
Big agree with Sven at 10 mins
When Shane starts whining for the 2nd time around 8mins, Moike gets that look on his face like his left eye is going to twitch and he’s going to get an aneurysm.
LOL! I LOVE when that happens!!!
The birder is the REAL Karen cuz the whole situation started with him complaining / confronting her about the dog running free, not following the rules and then tattled to the media about it.
In the NYT piece the “Birder” was going on and on about being a gay black guy crawling around in the bushes. I just can’t even anymore
Did you notice the jogger in the Park was begging the the White lady to call the police. Ghetto lottery.
We’re gonna talk aboht Murderapolis right?
Gonna be a long, hot summer.
TDS 600 next Monday.
So happy to wake up to my White newsman telling me how White people are calling the police on blacks again.
My neighbor hangs a Confederate Flag across his front door. And I live in New England.
I live in segregated West Texas but they are Christ cucks think my husband and I are Satan for being atheists that hang the Confederate Flag in our garage.
Christ cucks are USELESS!
Nein nein nein nein nein
Based and shanepilled
They deserve breaks. You know what I think? We have a lot of excess in this society, increasingly ever since industrialization. I think we should use that excess, tax the rich and single people over 35. Or just print money. And give everyone 1 month a year of paid vacation on the government. Pick your month. Employer can’t take away. That might solve a lot of problems. People would be happier. The divorce rate would probably fall. The birth rate might go up. And it would actually add meaning to people’s lives. The only downside is Big Line would be… Read more »
Is it true that europeans are basically off in the summer? If so we should adopt that model. We work way to hard for such a small ROI
“and single people over 35″
WTF?! Adolf HITLER was single and over 35!
Twitter’s Trump Fact Checker
Damn it feels good to be a paychad!
And a paystar
It’s like this episode was hidden in a bottle and dug up 8 years since the last one ended.
Woop woop
H*ck yeah borther