With West Bank and Jordan Valley annexation on the horizon, Jazz and James build on the concept of "Finkel Think" as a method for controlling, managing, and manipulating political destinies of white European countries for Israeli interests. The rise of Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, and fake nationalists across Europe and Latin America all share a few common threads: Chabad-Lubavitch, Arthur Finkelstein, and a cadre of other notable players. The WNTSB also gets some serious vindication. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Annexation Nation
00:25:00 - Ancient Themes
01:00:00 - Shine a Light
01:22:00 - BREAK
01:24:00 - New Js Same as the Old Js
02:04:00 - 2012 Israeli Collusion Flop
02:24:00 - BREAK
02:56:00 - Outro
Going back to revisit FTN 295. Want it seared into memory.
I finished FTN 309: https://memoryhole.info/FTN_309 , the parts of the show containing deep dive… and have started on FTN 295 and FTN 310: https://memoryhole.info/FTN_295 , https://memoryhole.info/FTN_310 I will finish deep dives from 295 and 310, then do deep dives from 313 and then inter-link everything and turn all the red hyperlinked terms blue with backstory. Note: Many of the key terms, once put into the syntax of my server, are already showing existing backstories from other Beak Sneaking I had previously documented from Michael Collins Piper’s JFK work and Dawson’s Epstein work. Going to give you 10-14 hours a day… Read more »
Good man
I’ve been hoping someone would do this.
When I try to get people to listen to these podcasts, they see 2 hours, 3 hours and their eyes glaze over.
This is very necessary.
Thank you so much.
Wow, over the last couple episodes this show has gone to a whole new level. Someone needs to make a visual map to help explain the interconnectedness of it all. Keep up the great work ?
400k in the West Bank is the Jewish trick number. There are 750k-1.2 million in East Jerusalem which is also not in Israel proper, so you’re looking at 1.5 million Jews outside of Israel’s 1948 borders.
That’s on par with what I’d figure. Several years ago I did surface level research reading articles and common consensus was around 1.2 million from jewish, and non-jewish publications. Between the settlement expansion, and typical hacid/orthodox rat breeding an increase of 300k is what I’d expect at minimum.
Keep running the ad of James saying Amazon isn’t delivering the product until May
>Me (prior to Sunday); Well, at least we have Based Russia and Based Eastern Europe
>FTN: LOL, hold my beer.
just want to point out that Lauder is a Scottish name and the Estee Lauder family are a bunch of race traitors https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauder
Jazz, watch souls plane. You’ll die of laughter.
I may just do that. Sounds like torture though
I concour. I don’t find negroidal antics and shines amusing. Too much experience with them IRL.
Wow. Breddy mmbased Putin! I wonder if there is any relation to Marina Abramović of recent spirit cooking infamy and Roman Abramovich. I also wonder how deep into the Kaballah Chabad-Lubavitch or ‘the Rebbe‘ is. Does FTN have a comment or position on occult judaism like the kaballah (or maybe even mainstream judaism), and whether or not it’s a valid monotheistic religion of a Creator God, a la Christianity and Islam ostensibly or allegedly are (other ‘religions of the book’, as it were)? I’m less certain about mainstream judaism, but kabbalahism seems pretty ‘fallen angel’ worship-y, or something less than… Read more »
Looks like Chabad as an organization is into it: Kabbalah, Chassidism and Jewish Mysticism.
I know you don’t have much focus on Cuck Island but Oleg Derispaska – the Jew who stole Russia’s aluminium resources – also has extensive links to Tony Blair’s kike puppet-master Peter Mandelson. Under him “New” Labour ( more correctly “Jew Labour” ) became ultra neo-liberal & neo-conservative with the gates thrown wide open to mass 3rd world immigration.
Per my comment below, if memory serves, Deripaska was also balls deep with the “dossier” guy Steele, and he was, via his lawyer, in contact with the corrupt Senate Intelligence committee or whatever it is called — VA senator Warner in particular…I think…it’s been a while…
I think I have whiplash from the speed at which this narrative is developing, but if I read it right, it seems that the “Russia collusion” story wasn’t so fake and g*y after all. Instead it seems like it was the jignats working to get Dopey in the White House, and the optics k*kes using the FBI to stop them, and the only fake and g*y part is both sides pretending it’s all about muh Russia rather than what it is REALLY all about: muh Israel. Am I in the ballpark?
The fake and gay op was even faker and gayer than we could have possibly imagined circa 2015-2019, yes.
Where can I get the outro song?
The song is The Beach Goys – TRS (Fashy Kokomo)
Hats off to this show, goys ?
my kippah’s staying firmly in place goyim
One thing I don’t get is why Putin saved Assad, an enemy of Israel, if he’s so Jewed? Which is hard to deny after listening to this….
Russia has its own geopolitical interests which still come into play (Putin is a Russian/Soviet imperialist after all, not a Russian nationalist), and Putin’s J3ws are optics-kayaks, not jignats, probably, or at least the Russian jignat faction is the weaker party.
Exactly. Russia has strategic interests there that are independent of the U.S., chief among them, Putin wants to retain control of the Syrian Port of Tartus. Regime change on Assad would likely mean some U.S. backed puppet.
Putin’s Jews are definitely Chabad jignats though, and as we pointed out, they are many of the *same* ones undermining U.S. politics.
USB drives… CDs… Social media posts. Do anything you can to spread these FTN deep dives.
Holy shit. At the one hour mark… Lauder and ADL as clean up crew for Finkel Fink externalities… Only problem is, whites are wising up to gay ops and cointelpro… They can’t find enough useful idiot whites to be the warm bodies in ADL/FBI moving trucks to trigger the mass crack down.. You think clean up crew jews are likely pushing for a massive false flag terror attack to justify a mass round up? As things get worse for whites, jews cant have people out there explaining to whites what is actually happening.
For those who are still coping about Orbán because he stopped illegal immigration into Hungary, consider this nugget of information. Fidesz only took up immigration as an issue in 2015, because their popularity took a nnnnose mmmdive, they even lost their 2/3 majority in the 2014 election. Prior to 2015 they not only refused to give funding for any border protection, low key they were spending money on dem programs to integrate the illegal migrants who stayed here. You might think all of then went to Western Europe from here, but compared to their shithole countries Hungary isn’t such a… Read more »
2014-15 was around the time a NPI/Richard Spencer meeting in Hungary was shut down by the Hungarian government, IIRC?
OMG that was a “Duganist” meeting wasn’t it? lol
Yes, i think that was in 2014. Ironically Richard Spencer came here to shill for the EU, yet he got kicked out because Orbán wanted to maintain a good standing in the EU.
Was this episode as difficult to cast as it was to listen to?
JFC … never want to hear “Finkel-shteen”, “Huh-Bahd Lubavitch” or “The Rebby” ever again (but I will).
Ackchually it’s pronounced Muh-nock-um Bay-gun.
That was a pronunciation worthy of Striker. ?
Which FTN do Jazz and James go Over Rudy Giuliani’s Jews? James said there were two such jews in FTN 309… Lev Parnas and _________ . Can anyone fill in the blank and refer me to the right episode?
Rudy is a total Jew worshipper and very corrupt. I’ll have to find that episode.
Found it. FTN 309 at 00:56:00
Well now that you’ve done several dives into the kosher aspects of the Putin regime in Russia I’d be curious to know what Charles Bausman thinks of all this.
Which FTN contained the best deep dive on Putin-Abramovich relationship? Was it FTN 295 starting at 72 minutes?
Disregard, Found it
Excellent Sunday listening.
What is the grug report website?
“Rabbi Schlomo Dovber Pinchas Lazar”
Had to take most of the weekend for non-work-related things (real life)… If anyone knows of any other transcriptions of FTN deep dives, whether man-made or machine-made, please link them here, and i will put them into a format, well edited, with all the needed html mark-up, like I did for the FTN 311 Deep Dive, and post them to memoryhole as inter-linked text like I did for red pills on JFK assassination, for anyone to copy and or share. Please, below, link all known transcripts of any (portion of) FTN deep dives you know of.
Here’s a few
I didn’t know about this Chabad thing. Now I understand why Orbán wore a fedora at the wailing wall.
I could listen to you guys do WNTSB content all day. Jazz and James should do an air disaster show for paychads
“Oh, the sub-humanity!”
Listen jake, how do i install lightswitch brain on shabos?
tar -xvf lightswitch.tar
“people got tricked”
People like ME!
I was always in the camp that I didn’t expect much other than Dorgald giving us 4-8 years of breathing room, and maybe a little more after his term(s) for them to start gay ops again depending on how much he monkey wrenched.
Little did I know it was all a gay op, despite the obvious signs in hindsight. Got fooled despite being well seasoned in political fuckery.
“jignats blew the jewish conspiracy wide open in service to their own selfish ambitions”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. 😉
“Matt Gaetz and his hot takes”
All roads lead to Hitler…or they lead nowhere.-Matt Koehl
Houston look at what I posted.
Two Ameritard, law and order, “from my cold dead hands”, useless civ-nat morons
“I’m still going to root for their acquittal”
For the sake of any REAL White people who get jammed-up because they had the temerity to defend themselves against jews and/or colored people. EYES ON THE PRIZE!
And that prize is WHITE POWER!
I’m still going to root for their acquittal for several reasons but I have no emotional investment in this case anymore.
“I’m not “racist”. I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶. I let blacks @#c& my daughter!
Well, apparently someone’s gonna pay that toll.
…nobody jogs for free
In fairness, they let her fuck a half Asian half white guy.
It’s still disgusting, but it’s not quite as bad as the blegs.
“but it’s not quite as bad as the blegs.”
That’s a cope.
Dude, are you saying you’d have no problem leaving your daughter either dating a 70 IQ Southern jogger or a white-passing half-Asian guy up to a coin flip?!
Did he Du Wei’d?
I’m going to need a corkboard to keep track of this cluster-Chuck
Good one. Just texted it to four people.
Things that make you go…jooo
https://www.chabad.org/multimedia/video_cdo/aid/4386072/jewish/So-Where-Do-I-Get-an-Interest-Free-Loan.htm oy vey, fuhgetaboutit
Cope heads quitting cold turkey… put on a pot of coffee. Nobody said recovery would be easy.
On an unrelated note I had kikes from NY move in next door to us in NC last week and my two Doberman Pinschers have gone turbo doggo everytime the kikes get close to the home or yard lol. They both received new tug of war toys and extra treats. They also react the same way to blacks and beaners if they get close to the home and yard.
??Yesssss dude, doggo knows the shot.
Yeah it’s in their blood lol
Max Hastings reviewing a new book about the Battle of Arnhem: https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2020/05/28/battle-arnhem-botch-rhine/ Such Allied martial glory as was won during Market Garden belonged to the US Airborne divisions, which fought magnificently against repeated German thrusts to cut the road north. A captain of the 506th wrote, “At one point the men were so weary that [on] the order to rest, [they] fell almost as one to the ground without even attempting to remove their pack, falling immediately into deep slumber.” Beevor nonetheless notes that some people were appalled by the ruthlessness with which they shot prisoners. A British tank colonel… Read more »
My father fought on Guam and Iwo Jima with the USMC. At one point on Guam they had a problem with Japanese soldiers pretending to surrender and when Marines would gather around them to take them into custody they would set off a hand grenade or satchel charge and kill themselves and some Marines. My father actually saw this happen once. When his company commander (a former Marine Raider) found out about this he ordered that no more prisoners were to be taken. If they put their hands up just shoot them. And that’s exactly what my dad did the… Read more »
Especially on the Eastern front. Soviets didn’t sign the Geneva convention and weren’t abiding by any kind of civilized behavior to put it mildly.
Not my sacred soliloquies!
I hope (((Maher))) doesn’t sue Jazzhands for the New Rules parody.
Hamlet was a pussy…
They need to let those fuckers run wild in the streets of London and elsewhere in Great Britain. What have we become, Spam?!
I always liked Lawrence of Arabia. Will have to check that Olivier movie out some time…
Hey, n’Jazz, I was doing some more thinking about the election last night and I came to the conclusion that we might actually stand to gain from Trump getting re-elected. In the same vein as you recognizing that it was good that he got elected in the first place, perhaps the longer this circus goes on, the more we can grab people by the shoulders and ask “Do understand yet?”. If people recognize that Trump can’t win anything for them, maybe they might understand that *nothing* in this electoral system will ever win them anything. If Trump loses, they can… Read more »
He hasn’t done anything in 4 years and these retards still love him. Another 4 years of WINNING won’t change a fucking thing.
The only way the magatards can be of any use is with a democrat president.
Once the intra-party mini-kosher dialectic strategy ends, I’m interested to see the next stage of Jahsh political subversion. This current one is undoubtedly the most devious and harmful. Possibly, I could see a full switch to pure elimination of dissent. Likely around 2028 or 2032, they will have sufficient control over information to just squash any emergent competition and an ascendant, compliant nonwhite population. Finkel Think might reach end game soon.
Thanks for the well-thought and researched content, nnnnnbuds.
Yes – the one big upside about what they’re doing is that it’s unsustainable over a long period of time, which is ultimately the chief criticism levied by Ehud Barak, et al. Something good for us, if we can effectively use it to our advantage.
Men a chem Begin the Beguine
Thanks for the early upload. Show has been extra spicy lately. Thank you for all you do guys.
Seig Kyle!
Recent conversation:
“Hey, check out Charlie Kirk’s new book with Trump on the cover.”
“Nah, Charlie Kirk loves Israel and homosexuals more than he loves America.”
Delicious silence.
The next step is to define America for your friend. It’s not the Puerto Rican Day Parade in NYC, for example. It’s maddening what some of the civ-nats include in their definition of America.
F5 gang vindicated
Early upload, better not hear anti-mommy content jazz.
I’d have a Council on Fornicating Relations with Tulsi, if you know what I mean…
I’d hang ten riding her tube, ifucatchmydrift
All this coconut fever is disgusting.
I’m sure you’re being sarcastic but zoom past the airbrush covering up that pock marked face and that off-putting combination of small tits, thick torso and big thighs.
yeah real talk tho…she’s gnarly.
And not the good kind! ??
This is more my style:
Or this:
More serf than surf
I didn’t even realize this was uploaded! I randomly scrolled down on the main page and saw it.